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谢漪云  王建捷 《气象学报》2021,79(5):732-749
利用2019年夏季(6—8月)西南复杂地形区地面观测站逐时和逐日降水量观测数据,从降水量和降水频率入手,对同期GRAPES-Meso 3 km业务模式短期(36 h以内)降水预报性能,特别是在不同典型地貌区—四川盆地子区、云贵高原北部子区和南部子区、青藏高原东缘山地子区的预报偏差进行细致评估与分析。结果表明:(1)GRAPES-Meso 3 km模式能合理地刻画出西南复杂地形区夏季日降水和日内尺度降水的主要特征,以及小时降水频次-强度的基本关系。(2)在各子区,模式日降水量(频率)预报表现为清晰的正偏差,正偏差在盆地子区最显著,为观测值的1.1倍(0.3倍);日降水量正偏差主要由强降水日降水量预报偏大引起,但频率正偏差在云贵高原南、北子区与其他两个子区不同,主要是中小雨日数预报偏多的贡献;强降水(中小雨)落区预报存在明显(轻微)偏大倾向,强降水预报落区偏大频率在青藏高原东缘山地子区最高,达82.8%,在云贵高原南部子区最低,为53.6%。(3)日循环上,各时次小时降水量(频率)预报整体偏大,且主要正偏差出现在观测的夜雨峰值时段,其中海拔1200 m以下区域的降水频率正偏差从夜间峰值区延续到中午,模式偏强的日降水量预报往往表现为日内偏长的降水时长或小时降水空报。(4)诊断分析显示,模式在四川盆地区突出的夏季日降水预报正偏差是模式对流层低层在云贵高原南-东南侧偏强的西南风预报与西南地区特殊地形结合的产物。   相似文献   
Prospects for forecasting climate variability over the tropical Indian Ocean sector, specifically extreme positive events of the Indian Dipole Mode (IDM), with lead times of a season or more are investigated using the NASA Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project (NSIPP) coupled-model system. The coupled system presents biases in its climatology over the Indian Ocean sector, which include (i) warmest sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) occurring in the central equatorial basin rather than on the eastside with the eastern (western) tropical SSTs up to 1 °C too cool (warm), (ii) a too northwest lying InterTropical Convergence Zonal over the ocean in boreal fall, (iii) a thermocline shallower (deeper) than observed west of Sumatra-Java (north of Madagascar), (iv) a delay of about a month in the onset (cessation) of the southwest (southeast) monsoon in the west (east) in boreal spring (fall). These biases affect the effectiveness of the SST-clouds-shortwave radiation negative feedback, the sensitivity of SST to wind-stress perturbations, and the character of equatorial coupled ocean-atmosphere modes. Despite these biases, ensemble hindcasts of the SST anomalies averaged over the eastern and western poles of the IDM for the decade 1993–2002, which included extreme positive events in 1994 and 1997/1998, are encouragingly good at 3-months lead. The onset of the 1997/1998-event is delayed by about a month, though the peak and decay are correctly timed. At 6-months lead-time, the forecast at the eastern pole deteriorates with either positive or negative false alarms generated each boreal fall. The forecast at the western pole remains good.  相似文献   
We develop a parameterisation for the effective roughness length of terrain that consists of a repeating sequence of patches, in which each patch is composed of strips of two roughness types. A numerical model with second-order closure in the turbulent stress is developed and used to show that: (i) the normalised Reynolds stress develops as a self-similar profile; (ii) the mixing-length parameterisation is a good first-order approximation to the Reynolds stress. These findings are used to characterise the blending layer, where the stress adjusts smoothly from its local surface value to its effective value aloft. Previous studies have assumed that this adjustment occurs abruptly at a single level, often called the blending height. The blending layer is shown to be characterised by height scales that arise naturally in linear models of surface layer flow over roughness changes, and calculations with the numerical model show that these height scales remain appropriate in the nonlinear regime. This concept of the blending layer allows the development of a new parameterisation of the effective roughness length, which gives values for the effective roughness length that are shown to compare well with both atmospheric measurements and values determined from the second-order model.  相似文献   
In this relatively unprecedented study, the effects of thirty-four leading teleconnection Patterns (indices) of atmospheric circulation- on regional-scale for the Middle East- along with precipitation over Iran have been investigated. Different types of data including teleconnection Indices from NOAA (NCEP/NCAR, BOM) and monthly precipitation data from thirty-six synoptic stations of Iran were applied. The data have been investigated with various types of statistical and synoptical methods. The results indicate that El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most effective factor and it could possibly influence the spatiotemporal variation of precipitation on all types of climate regimes in Iran. ENSO (nino3.4), The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and The Arctic oscillation (AO) are known as the first three important indices, determined by Principal component analysis (PCA) method. The research has clarified that a combination of warm phase of ENSO and a predominant Southeastern (SE) wind over the Indian Ocean can result in a significant moisture transport from the Indian Ocean to the Middle East and to Iran; a combination of cold phase of ENSO and a predominant Northwestern (NW) wind over the Indian Ocean can be followed by a widespread drought over the Middle East and Iran. The results also indicate that a combination of the first three important above-mentioned indices and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) can provide a much better explanation for spatial and temporal variation of precipitation of Iran. Finally, the results of this study will enable us to present a new approach and new graphical-conceptual modeling, called "Teleconnection-Synoptic Method (TSM)"to clarify the underlying mechanism that can explain the spatial and temporal variations of global atmospheric circulation and precipitation of Iran. According to the correlation of different patterns with precipitation, the strongest relationships are related to the Scandinavia Index (SCN), Pressure Change in East Pacific (dPEPac) and Trade Wind Index at the 850 hPa (TrdWnd850), respectively.  相似文献   
Atmospheric cyclones with strong winds significantly impact ocean circulation, regional sea surface temperature, and deep water formation across the global oceans. Thus they are expected to play a key role in a variety of energy transport mechanisms. Even though wind-generated internal gravity waves are thought to contribute significantly to the energy balance of the deep ocean, their excitation mechanisms are only partly understood.The present study investigates the generation of internal gravity waves during a geostrophic adjustment process in a Boussinesq model with axisymmetric geometry. The atmospheric disturbance is set by an idealized pulse of cyclonic wind stress with a Rankine vortex structure. Strength, radius and duration of the forcing are varied. The effect upon wave generation of stratification with variable mixed-layer depth is also examined.Results indicate that internal gravity waves are generated after approximately one inertial period. The outward radial energy flux is dominated by waves having structure close to vertical mode-1 and with frequency close to the inertial frequency. Less energetic higher mode waves are observed to be generated close to the sea floor underneath the storm. The total radiated energy corresponds to approximately 0.02% of the wind input. Deeper mixed-layer conditions as well as weaker stratification reduce this fraction.The low energy transfer rates suggest that other processes that drive vertical motion like surface heat fluxes, turbulent motion, mixed region collapse and storm translation are essential for significant energy extraction by internal gravity waves to occur.  相似文献   
为了解流感的季节性和爆发的生物力学机制,在收集、分析、计算全球各地流感监测资料的基础上,建立了流感传播的多元激发理论及相应的数值模式,并运用该模式对全球各大洲不同气候带的季节性流感和周际流感进行了数值模拟和预报尝试。模式近似解的数学表达式以及模式输出与实况高度吻合的模拟结果证明:流感的发病率呈高度自相关,同时受生物、气象环境和社会-行为因素支配;流感的爆发是各种因素协同作用的结果。动力共振、太阳辐射、降水、露点温度变化、行为和干预效应以及人群对优势流行毒株的免疫力是支配流感季节性和每周活动变化的关键因素。具体表现为,对于所有气候区,流感发病率都是降水日数的指数函数,日照时数的1/4次方的负指数函数。在温带和寒带地区,季节性流感的发病率是露点温度的负指数函数。在热带地区,则是露点与其年平均值绝对偏差的指数函数。研究提示:早期干预(例如适时和广泛接种疫苗、迅速隔离病例、停学、遏制早期病例总数等)是控制和预防季节性流感的关键;适量的日光照射或在雨季和日照短的季节补充维生素D、增加户外活动、发布高危天气预警、设定适中的室内露点温度是值得高度重视的预防策略。模式的模拟结果在很大程度上揭示了流感季节性的机理和证明了著名医学家和诺贝尔奖获得者RobeRt EdgaR Hope-Simpson在上世纪提出的流感季节性成因的猜想。模拟结果还表明,模式对每周流感发病率具有一定的预报能力。该理论和模型很可能适用于当前的甲型流感大流行和其它传染性疾病,可被进一步开发应用。  相似文献   
The aerodynamic drag coefficient (CD) is conjectured to change (or remains almost uniform) with the horizontal wind speed (U) over a flexible (or fixed) surface element, which is represented with the surface roughness (z0). This conjecture is tested for the near neutral atmospheric turbulence (i.e. when surface stability z/L is almost equal to 0, where z is the measurement height and L is Obukhov length) of monsoon and winter season at an on-slope and a ridge-top site in the Indian Himalaya, wherein the ridge-top site is associated with a higher degree of sensitivity to the roughness element and terrain attributes. This hypothesis is successfully verified for two conditions, (i) the monsoon period observations of ridge-top site are found to have higher z0 due to vegetative growth than the winter period for flows having similar terrain signature, and (ii) the monsoon and winter period observations of on-slope site are noted to have similar z0 for flows having signature of steep terrain. Subsequently, constants (i.e. a and b) of the power-law relationships between CD and U (i.e. CD = aUb), as a function of z0, are optimized. It is noted that the relationship between CD and U has higher sensitivity towards the terrain slope than the vegetative growth.  相似文献   
汪正林  党建涛 《气象》2006,32(12):36-42
研究了西昌发射场特殊地形及地形梯度对其暴雨天气的影响。对比分析表明:2004年6月23日暴雨过程属于低涡切变型暴雨,6月27日暴雨过程属于两高辐合型暴雨。利用MM5V3.7进行了多组地形敏感试验,结果表明:场区北侧山脉对场区降水量影响明显,西昌东侧山脉对西昌降水量影响明显。地形梯度分析表明,西昌地区所处的河谷地形和场区所处喇叭口小地形,有利于中小尺度气压扰动的发生、发展和暴雨的产生,当地形梯度减弱时,降水量相应减弱。  相似文献   
Observational data from sonic anemometers are commonly rotated from sonic to streamline coordinates, a procedure that is called tilt correction. Tilt corrections are often used to post-process air velocity data collected from sonic anemometers to allow objective interpretation of air flow data relative to the Earth. Since streamline coordinates depend on dynamical characteristics of the flow, the tilt correction depends not only on temporal and spatial variations of the flow, but also on local circulations. We found that ensemble- averaged slope flows are approximately parallel to the terrain slope close to the ground within the canopy layer, but not above, due to the influence of the diurnal variation of local vertical circulations. As a result, the diurnal variation of the observed vertical velocity in streamline coordinates at 21.5 m above the ground over 11-m tall forest canopies can be opposite to that calculated from the continuity equation. To estimate CO2 transport over sloping terrain, a workable reference coordinate system is needed such that multiple sonic anemometers have a common reference relative to the Earth. Streamline coordinate systems can be the choice of the common reference coordinate system only if flow, at least ensemble-averaged flow, is parallel to terrain slopes. The choice of the reference coordinate system and its implication in investigation of CO2 transport are discussed. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
地形对降水的影响研究概述   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
廖菲  洪延超  郑国光 《气象科技》2007,35(3):309-316
简要回顾了近些年来有关地形对降水影响的研究进展。介绍了地形的动力效应和热力效应,详细分析了地形的动力、热力效应引起的降水和云物理变化。重点分析了地形对气候尺度、天气尺度、中尺度及对流性天气系统降水的影响。简单地讨论了在研究地形对降水影响时观测分析、气候统计、理论分析及数值模拟方面存在的问题及其未来发展前景。  相似文献   
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