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Seasonal coastal upwelling was analyzed along the NW African coastline (11–35°N) from 1981 to 2012. Upwelling magnitudes are calculated by wind speed indices, sea-surface temperature indices and inferred from meteorological station, sea-surface height and vertical water column transport data. A permanent annual upwelling regime is documented across 21–35°N and a seasonal regime across 12–19°N, in accordance with the climatology of previous studies. Upwelling regions were split into three zones: (1) the Mauritania–Senegalese upwelling zone (12–19°N), (2) the strong permanent annual upwelling zone (21–26°N) and (3) the weak permanent upwelling zone (26–35°N). We find compelling evidence in our various indices for the Bakun upwelling intensification hypothesis due to a significant coastal summer wind speed increase, resulting in an increase in upwelling-favorable wind speeds north of 20°N and an increase in downwelling-favorable winds south of 20°N. The North Atlantic Oscillation plays a leading role in modifying interannual variability during the other seasons (autumn–spring), with its influence dominating in winter. The East Atlantic pattern shows a strong correlation with upwelling during spring, while El Niño Southern Oscillation and Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation teleconnections were not found. A disagreement between observationally-based wind speed products and reanalysis-derived data is explored. A modification to the Bakun upwelling intensification hypothesis for NW Africa is presented, which accounts for the latitudinal divide in summer wind regimes.  相似文献   
A new North Atlantic Oscillation index and its variability   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
A new North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, the NAOI, is defined as the differences of normalized sea level pressures regionally zonal-averaged over a broad range of longitudes 80°W-30°E. A comprehensive comparison of six NAO indices indicates that the new NAOI provides a more faithful representation of the spatial-temporal variability associated with the NAO on all timescales. A very high signal-to-noise ratio for the NAOI exists for all seasons, and the life cycle represented by the NAOI describes well the seasonal migration for action centers of the NAO. The NAOI captures a larger fraction of the variance of sea level pressure over the North Atlantic sector (20°-90°N, 80°W-30°E), on average 10% more than any other NAO index. There are quite different relationships between the NAOI and surface air temperature during winter and summer. A novel feature, however, is that the NAOI is significantly negative correlated with surface air temperature over the North Atlantic Ocean between 10°-25°N and  相似文献   
Exactly dated ring-width chronologies derived from Pyrenean oak and sweet chestnut trees growing in northern Extremadura, Spain, were evaluated for their potential as proxies for regional precipitation and North Atlantic Oscillation variability. The relationships among tree-rings, instrumental climatic records, and three versions of the NAO index were computed for different time subperiods over the last century. The results indicate that tree-ring records reflect, with variable intensity, both short-term and long-term variations in climate. Multiple correlation and regression analysis revealed that summer precipitation appeared to be the major factor affecting tree growth at inter-annual timescales. Moreover, since fluctuations in accumulated variability in annual rainfall over southwest Iberia are controlled by winter precipitation, the accumulated rainfall (August of the year n -1 to July of year n ) and winter NAO indices are also strongly correlated with tree-ring records at interdecadal timescales. This relationship appears to be especially strong during the second half of the 20th century, which is consistent with an increase of the NAO signal in the annual precipitation during the later part of the century. These results indicate that tree-rings from western Iberia are potential proxies of the NAO variability, useful to be included in palaeoclimatic model studies.  相似文献   
In this study, Turkish climatic variables (precipitation, stream flow and maximum and minimum temperatures) were first analysed in association with both the Southern Oscillation (SO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The relationships between Turkish maximum and minimum monthly temperatures and the extreme phases of the SO (El Niño and La Niña events) were examined. The results of this analysis showed that relationships between Turkish monthly maximum temperatures and El Niño and La Niña contain some complexity still to be identified, because both events produce a signal indicating a correspondence with cold anomalies in the aggregate composites. A relationship between turkish minimum temperatures and El Niño was detected in western Anatolia, whereas there was no significant and consistent signal associated with La Niña. Moreover a series of cross‐correlation analyses was carried out to demonstrate the teleconnections between the climatic variables and both the NAO and SO. The NAO during winter was found to influence precipitation and stream‐flow patterns. In contrast temperature patterns appeared to be less sensitive to the NAO. Furthermore, lag‐correlation results indicated a prediction potential for both precipitation and stream‐flow variables in connection with the NAO. Simultaneous and time‐lag correlations between the climatic variables and the SO index, in general, indicated weaker relationships in comparison with those for the NAO. These analyses also showed that the influences of the SO on Turkish temperature data are negligible. The outcomes were presented in conjunction with an explanation regarding physical mechanisms behind the implied teleconnections. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
2009/2010年冬季云南严重干旱原因的进一步分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
宋洁  杨辉  李崇银 《大气科学》2011,35(6):1009-1019
为了揭示2009/2010年冬季云南出现严重干旱灾害的原因,本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及云南省台站降水资料计算得到的云南冬季降水指数,讨论了在北半球冬季(12~2月)北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation,简称NAO)和云南省降水(旱涝)之间的联系.分析结果表明,在1961/19...  相似文献   
基于MODIS温度产品,着重分析了2000-2020年格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度和表面融化范围的年际变化趋势;联合IMBIE(冰盖物质平衡对比实验)数据分析表面温度对于冰盖物质平衡的影响;进一步讨论了大气环流对于格陵兰冰盖表面温度变化的影响。结果表明:格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度和融化范围趋势较为一致,2000年初期呈现出显著的上升趋势,2012年达到峰值,随后波动下降;整个研究阶段北部区域是增温速率最大的区域,高于其他任何区域两倍,东南部和西南部是温度最高的区域却具有最小的增长率;格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度、融化范围以及物质平衡之间都具有显著的相关性,同时格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度每上升1℃,会导致其物质损失增加74.29Gt·a;最后,经过对北大西洋涛动(NAO)和格陵兰阻塞指数(GBI)指数的分析得到,格陵兰冰盖夏季表面温度受到GBI的影响要强于NAO的影响,冰盖夏季表面温度和NAO呈现出负相关(r=-0.64,P<0.05),和GBI呈现出正相关(r=0.77,P<0.05)。  相似文献   
Euphausiids are a key component of the northern North Atlantic marine ecosystem and Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Thysanoessa longicaudata are dominant both numerically and in terms of biomass. The Irminger Sea is remote and experiences often-hostile weather conditions. Consequently, few studies have been conducted there, and detailed information on the seasonal distribution, abundance and growth of euphausiids is limited. Here we explore patterns of abundance and spatial and temporal variation in length–frequency distribution in order to determine regional growth rates for both species in the Irminger Basin. Regional composite length–frequency distributions for spring, summer and winter were devised by aggregating discrete net haul data according to the results of a multivariate cluster analysis of length conducted on spring and summer net sample data. Three biologically distinct regions within the Irminger basin were apparent (Central Irminger Sea, Northern Irminger Sea and East of Greenland Shelf). These regions corresponded broadly with distinct physical zones within the basin. Modes in the composite length–frequency distributions were determined by fitting multiple normal distributions, and regional differences in growth were investigated by tracking modes between seasons. The results provide some evidence for regional variability in growth and population dynamics. The population structure and growth of M. norvegica was similar in the open ocean regions of the Northern and Central Irminger Basin, but different in the region around the East Greenland Shelf. There was a distinct absence of larger individuals (+I-group) in the open ocean regions compared to East Greenland Coast region, and growth rates were marginally higher. A similar pattern in population structure was also observed for T. longicaudata. Variability in growth and abundance are discussed in relation to prevailing environmental characteristics such as temperature and food availability.  相似文献   
运用NCEP、Had ISST再分析资料,北大西洋涛动(NAO)月指数序列,探讨了海表面温度(SST)锋的时空变化特征,揭示了北大西洋SST锋的主要气候变率及其与北大西洋风暴轴和大气大尺度环流异常的关系。研究表明,剔除季节循环后的SST锋显示其最主要变率为锋区的向南/北摆动,其对应的风暴轴发生相应的西南/东北移动,并同时在北大西洋上空对应一个跨海盆的位势高度负/正异常。这种环流异常可引起高纬度海平面气压(SLP)的反气旋/气旋式环流,这有利于增强海表面风对大洋副极地环流的负/正涡度异常输入,进一步减弱/加强了高纬度上层冷水向SST锋区的输送。北大西洋SST锋的另一主要模态为锋区在南北方向的分支和合并。当SST锋异常在40°N~45°N以单支形式加强时,对流层位势高度场和SLP南北梯度增大,对应NAO正位相,此时风暴轴也为单支型;同时SLP异常场促使冰岛附近具有气旋式风应力异常,亚速尔地区具有反气旋式风应力异常,导致副极地环流和副热带环流均加强,增加高纬度冷水和低纬度暖水在锋区的输入,从而进一步增强40°N~45°N附近的SST锋区。当SST锋异常在40°N~45°N纬带南北发生分支时,风暴轴也同时出现北强南弱的南北分支,此时对应了负位相NAO,来自北南的冷暖水输送减弱,SST锋也发生减弱分支。此外,位于大洋内区的SST锋东端也存在一个偶极子型的模态,尽管其解释方差相对较小,但仍与偏东北的NAO型具有显著相关。谱分析表明,北大西洋SST锋与风暴轴具有1~3年和年代际共振,与中高纬大尺度环流也存在周期1~3年的共变信号,其中准一年共变信号体现了SST锋和NAO之间的对应关系。进一步诊断分析表明,SST锋上空的近表层大气斜压性和经向温度梯度随着SST锋的增强而增强,经向热通量的向北输送导致涡动有效位能的增加;海洋的非绝热加热产生更强的垂直热量通量,这有利于涡动有效位能释放成为涡动动能,从而表现为该区域的风暴轴加强,并进一步影响风暴轴中的天气尺度扰动与下游大尺度环流异常的相互作用过程。  相似文献   
高晓梅  江静  刘畅  马守强 《气象科学》2018,38(6):749-758
利用1949—2015年台风年鉴资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、NOAA资料等对近67 a影响山东的台风频数特征及其与相关气候因子的关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1)影响山东的6类台风中沿海北上类最多,登陆填塞类最少。8月和8月上旬是主要月份和旬份。台风年代际变化明显,并存在显著的26 a年代际尺度和5 a年际尺度的周期变化。(2)台风频数与同年份的东亚槽位置、亚洲区极涡面积指数分别呈显著的负、正相关关系。Ni1o3. 4区海温对台风频数存在超前的显著负相关,超前影响分别在1、2、3、4月。台风频数与冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)指数、太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)指数分别存在显著的正、负相关关系。春、夏、秋季和年PDO冷位相时台风频数偏多,PDO暖位相时台风频数偏少,这与西太平洋副热带高压和低层水汽条件关系密切。(3)冷、暖位相年台风频数与太平洋海温分别存在显著的相关区,特别是冬季暖位相时赤道中东太平洋显著负相关区域较大。年PDO冷位相与夏季的显著相关区较相似,暖位相与秋季相似。(4)太平洋海温与台风频数相关性较好的海域主要有3个关键区:赤道中东太平洋、北太平洋中部和西太平洋暖池。其中赤道中东太平洋的的显著性表现在冬季,北太平洋中部的显著性表现在年、春、夏、秋季,西太平洋暖池的显著性表现在夏、秋季。  相似文献   
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