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介绍了基于NET Framework的城市测绘院办公自动化系统的设计及开发方案。  相似文献   
1961—2008年阿勒泰地区异常初终霜日变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以小于等于0 ℃最低气温作为霜冻指标,利用1961—2008年阿勒泰地区7个测站的逐日最低气温资料,采用现代气候诊断分析方法,分析了该地区初、终霜日和无霜期的气候变化特征。结果表明:近48 a来阿勒泰大部分地区呈初霜迟、终霜结束的早、无霜期延长的趋势,使作物生长季延长,其中哈巴河表现最为显著;极早初霜日发生频数为2—6次,以富蕴最多,极晚终霜日发生频数为1—4次。各站最迟、最早初霜日的差值和最早、最迟终霜日的差值均在30 d以上;哈巴河霜日发生了气候突变。  相似文献   
2008年北京奥运会沈阳极端天气事件气候背景分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用1951~2005年沈阳7月下旬至9月上旬的日最高气温、降水量、风和天气现象等观测资料,分别以旬为单位统计了高温、暴雨、大风、大雾和雷暴等对体育竞赛影响较大的极端天气气候事件发生的概率及分布特点,以期为2008年北京奥运会足球沈阳分赛场的足球小组赛提供气候背景服务信息。结果表明:7月下旬至9月上旬,沈阳易出现高温、暴雨、大风和雷暴等不利天气,对举办足球比赛等赛事将会产生不利影响;相对而言,8月中旬至9月上旬期间,这些不利天气发生的概率较小,对举办足球比赛等赛事较为有利。  相似文献   
夏季青藏高原TBB低频振荡及其与华中地区旱涝的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用17年(1980—1994年和1997—1998年)逐候GMS TBB资料,对华中地区夏季旱涝年的TBB候距平场进行了合成分析,研究了夏季青藏高原TBB的低频(10~20天和30~60天)振荡及其同华中地区旱涝的关系。结果表明,青藏高原东南部(27°~30°N,90°~100°E)是低频振荡最为活跃的地区,青藏高原东南部和华中地区TBB存在正相关关系,其相关程度涝年比旱年更为显著。对华中地区旱涝而言,青藏高原东南部的30~60天振荡比10~20天振荡敏感性要强。华中地区涝(旱)年,青藏高原东南部存在较强(弱)的低频(30~60天)TBB负值中心,其影响方式有的自西向东传播,有的同华中地区低频(30~60天)TBB同时加强或减弱。青藏高原低频(30~60天)TBB的负值位相有利于对流云团的生成和发展。  相似文献   
近46年西藏高原昼夜降水变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
选取西藏地区18个气象站1961~2006年逐时降水资料,分析近46年昼夜降水的变化趋势。结果显示:近46年,西藏大部分地区各时段夜雨率均呈减少趋势,昼雨率呈增多趋势;夜雨天数冬半年各区域都呈增多趋势,年和夏半年东北部和藏西北地区呈增多趋势,其他区域呈减少趋势,而昼雨天数大部分地区年、季都呈增多趋势。昼、夜雨率和雨次的年代际变率较大,各区域年代际变化不一致,无明显的增减趋势;夜雨率冬半年出现异常最多,各区域年、季多为异常偏少。昼雨率冬、夏半年出现异常较多,年和夏半年多异常偏少,冬半年基本上为异常偏多;夜雨天数夏半年出现异常的最多,东部地区以异常偏少居多,中西部地区以异常偏多为主。昼雨天数夏半年出现异常最多,南部边缘地区均为异常偏多,藏北地区也以偏多为主,其他区域多异常偏少。西藏大部分地区年、季昼夜雨率的大小更多依赖于降水强度,而非雨次的多少。  相似文献   
 40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄测定,获得南天山蛇绿混杂岩基质黑云母石英片岩单矿物黑云母的两个坪年龄分别为(370.0±4.8)Ma和(259.0±3.3)Ma;中天山南缘长英质糜棱岩单矿物黑云母的坪年龄为(250.5±7.9)Ma,二云母花岗岩单矿物白云母的坪年龄为(348.9±0.3)Ma。结合南天山古生代沉积特征和塔里木及伊犁-哈萨克斯坦板块古地磁数据的综合分析,提出南天山晚泥盆世至石炭纪早期完成向伊犁-哈萨克斯坦板块的B型俯冲,中-晚二叠世进行陆内A型俯冲造山的板块碰撞演化模式。  相似文献   
利用东亚地区1961~2005年高分辨率(0.5°×0.5°)降水格点数据和参加CMIP5的42个全球气候模式数值模拟结果,通过对简单降水强度指数(降水距平百分率)的计算,对比分析了观测和多模式集合的中国地区干旱面积、干旱频率的时空分布以及干旱分布型的变化,评估了全球气候模式的模拟能力。结果表明:多个全球气候模式的集合结果对中国区域的干旱变化特征有一定的模拟能力,能较好地模拟出中国年平均干旱指数的时间变化趋势,但模拟的干旱强度偏弱;多模式集合模拟的严重干旱面积与观测值的变化趋势基本一致,与观测相比,模拟的长江以南干旱强度偏强,西北干旱强度偏弱;通过EOF的分析表明,多模式集合可以较好地模拟出西北与长江以南呈反位相及我国东部地区的“旱-涝-旱”或“涝-旱-涝”的分布型。  相似文献   
Mount Cameroon (4,095 m high and with a volume of ~1,200 km3) is one of the most active volcanoes in Africa, having erupted seven times in the last 100 years. This stratovolcano of basanite and hawaiite lavas has an elliptical shape, with over a hundred cones around its flanks and summit region aligned parallel to its NE--SW-trending long axis. The 1999 (28 March–22 April) eruption was restricted to two sites: ~2,650 m (site 1) and ~1,500 m (site 2). Similarly, in the eruption in 2000 (28 May–19 June), activity occurred at two sites: ~4,095 m (site 1) and ~3,300 m (site 2). During both eruptions, the higher vents were more explosive, with strombolian activity, while the lower vents were more effusive. Accordingly, most of the lava (~8×107 m3 in 1999 and ~6×106 m3 in 2000) was emitted from the lower sites. The 1999–2000 lavas are predominantly basanites with low Ni (5–79 ppm), Cr (40–161 ppm) and mg numbers (34–40). Olivine (Fo77–85, phenocrysts and Fo68–72, microlites), clinopyroxene (Wo47En41Fs10 to Wo51En34Fs15), plagioclase (An49–67) and titanomagnetite are the principal phenocryst and groundmass phases. The lavas contain xenocrysts of olivine and clinopyroxene, which are interpreted as fragments of intrusive rocks disrupted by magma ascent. Major and trace element characteristics point to early fractionation of olivine. The clinopyroxenes (Al2O3 1.36–7.83 wt%) have high Aliv/Alvi ratios (1.3–1.8) and are rich in TiO2, characteristics typical of low pressure clinopyroxenes. Geochemical differences between the 1999–2000 lavas and those from previous eruptions, such as higher Nb/Zr of the former, suggest that different eruptions discharged magmas that evolved differently in space and time. Geophysical and petrological data indicate that these fractionated magmas originated just below the geophysical Moho (at 20–22 km) in the lithospheric mantle. During ascent, the magmas disrupted intrusions and earlier magma pockets. The main ascent path is below the summit, where newly arrived magma degasses. Degassed magma simultaneously intrudes the flank rift zones where most lava is extruded.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
应用加卸载响应比的理论原理,对广东地下水位网的观测数据进行加卸载响应比计算,以广东及周边地区数次MS4.0级以上地震作为震例,提取可能的中期至短期的响应比异常变化,研究其异常特征以及与地震的对应关系。结果表明,在中强地震前响应比存在增大变化,大多数井的水位固体潮响应比在发震前1~4个月出现升高异常变化。  相似文献   
Diets of male and female West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii in South Africa were compared across a large size range of 10–85 mm carapace length (CL). The diets of male rock lobsters were compared between two different depths, different seasons, across the moult cycle, and among eight sites along the South-Western Cape coast. There was no significant difference in diet between male and female rock lobsters for any of the size-classes examined. Male rock lobsters showed large differences in diet between small and large size-classes. The diet of small lobsters (<75mm CL) consisted of a wide range of species, which included, in order of importance, coralline algae, barnacles Notomegabalanus algicola, sponges and ribbed mussels Aulacomya ater. However, prey items rich in inorganic material were not dominant in their diet, as had been predicted. By contrast, large rock lobsters (>80mm CL) fed on few species, and fish and ribbed mussels were their most abundant prey items. There were some dietary differences between individuals captured at 20 m and those collected at 50 m, but these differences were less marked than between the two sampling sites (the Knol and Olifantsbos). There was seasonal variation in diet at the Dassen Island and Olifantsbos sites. Cannibalism was highest during the moulting periods. Gut fullness varied seasonally at Dassen Island, and was consistently high at Olifantsbos. However, the proportion of the population feeding showed marked seasonal trends at both sites, tracking the commercial catch per unit effort of rock lobster. Ribbed mussels were a ubiquitous and dominant component of the diet at the eight sites sampled. However, south of Dassen Island, black mussels Choromytilus meridionalis were scarce in the diet of rock lobster and sponges predominated. Gut fullness was lowest at the northernmost sites.  相似文献   
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