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The main landforms within the glacially scoured Precambrian rocks of the Swedish west coast are closely connected to the principal structural pattern and have lately been explained as mainly a result of etch processes, probably during the Mesozoic and with a possible second period of etching during the Neogene. To explore the effect of multiple glacial erosion on the rock surfaces, an island with two different lithologies and with striae from different directions was selected for a detailed study, focusing on the shape of roches moutonnées. Air‐photo interpretation of bedrock lineaments and roches moutonnées combined with detailed field mapping and striae measurements are used to interpret the structural and lithological control on the resulting shape. The study reveals a significant difference in shape between roches moutonnées in augen‐granite and orthogneiss. Low elongated and streamlined roches moutonnées occur in the gneiss area, striated by a Late Weichselian ice flow from the NE. This ice flow is subparallel with both the local dominant trend of topographically well‐expressed joints and the schistosity of the gneiss. Frequently, there are no signs of quarrying on the lee‐sides of the gneiss roches moutonnées and hence they resemble the shape of whalebacks, or ruwares, as typically associated with the exposed basal weathering surface found in tropical areas. The granite roches moutonnées were formed by an older ice flow from the ESE, which closely followed the etched WNW–ESE joint system of the granite. Late Weichselian ice flow from the NE caused only minor changes of the landforms. On the contrary, marks of the early ESE ice flow are poorly preserved in the gneiss area, where it probably never had any large effect as the flow was perpendicular to both schistosity and structures and, accordingly, also to the pre‐glacial relief. The study demonstrates that coincidence between ice flow direction and pre‐glacially etched structures is most likely to determine the effects of glacial erosion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
云南省金沙江流域土壤流失方程研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
云南金沙江流域是长江中上游水土流失最严重的区域。本项研究以“通用土壤流失方程”(USLE)为蓝本,运用小区实验等手段,综合分析了各个侵蚀因子,建立了云南金沙江流域土壤流失方程A=R·K·LS·c·P,并确定了方程中诸因子的求算方法和数值,以及该流域土壤允许流失量,为方程的应用提供了基本的技术数据。同时,还进行了方程的检验,方程计算值与小区实测值的相对误差在6.3%以下,表明该方程在实际应用中是可靠的。该方程的建立,可为云南金沙江流域预测预报土壤侵蚀,制定土地合理利用规划方案、水土保持措施和土地生态安全格局提供了一套可靠的科学方法和依据。  相似文献   
在应用新近建立的云南金沙江流域土壤流失方程测算该流域各县(市、区)年均土壤流失总量和各地类年均 土壤流失量基础上,分析了该流域水土流失的总体特征、各地类水土流失特征和不同坡度级坡耕地的水土流失特 征,为因地制宜地防治水土流失提供了依据。  相似文献   
The lacustrine facies from two sections (Candasnos and Fraga) ofthe Oligocene-Miocene Torrente de Cinca lithostratigraphic Unit in thecentral part of the Ebro Basin (Spain) have been analysed to determine theinfluence of orbital parameters in lacustrine sedimentation. The unit ispredominantly composed of limestones and marls, and represents a shallowlacustrine freshwater system. The sedimentological features of the faciesstudied demonstrate that the lower part of the Candasnos section representsoffshore lacustrine subenvironments whereas the upper part, and the whole ofthe Fraga section, characterise marginal lacustrine areas. Series of stratalthickness variations of limestone, marl, and limestone/marl couplets fromboth sections have been analysed using spectral analysis. This shows thatinformation corresponding to periodic cycles only appears in the offshorefacies, that is to say, in the lower part of Candasnos section, and disappearsin the marginal facies where non-periodic cycles exist. Furthermore, thespectral analysis of the offshore facies highlights the existence of a peak inthe power spectrum with a period of around 7 (6.8 to 7.8) that can berecognised in the field as shallowing-upward lacustrine sequences.Magnetostratigraphic data from the Candasnos section allow us to establish atime span of 2,808 years for the limestone/marl couplet from the lower partof this section, and between 19,000 and 22,000 years for the periodic cycleidentified, thus representing the climatic precession cycle. Shallowingsequences from marginal areas do not correspond with any periodiccycle.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地地貌过程对绿洲形成演变的影响   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
杨发相 《干旱区地理》2003,26(4):361-366
第三纪末以来,天山、昆仑山强烈隆起使塔里木盆地相对下沉,山盆高差悬殊大,白山顶至盆地腹部地貌外力作用过程依次由冰川作用→冰缘作用→流水作用→干燥作用→冲→洪积作用→湖积作用→风沙作用过渡。在山区河谷平原、平原区冲积扇、冲积平原、湖积平原等地方形成条带状、串珠状、扇形状绿洲,绿洲平面几何形状与适宜绿洲形成与发展的地貌类型空间分布基本吻合。绿洲荒漠化和荒漠绿洲化与地貌过程的关系密切。纵观区内地貌过程发展趋势可预测,区内流水、风沙和人类活动三大地貌过程将有增无减,流水侵蚀与风蚀风积作用将对绿洲产生不良作用。山区流水侵蚀过程加强导致山麓地带绿洲山洪泥石流危害加重。平原河流下游地区流水作用减弱,风蚀风积过程加剧,由绿洲→荒漠演变,而人类活动可分建设作用与破坏作用两方面,前者可稳定绿洲乃至促进荒漠绿洲化而后者则导致绿洲荒漠化。因此,改善山区、山麓地带,特别是盆地南缘与塔河中、下游等重要地区地貌过程并防止绿洲荒漠化,是保障区域可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   
松潘-甘孜带:是弧前增生还是弧后消减?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据多年在该区工作实践,认为松潘—甘孜造山带前身的巴颜喀拉盆地是羌塘—他念他翁晚古生代前缘弧之后的一系列多岛弧—盆系的一个大型弧后盆地。三叠纪时,围限此“三角形”盆地三条边缘的构造动力学作用方式具有不同的特征。其东侧为扬子西缘被动大陆边缘(D—T2),中三叠晚期(拉丁期)转化为与华北和羌塘陆块有关的前陆盆地(T2—T3),由于扬子陆块向西双向斜向俯冲作用,在其北侧和南侧边缘形成南昆仑和可可西里—甘孜—理塘俯冲消减杂岩。重建的地层层序和沉积地质特征显示巴颜喀拉盆地主体三叠系复理石沉积是周缘前陆盆地。  相似文献   
辽河盆地东部凹陷原油的碳同位素组成特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过对辽河盆地东部凹陷原油的饱和烃、芳烃的碳同位素组成特征、原油同位素类型和单体烃同位素特征进行研究 ,发现整个东部凹陷原油及其组分的碳同位素值偏重 ,指示其源岩有机质中藻类和低等水生生物的贡献较少 ;饱和烃—芳烃的碳同位素值关系揭示东部凹陷大部分原油样品与沙河街组沙三段烃源岩的特征相近 ,而南部和北部地区少数样品表现出负的碳同位素异常 ,与该区中生界源岩样品的接近 ,推测原油中可能混入了中生界来源的油气。南部地区各样品的碳同位素类型曲线和单体烃的碳同位素曲线均相似 ,揭示了两者具相同的油气来源。北部地区各原油样品的单体烃的碳同位素类型曲线间具有相似的分布特征 ,但茨榆坨地区的原油样品的碳同位素值比牛居地区的系统偏轻 ,可能是成熟度相对较低引起的 ,表明茨榆坨地区原油具有早期成藏的特征。原油的碳同位素组成特征是研究油气来源和成藏特征分析的一种重要手段。  相似文献   
渭河盆地断层活动反映的第四纪构造事件初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
研究了渭河盆地南缘和北缘几条断裂第四纪活动性的迁移变化。利用横跨断裂的构造地层剖面 ,结合断裂上覆黄土地层的年代学研究结果 ,对断裂活动强度迁移变化的演化阶段进行了研究。结果表明 ,在大约 80~ 90万年前 ,渭河盆地南缘的临潼 -长安断裂带的活动性发生了显著变化 ,骊山山前断裂也有活动性迁移现象 ,渭南塬前断裂开始强烈活动 ,渭南塬全面抬升 ;12万年前左右 ,渭河盆地北缘的口镇 -关山断裂活动性明显减弱。该区断层活动的这些变化是对第四纪中晚期的 2次重要构造事件的反映  相似文献   
The five MTMD models, with natural frequencies being uniformly distributed around their mean frequency, have been recently presented by the first author. They are shown to have the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (more precisely, for a given mass ratio there is an upper limit on the total number, beyond which the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio occurs). In this paper, the eight new MTMD models (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1~US‐MTMD3, UD‐MTMD1 and UD‐MTMD2), with the system parameters (mass, stiffness and damping coefficient) being, respectively, uniformly distributed around their average values, have been, for the first time here, proposed to seek for the MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio. The structure is represented by the mode‐generalized system corresponding to the specific vibration mode that needs to be controlled. Through minimization of the minimum values of the maximum dynamic magnification factors (DMF) of the structure with the eight MTMD models (i.e. through the implementation of Min.Min.Max.DMF), the optimum parameters and values of Min.Min.Max.DMF for these eight MTMD models are investigated to evaluate and compare their control performance. The optimum parameters include the optimum mass spacing, stiffness spacing, damping coefficient spacing, frequency spacing, average damping ratio and tuning frequency ratio. The six MTMD models without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio (i.e. the UM‐MTMD1~UM‐MTMD3, US‐MTMD1, US‐MTMD2 and UD‐MTMD2) are found through extensive numerical analyses. Likewise, the optimum UM‐MTMD3 offers the higher effectiveness and robustness and requires the smaller damping with respect to the rest of the MTMD models in reducing the responses of structures subjected to earthquakes. Additionally, it is interesting to note, by comparing the optimum UM‐MTMD3 with the optimum MTMD‐1 recently investigated by the first author, that the effectiveness and robustness for the optimum UM‐MTMD3 is almost identical to that for the optimum MTMD‐1 (without inclusion of the optimum MTMD‐1 with the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio). Recognizing these performance benefits, it is preferable to employ the optimum UM‐MTMD3 or the optimum MTMD‐1 without the near‐zero optimum average damping ratio, when installing the MTMD for the suppression of undesirable oscillations of structures under earthquakes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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