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A. Malmer  H. Grip 《水文研究》1994,8(3):195-209
Streamwater chemistry was monitored for five years in six streams in a paired catchment experiment in Mendolong, Sabah, Malaysia, comparing the effects of different ways to establish forest plantations with Acacia mangium. At the start of the monitoring in 1985 three catchments were covered with selectively logged rain forest (W4-W6) and three with secondary vegetation after forest fire (W1-W3). The treatments were: (1) clearing of secondary vegetation, burning and planting (W1 and W2); (2) clear-felling, crawler tractor extraction, burning and planting (W5); and (3) clear-felling, manual extraction, no burning and planting (W4). W3 and W6, with no treatment, were monitored as control catchments. Reference monitoring at all streams was for two years and was followed by treatments which lasted for nine months before the full establishment of a new vegetation cover. This paper covers monitoring for a further 2.5 years. The soil types of the catchments were Orthic Acrisol in W3, Gleyic Podsol in W6 and a mix of both soil types in the other catchments. The effect of treatments on streamwater chemistry was clear at both base- and stormflows. Concentrations of major plant nutrients (N, P and K.) became positively correlated to streamflow during treatments. The response of leaching from slash at clear-felling was fast and larger from the clear-felling residues (W4 and W5) than the cleared secondary vegetation (W1 and W2). The intense response to burning was more marked. The stormflow period mean nutrient concentrations were approximately 10-fold for N and K and 10-100 fold for P after burning compared with baseflow mean concentrations over the same period. Significant differences in baseflow concentrations in treated streams generally lasted one year for most elements, but elevated concentrations were still detectable after three years. The first large pulse of leaching was related to mineralization after tree-felling and particularly burning. The longer lasting elevated concentrations in baseflow were associated with the loss of weathering products. The amounts of nutrients lost, calculated by regression analysis as the effect of treatment compared with control, were found to be higher with the degree of vegetation killed and with increased soil disturbance. Consequently, normal forestry practices, with crawler tractor extraction and burning before planting, created the largest leaching losses. The total calculated effect of losses in total N, P and K were (i) W1 + W2 0.5, 1.8, 83.9; (ii) W4 0.8, 0.8, 105.6; and (iii) W5 1.3, 1.3, 189.4 kg ha?1 for the period of 33 months during and after treatment. With normal forestry practice using crawler tractors and with burning before planting (W5), the treatment-induced loss of K was equivalent to 86% of the content of easily decomposed parts of the biomass (leaves, twigs, fine roots and ground vegetation) of the old forest, or larger than K removed by harvest. Exhaustion effects of lowered leaching after repeated burning (forest fire and pre-planting fire) was observed for several elements, indicating possible nutrient deficiencies.  相似文献   

Statistical tests have been widely used for several decades to identify and test the significance of trends in runoff and other hydrological data. The Mann-Kendall (M-K) trend test is commonly used in trend analysis. The M-K test was originally proposed for random data. Several variations of the M-K test, as well as pre-processing of data for use with it, have been developed and used. The M-K test under the scaling hypothesis has been developed recently. The basic objective of the research presented in this paper is to investigate the trends in Malaysian monthly runoff data. Identification of trends in runoff data is useful for planning water resources projects. Existence of statistically significant trends would also lead to identification of possible effects of climate change. Monthly runoff data for Malaysian rivers from the past three decades are analysed, in both five-year segments and entire data sequences. The five-year segments are analysed to investigate the variability in trends from one segment to another in three steps: (1) the M-K tests are conducted under random and correlation assumptions; (2) the Hurst scaling parameter is estimated and tested for significance; and (3) the M-K test under the scaling hypothesis is conducted. Thus the tests cover both correlation and scaling. The results show that the number of significant segments in Malaysian runoff data would be the same as those found under the assumption that the river flow sequences are random. The results are also the same for entire sequences. Thus, monthly Malaysian runoff data do not have statistically significant trends. Hence there are no indications of climate change in Malaysian runoff data.

Citation Rao, A. R., Azli, M. & Pae, L. J. (2011) Identification of trends in Malaysian monthly runoff under the scaling hypothesis. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 917–929.  相似文献   
The geographical literature on the politics tied to formal commemorations of the past is a burgeoning one. Yet, there has been less attention paid to similar practices undertaken by nonstate agents seeking to ensure that what is written out of official history is not forgotten. This paper explores how and why the story of Sybil Kathigasu, a woman who played a salient role in the resistance movement against the Japanese during the Second World War in Perak, Malaysia, has been peripheralized within formal memory making even as it has been informally revived elsewhere. It specifically suggests that, while the sidelining of her story may be the product of the tendency of the state of Perak to downplay its war past, Sybil's gender, race and political ideologies have also made it more difficult for her to be embraced as a ‘national’ heroine. Drawing on a private museum that was set up in her honor in Papan, the paper also reveals how factors impeding her formal remembrance also have implications for alternative efforts to recover her story. More broadly, the paper offers insights into women's absences in Malaysian public memory, and argues the need for more emphasis on memoryscapes ‘from below’ as a means of nuancing local remembrance politics.  相似文献   
Coral community structures at eleven fringing reef sites were investigated along the coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Estimated coverage of coral communities is examined by applying quantitative digital image analysis to the line transect method. Four coral community types were characterized by dominant genera and lifeforms: Acropora branching community, Montipora-Acropora community, Porites massive community, and Heliopora community. Live coral coverage in all study sites ranged from 17.9% to 68.6%. Most reefs were in “fair” condition while some reefs were shown to be in “poor” condition. Coral community structures among the study sites were divided into the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia with a dominant Porites massive lifeform, and the east coast with a variety of lifeform categories of Montipora and Acropora. Physical effects such as the monsoon wind regime and sedimentation are likely to influence the formation of dominant coral communities around Peninsular Malaysia.  相似文献   
The black shale samples collected from two Neogene formations in the Klias Peninsula area, West Sabah, have been assessed and characterized in details by gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and a variety of organic geochemical parameters. The aims of this study are to describe the characteristics of organic matter of these sediments in terms of source/type of the organic matter, assess its thermal maturity and paleoenvironment of deposition, based primarily on biomarker distributions. The results of both formations do not reveal significant differences within the rock extracts. The gas chromatograms of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of the Setap Shale and the Belait formations displayed monomodal n-alkane distributions and nearly identical regular sterane compositions with a predominance of C27 regular steranes. These are consistent with open marine depositional environments dominated by marine biological matter. Another related feature of these rock extracts is the presence of a high relative abundance of gammacerane, indicating anoxic marine hypersaline source depositional environment. The relatively high abundance of common land plant-derived biomarkers, such as bicadinanes and oleananes, is a clear indication of a major terrigenous input to the source of the extractable organic matter. The predominance of oleanane biomarkers in both formations is indicative of angiospermis input and Tertiary source rocks. The high C29/C30 hopane ratios, moderate development of C33–C35 hopanes, high abundance of tricyclic terpanes and a slight predominance of C27 regular sterane over C28 and C29 steranes are characteristic features tending to suggest a significant marine influence on these source rocks, thereby suggesting a mixed source input. The 22S/(22S+22R)C32 hopane ratio has reached equilibrium, and this is supported by the high maturity level as indicated by the 22S/22SC31–33 extended hopane ratios and 20S/(20S+20R)C29 regular steranes ratios.  相似文献   
兰道班江铁矿成矿地质特征及矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张治中 《吉林地质》2009,28(2):52-55
通过对马来西亚吉兰丹州兰道班江铁矿地质特征的研究,认为成矿热液来源于中酸性花岗闪长岩体,地层为碳酸盐类,二者发生接触交代作用形成矽卡岩型铁及多金属矿床。  相似文献   
The morphology of seven specimens of Chrysaora chinensis (Scyphomedusae, Semaestomae) obtained from four sites off the coast of Peninsular Malaysia was examined. Morphological characteristics of C. chinensis that encompasses structures such as the bell, tentacles, oral arms, stomach, manubrium, radial canals and gonads were described in detail. A total of 107 specimens that represented C. chinensis populations of four coastal areas of Peninsular Malaysia (East-Central, East-North, West-Central, and West-North) were also analysed for shape variation using geometric morphometric analysis. Procrustes superimposition, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) were applied to the images of gastrovascular pouches of C. chinensis to extract the shape information. Independent contrasts were used for comparisons between shapes. There were no significant differences in shape variation between all the specimens based on the PCA results. However, CVA results showed shape variations between specimens taken from the four areas of Peninsular Malaysia, especially with higher magnitudes of Mahalanobis distances between the east and west coast areas, including between East-Central and East-North, but lower magnitudes were detected between the West-Central and West-North.  相似文献   
A series of laboratory tests was conducted on a tropical residual soil, which is widespread and readily available over a considerable part of Peninsular Malaysia, to assess whether it could be compacted as hydraulic barriers in waste disposal landfills. Index properties, swelling potential, cation exchange capacity (CEC), compaction characteristics, and hydraulic conductivity of the soil indicate that it is inorganic, very plastic, inactive (activity <0.75), moderately expansive (modified free swell index is about 3.06), and of fair attenuation capacity (for inorganic contaminants). For hydraulic conductivity measurement, the soil was compacted in rigid-wall permeameter moulds at a variety of water contents and compactive efforts and then permeated with de-aired tap water. The results of hydraulic conductivity tests illustrate that hydraulic conductivity lower than 1×10–7 cm/s can be achieved using a broad range of water contents and compactive efforts, including water contents dry of optimum. Its shrinkage and strength properties show that it has minimal potential to shrinkage and has adequate strength to support the overburden pressure imposes by the waste body. These findings suggest that the residual soil can be potentially utilized as compacted soil liner material.  相似文献   
A total of 22 species of zooplankton were identified from 8 sampling stations located in the limnetic zone of Pedu reservoir.The zooplankton community was dominated by rotifers (11 species),followed by cladocerans (9 species) and copepods (2 species).Four species of zooplankton comprised of 3 rotifers,Brachionus quadridentata,Brachionus caudatus and Keratella cochlearis and one cladoceran,Ceriodaphnia cornuta were present at all sampling stations.Species richness was highest at Station 2 (17 species) followed by Station 4 and Station 8 (14 species),Station 5 (15 species),Station 7 (11 species),Station 6 (10 species),Station 3 (9 species) and Station 1 (7 species).With an exception of water transparency,all other water quality parameters such as temperature,dissolved oxygen,conductivity,pH and total dissolved solids were not significant when compared between sampling stations.The study found that station 5 which was located in a calm strait,protected from strong wave and wind was a suitable area for zooplankton growth and establishment.Factors supporting the findings included highest water transparency (3.4 m),rich in species numbers (15 species),high diversity index (0.950) and evenness index (0.808).  相似文献   
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