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Monitoring programs are among the first steps to develop robust management strategies, especially in international transboundary waters. Understanding how water quality parameters are impacted by different types of land use promotes a baseline for stakeholders to define the best governance for the management of water resources. Seeking to provide this type of information, we sampled 24 streams – 12 in Brazil and 12 in Paraguay – in February, April, July, September, and November 2019. We determined water quality parameters, grouped into three categories: morphometric, physical and chemical, and nutrients. We explored differences in water quality parameters between countries, and over a one-year sampling. We also tested whether Brazilian and Paraguayan streams are impacted by agriculture, urbanization, and forest cover. Finally, we performed a partial RDA to test the influence of land use on water quality parameters and controlled spatial autocorrelation by including spatial variables (dbMEM) as a condition. Most of the water quality parameters showed significant differences between countries; only turbidity, and pH, presented significant differences between countries and sampling periods, and only water temperature varied significantly along the year. We did not find evidence that different types of land use are causing physical and chemical variance in Brazilian and Paraguayan streams (R² = 0.06, p = 0.68). In conclusion, the results evidenced that the main differences in the water quality parameters occur between countries. Based on the results, transboundary governance can use these data to implement integrated water resources management cooperation.  相似文献   
The contribution of bioturbation to downslope soil transport is significant in many situations, particularly in the context of soil formation, erosion and creep. This study explored the direct flux of soil caused by Aphaenogaster ant mounding, vertebrate scraping and tree‐throw on a wildfire‐affected hillslope in south‐east Australia. This included the development of methods previously applied to Californian gopher bioturbation, and an evaluation of methods for estimating the volume of soil displaced by tree‐throw events. All three bioturbation types resulted in a net downslope flux, but any influence of hillslope angle on flux rates appeared to be overshadowed by environmental controls over the spatial extent of bioturbation. As a result, the highest flux rates occurred on the footslope and lower slope. The overall contribution of vertebrate scraping (57.0 ± 89.4 g m?1 yr?1) exceeded that of ant mounding (36.4 ± 66.0 g m?1 yr?1), although mean rates were subject to considerable uncertainty. Tree‐throw events, which individually cause major disturbance, were limited in their importance by their scarcity relative to faunalturbation. However, tree‐throw might be the dominant mechanism of biotic soil flux on the mid‐slope provided that it occurs at a frequency of at least 2–3 events ha?1 yr?1. Although direct biotic soil flux appears to be geomorphologically significant on this hillslope, such transport processes are probably subordinate to other impacts of bioturbation at this site such as the enhancement of infiltration following wildfire. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Landscapes evolve in complex, non‐linear ways over Quaternary timespans. Integrated geomorphological field studies usually yield plausible hypotheses about timing and impact of process activity. Landscape Evolution Models (LEMs) have the potential to test and falsify these landscape evolution hypotheses. Despite this potential, LEMs have mainly been used with hypothetical data and rarely to simulate the evolution of an actual landscape. In this paper, we use a LEM (LAPSUS: LandscApe ProcesS modelling at mUlti dimensions and scaleS) to explore if it is possible to test and falsify conclusions of an earlier field study on 50 ka landscape evolution in Okhombe Valley, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. In this LEM, five landscape processes interact without supervision: water driven erosion and deposition, creep, solifluction, biological weathering and frost weathering. Calibration matched model results to three types of qualitative fieldwork observations: individual process activity over time, relative process activity over time and net landscape changes over time. Results demonstrate that landscape evolution of the Okhombe valley can be plausibly simulated. A particularly interesting and persistent feature of model results are erosional and depositional phases that lag climatic drivers both by decades, and by several ka within a few hundred meters. The longer lag has not been reported for this spatial scale before and may be an effect of slow landscape‐soil‐vegetation feedbacks. The combined modelling and fieldwork results allow a more complete understanding of these responses to climate change and can fill in hiatuses in the stratigraphical record. Suggestions are made for methodological adaptations for future LEM studies. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The aquatic vegetation of ?í?ov Lake in the Danube floodplain, which is listed in the Ramsar Convention, was investigated to address three main questions: (1) how have landscape composition and the structures of the lake and its buffer zone changed from the mid-20th century; (2) how have species richness and the abundance of the aquatic macrophyte assemblage in this lake ecosystem changed over the last 34 years; and (3) which landscape metrics can best explain these temporal changes for floating-leaved macrophytes? Two methodological approaches, remote sensing and botanical field surveys, were applied. Historical (1949, 1970, 1990) and contemporary (2006) aerial photographs were analysed to determine land cover. Landscape configuration and structure were analysed using eight landscape metrics selected in advance to measure spatio-temporal changes and the fragmentation of the lake ecosystem and its corresponding buffer zone. The species diversity, abundance and distribution of true aquatic macrophytes were surveyed eleven times in five survey stretches between 1973 and 2007.At the landscape level, a decrease in the area covered by floating-leaved macrophytes, as well as an increase in open water surface and fragmentation of the land cover classes in the lake ecosystem, were recorded from 1949 to 2006. Overall, 30 true aquatic macrophytes were found from 1973 to 2007. Species richness did not change considerably, but the abundance of aquatic species fluctuated over the years. Three groups of true aquatic vegetation, based on common structural characteristics, were found in 1973–1983, 1989–2002, and 2004–2007 over the last 34 years. The landscape metrics NP, PD, LPI, and SHDI, which all express patterns of landscape fragmentation mostly indicate temporal changes in floating-leaved macrophytes.  相似文献   
The urgency of restoring ecosystems to improve human wellbeing and mitigate climate and biodiversity crises is attracting global attention. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) is a global call to action to support the restoration of degraded ecosystems. And yet, many forest restoration efforts, for instance, have failed to meet restoration goals; indeed, they worsened social precarities and ecological conditions. By merely focusing on symptoms of forest loss and degradation, these interventions have neglected the underlying issues of equity and justice driving forest decline. To address these root causes, thus creating socially just and sustainable solutions, we develop the Political Ecology Playbook for Ecosystem Restoration. We outline a set of ten principles for achieving long-lasting, resilient, and equitable ecosystem restoration. These principles are guided by political ecology, a framework that addresses environmental concerns from a broadly political economic perspective, attending to power, politics, and equity within specific geographic and historical contexts. Drawing on the chain of explanation, this multi-scale, cross-landscapes Playbook aims to produce healthy relationships between people and nature that are ecologically, socially, and economically just – and thus sustainable and resilient – while recognizing the political nature of such relationships. We argue that the Political Ecology Playbook should guide ecosystem restoration worldwide.  相似文献   
本文论述了用模拟灰度法绘制地形立体景观图的基本过程。首先用三角形面素来逼近地形表面,然后进行坐标透视变换和消隐处理,再根据选定的光照模型计算出每面素上各点的灰度值,最后采用彩色合成和图形叠加技术绘制出地形的立体景观图。  相似文献   
In recent decades, riparian vegetation has been removed from important ecosystems around the world, in spite of its high ecological importance for aquatic biota. Nevertheless, the effects of catchment land use on zooplankton have been little studied. The present study investigated if replanting riparian vegetation in a tropical reservoir influences the richness and abundance of cladoceran communities, by addressing the question of whether cladocerans show differences in richness and abundance among four levels of riparian vegetation conditions: 1) native forest (NF); 2) 30 years after forest replanting (R1); 3) 10 years after forest replanting (R2); and 4) no forest (No-F). Zooplankton samples were obtained from 9 stations in the Volta Grande Reservoir, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Cladocerans in zones NF and R1 showed higher levels of richness and abundance than in zones No-F and R2. Ceriodaphnia reticulata, Ceriodaphnia laticaudata, and Diaphanosoma spinulosum showed higher abundances in zones NF and R1. Cladoceran community structure was influenced by the different levels of riparian vegetation. This study showed that the presence and age of riparian forest positively influence the abundance, richness and diversity of cladoceran assemblages. Furthermore, our results indicated that C. reticulata, C. laticaudata and D. spinulosum are more efficient than other cladocerans in exploiting allochthonous resources provided by riparian forest. Functional diversity was higher in zones NF and R1, suggesting that the trait composition of cladoceran assemblages responds positively to recovery of riparian forest. Overall, our research suggests that cladocerans are good indicators of riparian vegetation conditions and that restoration of riparian forest positively affects cladoceran assemblages of tropical reservoirs.  相似文献   
合肥塘西河异味物质及异味影响因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以合肥市塘西河为研究对象,2014-2015年逐月对其水体水质和异味物质进行监测,同时结合塘西河浮游植物群落结构调查,综合分析塘西河异味物质变化规律及其影响因素.研究发现,塘西河异味暴发集中发生在夏季,夏季二甲基异莰醇浓度可达4909 ng/L,土腥素浓度可达197 ng/L.浮游植物群落结构调查表明,秋、冬季塘西河优势种类为蓝藻,春、夏季为硅藻、绿藻或隐藻.主成分分析得到5种主成分分别解释了光照、有机质、微生物活动、氮、磷等对水质的影响.相关性分析结果表明,氮是塘西河异味的限制因素,水体中氮浓度较高是异味产生的重要原因.  相似文献   
分析了研究区内钙积层、风成沙等制约因素对铜多金属元素表生地球化学异常发育的影响,总结了该类特殊景观条件下铜多金属元素表生地球化学异常特征及其在垂向和侧向上的迁移规律。在此基础上,构建了该类景观区铜多金属元素的表生地球化学异常评价指标体系  相似文献   
This paper is about conditions and processes during the accumulation of the Upper Pleniglacial Middle and Upper Silt Loam complexes at Nagelbeek, Limbourg, a Weichselian stratigraphical type locality. The complexes correlate with Hesbayan and Brabantian loesses in Belgium, formed between 28,000 and 12,400 yrs BP. They are characterized by sediment features (cracks, mass deformations, and cut-and-fill features) that are ascribed to a cryogenic regimen. The main Middle Silt Loam subunit contains contraction cracks deformed and further modified by masswasting. Intra-Upper-Pleniglacial pedogenic intervals are inferred from three greyish bands, from a truncated weathered zone surmounting the Middle Silt Loam, and from an aeolian-cumulic palaeosol at the base of the Upper Silt Loam. Latter two zones and an intervening erosional unconformity were cryogenically reworked, less than 22,000 yrs BP, to form a complex stratigraphical marker-zone: the ‘Horizon à Langues de Nagelbeek’. Morphological variants of the marker-zone are described. The geomorphic evolution of the Nagelbeek upland, from Saalian to Holocene times, is summarized in unconformity maps and a time diagram.  相似文献   
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