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Abstract Fluid inclusion studies of rocks from the late Archaean amphibolite-facies to granulite-facies transition zone of southern India provide support for the hypothesis that CO2,-rich H2O-poor fluids were a major factor in the origin of the high-grade terrain. Charnockites, closely associated leucogranites and quartzo-feldspathic veins contain vast numbers of large CO2-rich inclusions in planar arrays in quartz and feldspar, whereas amphibole-bearing gray gneisses of essentially the same compositions as adjacent charnockites in mixed-facies quarries contain no large fluid inclusions. Inclusions in the northernmost incipient charnockites, as at Kabbal, Karnataka, occasionally contain about 25 mol. % of immiscible H2O lining cavity walls, whereas inclusions from the charnockite massif terrane farther south do not have visibile H2O Microthermometry of CO2 inclusions shows that miscible CH4 and N2 must be small, probably less than 10mol.%combined. Densities of CO2 increase steadily from north to south across the transitional terrane. Entrapment pressures calculated from the CO2 equation of state range from 5 kbar in the north to 7.5 kbar in the south at the mineralogically inferred average metamorphic temperature of 750°C, in quantitative agreement with mineralogic geobarometry. This agreement leads to the inference that the fluid inclusions were trapped at or near peak metamorphic conditions. Calculations on the stability of the charnockite assemblage biotite-orthopyroxene-K-feldspar-quartz show that an associated fluid phase must have less than 0.35 H2O activity at the inferred P and T conditions, which agrees with the petrographic observations. High TiO2 content of biotite stabilizes it to lower H2O activities, and the steady increase of biotite TiO2 southward in the area suggests progressive decrease of aH2O with increasing grade. Oxygen fugacities calculated from orthopyroxene-magnetite-quartz are considerably higher than the graphite CO2-O2 buffer, which explains the absence of graphite in the charnockites. The present study quantifies the nature of the vapours in the southern India granulite metamorphism. It remains to be determined whether CO2-flushing of the crust can, by itself, create large terranes of largeion lithophile-depleted granulites, or whether removal of H2O-bearing anatectic melts is essential.  相似文献   
When all balloon-borne measurements of NO2 in the stratosphere are reviewed, the profiles show a wide spread. Measurements of the total amount in a vertical column suggest that variability should be low when only profiles measured at mid-latitudes close to equinox are selected. With this selection, the standard deviation of the profiles measured by each technique is often less than ±20%, but the mean profiles measured by each technique differ by up to a factor 2. Despite the profiles not being measured simultaneously, these differences are identical to those revealed by the simultaneous measurements of the Balloon Intercomparison Campaigns of 1982 and 1983-a comparison can be made from the historic data alone. This suggests that measurements of other gases should be similarly reviewed and appropriate selection criteria be found that reduces the standard deviations of the measurements by any one technique. The techniques can then be intercompared without new simultaneous flights.  相似文献   
高价铁与高价铀混合溶液在还原场中形成了共生的黄铁矿与沥青铀矿,该过程必须在弱酸性-中性-碱性介质中进行,其中在弱酸性至中性介质中易形成大的黄铁矿单晶。高价铀溶液流经黄铁矿矿区时,若在高温高压条件下,有新生的黄铁矿或白铁矿与沥青铀矿共生。黄铁矿还原六价铀形成沥青铀矿时,起还原作用的是二价硫。赤铁矿常与沥青铀矿共生,但它们是热液演化过程中不同阶段的产物,赤铁矿形成于体系氧逸度高的氧化环境,沥青铀矿形成于体系氧逸度低的还原环境,赤铁矿形成于沥青铀矿之前。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地北部油气运移二维二相数值模拟分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
范土芝  刘鹏生 《地球科学》1995,20(3):322-327
油气运移和聚集过程实际上是油(气)水饱和度知疏导层的变化过程,盆地中油(气)二相流动问题的研究就是对这一过程的定量描述,本项研究是在前人工作基础上,考察压实作用造成骨架变形来推导新的二维二相流动方程,它容描述异常压力演化与二相流动于一式,在模拟方法上采用有限分析的数值方法,这应用于新疆塔里木盆地北部地区,展示了该区异常压力、含水饱和度弥散状扩散效应以及流速场在地质历史时期动态模拟演化特征;指出了该  相似文献   
本文通过比较太阳直射表和太阳光度计探测的大气柱气溶胶光学厚度,分析了从太阳直射表探测的全波段太阳直射光强信息确定大气柱气溶胶光学厚度的误差,并应用北京观象台的太阳直射表观测资料,反演得到了 1990—1993年北京大气柱气溶胶光学厚度,分析了该光学厚度月与年变化规律以及1991年菲律宾皮纳图博火山爆发对北京大气气溶胶含量的影响。本文还提出了关于有效水汽含量的一个经验关系式,用于确定水汽对太阳辐射的吸收率。  相似文献   
Recent improvements in both Infra-red spectroscopy and equilibrator techniqueshave allowed to determine, for the first time, pCO2using simultaneously and continuously both the direct and indirect methods in an estuary where pCO2 values range from 500 to 8500 atm and salinity from 0 to 30. Our results show that both methods are in excellent agreement in the wholeestuary (r2 = 0.999, n = 1075, p < 0.0001). Thus, the NBS (US National Bureau of Standards) scale, although inadequate for seawater samples, is appropriate for estuarine waters and can be applied with confidence to calculate pCO2.  相似文献   
BSZ-2型数字钟目前仍应用于模拟地震观测中。本文介绍了该钟的工作原理,并对检修过程中常见问题进行了分析总结。  相似文献   
建立地震发射台的建议   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
目前地球上有成千上万个地震台,但它们都是接收地震波的地震台。建议建立一种新型的地震台,这种地震台用人工的方法不断地向外发射地震波,照亮需要研究地区的地下结构,研究特定的科学问题。建立地震发射台的核心问题是选择合适的人工震源,近年来出现的绿色环保震源,以及现代信息处理技术的发展,使得建立照亮10万km2(深至Moho面)地区地下结构的地震发射台已经完全是可能的。  相似文献   
龙岗地区陇川运动-华力西运动间造成整个古生代地层缺失,中上三叠统直接覆于下元古界哀牢山岩群、大红山岩群等基底岩系之上,本文称为“超级不整合”。华力西期-喜马拉雅期历次地壳事件在“超级不整合”接触带形成“矿质”的“浪淘砂”式、叠次‘堆积’作用,对该区金成矿有决定性作用,先后发现小水井与大龙潭两个典型金矿床。前者为“地下水热卤水溶滤中低温热液蚀变角砾岩微粒浸染型金矿床”,可类比为“卡林型”;后者为“原生沉积地下热水溶滤中低温热液蚀变砂砾岩微粒-粗粒型金矿床”,为该区首次发现的新类型。  相似文献   
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