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恐龙化石对研究地球演化、生物进化、地层对比、地质年代、古环境、古地理、古气候等方面具有重要的科学价值。但恐龙化石发掘后面临着严重的风化问题,许多化石发掘后十几年甚至几年内就迅速遭受风化破坏。为深入研究探索恐龙化石地质遗迹的深层次风化原因和机理,该文采用TM(温度和应力)耦合分析方法,对山东诸城恐龙化石风化规律进行深入分析研究。根据化石与围岩间膨胀的不协调性,探索在温度变化情况下化石与围岩间的相互作用规律及对风化造成的影响。结果揭示了温度作用下化石风化的初步原因和规律,可为化石保护提供参考科学依据。 相似文献
深入开展乡村地域土地利用变化和聚落发展规律的研究对于探究乡村地域系统优化、推进城乡融合与乡村可持续发展具有重要意义。论文以延安市碾庄流域为例,基于ENVI和GIS等软件技术,结合Landsat卫星影像、马尔科夫链模型和实地调查,从土地利用转移与交换变化、建筑用地空间转移、社会响应等角度探讨了黄土丘陵沟壑区典型村域土地利用变化特征以及对区域乡村发展转型的影响。研究表明:① 在一系列生态工程措施作用下,碾庄流域生态覆被发生明显改观,主要表现为大量的坡耕地及稀疏生态用地转化为林地,其中,林地面积占比由32.34%(2009年)增加至50.88%(2018年);② 在社会经济发展和延安新城“边缘效应”的影响下,碾庄建设用地呈现向流域的东南和西南方向拓展的趋势,10 a间建设用地面积增加了近75%;③ 在人类活动的主导作用下,黄土丘陵沟壑区的乡村正在朝着生态化和集约化的方向转型发展。研究结果有望为深入理解黄土丘陵沟壑区乡村地域系统结构和优化提供新参考。 相似文献
无锡、常州郊区发生地裂缝近年来,无锡石塘湾西蔡一秦村~带、常州横林分别出现了地裂缝,其中以钱桥毛村园最为严重,该处地裂缝于1991年夏初步形成,随后不断扩大,目前已具一定规模,长约700m,总体宽约60m,呈近东西向分布,并造成附近数十间楼房产生大量... 相似文献
以Landsat5 TM1、TM2、TM3、TM4、TM5和TM7等图像数据,经预处理后进行植被指数提取和主成分分析,生成13个波段数据集;并用最优指数法(OIF)选取目视解译波段,运用最大似然法(MLC)和线性光谱分解法(LSU)对华北平原农区河北省文安县2007年5月的杨树林地面积信息作了应用分析.结果表明:(1)... 相似文献
基于谱间特征与比值型指数的水体影像识别分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据杨存建等人发现LandsatTM影像水体具有TM2+TM3>TM4+TM5的特征,本文以2000年福州市Landsat-TM为例,分析了水体及其他几类主要地物的光谱特性在影像中的表现特征,发现除水体外,居民地的影像以及山体影像也都具有TM2+TM3>TM4+TM5(即(TM2+TM3)/(TM4+TM5)>1)的特征,但是三者(TM2+TM3)/(TM4+TM5)的比值却存在着较大的差异,所以辅以适合的阈值(水体(TM2+TM3)/(TM4+TM5)>2.0,TM2>40)可以将水体信息区别于其他背景地物。将该方法在含不同水体类型的福州市Landsat-TM遥感影像上进行实验,表明其可以将水体与全部居民地的阴影和山体阴影有效区分开来;同时可用于快速、简便和准确地提取城市和山区中的湿地水体信息,解决水体提取中难于消除居民地阴影与山体阴影的难题。 相似文献
Landsat时序变化检测综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
时序变化检测已成为当前Landsat数据主流的变化检测方法。本文从检测算法对比、时序数据构建和精度评价等方面对Landsat时序变化检测进行回顾和评述,进而提出Landsat时序变化检测当前所存在的问题,及其所面临的挑战。Landsat时序变化检测算法可大致归纳为轨迹拟合法、光谱-时间轨迹法、基于模型的方法3大类,这些算法大多基于森林扰动提出;变化检测常用指标有波段型、植被指数型、线性变换型、组合型4大类,每类指标的优势不同,可综合多类指标以更全面地检测不同扰动类型。尽管Landsat时序变化检测已取得长足发展,但仍然面临诸多挑战,其中最大挑战是缺少一致性的参考数据集进行变化检测精度评价。 相似文献
德基水库集水区的气候条件适合温带水果及高冷蔬菜、茶叶的种植,德基水库集水区上游遍布果园、菜园与茶园。因此,每逢大雨来临时,大量的残留肥料常遭冲刷至水库中。这些残留的肥料中含有大量的氮、磷等营养盐,足以提供水库微生物的生长繁殖所需,也因此造成水库中二角多甲藻的大量繁殖,进而形成藻华现象。研究使用Landsat TM卫星数据,搭配传统监测模式,以监督式影像分类法分析与监测德基水库1995年的藻华现象。研究结果显示,以Landsat TM卫星数据监测德基水库的藻华现象,其准确率可达87.5%以上。由影像分类的结果可得知,德基水库二角多甲藻之藻华现象发生较严重的时期为夏天,而冬天则较为轻微。此现象发生的原因,应与集水区上游的农业经营模式息息相关。此外,德基水库藻华现象发生的区域及其程度也经由实地调查与卫星影像监测,一一获得证实。 相似文献
This paper presents the development of an image-based integrated method for determining and mapping aerosol optical thickness (AOT). Using the radiative transfer (RT) equation, a methodology was developed to create a Geographical Information System (GIS) model that can visually display the AOT distribution over urban areas. In this paper, the model was applied to eleven Landsat Thematic Mapper/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (TM/ETM+) satellite images of Limassol, Cyprus during 2010 and 2011 to determine the AOT levels in Limassol Cyprus during satellite overpass. The study is innovative and unique in that the RT equation, satellite images, the darkest pixel (DP) method of atmospheric correction and GIS were integrated to derive AOT from satellite images and display the AOT distribution over an urban area without the input of any meteorological or atmospheric parameters. The accuracy of the algorithm was verified through statistical analysis by the strong agreement between the AOT values derived using the algorithm and the in situ AOT values from the ground-based sensors. 相似文献
Hydrocarbon Alteration Characteristics of Soils and Mechanism for Detection by Remote Sensing in East Sichuan Area,China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The type, strength, and spatial distributions of hydrocarbon alteration of the surface soil are studied in two sections in East Sichuan area through the simultaneous analysis of soil organic geochemistry, soil mineralogy, and soil chemistry. The spectral response and remote-sensing mechanism are studied through the soil spectral analysis in the range of VIS--NIR bands. The results of this study demonstrate that long-time hydrocarbon microseepage can induce mineral and chemical alteration of surface soil, including the increase of clay-mineral content and carbonate-mineral content, the increase of ferrous-iron content, and decrease of ferric-iron content. Soil mineral components related to hydrocarbon alteration have spatial coincidence with soil organic geochemical components. Increase of clay- and carbonate-mineral contents in the soil can cause decrease of reflectance in VIS–NIR bands and increase of Landsat band ratio TM5/TM7. Increase of ferrous-iron content and decrease of ferric-iron content in the soil may cause increase of reflectance in the range of 400 nm to 600 nm, and higher reflectance of Landsat band ratios of TM1/TM3 and TM2/TM3. 相似文献
Karen Schleeweis Samuel N. Goward Chengquan Huang John L. Dwyer Jennifer L. Dungan Mary A. Lindsey 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2016,9(10):963-980
Using the NASA Earth Exchange platform, the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) project mapped forest history wall-to-wall, annually for the contiguous US (1986–2010) using the Vegetation Change Tracker algorithm. As with any effort to identify real changes in remotely sensed time-series, data gaps, shifts in seasonality, misregistration, inconsistent radiometry and cloud contamination can be sources of error. We discuss the NAFD image selection and processing stream (NISPS) that was designed to minimize these sources of error. The NISPS image quality assessments highlighted issues with the Landsat archive and metadata including inadequate georegistration, unreliability of the pre-2009 L5 cloud cover assessments algorithm, missing growing-season imagery and paucity of clear views. Assessment maps of Landsat 5–7 image quantities and qualities are presented that offer novel perspectives on the growing-season archive considered for this study. Over 150,000+ Landsat images were considered for the NAFD project. Optimally, one high quality cloud-free image in each year or a total of 12,152 images would be used. However, to accommodate data gaps and cloud/shadow contamination 23,338 images were needed. In 220 specific path-row image years no acceptable images were found resulting in data gaps in the annual national map products. 相似文献