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利用美国宇航局(NASA)发布的2003年1月~2015年12月的AIRS Standard Physical Retrieval Edition 6. 0中的level2的反演数据,对新疆及其周边地区——特别是三大山区近13 a的可降水量的时空分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,从空间分布看,可降水量高值区主要集中在盆地地区,尤其在塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地及吐鲁番盆地。低值区主要分布在新疆南部的昆仑山脉和北部的阿尔泰山脉。最高值达14. 74 mm,最低值达1. 92 mm;新疆及其周边地区可降水量所有格点13a平均值来看,总体上,夏季最高,冬季最低。从时间分布看,对新疆及其周边地区、天山、昆仑山和阿尔泰山4个研究区域分别进行区域平均,发现以上4个区域年变化呈单峰型,从1~7月的可降水量逐渐增加,8~12月份的可降水量逐月减少;可降水量的整体年际变化趋势是一致的,2003—2010年呈上升趋势,2010—2015年呈下降趋势。  相似文献   
马振邦  陈兴鹏  贾卓  吕鹏 《地理研究》2018,37(10):1997-2010
引入地统计学的变异函数和交叉相关图方法,以甘肃省六盘山片区为案例区,通过分析村级贫困的空间格局及其与地理因子关系随空间尺度的变化,提供空间贫困陷阱检验关于尺度的深入理解。结果表明:地统计学方法兼具有效性和可靠性,可以反映地理因素—贫困状况关系随时空的变化,对“人地关系”视角下反贫困理论与实践研究具有积极意义。案例区空间贫困陷阱问题突出,村级贫困在一定空间范围内具有自相关性,空间总变异中自相关部分远高于随机性部分,这与不同尺度上地形、气候、区位等结构性因素的影响和控制有关,总体上到县城距离、海拔和总人口3个因子的影响范围和强度较大。  相似文献   
A novel embedded sensor network records changes in key climatic-environmental variables over a range of altitude in the BaekduDaegan Mountain (BDM) of Gangwon Province in Korea, a protected mountain region with unique biodiversity undergoing climate change research. The investigated area is subdivided into three horizontal north-south study areas. Three variables, temperature (T, ℃), relative humidity (RH, %), and light intensity (LI, lumens m -2 , or lux, lx), have been continuously measured at hourly intervals from June, 2010 to September, 2011 using HOBO H8 devices at 10 fixed study sites. These hourly observations are aggregated to monthly, seasonal and annual mean values, and results are summarized to inaugurate a long-term climate change investigation. A region wide T difference in accordance with altitude, or lapse rate, over the interval is calculated as 0.4℃100 m -1 . T lapse rates change seasonally, with winter lapse rates being greater than those of summer. RH is elevated in summer compared to other seasons. LI within forestland is lower during summer and higher during other seasons. The obtained results could closely relate to the vegetation type and structure and the terrain state since data loggers were located in forestland.  相似文献   
编制南北过渡带地区1∶25万和典型山地1∶5万植被类型图是南北过渡带综合科学考察的主要任务之一。以往植被类型图的编制都是采用大量的地面调查来完成的,地面调查方法虽然精确,但费时费力,并且由于自然条件的限制,地面调查往往只能覆盖较小的范围。遥感数据因为其全覆盖的优势,可以很好地弥补样方调查的局限性,但目前大范围的植被类型遥感信息提取尤其是自动提取方面仍然存在一定的困难和瓶颈。本文以1∶5万太白山植被类型图的编制为例,利用多源多时相的高分辨率遥感数据,结合地面调查数据、以往的各种比例尺的植被类型图数据和森林资源调查数据等,探讨并研究基于山地垂直带谱的中大比例尺植被类型图的遥感提取方法和制图方法。研究结果表明:① 山地植被垂直带谱可以有效地支持1∶5万山区植被类型图的遥感制图。利用太白山植被垂直带谱和1∶1万数字表面模型数据(DSM)可以生成具有垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子;将地形约束因子与多源多时相高分辨率遥感数据、地面调查数据、以往的小比例尺植被类型图数据等相结合,可以有效提取各级植被类型,从而实现中大比例尺植被类型图的编制。② 典型山地1∶5万植被类型图的遥感制图基本流程为植被型组解译→植被群系组、群系、亚群系解译→植被型、植被亚型分类,采取自上而下和自下而上相结合的分类方法来分类。本文的研究成果可以为中大比例尺植被类型图的编制提供示范和科学依据。  相似文献   
白马雪山自然保护区土壤类型及其分布规律   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文通过野外实地考察、土样室内理化分析以及有关资料整理结果,阐明了白马雪山自然保护区的土壤类型和理论化性状。此外还讨论了该保护区土壤在空间上的分布规律。  相似文献   
通过旅游地生命周期的动力因子探讨,认为旅游地生命周期实质是在诸多外部因素影响下的旅游产品结构持续调整的过程,旅游产品结构调整贯穿于旅游地生命周期的各阶段。通过旅游产品结构双周期模型的建立和分析,论述影响生命周期的内在、外在因素及作用机制,阐释了Butler的S型旅游地生命周期演化模型,深化了旅游地演进规律的研究。实证研究表明,普陀山已走过探索阶段、参与阶段,正处于发展阶段,成熟阶段是今后理想演进阶段,普陀山旅游产品结构演化与调整验证、支持这一观点。最后,提出了普陀山旅游产品结构调整的若干对策。  相似文献   
以河北省阜平县的5条河流主流河谷为案例,全面分析了河谷内居民点的斑块特征和分布格局,表明,河谷内的居民点位置基本是在的向阳一侧靠近坡脚的地方,一般以狭长形状为主;居民点面积在河谷面积中所占的比例在各个河段的变化很大,但不同河流居民点面积占河谷面积的比例十分接近,在10%-17%的范围内变支。在研究区内,河段内居民点的面积与河谷面积、河谷内农田面积是呈正相关的,表明本地区河谷内的居民对河谷土地具有很强的依赖性;河谷内的居民点增加使河谷林木急剧减少,但居民点内部和周围的河谷林木为其安全性、舒适性提供了保障。  相似文献   
Identification of steps and pools from stream longitudinal profile data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field research on step–pool channels has largely focused on the dimensions and sequence of steps and pools and how these features vary with slope, grain sizes and other governing variables. Measurements by different investigators are frequently compared, yet no means to identify steps and pools objectively have been used. Automated surveying instruments record the morphology of streams in unprecedented detail making it possible to objectively identify steps and pools, provided an appropriate classification procedure can be developed.To achieve objective identification of steps and pools from long profile survey data, we applied a series of scale-free geometric rules that include minimum step length (2.25% of bankfull width (Wb)), minimum pool length (10% of Wb), minimum residual depth (0.23% of Wb), minimum drop height (3.3% of Wb), and minimum step slope (10° greater than the mean slope). The rules perform as well as the mean response of 11 step–pool researchers who were asked to classify four long profiles, and the results correspond well with the channel morphologies identified during the field surveys from which the long profiles were generated. The method outperforms four other techniques that have been proposed. Sensitivity analysis shows that the method is most sensitive to the choice of minimum pool length and minimum drop height.Detailed bed scans of a step–pool channel created in a flume reveal that a single long profile with a fixed sampling interval poorly characterizes the steps and pools; five or more long profiles spread across the channel are required if a fixed sampling interval is used and the data suggest that survey points should be located more frequently than the diameter of the step-forming material. A single long profile collected by a surveyor who chooses breaks in slope and representative survey points was found to adequately characterize the mean bed profile.  相似文献   
A portable broadband seismic array was deployed from the northeast Tibetan Plateau to the southwest Ordos block, China. The seismic structure of the crust and uppermost mantle of the Liupanshan area is obtained using receiver function analysis of teleseismic body waves. The crustal thickness and Poisson's ratios are estimated by stacking the weighted amplitudes of receiver functions. Our results reveal complex seismic phases in the Liupanshan area, implying intense deformation at the boundary between the Tibetan Plateau and the Ordos block. The average crustal thickness is 51.5 km in the northeast Tibetan Plateau, 53.5 km in the Liupan Mountain and 50 km in the southwest Ordos block, resulting in a concave Moho beneath the Liupan Mountain. The Poisson's ratio of the Liupanshan area varies between 0.27-0.29, higher than the value of 0.25-0.26 to the east and west of the Liupan Mountain, suggesting partial melting in the lower crust. The variance in Poisson's ratio across the Liupan Mountain indicates notable changes in the crustal composition and mechanical properties, which may be formed by the northeastward flow of the Tibetan lower crust during the India-Eurasia collision.  相似文献   
哈思山位于我国西北干旱半干旱地区,具有非常重要的区域生态效应。2013年5月到2014年1月,对该地区9个采样点的泉水流量进行了逐月采样,并测定了水体氢氧稳定同位素,研究了泉水流量的变化规律及氢氧稳定同位素的特征。调查结果显示,哈思山泉水为基岩裂隙水,泉水流量无明显的季节性变化,可能受包气带、土壤的持水性及汇水面积和海拔高度等因素的影响。同位素研究结果显示,氢氧稳定同位素值没有明显的季节性变化,且呈现δD=5.7439δ18O-10.6535的线性关系,表明泉水的补给来源主要是大气降水,且林区受到强烈蒸发作用的影响;此外,δ18O值与泉所在海拔高度之间存在显著的线性关系,δD值也存在一定的海拔效应,但并不显著。最终研究表明,位于半干旱地区的哈思山山区的水文过程十分复杂,泉水流量影响因素较多。  相似文献   
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