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沙产业理论概念及其内涵的探讨   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7  
朱俊凤 《中国沙漠》2004,24(5):529-533
"沙产业"是21世纪的新兴产业, 经过20a来的生产实践, 已开始步入科学有序的发展轨道。对沙产业的指导思想、理论概念、核心内容、技术路线, 做了比较详细的探讨。沙产业的核心是在沙区利用生物的机能, 采用高新技术, 提高太阳能转化率, 为人类提供更多的产品, 其技术路线是"多采光、少用水、新技术、高效益"。产业的总体目标是"一改、三有、两实现", 最终使沙区人民全面实现小康社会。  相似文献   
巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山典型区风沙地貌的分形特性   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
以分维为工具,以分维数为中介参数刻画巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山典型区风沙地貌的形态特征,研究发现,该区星状沙山多单独分布,其沙山高度较综合型星状沙山及复合型星状沙山小,一般多在100~200 m之间,形态相对简单,因而其分维数较小(D=1.042462)。综合型星状沙山,为在巨大的沙山体上迭置有次一级的星状沙丘,其规模小于复合型星链状沙山,高度多达200~300 m,该类型沙山形态结构较星状沙山复杂,因而其分维数高于星状沙山(D=1.119346)。复合型星链状沙山,是构成该区域高大沙山的主体,其相对高度大于300 m,平均为30943 m,最高可达465 m,沙山形态结构颇复杂,在其巨大的沙山体上迭加有许多相同类型的次一级沙丘及古沙丘,规模也较综合型星状沙山大,因而其分维数最大(D=1.148164)。  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠简单线形沙丘形态动力学过程研究   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
采样分析、风沙观测以及计算结果表明,在不同风向作用以及沙丘形态参数改变等因素的控制下,简单线形沙丘表面起动剪切速度有明显的差异。表面的气流强度随风向的改变而有所不同。气流与沙丘正交时迎风一侧的输沙率远大于背风一侧同地貌部位的输沙率,但当气流与沙丘走向斜交时,沙丘两侧同地貌部位的输沙率差异不是太大,这是线形沙丘在动力学过程中能保持其形态的最主要原因之一。风向的多变以及沙丘形态的变化使风沙流内边界层内随高度的风速与所观测的输沙率虽也表现为幂函数关系,但相关性较低。沙丘表面被输移的沙物质的粒度分布与下垫面物质组成有一定的差异,在中低强度的起沙风范围内,被输移的沙物质的平均粒径小于下垫面沙物质的平均粒径,且随风速或输沙率的增大,粒度组成也趋于统一。总体上,地表沙物质的输移仍是一随机过程。  相似文献   
The scarcity of numerical dates of the arid areas in southern Africa is a challenge for reconstructing paleoclimate. This paper presents a chronological reconstruction in the central part of the Namib Desert, Namibia, for the last 420,000 yr. It is based on 230Th/U dates (TIMS) from a large stalagmite and a thick flowstone layer in a small cave located in the hyper-arid central Namib Desert. The results provide for the first time evidence of three or possibly four succeeding wet periods of decreasing intensity since 420 ka through which speleothem deposited at approximately 420–385 ka, 230–207 ka and 120–117 ka following the 100-ka Milankovitch cycle. Speleothem growth was not recorded for the Holocene. These wet periods interrupted the predominantly dry climate of the Namib Desert and coincided with wet phases in deserts of the northern hemisphere in the Murzuq Basin, Sahara, the Negev, Israel, the Nafud Desert, Saudi Arabia, and the arid northern Oman, Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   
沉积物粒度特征对于研究物源、衡量搬运能量具有重要意义。分析了腾格里沙漠45个沙丘顶部样品的粒度特征,并计算了30 a输沙势。结果表明:(1)沙丘沙以细沙(71%)和中沙(20%)为主,平均粒径2.38 Φ,分选系数0.40 Φ;平均粒径与分选系数、偏度呈良好的线性关系。(2)分选为“极好”和“好”的样品整体分布在沙漠中部和西南部,前者概率累计曲线趋于近对称、中等峰态,为二段式,后者趋于正偏、中等或尖窄峰态,为三段式;而沙漠边缘分选较差,概率累计曲线为多段式。(3)盛行起沙风为西北风。西北和东北部属中风能环境,风况属单峰型和复杂型;南部和东南部分别属低、中风能环境,均双峰型风况。研究区沙丘沙源应以下伏河湖相沉积物就地起沙为主。沙漠边缘河湖相沉积物应该为中部区沙丘沙提供了物源,西南部沙丘沙可能源自石羊河下游的冲洪积物,风力分选作用较长,边缘沙丘沙则应来源于该区河湖相沉积物就地起沙,风力分选不充分。粒度参数空间分布特征与沙丘类型和规模之间存在一定的耦合关系。  相似文献   
正Inter-dune lake sediment cores are ideal and unavailable materials for study climate and environmental changes of arid region.The precious dating of lake sediment cores is required for carrying out high resolution climate and environmental changes with these cores.The Badain Jaran inter-dune lake group embedding in the sand sea is the  相似文献   
The southern Peruvian coastal desert around Palpa, southern Peru (14.5°S) is currently characterized by hyper-arid conditions. However, the presence of two species of molluscs (Scutalus, Pupoides) and desert-loess deposits indicates the past development of semi-desert and grassland ecosystems caused by a displacement of the eastern desert margin due to hydrological changes. Radiocarbon dating shows that the transition to a semi-arid climate in the southern Peruvian coastal desert took place during the Greenland interstadial 1, ∼ 13.5 cal ka BP. At the beginning of the Holocene, the mollusc fauna vanished due to increasing humidity and the development of grasslands. Dust particles were fixed by the grasses, as indicated by abundant Poaceae phytoliths, and desert loess was formed. The humid period we observe here is out of phase with the palaeoenvironmental records from the Titicaca region, which indicates dry conditions at that time. This paper offers a new idea for this contradiction: an orbitally driven meridional shift of the Bolivian high might have altered the moisture supply across the Andes.  相似文献   
Chronology of Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary successions remains controversial for many regions of the Arabian–Nubian Shield, including the Dokhan Volcanics of NE Egypt. New U–Pb zircon SHRIMP ages have been obtained for 10 silica-rich ignimbrites and two subvolcanic dacitic bodies, mapped as Dokhan Volcanics, from the North Eastern Desert of Egypt. Crystallization ages range between 592 ± 5 and 630 ± 6 Ma (Early Ediacaran). Apparently, the late consolidation of the Arabian–Nubian Shield was accompanied by the evolution of isolated volcanic centres and basin systems which developed during a period of approx. 40 Ma, independently in space and time and probably under changing tectonic regimes. The obtained age data together with other previously published reliable ages for Dokhan Volcanics suggest two main pulses of volcanic activity: 630–623 Ma and 618–592 Ma. Five samples contain inherited zircons, with ages of 669, 715–746, 847 and 1530 Ma, supporting models that North Eastern Desert crust is mainly juvenile Neoproterozoic crust.  相似文献   
王丽娟  王哲  刘敏  申建梅  聂振龙 《地质通报》2023,42(7):1218-1227
以巴丹吉林沙漠周围的4个国家气象站1960-2017年的长序列和腹地自建的10个气象站2016-2018年的短序列气象数据为支撑, 运用一元线性回归模型、Mann-Kendall检验等方法, 系统分析沙漠周边及腹地气温和降水量的时空变化特征; 结合项目组及前人对湖泊动态的研究成果, 分析其变化特征, 初步探讨了巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊变化与气候要素的响应关系。研究表明: 巴丹吉林沙漠周边年均气温均呈上升趋势, 且由南向北升温速率增大, 其中阿拉善右旗以0.74℃/10a的速率显著上升; 降水量变化趋势不显著; 总体而言, 近50a来沙漠东南缘气候呈暖湿化、西北缘气候呈暖干化趋势。巴丹吉林沙漠周边年降水量、气温均在20世纪70-80年代出现突变, 降水量突变不明显, 气温突变显著, 气候自此向暖干化趋势发展; 沙漠周边与沙漠区月际气候特征基本一致, 均具有水热同期, 夏季高温多雨, 冬季寒冷干燥的特点, 但沙漠区雨季较沙漠边缘区短, 雨期较边缘区提前。沙漠区湖泊多年来呈不同程度萎缩趋势, 湖泊群加速萎缩受当地气候暖干化突变控制; 湖泊年度水位、水量峰值与降水量峰值不一致, 表明降水量变化不是湖泊变化的主控因素。  相似文献   
利用塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中和巴丹吉林沙漠北缘拐子湖两个陆气通量监测站2013年2月-2014年1月地面辐射观测数据及相应气象资料,对比分析塔中和拐子湖两地的太阳辐射通量和地表反照率差异特征,同时也探究了两地太阳辐射通量和地表反照率与太阳高度角之间的关系。结果表明:(1)塔中和拐子湖两地各辐射通量均呈较为同步的季节变化特征;具有太阳辐射优势的塔中地区因沙尘天气的影响在部分月份地表总辐射小于拐子湖地区;拐子湖由于地表沙粒相对较粗且包含大量透明度较高的石英颗粒,地表反照率和反射辐射均大于塔中地区;两地各辐射通量月平均日变化均呈现出标准倒"U"型结构;(2)拐子湖较粗的地表沙粒导致沙尘天气过后不易形成浮尘,沙尘天气过后各辐射通量恢复至发生之前的状态较塔中地区迅速;(3)两地太阳高度角夏季最大,冬季最小,最大值均可达75°左右,最小值塔中和拐子湖地区分别为45°和40°;各辐射通量随着太阳高度角的升高而增加,地表反照率随之减小,但受多种因素影响各辐射通量最大值并未出现在太阳高度角最大的时候。  相似文献   
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