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再分析风场资料已广泛应用于我国舟山群岛海域可再生能源评估、海洋灾害预防决策以及港口运维和船舶运输等涉海发展领域,然而不同业务机构所提供的再分析数据在舟山近海的性能表现不一,严重阻碍了此类数据的有效应用。基于2018年全年单点浮标观测资料,综合评价了舟山群岛近海面(10 m)风场的长期变化趋势,并利用误差分析和风玫瑰图等统计工具对6种主流海表风场再分析资料,包括:ECMWF第五代全球大气再分析数据(the 5th generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis,ERA5)、NECP第二版全球高分辨率再分析数据(climate forecast system version 2,CFSv2)、美国宇航局物理海洋学分布存档中心的多卫星融合资料(cross-calibrated multi-platform,CCMP)、日本55年再分析数据(Japanese 55-year reanalysis,JRA-55)、第二版现代研究与应用回顾性分析数据(modern-era retrospective analysis for research and applications version 2,MERRA-2)和ECMWF哥白尼大气监测服务再分析数据(the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service,CAMS)在时间变化特征上进行了对比与评估。研究表明:在综合性能方面,ERA5对风场的再现能力最优,其次为JRA-55;在要素可信度方面,ERA5对风速的再现情况相对较优,而CFSv2的风向再现情况较好;风场产品在不同季节的模拟能力有所差异;不同风场产品在不同风速区间的重构能力也有所不同;在全年风向分布方面,各再分析资料都存在显著的东向偏差。研究结果为不同应用场景下风场资料的选取提供评估依据,并为进一步开发适用于舟山群岛近海的高精度长周期风场数据产品奠定基础。  相似文献   
本科院校办高职学院是我国 2 0世纪末出现的一个新生事物 ,如何设置专业课程 ,提高教学质量 ,使学生一出校门就能容纳到直接为经济服务当中去 ,结合商务日语专业的具体情况对这个问题进行了思考。  相似文献   
采用水体中设置弹性填料对比实验的方法,在12口聚乙烯水槽实施淡水精养殖日本鳗鲡,进行对鳗鲡精养殖水体生物膜原位修复节水增效效果、机理及应用前景的研究。结果表明,在207天的养殖期间,生物膜原位修复技术应用处理组的平均日换水率仅1.2%,比对照组显著节水减排74%(P0.01);处理组的主要水质因子pH、DO、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、COD等浓度均符合相关的渔业水质标准;处理组的起捕尾重、产量、生长速度分别比对照组高106%(P0.2)、108%(P0.2)和220%(P0.15),饲料系数低于对照组38.4%(P0.1)。此外,处理组弹性填料设置的适宜密度为填料占水体体积的10%。因此,精养殖水体生物膜原位修复技术,具有节水、减排与节能效果显著,投资与运行成本低,环保、低碳、安全,操作简便、易推广等优点。该革新性的生态工程低碳养殖技术对推动我国水产养殖发展方式从高耗费资源型向资源节约与环境友好型转变将产生重大影响。  相似文献   
禾本科物种(例如银草、芦苇)在日本传统的地膜覆盖农业中普遍使用,西阿瓦地区是全球重要的农业遗产系统(GIAHS)所在地。传统上,这里的农民使用银草覆盖农业土壤。但当地农民从长期的经验中了解到,日本虎杖覆盖更适合该地区茄科作物的种植。目前尚不清楚日本虎杖覆盖物为何对茄科作物的种植有益。在本项研究中,我们假设日本虎杖覆盖物可能会有效避免连续种植马铃薯的危害。因为过去每年都会种植两次本地马铃薯,因此,我们调查了日本虎杖覆盖对连续种植马铃薯以及番茄种植后对马铃薯产量的影响。在2018年进行的田间试验中,我们首先在连续马铃薯栽培的土壤和未耕种的土壤中比较了日本虎杖覆盖、银草覆盖和无草覆盖(对照)对马铃薯产量的影响,结果表明日本虎杖覆盖减少了马铃薯产量的降低程度。其次,我们比较了番茄种植后的土壤和未耕种的土壤中的虎杖覆盖和无草覆盖对马铃薯产量的影响,结果再次表明了日本虎杖覆盖减少了马铃薯生长和产量下降的程度。这些发现表明用日本虎杖覆盖有助于避免连续种植马铃薯的风险。  相似文献   
文中总结单舰航线水文气象保障业务的特点、难点,并结合航线水文气象保障的现状提出一些个人的建设性建议。  相似文献   
In order to study characteristics of horizontal crustal strains, we divide the Japanese Islands into 14 tectonic provinces consistent with the suggestion given byMatsuda (1990). We calculate frequency distribution of strain rates using the results of the Precise Control Survey initiated by the Geographical Survey Institute in 1973. This survey is a revision of old first- and second-order triangulation networks by trilateration. The principal axes and principal strains inside all the geodetic triangles are deduced from the comparison of the old triangulation and the new trilateration networks. The maximum shear strain rates are calculated by dividing the accumulated strains with the time intervals. The frequency distribution of strain rates is counted for each tectonic province and for the entire Japanese Islands. It is proved that the maximum shear strain rate with highest frequency ranges from 0.10–0.15 microstrain/a for 4409 data in the Japanese Islands. The mean value of the strain rates throughout the Japanese Islands is deduced to be 0.18 microstrain/a. We also calculated a mean value of strain rates for each tectonic province. Comparison is made between mean geodetic strain rates in the provinces and Quaternary strain rates estimated by geomorphic data. It is found that 0.3–0.4 microstrain/a of the highest order strain rate is now prevailing in the Izu province, the south Fossa-Magna collision zone, and some special provinces along the eastern part of the Japan Sea coast.  相似文献   
Under artificial LD cycles(6,12,18 L),the elvers of Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica,showed a 24 h cycle of locomotor activity rhythm being most active at light transitions:the eels' activity rose to a primary peak after lights-off,followed by a quiescent period during which they buried into the shelters or lying motionlessly on sand for most of the time,and then reached a secondary peak before lights-on.Elvers could resynchronize their activity rhythm with a new photo cycle within 4 d.Moreover,their activity level at dark phase significantly increased as the light period was prolonged:higher activity levels during shorter dark period.However,the elvers did not display clearly the existence of a circadian rhythm under constant light or dark conditions.The timing of daily activity rhythm evidenced in the Japanese eels may occur through the action of the LD cycles with a weak participation of an endogenous circadian system.In all the LD cycles,over 99% of the activity occurred in the dark phase,indicating that the eels were always nocturnally active no matter what time of day it might be.Under 12 L conditions,the eels' activity level and the time outside sand were significantly elevated both at light and dark phases as temperature increased from 10~15 to 20~25 ℃.The activity rhythm pattern(i.e.,two peaks occurring around light transitions) did not apparently change among temperatures.However,in contrast with the primary activity peaks immediately after lights-off at 20 and 25 ℃,the timing of the primary peaks at 10 and 15 ℃ showed a latency of a few hours following lights-off,indicating the inhibiting effect of low temperature on the eels' activity.  相似文献   
芥川龙之介的《水虎》与果戈理的《狂人日记》、鲁迅的《狂人日记》均采用了现实主义与象征主义相结合的创作方法,一针见血地揭露了社会制度的黑暗与腐朽。但他们在创作方法上使用的象征主义和对社会现实揭露的广度与深度不完全相同,主人公的思想高度更是各不相同。作品创作的背景、历史条件,作者的思想高度、性格特点和创作风格是造成这些差别的根源。  相似文献   
研究以侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆为例,采用因子分析法、配对样本t检验、IPA等定量方法研究纪念馆游客满意度及其主要影响因子。因子分析提取出影响纪念馆游客满意度的"资源特色"、"旅游产品组合"、"服务质量"、"环境设施条件"与"交通便利度"5个主要维度;20个影响因素满意度均值与重要性均值之差均为负值,配对样本T检验显著,目前纪念馆旅游产品供给与旅游者的体验需求存在显著差距。IPA分析表明,侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆整体设计有较高的艺术水准,保存有大量详实的战争遗迹和资料,是纪念馆的核心竞争力所在,应以更高的标准进行维护和建设;丰富旅游活动内容和配套多样化的展陈手段,有助于进一步提升游客的满意度;但更为迫切的是改善服务设施条件、提升纪念馆管理的人性化水平,提高服务质量和水平。  相似文献   
目前,地下工程围岩尤其是大型岩石地下工程围岩的粘弹塑性分析研究少见报道。针对这种情况,本文根据西原粘弹塑性流变模型相关理论开发了hhu-vp流变计算软件,以用于大型岩石地下工程围岩粘弹塑性流变数值模拟分析;并以一简单算例与软件FLAC-3D比较,结果偏差在容许范围内。将其应用于水布垭大型地下洞室围岩流变研究中,对该地下洞室的施工开挖及支护处理过程进行了模拟,提出了支护处理意见,并对其运营期的长期稳定性作出了评价。  相似文献   
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