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临沭县常林钻石省级地质公园,面积约85.85km2,属中型省级地质公园,地质遗迹类型丰富,保存完好。园区内既有代表性的地质构造剖面,又有丹霞地貌、恐龙遗迹化石,同时还是常林钻石的发现地。其中沂沭断裂带、岌山恐龙足迹和金刚石砂矿产地具有全国乃至国际性对比意义,是国内较为罕见的地质遗迹,在地学方面具有较高的科研价值。  相似文献   
四川盆地东部黄龙组古岩溶地貌研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
作为川东地区最重要的天然气储集类型之一的石炭系黄龙组古岩溶型储层,业已引起众多油气地质工作者的重视。通过古岩溶作用标志识别和成因分析,采用残余地层厚度法、地貌法和印模法等技术手段对川东地区黄龙组古岩溶地貌进行恢复,从中划分出岩溶高地、岩溶斜坡和岩溶盆地三个岩溶地貌单元和峰丛、溶沟、落水洞、坡地、谷地、浅洼、残丘和槽地等微地貌单元,在平面上细分出七个典型的古岩溶地貌分区,并对分区内的岩溶地貌特征进行了研究,认为不同古岩溶地貌分区所处的地理位置及微地貌单元组成特征具有明显差异,从而直接影响到天然气藏的发育。在此基础上,对川东地区古岩溶及储层发育控制因素进行了分析,认为构造、气候、岩性、层位、古地形、古水文条件和不同的岩溶地貌形态影响和控制着古岩溶储层的发育与区域分布。上述研究成果将为川东石炭系古岩溶型储层评价与有利区带优选提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
岩性特征的量化研究对分析丹霞地貌的成因具重要意义。江郎山岩石岩性标本的X射线荧光光谱分析和偏光显微镜鉴定发现,江郎山方岩组砂岩、砾岩中SiO2含量高达55.5%-75.8%,火山岩碎屑含量高,石英晶屑多已被高温熔蚀,三爿石中多处贯穿有辉绿岩和橄榄玄武岩的岩脉和岩墙,其辉绿-间粒结构和斜长石与暗色矿物的组合,构成了抗风化能力强的岩体,使三爿石得以长期保存。洞穴岩石CaO含量百分比的平均值是崖壁的三倍,且洞穴中岩石的胶结物多为方解石,其含量超过总胶结物的50%以上,使岩石结构的稳定性受到影响,会发生类似石灰岩地区的溶蚀作用,从而导致岩体的破碎和崩塌,有可能形成诸如会仙岩、天宫洞等大型洞穴和凹槽。  相似文献   
基于“3S”技术,结合水文、地质地貌等野外考察,围绕喀斯特水动力效应、地貌响应及缓冲区的缓冲作用进行分析,探讨了贵南铁路对荔波-环江喀斯特世界自然遗产地地貌价值的影响。结果表明:1)贵南铁路线路穿过荔波-环江喀斯特的缓冲区,未穿过遗产地,对遗产地地貌价值无直接影响;2)线路以桥梁、隧道、路基的形式穿过缓冲区,以桥梁形式跨过遗产地上游地表河与地下河,河中不设桥墩,基本不影响遗产地上游水质水量;缓冲区的九万大山二号隧道可能使缓冲区隧区降深漏斗带内地下水位降低,但对遗产地的水文地质条件和喀斯特作用过程的影响极小;位于缓冲区的路基出露处均为非喀斯特地貌,不影响遗产地喀斯特地貌;3)遗产地大、小七孔与茂兰-环江2个片区分属不同的水文地质单元,无统一的地下水水力联系,贵南铁路对遗产地2个片区之间地下水水力联系及喀斯特作用过程无影响;4)线路将影响缓冲区的13个峰丛洼地共计面积5.32 km2,占缓冲区总面积的1.22%,基本不影响缓冲区的缓冲作用。  相似文献   
Blowouts are the most regionally pervasive active aeolian landform on the northern Great Plains of North America. This study reports a long‐term investigation into the morphological development of two adjacent blowouts in a continental dune field. The blowouts were monitored for a decade in the Bigstick Sand Hills of southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada. Topographic changes were determined from dense arrays of erosion pins in each blowout (1 per 4 m2, n = 171; and 1 per 16 m2, n = 150). Pin measurements were made 16 times between May 1994 and May 2004. Over the decade both blowouts expanded and more than doubled in volume. Differences in form–flow interactions have caused the larger of the two blowouts to deposit more than a metre of sediment within the deflation basin, and the smaller blowout to erode by more than a metre. A negative feedback effect was triggered when the larger blowout reached a critical size around 1994 (60 m × 36 m × 8·1 m, length × width × height) when sediment was no longer eroded from the deflation basin. A positive feedback in the smaller blowout continues to facilitate erosion from the deflation basin. Monthly observations since 2002 indicate that aspect plays an important role in the development of these blowouts by creating a spatial asymmetry in sediment availability. Sediment is more readily available throughout the year on south‐facing slopes, which receive greater insolation than north‐facing slopes and are often drier and more frequently thawed in this cold‐climate environment. Comparisons between climate data from a remote meteorological station 45 km to the southwest and sediment transport indices developed from the erosion pin data produced very few correlations significant at the 95 per cent confidence level. Nevertheless, the signs of the correlation coefficients indicate that sediment erosion and deposition in both blowouts respond similarly to the following climate variables recorded at the remote station: (i) the amount of precipitation, (ii) the transport capacity of the wind and (iii) transporting winds from a directional wedge between 180 and 330°. Taken altogether, the results from this study highlight the importance of climate and feedback effects in blowout development that may be extended to other blowouts in continental and coastal settings. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文通过对西藏高原洞穴堆积物的粘土矿物组合特征的分析,初步探讨了喀斯特地貌形成的古地理环境。喜马拉雅山北坡旧定日东山洞穴堆积物是较温湿的森林草原环境下的产物,新定日西侧遮普若山北坡洞穴堆积物则是在高寒草甸环境下形成的;拉萨西南曲水大佛后溶洞堆积物形成于湿热的亚热带气候环境,而拉萨西山洞穴堆积物却形成于较温湿的草原环境;唐古拉山南坡安多一带的洞穴堆积物则是在高寒的草甸环境下形成的。并以此研讨了西藏高原喀斯特的成因和时代。  相似文献   
Planation surfaces on the Tibet Plateau, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A planation hypothesis is proposed to explain landform evolution of the Tibet Plateau. A denudation threshold (T), the maximum potential denudation rate for a certain type of rock, is introduced to explain the combined effects of lithology and tectonics on landform evolution. If the tectonic uplifting rate (U) is equal to or less than the threshold rate (U ≤ T), the tectonic uplifting and terrain denudation are in dynamic equilibrium, and landforms are in a steady state. The end product should be planation surfaces whether the original landforms are flat plains or deeply dissected mountains. If U 〉 T, uplift and denudation are not able to reach a dynamic equilibrium state. The plateau surface is mostly underlain by soft rocks, such as the Mesozoic epimetamorphic argillites and Tertiary sedimentary rocks, while the mountain ranges comprise hard rocks, such as granite, gneiss and limestone. In soft rock regions, hills are low with a relative relief of mostly less than 100 m and the slopes are gentle at a gradient of 〈200. In contrast, hills can maintain steep slopes in hard rock regions. The Tibet Plateau has been under an equilibrium condition between tectonic uplifting and denudation except for the mountain ranges. The plateau might have reached the present altitudes before the Quaternary.  相似文献   
收集2012-12~2013-03 广西平果Ms4.5地震震区连续的MODIS/Terra卫星遥感热红外资料,经去云等数据处理,选取观测质量最佳的北京时间凌晨5:00~7:00之间的热红外数据进行地表温度反演,分析地震前、后地表温度异常时间演化过程及其异常空间分布与活动断裂的关系,并讨论了震区地形地貌、季节性气候等非构造因子对地温异常的影响。结果表明:1)在平果Ms4.5地震发生前2个月震中附近出现热红外异常增温现象,异常增温与发震时间有一定对应性。显著增温主要表现在震前半个月左右,震前7 d异常增温幅度达到峰值,震后温度逐步降低。2)与地形地貌、季节性气候等非构造因子相关分析表明,平果Ms4.5地震反映出震前构造“增温”信息。3)异常升温由震中沿北西向发育,与此次平果地震北西向发震构造较为一致。充分考虑地形地貌、季节性气候等非构造因素对异常升温的影响,认为此次平果Ms4.5地震前热红外升温可能为震前短临异常现象。 
〖HT5”H〗关键词〖HT5”K〗: 平果Ms4.5地震| 地表温度| 地形地貌| 季节变化| 前兆异常  相似文献   
东平湖省级地质公园岩溶地貌主要发育在张夏组灰岩中,类型较多。通过对东平湖省级地质公园岩溶地貌特征的分析,提出了相应的保护对策与建议,以保障岩溶地貌景观得以长期、持续有效的开发利用与保护。  相似文献   
构造条件是控制喀斯特景观发育的基本条件,但对这些控制作用的研究一般都停留在定性描述阶段。为了定量分析构造条件对景观的控制作用,本文利用空间统计分析方法,研究了喀斯特地区构造线性体对谷地和洼地等景观格局的控制作用,研究结果表明,喀斯特地区的谷地或洼地的规模与谷地内构造线性体的长度、数量呈显著的线性正相关关系,即构造线性体的长度越长、相互交叉越多的地方,谷地或洼地的规模也越大。本文的研究也表明构造线性体的研究,不仅可以用来进行区域地质构造格局和成矿预测,且可用以解释和分析地表景观格局的分异。  相似文献   
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