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冰期向间冰期转换或现代全球气候变暖等背景下,冰川一旦退缩就会引发基岩和冰碛边坡失稳,甚至冰川泥石流等冰消后(paraglacial)地表过程;因此,该过程成为驱动原冰川作用区及其下游谷地地貌演化的重要因子。然而,冰消后过程时空变化特征及其驱动因子等相关研究,目前仍面临两方面问题:其一,各种冰消后沉积、冰碛等混杂堆积间判别的手段缺乏;其二,冰消后过程对下游谷地演化影响的关注不足。为此,本文以典型海洋型冰川作用区——贡嘎山东坡的冰碛和冰消后沉积为研究对象,并结合两处大陆型冰川冰碛,探讨了粒度和石英颗粒表面形态特征两个指标区分上述混杂堆积的有效性。结果表明,各种冰消后沉积物继承了源区冰碛的很多特征,但也呈现出一定独特性,指示出这两个指标综合对比的方法能实现各类冰消后沉积、冰碛的有效判别;同时,鉴于冰川性质、冰川作用期次和岩性等因素都可能影响源区冰碛的粒度和石英颗粒表面形态,以这两个指标判别时应限于同区域,避免选用沉积物的共性特征。基于贡嘎山东坡冰碛、各种冰消后沉积物与磨西台地不同层位粒度与石英颗粒表面形态的对比和聚类分析,确认台地底部和中部可能分别为MIS3冰碛与MIS3以来的泥石流沉积,上... 相似文献
在阿拉善和华北陆块南缘结合部位的牛首山地区,出露一套连续的中—上泥盆统陆相沉积组合。该套沉积组合的沉积相和沉积物源区的变化特征,可帮助理解阿拉善和华北陆块及相邻地区晚古生代构造演化。根据野外研究结果,该套沉积组合在牛首山南麓石峡沟地区呈现河流相、湖泊相和小型冲积扇相共同发育的沉积面貌,可分为河道、堤岸、河漫平原、滨湖、浅湖、扇根、扇中和扇端共8个沉积亚相。其中,中泥盆统石峡沟组总体呈现由河流沉积向湖泊沉积过渡,而上泥盆统老君山组则呈现下部为扇根、扇中、扇端亚相与河道亚相的粗碎屑沉积,上部由滨湖沉积向浅湖沉积过渡的沉积组合变化特征。牛首山地区老君山组砾岩层数、厚度及砾石砾径分别呈现向南逐渐减少、减薄和减小的特征。古水流分析结果显示,石峡沟组下部碎屑沉积物来自于北东东—东向物源区,上部沉积物主要来自于南东向物源区,而老君山组沉积物主要来自于北东向物源区。结合前人对老君山组古水流的系统测量、石峡沟组和老君山组砂岩碎屑锆石研究结果以及区域地质资料综合分析,认为中—晚泥盆世时期阿拉善地块东南缘总体具有北高南低的古地理格局,且该时期的沉积物为一套具有向南水体逐渐加深的陆相沉积组合,沉积物源区主要位... 相似文献
Yuan Daoyang Lei Zhongsheng Zhang Junling Ge Weipeng Liu Xingwang LiuBaichi Liang Mingjian 《中国地震研究》2009,23(1):87-95
According to historical records,in July of 1590 A.D.,a destructive earthquake occurred near Lintao county in Gansu Province,in which "… city walls and houses collapsed,and countless people and domestic animals were killed".In the same month,Binggou town in eastern Qinghai Province(now northeastern Ledu county),was also damaged by an earthquake.These two earthquakes were listed as two different cases in the published earthquake catalogues,recorded separately as the Lintao M_S5.5 earthquake with epicentral intensity Ⅶ in Gansu Province and the Ledu M_S5.0 earthquake with epicentral intensity Ⅵ in Qinghai Province.However,based on comprehensive analysis of research on historical records and field investigations,it is concluded in this paper that these two earthquakes could be the same one with magnitude 6.5 and epicentral intensity Ⅷ~Ⅸ.Its epicenter was in the Maxian Mt.,which is located in southeastern Yongjing and its seismogenic structure might be the mid-western segments of the north fringe fault zone of Maxian Mt.of Lanzhou. 相似文献
The Riyue Mt. Fault is a secondary fault controlled by the major regional boundary faults (East Kunlun Fault and Qilian-Haiyuan Fault). It lies in the interior of Qaidam-Qilianshan block and between the major regional boundary faults. The Riyue Mt. fault zone locates in the special tectonic setting which can provide some evidences for recent activity of outward extension of NE Tibetan plateau, so it is of significance to determine the activity of Riyue Mt. Fault since late Pleistocene to Holocene. In this paper, we have obtained some findings along the Dezhou segment of Riyue Mt. Fault by interpreting the piedmont alluvial fans, measuring fault scarps, and excavating trenches across the fault scarp. The findings are as follows:(1) Since the late Pleistocene, there are an alluvial fan fp and three river terraces T1-T3 formed on the Dezhou segment. The abandonment age of fp is approximately (21.2±0.6) ka, and that of the river terrace T2 is (12.4±0.11) ka. (2) Since the late Pleistocene, the dextral strike-slip rate of the Riyue Mt. Fault is (2.41±0.25) mm/a. In the Holocene, the dextral strike-slip rate of the fault is (2.18±0.40) mm/a, and its vertical displacement rate is (0.24±0.16) mm/a. This result indicates that the dextral strike-slip rate of the Riyue Mt. Fault has not changed since the late Pleistocene. It is believed that, as one of the dextral strikeslip faults, sandwiched between the the regional big left-lateral strike-slip faults, the Riyue Mt. Fault didn't cut the boundary zone of the large block. What's more, the dextral strike-slip faults play an important role in the coordination of deformation between the sub-blocks during the long term growth and expansion of the northeast Tibetan plateau. 相似文献
哈萨山蛇绿岩位于东昆中缝合带中部,为昆仑山世界地质公园三大核心地质遗迹之一,蛇绿岩出露较为完整,通过对蛇绿岩中堆晶辉长岩进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测年研究,获得年龄值为438.5±2.6 Ma,表明蛇绿岩形成于早志留世。岩石地球化学研究显示,蛇纹岩的原岩为橄榄岩类,蛇纹岩的稀土元素总量较低,呈右倾斜的配分曲线;辉长岩显示轻稀土较重稀土富集,具有不同程度的Eu负异常,配分曲线较为平缓,略呈右倾型;玄武岩具有轻稀土较重稀土富集的特征,具有明显的Eu负异常,相对富集大离子亲石元素,高场强元素呈平坦型,Nb、P轻微亏损,各样品配分曲线大致平行于E-MORB谱线,显示为同源岩浆,主要表现为E-MORB特征,并具有洋中脊向洋岛过渡的特征,其形成的构造环境应属初始小洋盆,可能为原特提斯洋洋壳残迹,形成于洋陆转换早期。 相似文献
玉龙雪山国家地质公园地质遗迹资源类型划分及其综合评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过文献综述和多次野外考察,依据国土资源部针对地质遗迹印发的最新分类标准,对玉龙雪山地质公园内地质遗迹资源进行分类,并运用层次分析法与综合评估方法对地质遗迹资源亚类进行评价。结果表明:地质公园内地质遗迹资源可分为地质剖面、地质构造、地貌景观、环境地质遗迹景观、水体景观5个大类、9个类、15个亚类;评价因子权重文化属性>自然属性,科研价值=科普价值>美学价值>经济社会价值>典型性>稀有性>系统性>历史文化价值>自然性;地质遗迹资源亚类划分为三级,其中有I级地质遗迹亚类4个、Ⅱ级8个、Ⅲ级3个。总体上,玉龙雪山国家地质公园内地质遗迹类型多样且保存完整,以河流地貌和构造地质遗迹为主要代表,以冰川地质遗迹为主要特色。地质遗迹资源丰富、普遍品质高,有极高的科研、科普价值,尤其是地学方面的研究意义重大。通过对玉龙雪山国家地质公园地质遗迹评价,为地质公园内地质遗迹资源保护和可持续发展提供基础资料和科学参考。 相似文献
Hydrogen gas (H2) may be produced by the anoxic corrosion of steel components in underground structures, such as geological repositories for radioactive waste. In such environments, hydrogen was shown to serve as an electron donor for autotrophic bacteria. High gas overpressures are to be avoided in radioactive waste repositories and, thus, microbial consumption of H2 is generally viewed as beneficial. However, to fully consider this biological process in models of repository evolution over time, it is crucial to determine the in situ rates of microbial hydrogen oxidation and sulfate reduction. These rates were estimated through two distinct in situ experiments, using several measurement and calculation methods. Volumetric consumption rates were calculated to be between 1.13 and 1.93 μmol cm−3 day−1 for H2, and 0.14 and 0.20 μmol cm−3 day−1 for sulfate. Based on the stoichiometry of the reaction, there is an excess of H2 consumed, suggesting that it serves as an electron donor to reduce electron acceptors other than sulfate, and/or that some H2 is lost via diffusion. These rate estimates are critical to evaluate whether biological H2 consumption can negate H2 production in repositories, and to determine whether sulfate reduction can consume sulfate faster than it is replenished by diffusion, which could lead to methanogenic conditions. 相似文献
云南老君山锡多金属成矿区硫、铅、氢、氧同位素地球化学 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
滇东南老君山成矿区是我国西南部重要的锡、钨多金属成矿区之一,本文围绕成矿区中典型矿床进行了系统取样和硫、铅、氢、氧同位素测试工作,并针对分析结果结合矿区地质情况进行了解译。研究区硫同位素δ34S分布范围为-1.50‰~8.61‰,均值为2.06‰,属壳幔混合来源硫;矿物生成顺序较早的单矿物硫同位素组成为幔源,晚期偏壳源;层状矽卡岩型矿石硫同位素组成偏幔源,花岗岩和花岗斑岩的硫同位素组成为壳源,穿层石英脉型矿石硫同位素组成可分为幔源和壳源两类。铅同位素分析结果属壳幔混合来源,以壳源铅为主,铅同位素测年分析结果显示有多期地质作用对成矿有所影响。氢、氧同位素组成指示成矿流体以岩浆水为主,并有大气降水的混入。结合老君山成矿区地质、同位素组成及测年结果分析,老君山成矿区众多矿床的形成应为早加里东期海底喷流沉积、印支期区域变质和燕山期花岗岩热液叠加改造等地质因素共同作用的结果。 相似文献
珠穆朗玛峰地区由于其独特的自然地理条件、举世无双的高度、脆弱而敏感的环境使其成为气候变化和环境变迁的敏感区.根据2007年5月至2008年8月在珠穆朗玛峰北坡地区7个不同海拔高度观测的逐时气温和空气湿度资料分析了该地区气温和湿度的时空变化特征.结果表明,在海拔5207、5792和5955m高度处的年平均气温分别为0.2、-4.4和-5.4℃,最高气温分别为14.6、9.1和18,6℃,最低气温分别为-24.2、-28.8和- 29.3℃;除在冰川表面以外,空气相对湿度随海拔高度的升高没有明显变化.气温和相对湿度的年变化幅度随海拔高度的升高而减小.由于冰面近地层逆温层顶部暖空气与冷空气的混合作用造成其最高气温出现时间晚于其他下垫面.年平均温度递减率为(0.72±0.01)℃/100 m,并且呈现出明显的季节变化特征.同时结合定日气象站1959--2007年的气温和降水资料,探讨了对珠穆朗玛峰北坡绒布冰川变化的影响. 相似文献