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一次滇西南秋季暴雨的中尺度分析与诊断   总被引:27,自引:20,他引:7  
应用大尺度物理量场诊断分析和中尺度带通滤波处理技术,对2001年10月25日发生在云南西南部的一次暴雨过程机制进行了分析。结果表明,在副热带高压(下称副高)外围大尺度西南气流环境场中,中尺度系统是此次暴雨产生的直接原因;大尺度环境场为暴雨的发生提供了充沛的水汽来源,而中尺度系统则在水汽的强烈辐合、向上输送,使对流层中下层达到准饱和状态扮演了十分重要的角色。  相似文献   
The importance of heavy metal bioavailability on the bioconcentration in aquatic biota is examined. To this purpose, mono- and multivariate statistical techniques are applied to develop correlations between heavy metal bioconcentration factor and sediment characteristics, that are expected to affect bioavailability, using a database of heavy metal concentrations in biota and sediment along with the available physicochemical characteristics. The statistical analysis shows that satisfactory correlations are obtained only when factors that affect bioavailability, such as metal oxides concentration and organic carbon content in the sediment, are taken into account.  相似文献   
Measurements of magnetic susceptibility of soils, reflecting magnetic enhancement of topsoils due to atmospherically deposited magnetic particles of industrial origin, are used recently in studies dealing with outlining polluted areas, as well as with approximate determination of soil contamination with heavy metals. One of the natural limitations of this method is magnetic enhancement of soils caused by weathering magnetically rich parent rock material. In this study we compare magnetic properties of soils from regions with different geological and environmental settings. Four areas in the Czech Republic and Austria were investigated, representing both magnetically rich and poor geology, as well as point-like and diffuse pollution sources. Topsoil and subsoil samples were investigated and the effect of geology and pollution was examined. Magnetic data including mass and volume magnetic susceptibility, frequency-dependent susceptibility, and main magnetic characteristics such as coercivity (Hc and Hcr) and magnetization (Ms and Mrs) parameters are compared with heavy metal contents. The aim of the paper is to assess the applicability of soil magnetometry under different geological-environmental conditions in terms of magnetic discrimination of dominant lithogenic/anthropogenic contributions to soil magnetic signature. Our results suggest that lithology represents the primary effect on soil magnetic properties. However, in case of significant atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic particles, this contribution can be clearly recognized, independent of the type of pollution source (point-like or diffuse), and discriminated from the lithogenic one. Different soil types apparently play no role. Possible effects of climate were not investigated in this study.  相似文献   
对2004年鲁西南两次台风影响造成的大~暴雨过程分析结果表明,西风槽作用下的降水,若有台风低压参与,系统均得以发展,雨势进一步加强。台风低压与西风槽结合及结合点位置,对鲁西南暴雨的形成均很重要。如副高强盛西进时,一般台风低压偏西,与西风槽结合点偏西;副高东退时,结合点一般偏东。  相似文献   
This work re-examines and further develops an analytical solution for the deposition swath of heavy particles released in the atmosphere from an elevated source over uniform terrain, correcting the particle diffusivity for the crossing trajectory effect. The revised (approximate) analytical solution proves to be accurate within 20% over a wide range of micrometeorological conditions and particle size, despite its neglect of the turbulence component of the deposition flux. It compares very satisfactorily with experimental data and with the simulations of a Lagrangian stochastic model, provided the variable U(H)/w g ≤7 (ratio of the mean horizontal wind speed at source height to the particle settling velocity). In this domain of validity, simple formulae relating the statistics of the deposition swath to U(H)/w g are derived.  相似文献   
In southern Chile, with a mild and rainy climate, high levels of heavy metals have been detected in many gold placer deposits. Many of the contaminants pose risks to human life, and consequently damage the trofic chain in this environment. The study zones selected correspond to the handicraft gold-bearing sands of Rio Gato (Los Muermos), Carelmapu and Cucao. These are all located in the X Region of “Los Lagos” in Chile. The type of methodology used in the characterization of the associated mineralization consists of testing each representative sample with a grain size distribution, statistical parameter analysis and a mineralogical analysis, using a binocular magnifying glass, a petrographic microscope, XRD and SEM/EDX. The chemical composition was defined by means of X ray fluorescence and micro-chemical analysis. The results of the study about sediments in southern Chile are presented. The major concentrations of heavy minerals are generally located in areas of dynamic river energy. In the samples, more than 70% of the heavy minerals were distributed among grain sizes corresponding to thin sand with good grain selection (meshes of 0.25–0.06 mm). The main mineral phases present in the analysed samples were gold, zircon, olivine, ilmenite, hornblende, hypersthene, hematite, garnet, chromite, chlorite, augite, amphibolitic-epidote, etc. The main heavy metals found as a result of the study were mercury, lead, cadmium, chrome, tellurium, indium, zinc, cobalt, copper, platinum, gold, etc., and as well some less common elements like cerium, praseodymium, gadolinium, neodymium, samarium and lanthanum. This research work is only a starting point for carrying out a risk probability mapping of heavy metals and the mineralogy of the Cucao, Carelmapu and Rio Gato gold-bearing sands.  相似文献   
南岭山地高速公路雾区恶劣能见度研究   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
使用2003年10月-2005年3月南岭山地京珠高速公路粤北段云岩雾区路段5套能见度仪的每分钟能见度资料和3套自动气象站的每分钟温度、湿度、风向、风速等气象要素资料, 分析研究了南岭山地高速公路雾区浓雾的能见度特征.结果表明, 南岭山地高速公路雾区各月雾日频率以1月最多, 近一半的天数都有雾; 3月次之, 7月最少.11月到次年5月雾日占全年雾日的80%以上, 形成明显的"雾季".南岭山地高速公路雾区浓雾存在日变化, 雾的频率在一天内凌晨最高, 午后最低, 明显比辐射雾的日变化小, 说明夜间辐射降温虽然不是南岭山地高速公路雾区起雾的主要原因, 但还是起到了一定的加强作用.虽然南岭山地雾区大气中含有丰富的凝结核, 南岭山地形成浓雾还是需要较高的相对湿度, 相对湿度至少要达到91%以上才能形成雾.在雾区出现5.2 m/s的大风时仍然有雾, 有雾时90%以上的风速在3 m/s以下, 有几乎一半的浓雾出现时风速在2 m/s左右, 这与辐射雾形成时大都是静小风的情况形成了鲜明对照.南岭山地高速公路雾区浓雾受地形影响比较大, 迎风坡出现雾的频率比背风坡高.  相似文献   
范少强  曹恩伟 《江苏地质》1998,22(4):223-226
污泥堆肥化后的土地利用是污泥处理处置的重要方法之一。经过对荆马河底泥接种堆置处理,揭示出污泥中重金属的形态发生明显的变化。荆马河底泥中的重金属污染物主要以结合态和残渣态的形式存在,水溶态和交换态的量很小,经接种堆置处理后,水溶态和交换态量大幅削减,结合态和残渣态量有所增加,总量变化不大,生物学方法和化学方法测定都表明,处理后的底泥生物毒性有明显降低,重金属的生物有效性降低。  相似文献   
1996年8月8日闽西地区特大暴雨过程分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
林毅  刘爱鸣 《气象科学》1998,18(2):174-180
本文研究了9601号热带风暴减弱为低压环流后引起突发性大暴雨的成因。结果表明:9610号热带风暴减弱后的低压环流移支福建省南部地区,造成闽西地区湿斜压锋区和不稳定能量明显增强,在低压西侧辐合线所提供的福合上升运动激发下,中尺度对流云团迅速发展,导致远离低压中心的闽西突发大暴雨。闽西特殊的地形对特大暴雨的产生起了组织和增幅作用。另外,还通过逐时数字红外云团图的分析,揭示中尺度对流云团发展演变特征与突发性大暴雨的关系,供日常短时预报参考。  相似文献   
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