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土壤水的准确预测对区域旱情评估及水量分析计算十分重要。传统模式大都基于土壤水观测数据构建线性回归方程进行预测。本次研究结合一种新的双参数冻融模型,以新疆喀什为研究区域,综合考虑土壤物理特性和参数的非线性,对区域内的土壤水进行非线性预测,结果显示:喀什地区的土壤水预测结果和实测土壤水数据相比,新模型预测计算误差在6%~10%之间,明显优于传统自动监测仪器的误差值,预测精度大大提高,具有重要的参考和实用价值。  相似文献   
Traditional models of urban development are no longer adequate to describe current metropolitan transformations. These are now at the centre of a debate concerning management and administration. In Italy, delays in resolving problems of urban and metropolitan government, despite the legal framework provided by Law 142/90, have weighed heavily on the larger urban areas of the country: Rome, Naples, Milan, which have not been able to tackle the issue of metropolitan government. Recent legislation, while not providing a pre-defined institutional solution, allows separate administrative districts to collectively establish metropolitan institutions of `variable geometry'. The Milan urban area is not one city, but a system of mutually-dependent cities, linked to each other and the rest of the world by a transport network still requiring much investment. The vitality of its economic structure (especially its small firms) is held back by seriously inadequate infrastructure and low external economic efficiency. The provincial capital may boast `historic centrality' but the most interesting potential for development is to be found on the periphery and in the administrative districts immediately surrounding it, in the recovery of derelict industrial areas and dormitory towns established in the 1950s and 1960s, especially to the north. Recovery of derelict areas, green areas, and better transport links within the urban area and with the outside world are the key elements in the reorganization of `Greater Milan'. In this situation of rapid transformation the most appropriate political strategies involve negotiated planning. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
根据1957与1982年两个时期的地形图并结合1995与2008年的遥感卫星影像提取城镇建设用地专题信息,利用ArcGIS建立广佛都市区城镇建设用地数据库,采用分形维度的计算方法,对广佛都市区城市蔓延的情况进行测度和分析。结果表明广佛都市区三个发展阶段城镇建设用地面积增长速度并不均匀,具有加速发展的特点。四个测度年份的分形维数分别为1.645 4,1.628 5,1.558 6和1.527 0,均在1~2之间,分形维数呈递降趋势,总体下降了0.118 4,城市发展模式由紧凑型逐渐向松散型演变,存在城市蔓延情况,而且城市发展模式以年均0.14%的速度从紧凑型向松散型演变。广佛都市区城市蔓延的地域分异较为明显,具有较强的空间集聚性和中心向心性,广州和佛山毗邻地区以及中心城区是城市蔓延的活跃区和集中区,1982-1995年间研究区内蔓延速度比1995-2008年间要快。通过深入分析发现,经济快速发展、城市人口的持续增长、交通道路网络的建设是广佛都市区快速扩张和城市蔓延的基本动力因素之一,开发区土地扩张,进一步加剧了无序扩张和城市蔓延。  相似文献   
Different types of farming in metropolitan areas show both negative and positive responses to urban and nonurban forces of change. The variety of impacts has been neglected by most spatial intensity models and land use studies. This study examines census data from 1949 to 1982 in seven major U.S. metropolitan areas for six commodity types to detect regular patterns of changes in sales value, area harvested, number of animals, and intensity of production. Results show large declines in dairy farming, followed by poultry and fruit and nuts; some recent recovery in vegetable crops; and steady increases in both low value field crops and high value horticultural specialties. A trend toward polarization of metropolitan agriculture is indicated. Results also show differences between inner and outer urban fringe areas and a decline in the differential in intensity of production between metropolitan and non-metropolitan agriculture.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲都市圈国内旅游者空间行为模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆林  汤云云 《地理科学》2014,34(1):10-18
以珠江三角洲(下称珠三角)都市圈国内主要客源地2009~2011年度中国100强旅行社官网旅游线路报价单为基础数据,研究了珠三角都市圈发展较为成熟阶段的旅游者空间行为模式及目的地类型,发现:① 珠三角都市圈旅游者空间行为模式总体上以营区基地式和完全环游式为主。不同客源地旅游者行为模式差异较大,广东省内旅游者以单目的地式和港澳小环游为主,其余客源地旅游者多采用营区基地式、往返式、区域环游式和完全环游式等旅行模式;② 珠三角都市圈各城市在旅游线路中出现的频次存在较大差异,总体呈现出3个等级层次关系,不同城市在大小珠三角都市圈以及不同客源地旅游线路中的角色与地位不同,据此得出珠三角都市圈各客源地的空间行为模式图;③ 比较大小珠三角都市圈在空间行为模式上的差异,发现港澳与珠三角地区在旅游发展上逐渐成为一个联系紧密的整体,但实现三地旅游一体化尚待时日。  相似文献   
Until recently the traditional spatial configuration of the European geography was based upon the core-periphery model. The ‘pentagon’, broadly defined as lying between London, Paris, Milan, Munich and Hamburg, was seen as the core area characterised by having the highest concentration of economic development in the European Union (EU), with the remainder of the European territory viewed as peripheral, albeit to varying degrees. In a number of cases such peripheral areas equated with clear regional disparities. The elaboration of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) (CEC, European spatial development perspective, towards balanced and sustainable development in the territory of the European Union, 1999) challenged this core-periphery model. European spatial planning policies, aimed at encouraging social and economic, and with ever increasing importance, territorial cohesion, seek amongst other aspects to encourage the development of a balanced and polycentric urban system. This paper adopts a network analysis approach to the analysis of air passenger flows between some 28 principal European metropolitan urban regions. The evaluation of these flows contributes to an enhanced comprehension of the spatial dynamics of the European metropolitan territory which goes beyond that deriving from the more standard analyses of the individual components of the urban system. Several indicators are used, deriving from gravitational modelling techniques, to analyse the complexity of the air passenger flows. A multidimensional scaling (MDS) technique is introduced in order to interpret and visualise the resulting spatial configuration and positioning of the different metropolitan centres within the conceptual European ‘space of air passenger flows’, thereby contrasting with the more traditional map-based geographical image of Europe, based upon Cartesian coordinates.
Malcolm C. BurnsEmail:
1980年以来京津冀区域研究进展评论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊杰  廉亚楠  赵浩 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1299-1319
1980年以来,因研究内容和空间治理重点不同,京津冀、京津唐、环渤海、大渤海等区域名称与区域范围多次变动。作为中国最早开展人文与经济地理学研究的对象区域,越来越受到经济贸易、生态环境、城乡规划等多学科关注。本文基于学术论文和专著、具有影响的科研项目,对1980年以来京津冀及相关区域研究进展进行了综述和评论。归纳起来,研究对象区域经历了“京津唐(塘)—大(环)渤海—京津冀”的变化过程。整体上可分为4个阶段:20世纪80年代面向京津唐地区,国土规划为主的经济地理学区域研究,研究规模有限;20世纪90年代拓展到大(环)渤海地区,面向东(北)亚区域经济一体化进程开展经济贸易科学与地理学交叉研究;21世纪前10年,回归京津冀区域,生态环境科学和城市规划科学大规模介入的融合研究;21世纪10年代京津冀协同发展的多学科区域综合研究。其间,中央政府在该区域开展的一系列重大规划,包括20世纪80年代京津唐国土规划和90年代环渤海经济协作区规划,21世纪前10年京津冀都市圈区域规划和21世纪10年代京津冀协同发展规划,与区域研究形成了良性互动关系,在显著增强空间规划和战略决策的科学性的同时,也有力地促进了人文与经济地理学科发展,推动了人和自然相互间强烈作用状态下区域复杂系统演化规律的研究进展。  相似文献   
大城市边缘区中小城市的发展具有其特殊性,特殊的区位和特殊的功能定位决定它必须与大城市协调发展。当前"撤县设区"、"撤市设区"发展大城市,加快城市化进程成为我国当今城市发展的一个主导趋势。行政区划调整使城市总体发展战略发生调整,其边缘区的发展条件、发展背景发生了变化,其发展战略也相应要调整。本文通过揭示新的背景下广州市边缘区增城市的城市产业发展、空间发展、生态保护、基础设施布局等方面的战略取向,探讨了大城市边缘区可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   
城乡文化信息流时空整合的理论体系构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱媛媛  曾菊新  韩勇  罗翔 《地理科学》2016,36(3):342-351
为了探寻城乡文化信息流的基本规律,将综合运用大数据思维和Petri网理论,通过“3S”集成技术以及State flow分析工具,旨在解决如何测度城乡文化信息的流态关系和构建时空整合模型两个科学问题。从“动态”的城乡文化“场域”视野出发,以城乡文化信息流的时空整合为研究对象,探索文化信息流对新城乡文化空间形成的影响,并研制出驱动机理和时空整合模式,初步构建现代城乡文化信息流的时空整合理论,力图为促进新文化地理学和信息社会学等多学科的交融发展创建新的理论菜单,为加快城乡文化一体化发展奠定理论基础,为中国城乡文化信息资源共享工程的可持续建设提供科学理论支撑。  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of immigrant groups is a more relevant topic now than ever before. While the study of this topic has a long tradition in the “traditional” immigration countries, it is rare in the very different context of Central and Eastern Europe, especially at the level of metropolitan areas. This study aims to address this gap by providing an analysis of the spatial distribution of various immigrant groups (defined by country of citizenship) in 17 Czech metropolitan areas, and its determinants. First, we characterize the specific situation of the Czech immigration system. Then we use cluster analysis to create a typology of neighbourhoods and compare the distribution of immigrant groups in each type of neighbourhood. Finally, we use regression analysis to examine which characteristics of the local environment are connected to concentrations of different immigrant groups. We show that the presence of foreigners remains associated with core urban areas. Some predominantly Western citizens act as gentrifiers, being associated with spacious pre-war apartments in prestigious inner-city areas, but there are also signs of suburbanization among more well-off immigrants to Czech metropolitan areas. We identify little evidence of ghettoization of immigrants into socially excluded areas.  相似文献   
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