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This series of high quality elemental abundance analyses of mostly main‐sequence band normal and peculiar B, A, and F stars defines their properties and provides data for the comparison with the analyses of somewhat similar stars and with theoretical predictions. Most use high dispersion and high S/N (≥ 200) spectrograms obtained with CCD detectors at the long camera of the Coudé spectrograph of the 1.22‐m Dominion Astrophysical Observatory telescope. Here we reanalyze 21 Aql with better quality spectra and increase the number of stars consistently analyzed in the spectral range B5 to A2 by analyzing three new stars for this series. In the early A stars the normal and non‐mCP stars have abundances with overlapping ranges. But more stars are needed especially in the B5 to B9 range. ξ2 Cet on average has a solar composition with a few abundances outside the solar range while both 21 Aql and ι Aql have abundances marginally less than solar. The abundances of ι Del are greater than solar with a few elements such as Ca being less than solar. It is an Am star (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
We demonstrate that a wide range of molecular hydrogen excitation can be observed in protostellar outflows at wavelengths in excess of 5 μm. Cold H2 in DR 21 is detected through the pure rotational transitions in the ground vibrational level (0–0). Hot H2 is detected in pure rotational transitions within higher vibrational levels (1–1, 1–2, etc.). Although this emission is relatively weak, we have detected two 1–1 lines in the DR 21 outflow with the ISO SWS instrument. We thus investigate molecular excitation over energy levels corresponding to the temperature range 1015–15 722 K, without the uncertainty introduced by differential extinction when employing near-infrared data.
This gas is thermally excited. We uncover a rather low H2 excitation in the DR 21 West Peak. The line emission cannot be produced from single C-shocks or J-shocks; a range of shock strengths is required. This suggests that bow shocks and/or bow-generated supersonic turbulence is responsible. We are able to distinguish this shock-excited gas from the fluoresced gas detected in the K band, providing support for the dual-excitation model of Fernandes, Brand & Burton.  相似文献   
21μm特征是指在一些富碳的原行星状星云的红外光谱中波长约20 μm处观测到的一个较宽的发射谱带特征,它是目前星周包层物质研究的热点问题。到目前为止,一共有12个原行星状星云被证认为21μm特征源。此外,还有两个中心是沃尔夫拉叶星的行星状星云也有可能是21 μm特征源。这12个原行星状星云源的21μm特征都有相似的谱线轮廓,峰值都位于20.1μm。这些源的中心星都是富碳的F或G型超巨星,贫金属(却有丰富的慢中子过程元素),有很强的红外色余。在过去10年中,人们提出了大量21 μm特征载体的候选物质,主要有:氢化足球烯 (C60Hm,m=0-60)、多环芳香烃(PAH)、氢化无定形碳(HAC)、纳米金刚石颗粒、合成含碳大分子、氨基化合物(特别是尿素)、铁的氧化物(如:μ-Fe2O3、Fe3O4和FeO)、SiS2、纳米TiC团簇、掺杂的SiC颗粒、表面覆盖SiO2幔的SiC颗粒等。但所有这些候选物质都还没有得到确认。概述了21 μm特征的发现及其后续的相关研究,介绍了21μm特征源的共同特征,比较详细地探讨了人们已提出的该特征载体的候选物质。  相似文献   
Withanareaof1.2millionkm2,andanaltitudeof4000m,theTibetanAutonomousRegionconstitutesthemainpartoftheQinghaiTibetanPlateau,oneofthethreenaturalrealmsinChina.Itconsistsofaseriesofhighmountainsandhighlandswithmanywidevalleysandbasinssandwitchinginbetween.TheH…  相似文献   
中国地理学如何面对21世纪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对 2 1世纪 ,如何进一步发展我国地理学 ,已成为全国地理学界和有关人士最为关注的问题。文章在简单概括回顾了 2 0世纪后期取得的巨大成绩基础上 ,初步探讨了 2 1世纪初叶中国地理学如何发展的问题。  相似文献   
Sensitivity analysis of thermal equilibrium parameters in the reservoir module of MIKE 11 model was conducted for the Wuxikou Reservoir in Jiangxi Province of China in order to apply the module to the environmental impact assessment to accurately predict water temperature of reservoirs.Results showed that radiation parameter A and evaporation-first parameter were much more sensitive than other parameters.The values of the radiation parameter A ranged from 0.10 to 0.34.The values of evaporation-first parameter varied from 0 to 10.The sensitivity of solar absorption parameters was less than that of evaporation parameter,of which light attenuation values ranged from 0.5 to 0.7,and this parameter would not impact model results if it was more than 2.Constants in Beer’s law ranged from 0.2 to 0.7.Radiation parameter B was not more sensitive than evaporation parameter and its reasonable range was higher than 0.48.The fitting curves showed consistent changing tendency for these parameters within the reasonable ranges.Additionally,all the thermal equilibrium parameters had much more important effects on surface water temperature than deep water temperature.Moreover,if no observed data could be obtained,the local empirical value would be used to input to the MIKE 11 model to simulate the changes in the discharged outflow-water temperature qualitatively.  相似文献   
李静  焦树林  梁虹  向征  向尚 《中国岩溶》2012,31(4):388-394
径流形成是流域系统对降水水文响应的结果,其实质也是流域对降水时间和空间上的重新分配。降水作为径流模拟中最大的不确定因素之一,其时空分布特征是影响径流模拟及一系列其它水文问题的主要控制因素。为了探索喀斯特流域降水时间尺度对径流的影响规律,本研究利用MIKESHE模拟技术,结合喀斯特流域独特的地质、地貌、覆被类型及水文特征,对模型的相关参数进行率定,模拟了5场典型洪水的降水径流过程。并且通过改变降水资料的时间尺度,研究降水时间变异对模拟洪水过程的影响。研究表明,在相同的流域下垫面和模型条件下,若累计降水时间增加,同样数量的降水产生的径流总量也会增加,最大的流量出现时间也相对滞后。   相似文献   
利用MIKE21_FM HD模块搭建基于非结构网格形式的滨海北区二维潮流动力模型,并根据工程区实测水文数据对模型进行验证。结果显示,模拟结果与实测值吻合度良好,工程海域的水动力特性能够得到准确的反映,且可为溢油模块提供可靠的水动力基础数据。采用MIKE 21/3SA溢油分析模块搭建溢油风险预测模型,针对8种特定溢油情景下的油膜扫海面积、典型油粒子运动轨迹以及残油量变化等进行了预测分析。预测结果显示,不同情景下的油膜扫海范围和油粒子运动轨迹具有较明显的差异性;风场对油膜运动轨迹和扫海范围起决定性作用,潮流场次之;油膜扫海面积随溢油时间逐渐增大,在夏季主导风落潮时刻达到最大的626.89km2;盐城自然保护区北区最早受溢油影响的时间为第29.5h,南区最早受溢油影响的时间为第54h。  相似文献   
丁道衡矿-(Ce)是在白云鄂博REE-Nb-Fe矿发现的一种新的稀土元素矿物,被视为是真正的珀硅铈钛矿(Perrierite)的同质多象体和硅钛铈矿(Chevkinite)亚族C(1)位上的钛类似物。同时,它还是自然界发现的首例硅钛铈矿亚族具P21/a空间群的天然产物。之后,在攀枝花V-Ti-Fe矿红格矿区找到一种几可全方位同白云鄂博产原型丁道衡矿-(Ce)对比,但空间群为C2/m的丁道衡矿-(Ce)变体,并作了全面、系统的矿物学研究。自此,参照先例,攀枝花产具C2/m空间群的丁道衡矿-(Ce)宜称C2/m丁道衡矿-(Ce);而白云鄂博原型丁道衡矿-(Ce)宜称P21/a丁道衡矿-(Ce)。C2/m丁道衡矿-(Ce)的发现与研究揭示,已有的硅钛铈族矿物何以具有C2/m变体和P21/a变体的成因解释,尚不能圆满诠释2种变体的形成。  相似文献   
应用荧光定量PCR技术, 检测了TLR21 基因在牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)感染迟缓爱德华 氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)后, 在0 h、1 h、3 h、6 h、12 h、1 d、3 d、6 d 后, 在心脏、肝脏、脾脏、 头肾、鳃、小肠、肌肉和血的时空表达特征, 并探讨了它们与牙鲆先天免疫反应的关系。结果表明, 大 多组织在感染病原6 h 后TLR21 基因表达明显上调, 尤其是头肾和小肠。头肾6 h 的表达量达到了 对照组的59.3 倍, 小肠6 h 的表达量为对照组的38.6 倍。迟缓爱德华氏菌感染引起牙鲆体内各组织 中TLR21 的上调表达和变化, 为研究牙鲆对迟缓爱德华氏菌的防御机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
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