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运用数值模拟建立青藏高原兹格塘错流域土壤、植被、气候等的空间和属性数据库;接着,借助分布式流域尺度水文模型(SWAT模型),对兹格塘错1956—2006年间的流量进行模拟实验;最后,反演50年来兹格塘错流域水文过程,测试流域温度、降水和蒸发组合的敏感因子对湖泊水量变化的效应,探讨50年来湖泊水量对气候变化的响应。模拟实验的边界条件设置为自然地形、土壤、植被覆盖,其中土壤资料包括有机质含量、粒径等理化参数。模拟结果表明:兹格塘错的年平均流量为6.3m3/s,流量高峰集中在8月至10月,并且由于融雪补给的关系,3月出现另一个流量高峰;模拟结果与遥感解译所得到的结果吻合较好。敏感实验表明:兹格塘错流域内温度、降水和蒸发组合的敏感因子实验具有高原特征,即高原湖泊的水文过程和湖泊流量变化有着较为敏感的响应关系;兹格塘错流量受降水的影响最大,随着降水的增加,流量有所增加;在温度升高的情况下,流域蒸发量增加速度大,兹格塘错流量增加的效应不明显,而在冷湿模式下,流域蒸发量降低,兹格塘错流量增加显著。  相似文献   
太湖水体氮、磷浓度演变趋势(1985-2015年)   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
戴秀丽  钱佩琪  叶凉  宋挺 《湖泊科学》2016,28(5):935-943
分析了太湖水体氮、磷浓度1985-2015年的演变趋势.结果表明,近30年来,全太湖水体氮、磷指标总体呈先恶化、后好转的波动变化趋势.总氮(TN)浓度年均值在1.79~3.63 mg/L之间,30年平均值为2.62±0.03 mg/L,总磷(TP)浓度年均值在0.04~0.15 mg/L之间,30年平均值为0.086±0.001 mg/L,1996年全太湖TN (3.84 mg/L)和TP (0.15 mg/L)浓度年均值均达历史峰值.氮、磷逐月浓度变化情况显示,TN浓度呈明显季节性变化规律,最高值集中出现在3、4月,概率分别为67%和33%,最低值则分布在8、9、10、11月,概率分别为18%、41%、29%和12%,而TP浓度则没有明显的季节性变化规律.太湖各湖区水体氮、磷浓度变化空间异质性明显,西部水域和北部水域变化幅度大于东部水域、南部水域和湖心区.太湖水体氮、磷浓度的长期变化趋势显然和流域经济发展及各项环保管理措施的实施密切相关,同时也受到重大水情变化的影响.此外,在相对封闭的局部湖湾水体可以通过水利调度等综合治理措施短时期内改善氮、磷指标,但大太湖水质的改善任重而道远.  相似文献   
Based on the total phosphorous (TP) concentration in sediment core, the TP concentration in lake water quantitatively reconstructed from fossil diatoms and diatom-TP transfer function in the Longgan Lake during the last 200 years, the temperature and precipitation data from meteorological observation for the last 50 years, the temperatures and precipitation sequences of climate simulation for the last 200 years, as well as the amount of the agricultural phosphate fertilizer in Longgan area for nearly 50 years, the characteristic and the law of the nutrient status evolution were analyzed, and the influence of the climatic factor, the anthropologic factor and the aquatic biology factor on the nutrient status evolution and its mechanism were discussed for the Longgan Lake during the last 200 years. The results showed that, in the nearly 200 years, the TP concentration in the sediment core of the Longgan Lake gradually increased, its range of variation was situated between 330-580 mg/kg, the mean value was 388 mg/kg, a nearly 30-year vibration adjustment period existed at 1950 around. The TP concentration in lake water changed in a different way. Before 1950, it had a slow increasing tendency in fluctuated background, to 1950 around it reached up to the mean value (52.18μg/L), and vibrated and adjusted around the mean value, then it fast declined, its change range was situated between 37.75-62.33μg/L. The analyses indicated that, in the centennial time scale, the climate change was the main controlling factor, while in the decadal time scale in the recent 50 years, human activities were the leading factors for the nutrient status evolution of the Longgan Lake. 60% of the variability of the TP concentration in the sediments and 57% of that in lake water were due to human activities. The differentiation between phosphorus concentration in the sediment and in the lake water reflected the response processes and the adjustment abilities of the lake aquatic ecosystems to the lake nutrient level, implying the maintenance and the destruction of the balances between the algae and the aquatic plants, as well as the corresponding accumulating characteristics of the phosphorus.  相似文献   
浅水湖泊生态系统的多稳态理论及其应用   总被引:37,自引:11,他引:37  
李文朝 《湖泊科学》1997,9(2):97-104
在“八五”期间太湖研究工作的基础上,发展和充实了浅水湖泊多稳态理论,简要介绍了多稳态概念模型,并将这一理论和模型贯穿于太湖富营养化防治研究中;总结了太湖各湖区的状态演化过程,提出保护东太湖生态环境和治理五里湖的策略及技术路线,并付诸于实验;证明了利多稳态理论和多稳态模型指导湖泊富营养化防治的可行性。  相似文献   
青海湖湖东沙地风沙沉积物的粒度特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对青海湖湖东沙地克土沙区不同类型沙丘地表沉积物粒度特征的水平变化和0~20 cm垂直变化的分析,可知自然固定沙丘的表层沉积物以细砂为主,其他沙丘以中砂为主,粒度参数随着地形起伏有不同的变化特征;随着深度的增加,粗颗粒逐渐增多,细颗粒逐渐减少,粒度参数随着深度的增加呈波动减小的趋势。通过比较分析,可得出人工治理措施对沙地地表环境的影响较大,能促进细颗粒物质的沉积,有效减少地表的风蚀量。  相似文献   
摘要:艾比湖是新疆北部生态环境最为敏感和脆弱的地区,这里分布的大片长龄胡杨是过去气候变化良好的记录体。本文利用艾比湖东岸的胡杨树轮资料,分析其宽度和稳定碳同位素组成,建立了树轮宽度年表和δ^13C序列,并对δ^13C序列进行了校正处理。树轮参数的气候意义分析表明胡杨树轮宽度所含的气候信息较少,而树轮δ^13C校正序列与精河夏季高温显著负相关,为荒漠平原区树轮气候研究提供了新的资料。研究区夏季的高温超过了光合作用的适宜温度,降低光合作用速率(A),而地下水埋深较浅,叶片气候导度(g)并没有因受到水分条件限制而减小,在以上两个因素的共同作用下,叶片内部二氧化碳浓度(Ci)升高,导致胡杨δ^13C与夏季高温负相关关系。建立了胡杨树轮δ^13C校正序列与精河夏季高温的转换方程,方差解释量为33.0%。重建的精河145a来夏季高温序列反映了这一地区气候变暖的趋势,其升温的幅度高于北半球夏季升温幅度,但二者冷暖阶段变化并不完全一致。  相似文献   
白洋淀浮游植物群落及其与环境因子的典范对应分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
沈会涛  刘存歧 《湖泊科学》2008,20(6):773-779
在对湖泊生态系统健康评价研究的基础上,提出用营养状态-综合指数法(TSI-CI)对西湖进行生态系统健康评价.首先选用Chl.a、SD、TP和TN四个指标用相关加权指数法进行营养状态评价,再选择物化和生物指标无量纲化处理后计算综合指数进行综合评价.结果表明:西湖生态系统健康状况与营养状态水平的变化趋势是一致的,1—3月健康状况相对较好,7-9月相对较差.该结果客观反映了西湖的实际情况,为西湖水质管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
土壤酸碱度是影响土壤化学和生物学性质的一个重要因素,会对土地生产力产生重要影响.为掌握兴凯湖平原土壤pH值近年来变化状况,采用空间统计方法,基于全国第二次土壤普查及2019年土壤pH值数据,对工作区近30年土壤pH值时空变化特征进行了分析.结果表明:兴凯湖平原土壤pH值总体呈下降趋势,但整体上土壤pH值变幅不大,主要集中在±0.5~±1区间.从土地利用类型上来看,兴凯湖平原耕地区土壤pH值均呈下降趋势,西部的林地区pH值整体保持不变或略有上升.在兴凯湖平原4种主要土壤类型中,除暗棕壤外,其他3类土壤在近30年间pH平均值均呈下降趋势.因此需要对工作区土壤pH值变化的原因进行多因素、定量分析,以进一步明确具体原因.  相似文献   
自2007年太湖蓝藻水华引起无锡供水危机后,在太湖流域及湖区开展了一系列综合治理措施以改善太湖水环境质量.本研究在太湖梅梁湾和贡湖湾各设置3个采样点,自2010年4月起每月2次监测太湖水质.结合水文气象数据及无锡市环境监测站和太湖局的同期数据,明确太湖自2010年以来,水质整体良好,总氮浓度在波动中呈现下降的趋势,总磷浓度在2014年前也是在波动中呈现下降的趋势,但在2015和2016年有所回升,回升比例约为15%~20%.2015和2016年总磷浓度出现回升的主要原因是这2年的2次大洪水过程携带大量N、P进入太湖湖区,洪水消退过程中,N大多以溶解态排泄出湖区,而P则由于大多数以颗粒态存在,逐渐沉积到湖泊中,随着微囊藻生长消耗水体溶解态P以及水体pH和溶解氧的变化逐渐释放到太湖水体中.  相似文献   
Y. Chebud  A. Melesse 《水文研究》2013,27(10):1475-1483
Lake Tana is the largest fresh water body situated in the north‐western highlands of Ethiopia. In addition to its ecological services, it serves for local transport, electric power generation, fishing, recreational purposes, and source of dry season irrigation water supply. Evidence shows that the lake has dried at least once at about 15,000–17,000 before present owing to a combination of high evaporation and low precipitation events. Past attempts to understand and simulate historical fluctuation of Lake Tana based on simplistic water balance approach of inflow, outflow, and storage have failed to capture well‐known events of drawdown and rise of the lake that have happened in the last 44 years. This study tested different stochastic methods of lake level and volume simulation for supporting Lake Tana operational planning decision support. Three stochastic methods (perturbations approach, Monte Carlo methods, and wavelet analysis) were employed for lake level and volume simulation, and the results were compared with the stage level measurements. Forty‐four years of daily, monthly, and mean annual lake level data have shown a Gaussian variation with goodness of fit at 0.01 significant levels of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The stochastic simulations predicted the lake stage level of the 1972, 1984, and 2002/2003 historical droughts 99% of the time. The information content (frequency) of fluctuation of Lake Tana for various periods was resolved using Wigner's Time‐Frequency Decomposition method. The wavelet analysis agreed with the perturbations and Monte Carlo simulations resolving the time (1970s, 1980s, and 2000s) in which low frequency and high spectral power fluctuation has occurred. The Monte Carlo method has shown its superiority for risk analysis over perturbation and deterministic method whereas wavelet analysis reconstructed historical record of lake stage level at daily and monthly time scales. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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