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东南极伊利莎白公主地LGB65点的雪层密度与剖面特征   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
对东南极冰盖伊利莎白公主地LGB65点的50m雪芯及雪坑进行了雪层密度与剖面分析。结果表明,该处雪的密实化过程属冷型落实化类型,第一和第二临界密度深度分别为10.4m和60.4m深霜不育,雪层中为数不多的雏形深霜层厚度仅几厘米,多分布在冰壳层的上、下两侧,16.0m以上,发芯透光性的变化不明显,之下,透光性逐渐表现出韵律变化,雪层中辐射壳和风壳频繁出现,其中辐射壳可作为划分年层的重要依据,综合雪层内的各种层位特征,初步划分出LGB65雪芯的年层约为243a,总的年平均积累率为131.9mm,20世纪60年代年积累率低于平均水平,70年代中期以后,;积累率出现大幅度增加,进250a来该处的年积累率呈增大趋势。  相似文献   
An integrated geophysical survey which combines vertical seismic profile method, shallow reflection seismic method, electric sounding, soil temperature measurement and radioactive gas measurement was used to investigate Zhaoshuling landslide in the new site of Badong County and to assess the stability of the landslide. By rational use of these methods together with borehole geological profile and other geological information, the spatial distribution of the landslide body, the formations and structures within and without the landslide body were determined and the stability of the landslide was also assessed, thus making great contribution to the successful and rational investigation and assessment of the landslide.  相似文献   
丘陵山区低空急流特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝为锋  王庆安 《气象科学》1996,16(3):256-263
利用丘陵区边界层实测资料,分析了该地区8-9月份低空急流的特征及其演变规律;并从测站所处的地理环境,山凰 地形的力差异以及适中的风平流作用等,探讨了测站上空逆温的形成及其对低空急流的形成和维持作用,根据地形热力差所导致的气压斜压性,研究了低空急流的生消可能机制。  相似文献   
本文应用RESMA系统对区域化探金异常进行了筛选评价,并对筛选出的异常应用二维地球化学剖面延拓推测其深部的含矿性及预测其远景储量.  相似文献   
工业区与非工业区辐射雾水的化学组成   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1988年冬季,你们对云南省安宁工业区和西双版纳非工业区雾水进行采集,工业区雾水混浊肮脏,含有大量固体颗粒,雾水中离子浓度值与附近工厂排向大气的污染物有关,但雾水酸度值并不高。非工业区雾水比较清洁,雾水中离子浓度值平均比工业区低一个数量级。本文还讨论了一个雾过程离子浓度变化与温度层结的关系。  相似文献   
克希霍夫积分偏移法在探地雷达图象处理中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邓世坤 《地球科学》1993,18(3):303-309
松辽盆地东缘域位于松嫩—张广才岭微板块东部.自晚古生代以来该域经历了西拉木伦河缝合带闭合产生的北向挤压作用、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋自西向东剪刀叉式闭合对其东侧东南侧产生的挤压作用以及西太平洋板块西向变向俯冲产生的挤压作用等区域构造应力场影响,从而产生了复杂的地壳变动.该东缘域的地壳结构与松辽盆地地壳是否具有相近的结构特点,这是至今未被研究的内容.在Songliao Drep研究中已经用深反射地震手段得到松辽盆地地壳结构的一组新认识.这些认识在其东缘域是否还成立,也需要用同样精度的手段予以研究.另外,莫霍界面的宏观特征与微观(内部)特征,从松辽盆地到其东缘域有什么样的变化,其形成机理是什么,也需要进一步研究.为了回答这些科学问题,从哈尔滨西至尚志市附近实施了一条东西向约150 km长的深反射地震剖面.通过研究发现东缘域与松辽盆地基底地壳具有明显的差别,即由松辽盆地地壳的三分性变到东缘域盆地外地壳的二分性,在剖面近东端得到近26 km深的莫霍界面深度,并用均衡理论分析莫霍界面形态特征的形成机理;上部地壳存在双向大型推覆断裂,推测其被推覆体主体是古亚洲洋沉积地层即C-P系海相地层.这些认识为中国东北地区探查晚古生代海相地层、研究东北亚地壳结构特征提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
穿过天津地区张渤带的长86 km、NE向深地震反射剖面揭示了该区清晰的地壳精细结构图像和断裂的深浅构造特征,为研究张渤地震构造带的深部孕震环境和构造模式提供了地震学证据,对探讨晚中生代以来华北裂陷盆地的深部动力学过程及演化具有重要意义.结果表明,天津地区张渤带地壳以结晶基底反射TG为界,分为上下两部分;上地壳反射波组丰富,分层特征明显,界面起伏形态清楚,清晰地刻画出冀中坳陷新生代沉积分层、箕状沉积凹陷的底界、潮白河断裂、蓟运河断裂及丰台—野鸡坨断裂的几何结构;地壳内部结晶基底(TG)至Moho之间,显示出近于"反射透明"的地震波场特征,无明显震相,这与华北其他地区的深地震反射剖面结果明显不同;地壳厚度为30.0~34.5 km,总体变化趋势为中段地壳厚而南北端相对较薄,Moho在横向上显示出明显的不均匀和横向间断特征,在Moho被错断处存在两个明显的反射事件RA和RC,RA可能是软流圈热物质上涌的侧向残留物,叠层状反射震相RC则表现出壳幔过渡带特征;剖面揭示了2条错断Moho的超壳深大断裂(FD1和FD2)和9条上地壳断裂,深大断裂应是软流圈热物质上涌,造成上地幔隆起而形成的,上地壳断裂与地壳垂直运动及侧向引张力有关;超壳深断裂(FD1和FD2)为本区深部热物质的上涌与能量交换提供了通道,而与之对应的地壳浅部断裂(F3和F9),则为能量调整提供了可能的条件,断裂邻近区域可能是未来发生强震的地区,值得注意.  相似文献   
Precision measurements indicate that the stability capping of the neutral planetary boundary layer (PBL) that leads to a reduced PBL height is caused by the very stable upper part of the PBL, rather than by an overlying inversion. Radiative processes related to liquid water in boundary-layer clouds seem to play the key role for the formation of the stable upper PBL. The famous Leipzig Profile – generally considered as an example of a neutral PBL – has been included in Hess’s analysis because its PBL height is considerably lower than the ca. 3000 m to be expected by numerical models in truly neutral conditions. An analysis of the original observations reveals that the Leipzig PBL was stable and that it can be consistently treated as a ‘normal’ stable PBL with a height of ca. 700 m. A further finding is that the super-geostrophic PBL wind speed maxima predicted by almost all models are not observed in near-steady-state conditions. For the ‘ranking’ of analytical models versus numerical models, the comparisons with measurements show that the analytical models perform comparably well and even partially better than the numerical models.  相似文献   
This study of fluvial terraces of the River Rhine and tributaries aims to search for indications of Pleistocene tectonic activity. The study area includes the northern Upper Rhine Graben (URG), the Mainz Basin and the adjacent Rhenish Massif with the Middle Rhine Valley. High rates of Quaternary surface processes, large amount of human modifications, relatively slow tectonic deformation and presently low intra-plate seismic activity characterize this area. Therefore, the records of relatively slow tectonic deformation are less well preserved and thus difficult to detect. This study uses the relative position of fluvial terraces to determine the more local effects of fault movements on the terraces and to evaluate their displacement rates and patterns. The research is based on a review of previous terrace studies and new terrace mapping from the eastern Mainz Basin and the bordering URG using topographic map interpretations and field observations. This newly mapped sequence of terrace surfaces can be correlated to other terraces in the vicinity on the basis of relative height levels. Terrace correlation between the western Mainz Basin and Middle Rhine Valley relies on a single chronostratigraphic unit (Mosbach sands) and additional relative height correlations. This is the first study to present a continuous correlation of terraces from the western margin of the URG to the Rhenish Massif and enables the study of the transition from the subsiding graben to the uplifted Rhenish Massif. By means of a longitudinal profile, which ranges from the URG to the Rhenish Massif, the influence of individual fault movements on the terrace levels and the large-scale regional uplift is demonstrated. It is evident from the profile that the uplift of Early to Middle Pleistocene terraces increases northwards, towards the Rhenish Massif. The uplift was diachronic, with a significant pulse occurring first in the northern URG (Lower Pleistocene) and later in the Rhenish Massif (Middle Pleistocene). The largest vertical displacements are recorded for the boundary fault separating the Mainz Basin and the Rhenish Massif (Hunsrück–Taunus Boundary Fault) and for faults bounding the northeastern Mainz Basin. The motions and displacement rates calculated for individual faults indicate deformation rates in the order of 0.01–0.08 mm/year. At this stage, the calculation of displacement rates depends mostly on a single dated stratigraphic unit. Additional dating of terrace deposits is urgently needed to better constrain the temporal development of the terrace sequence and the impact of tectonic movements.  相似文献   
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