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长期以来,我国采用分类管理的方式管理不同类型的自然资源,在自然资源监测监管中造成了部分自然资源重复统计、权属不明等问题,在湿地、林地等自然资源中表现尤其明显。为了系统性地进行自然资源监测监管,需要对自然资源进行整体性地、统一性地分类,建立一个综合性的自然资源分类体系。本文遵循“山水林田湖草”是一个生命共同体的理念,从这一理论思想出发,整理单门类自然资源整体和个体之间的关系,分析国内外的分类编码体系,从法理、学理和管理不同角度研究整理自然资源分类现状,综合考虑地表覆盖层的监测监管要求,采用树状分类法和交叉分类法重新构建了三级分类的自然资源分类体系框架,为构建自然资源监测监管体系提供必要的基础支撑,为完善生态文明建设,为国民经济健康持续发展提供重要的基础保障。  相似文献   
In a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) or an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), determining the value that the general public attaches to a landscape is often problematic. To aid the inclusion of this social value in such analyses, a Google Maps-based tool, called the HotSpotMonitor (HSM), was developed. The HSM determines which natural places are highly attractive by having people mark such places on a map. The definition of attractiveness remains open to avoid having marker placement being influenced by preconceived thoughts. The number of markers an area receives is considered to indicate its social value. Six regions were selected, and from these, stratified samples were drawn (total n = 3293). Participants placed markers at three spatial levels: local, regional and national. This paper focuses on the markers at the national level. The first research question is whether the HSM can produce an accurate map of highly attractive places at a national level. The results indicated that while in principle HSM can produce such a map, the spatial representativeness of the sample is important. The region of origin of the participants influenced where they placed their markers, an effect previously termed spatial discounting. The second research question considers which qualities the participants associate with the marked places. These qualities were very similar at all three spatial levels: green, natural, presence of water and quiet were often selected out of the fourteen suggested qualities. The third, and more exploratory, research question concerns which characteristics of an area predict its attractiveness. Natural and forest areas had higher marker densities than water surfaces or all other types of land use combined. The discussion evaluates the potential of the HSM to generate input on social landscape values for CBAs and EIAs.  相似文献   
Class 1 gas hydrate accumulations are characterized by a permeable hydrate-bearing interval overlying a permeable interval with mobile gas, sandwiched between two impermeable intervals. Depressurization-induced dissociation is currently the favored technology for producing gas from Class 1 gas hydrate accumulations. The depressurization production technology requires heat transfer from the surrounding environment to sustain dissociation as the temperature drops toward the hydrate equilibrium point and leaves the reservoir void of gas hydrate. Production of gas hydrate accumulations by exchanging carbon dioxide with methane in the clathrate structure has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments and proposed as a field-scale technology. The carbon dioxide exchange technology has the potential for yielding higher production rates and mechanically stabilizing the reservoir by maintaining hydrate saturations. We used numerical simulation to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using carbon dioxide injection to enhance the production of methane from Class 1 gas hydrate accumulations. Numerical simulations in this study were primarily concerned with the mechanisms and approaches of carbon dioxide injection to investigate whether methane production could be enhanced through this approach. To avoid excessive simulation execution times, a five-spot well pattern with a 500-m well spacing was approximated using a two-dimensional domain having well boundaries on the vertical sides and impermeable boundaries on the horizontal sides. Impermeable over- and under burden were included to account for heat transfer into the production interval. Simulation results indicate that low injection pressures can be used to reduce secondary hydrate formation and that direct contact of injected carbon dioxide with the methane hydrate present in the formation is limited due to bypass through the higher permeability gas zone.  相似文献   
取30个通过人工授精和自然交尾建立的中国对虾家系,分别进行人工感染和自然感染实验。实验过程中,两实验组样本总体存活率在35%左右时统计各家系的存活率,以分析其抗白斑综合征病毒情况。用四格表的卡方检验分析中国对虾各家系存活率,结果发现23个家系的存活率在两种感染方式实验间差异不显著(P0.05),两种感染方式实验间家系存活率一致性为77%。用独立样本T检验对两种感染方式实验中4个杂交组合的存活率进行比较,结果发现4个杂交组合的存活率在两种感染方式实验间差异不显著(P0.05),说明人工感染和自然感染实验对中国对虾抗病力的反映情况基本是一致的。另外,对两个实验中各家系的抗病力进行分析,综合结果表明有5个家系对WSSV可能有较强的抗病力。  相似文献   
无居民海岛是我国自然资源的重要组成部分。为加快推进生态文明建设,党和国家对我国自然资源的管理提出了新的要求。文章采用问题和目标导向的研究方法,通过对我国无居民海岛管理的历史遗留问题、管理能力、管理体系和信息化建设等方面进行分析,提出了分类处置历史遗留用岛,优化精细化分类管理体系、完善海岛管理制度体系、完善海岛数据更新体系等建议,对提升我国无居民海岛管理水平,实施海洋强国战略具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
新时代国土空间规划是未来可持续发展的空间蓝图。陆地与海洋作为国土空间的两大主体,落实陆海统筹战略、推进生态保护和高质量发展已成为沿海地区国土空间规划编制的重要内容。文章阐述陆海统筹的重点内容并分析其实现路径,研究结果有助于推动陆海统筹在国土空间规划中的有效落实,提升国土空间规划编制的科学性。研究结果表明在新时代背景下,可从6个方面实现陆海统筹:有机衔接陆海主体功能,统筹协调岸线两侧矛盾,统筹塑造陆海空间格局;统筹规划陆海自然资源的保护与开发;统筹布局和协调发展陆海产业;建立陆海一体的交通和防灾支撑体系;开展陆海协同的生态环境保护与修复治理;建设陆海统筹的管理体制机制。  相似文献   
采用线性极化电阻法,测试了C60全珊瑚海水混凝土(coral aggregate seawater concrete,简称CASC)的线性极化曲线、自腐蚀电位(Ecorr)和极化电阻(Rp),研究了不同暴露时间、不同种类钢筋CASC的钢筋腐蚀行为,提出了提升岛礁CASC结构耐久性的建议措施。结果表明:随着暴露时间的延长,CASC的EcorrRp均逐渐降低,钢筋的耐蚀性能逐渐减弱。不同种类钢筋CASC耐蚀性能规律为:316不锈钢筋优于有机新涂层钢筋,优于普通钢筋。即使暴露0 d,CASC中普通钢筋仍会发生锈蚀,表明普通钢筋在不附加任何防腐措施的条件下不适用于岛礁CASC结构。综合分析阻锈效果和成本因素,316不锈钢筋的性价比明显低于有机新涂层钢筋,建议岛礁CASC工程优先选用有机新涂层钢筋。  相似文献   
This paper attempts to highlight issues that are relevant in the application of the Parabolic Bay Shape Equation (PBSE) to a non-equilibrium bay. For this case, the bay of Imbituba in southern Brazil was chosen. The construction of a breakwater to shelter the port of Imbituba in the south of the bay was accompanied by an increase in sedimentation to the port area from an eroding downdrift beach. Superimposed plots of the coastline of the Bay of Imbituba from different years confirm a general trend of accretion of the southern part of the bay accompanied with a retreat of the coastline in the northern part. After the application of the PBSE it became clear that the breakwater caused a change in the equilibrium state of the bay. Between 1947 and 2001 the Bay of Imbituba has changed from a dynamic equilibrium to a natural beach reshaping or self-reshaping. The tendency of the sedimentation of the southern part of the bay can be explained by the SEP associated with the new updrift diffraction point (tip of the breakwater): The seaward position of the SEP predicts a need for additional sediment in order to achieve a stable plan form.  相似文献   
新型珊瑚海水混凝土力学性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解决全珊瑚海水混凝土(coral aggregate seawater concrete,简称CASC)的脆性问题,采用碱式硫酸镁水泥(basic magnesium sulfate cement,简称BMSC)为胶凝材料和剑麻纤维为增韧材料制备了一种新型全珊瑚海水混凝土(NCASC),系统测定了基本力学性能,并与普通硅酸盐水泥制备的CASC、碱式硫酸镁水泥砂石混凝土(basic magnesium sulfate cement concrete,简称BMSCC)、普通砂石混凝土(ordinary portland cement concrete,简称OPC)以及普通轻骨料混凝土(lightweight aggregate concrete,简称LAC)的力学性能进行对比。结果表明:立方体抗压强度(f_(cu),m)在15~35 MPa范围内的NCASC的轴心抗压强度(f_c,m)、劈裂抗拉强度(f_(sp),m)与f_(cu),m之间具有较显著的线性关系;对于f_(cu),m为15~35 MPa的混凝土,相同强度NCASC的f_c,m高于OPC、LAC及BMSCC,其f_c,m与f_(cu),m比值最大,大致在0.85~0.96之间,NCASC的f_(sp),m比OPC和LAC高,但比BMSCC低,且随着强度的提高,OPC与NCASC的f_(sp),m间的差距在增大,而LAC和BMSCC与NCASC的f_(sp),m间的差距在缩小;在强度等级C15~C55的范围中,NCASC和CASC的f_(sp),m、f_c,m与f_(cu),m之间的关系基本可以采用相同的线性回归方程来描述,利用这两个回归线性方程得到对应于标准强度等级的CASC和NCASC的f_(sp),m和f_c,m数据,为CASC力学性能研究与结构设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   
The objective of this work is to study the uncertainties involved in the modelling of the soil-pile interaction concerning their influence on the prediction of the dynamic structural response of monopile offshore wind turbine support structures. Two main issues are identified and addressed: the adequacy of the method used to deal with the soil-pile interactions and the adequacy of the soil properties reflecting the behaviour of the soil. The present study develops an approach that defines the penetrated pile length depending on the soil profile. Also, a parameter is defined to avoid the excessive usage of steel for the penetrated pile structure. The uncertainties are included in the probabilistic free vibration analysis and the contribution of each random variable to the scatter of the response is estimated by performing a sensitivity analysis. The results indicate that the uncertainty involved in the modelling of the soil profile has a significant effect on the coefficient of variance of the natural frequency, which is a serious issue to be considered in the fatigue life assessment of offshore wind turbine support structures.  相似文献   
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