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利用碎屑岩骨架组分、含量分布、古水流方向、砂岩岩石学特征、常量与微量元素及沉积构造特征等,对鄂尔多斯盆地西缘二叠纪山西组母岩类型、物源方向及大地构造属性进行了研究。砂岩岩石组分表明,物源主要以再旋回造山带为主,源区主要由花岗岩、浅变质岩及片麻岩类组成。砂岩百分含量图也表明,山西组沉积时的主物源区在盆地以北的阴山地区,南部仅为次物源区。古水流参数也证明物源方向为SSW。另外,沉积岩常量与微量元素分布特征显示,当时该区的大地构造环境为被动大陆边缘环境。因而可推知,二叠世山西组沉积时,鄂尔多斯盆地西缘的沉积以北方物源为主,且可能来自北部的阴山地区和西北方向的阿拉善地块。  相似文献   
川中地区上三叠统须家河组气田异常高压演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据川中地区上三叠统须家河组典型气田的现今实测地层压力分析了异常高压发育的特征。以现今实测压力为约束,利用流体压实耦合方法恢复了须家河组气田主要储层的压力演化史。研究结果表明:上三叠统须家河组储层超压的发育在总体上是逐渐增大的,其地层压力演化可划分为三个阶段:(1)150 Ma之前为常压阶段,地层压力等于静水压力;(2...  相似文献   
通过对塔北奥陶系碳酸盐岩沉积相类型、相带区域组合及分布特征的研究,根据岩石特征、沉积结构和相序特征的分析,建立了塔北奥陶系碳酸盐岩的沉积演化模式。研究认为塔北下奥陶统蓬莱坝组、中下奥陶统鹰山组、中奥陶统一间房组和上奥陶统吐木休克组沉积相横向分布较稳定。蓬莱坝组、鹰山组鹰四段、鹰三段为局限台地相;鹰二段为半局限台地相;鹰一段和一间房组属于开阔台地相,但向上水体不断变浅,一间房组沉积时期开始出现点礁;上奥陶统吐木休克组沉积时期区域整体沉降,为沉没台地-斜坡-盆地沉积。上奥陶统良里塔格组沉积时期盆地整体抬升,区域沉积厚度和沉积相出现较大变化,早中期发育碳酸盐开阔台地相,后期为典型的台地边缘相。  相似文献   
塔东地区是塔里木盆地重要的油气资源战略接替区域之一。在剖面、测井和岩心资料的基础上,以Cross的高分辨率层序地层学理论为指导,对区内中—上奥陶统海底扇相浊积岩进行了初步的层序地层分析,识别出了6个三级层序,并建立了横向连井层序地层对比格架,揭示了地层的时空展布规律。在对海底扇相沉积特征研究的基础上,首次以三级层序为单位勾绘了6期海底扇扇体形态的平面展布图,分析了各期扇体的平面展布特征;最后,依据扇体形态,结合其岩性特征和重矿物分析,对海底扇的物源方向进行了初步的探讨,得出该区海底扇物源应来自北部的库鲁克塔格地区,研究成果为本区今后的油气勘探工作提供了依据。  相似文献   
Accurate porosity and permeability evaluation of rock formations is critical to estimate the quality and resource potential of a reservoir. In addition to directly measure the porosity and pore size distribution, low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is able to measure the effective porosity and estimate the in-situ formation permeability, though its robustness is arguable and requires calibrations on cores with specific lithologies.The Mesozoic formations of the central Perth Basin (Western Australia) host hot sedimentary aquifers and recently became key targets for geothermal heat extraction. A collection of cores was retrieved from three wells intersecting these units. The characterisation of their flow properties complements the current evaluation of the Perth Basin by adding new data on effective porosity, pore size distribution, pore geometry and calibration of predictive models for the permeability according to a comprehensive facies classification scheme.This study highlights the consistency of the NMR approach when compared to conventional helium injection method. Most favourable lithologies for well production correspond to very coarse to fine sandstones of fluvial channel fill with porosities >15% and permeabilities >>1 mD. Similarly, these facies exhibit (i) the highest effective porosities, (ii) the highest pore space to pore throat ratio, and (iii) the lowest contribution of clay bound water. These aspects confirm the importance of clay occurrence in the assessment of the flow efficiency of a formation.The Yarragadee Formation presents the best reservoir quality regarding its porosity and permeability, even though high discrepancies occur locally owing to the great variability of lithofacies encountered. The scattered values observed for the Lesueur Sandstone are likely to be due to the basin architecture and fault system which generate different mechanical compaction and secondary cementation. Given an adequate facies analysis, the NMR method represents a powerful tool to estimate the flow efficiency of a reservoir.  相似文献   
Carlin-style gold deposits are widely distributed in Southwestern Guizhou, China. Research has dominantly focused on deposit-scale geology and structural control of mineralization. The relationship between the gold deposits and regional structures, in particular their control on the formation and distribution of those deposits is less well understood. Here we use seismic survey and gravity data to reveal the basin-scale structure control of the gold deposits in central Southwestern Guizhou. The seismic reflection profiles show strong reflection horizons including Upper Permian coal measures, and Dongwu and Guangxi unconformities. The seismic data provide important evidence of the basinal structural style and the relationship between fault-related folding and the Carlin-style gold deposits. Regional gravity data also revealed several paleo-uplifts, which appear to control the distribution of Carlin-style gold deposits.The Carlin-style gold deposits are spatially and temporally associated with fault-related folds. Based on their location, we classify the gold deposits into two types, (1) low-angle thrust-controlled deposits; and (2) high-angle reverse fault-related deposits. In the low-angle thrust-controlled deposits, main thrusts are listric, strike NW-SE and dip southwest. These thrusts detach into coal measures, tuffs and volcanic rocks and are bedding-parallel in the vicinity of the Dongwu unconformity. Gold ore bodies are found in the thrusts and characterized by cutting-layer veins near the surface and bedding-parallel veins at depth. The high-angle reverse fault-related deposits are located in the hinge of northeast-southwest-striking fault-related folds, with high-angle reverse faults near the hinge of folds crosscutting the Upper Permian coal measures, volcanic rocks and Dongwu unconformity, and then into the limestone of Middle Permian Maokou Formation. Ore bodies are bedding-parallel in anticline culminations where interlayer fracture zones in Upper Permian coal measures and volcanic rocks are generated by high-angle reverse faulting.We consider that the formation of the gold deposits is part of the tectonic evolution in the area. The two sets of NW-SE- and NE-SW-striking fault-related folds were successively formed during the closure of eastern Tethys Ocean in Late Triassic, and major gold deposits formed in the fault-related folds. The Dongwu unconformity and faults provided conduits for ore fluid flow, and the coal measures and the tuffs of Dachang Member acted as detachment layers and hosts for ore deposition.  相似文献   
文章通过大量岩芯、铸体薄片观察和测井资料分析,对准噶尔腹部石西石炭系火山岩风化壳储层进行了详细地研究。研究结果表明,该火山岩风化壳储层的储集空间主要有基质溶孔、气孔或杏仁体溶孔、角砾间溶孔、微裂缝和裂缝等,其中与裂缝连通的各类溶孔占主导地位;在岩石分布上以集块岩、条带状熔岩、角砾熔岩和致密凝灰岩为主,玄武岩、安山岩和流纹岩则相对较少;储层物性主要表现为高孔低渗,只有裂缝具有较高的渗透率,且裂缝以高角度缝和直立缝为主。研究还发现,岩性岩相、裂缝和风化淋滤作用是影响该风化壳储层的主要因素。区内油层主要聚中在构造高部位、靠近断裂带和有利岩相区域;油层分布在离石炭系风化壳顶面25~150 m的范围内。  相似文献   
Due to strong remodification and sparse trace remnants, tectonic restoration is critical for the reconstructing of the paleography and basin-prototype in the multiple-cycles superimposed basin, which is also fundamental for the hydrocarbon exploration of the deep marine carbonate in the Tarim Basin. This study presents the tectonic framework of the transition phase from the Sinian to the Cambrian Period and its constrains on the paleography of the Cambrian in the Tarim Basin based on comprehensive analysis of new geochronology data, seismic data and regional tectonic data. The results showed that (1) there is a large regional unconformity between the Cambrian and Precambrian, suggesting a discontinuous deposition from the Sinian to the Cambrian that is contrary to the major view; (2) a broad flattened paleotopography formed before Cambrian Period, which is favorable for the wide epicontinental sea environment and a gentle homoclinal ramp platform development in the early Cambrian, and the residual basement low relief uplifts that influence the microfacies differentiation in the carbonate platform; (3) the Cambrian carbonate platform has been involved much into the marginal orogenic belts, and the proto-platform is probably of 200 km out of the present basin in S-N direction; (4) there is a weak extensional setting in the Cambrian-Early Ordovician rather than a strong rifting setting with a large aulacogen into the platform, in which a inter-platform shallow depression and stable ramp platform developed in the Cambrian; (5) there is not troughs, but rather low relief uplifts developed in the Early Cambrian in the southwestern Tarim Basin, and lack of large uplifts along the carbonate platform margins; (6) it is showed a broad architecture of platform-wide slope-ocean basin from the inner Tarim plate to its margin in the Cambrian Period. Considering the basin prototype, the restoration of the tectono-paleography in the early Cambrian in the Tarim Basin is distinct from those of the previously proposed. We propose that a gentle pattern with “two platforms and one inter-depression” in E-W striking other than multiple small platform constrained in the basin, and further subdivision of the western platform with inner platform low uplift and sag in N-S striking, which is possibly inherited from the basement architecture. On the outer of the united platform, there is probably broad gentle slope for transition to ocean basin. We therefore argue that tectonic restoration is crucial for reconstruction of the paleogeography and basin prototype, especially for basins experienced multiphase of tectonic cycles. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
黄薇  吴海波  李军辉  刘赫 《沉积学报》2016,34(1):120-128
本文充分利用岩芯、测井、地震及分析化验等资料,对海-塔盆地中部断陷带4个主力凹陷的南屯组砂体类型及分布特征进行了详细研究。结果表明,南屯组主要发育扇三角洲、近岸水下扇、辫状河三角洲和湖底扇等4种典型类型砂体,并从沉积背景、发育部位、沉积特征、搬运机制以及地震反射特征等5个方面,分不同角度、不同层次详细阐述了扇三角洲、近岸水下扇、辫状河三角洲和湖底扇的识别标志;其中扇三角洲主要分布在乌尔逊凹陷和贝尔凹陷的陡坡带,近岸水下扇主要分布在南贝尔凹陷和塔南凹陷的陡坡带,而辫状河三角洲主要分布乌尔逊凹陷、贝尔凹陷和南贝尔凹陷的缓坡带。从盆地边部向盆地中心方向,沉积相由扇三角洲、近岸水下扇和辫状河三角洲沉积逐渐过渡为半深湖-深湖相沉积,局部半深湖-深湖相中发育湖底扇沉积体系,整体具有“南北分块、东西分带”的沉积格局。综合研究表明,扇三角洲前缘、近岸水下扇中扇和辫状河三角洲前缘砂体是油气富集的有利沉积相带,而洼槽边缘的湖底扇砂体为岩性油气藏勘探的重点对象。  相似文献   
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