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A 3D backstripping approach considering salt flow as a consequence of spatially changing overburden load distribution, isostatic rebound and sedimentary compaction for each backstripping step is used to reconstruct the subsidence history in the Northeast German Basin. The method allows to determine basin subsidence and the salt-related deformation during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion and during Late Triassic–Jurassic extension. In the Northeast German Basin, the deformation is thin-skinned in the basinal part, but thick-skinned at the basin margins. The salt cover is deformed due to Late Triassic–Jurassic extension and Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion whereas the salt basement remained largely stable in the basin area. In contrast, the basin margins suffered strong deformation especially during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic inversion. As a main question, we address the role of salt during the thin-skinned extension and inversion of the basin. In our modelling approach, we assume that the salt behaves like a viscous fluid on the geological time-scale, that salt and overburden are in hydrostatical near-equilibrium at all times, and that the volume of salt is constant. Because the basement of the salt is not deformed due to decoupling in the basin area, we consider the base of the salt as a reference surface, where the load pressure must be equilibrated. Our results indicate that major salt movements took place during Late Triassic to Jurassic E–W directed extension and during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic NNE–SSW directed compression. Moreover, the study outcome suggests that horizontal strain propagation in the salt cover could have triggered passive salt movements which balanced the cover deformation by viscous flow. In the Late Triassic, strain transfer from the large graben systems in West Central Europe to the east could have caused the subsidence of the Rheinsberg Trough above the salt layer. In this context, the effective regional stress did not exceed the yield strength of the basement below the Rheinsberg Trough, but was high enough to provoke deformation of the viscous salt layer and its cover. During the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic phase of inversion, horizontal strain propagation from the southern basin margin into the basin can explain the intensive thin-skinned compressive deformation of the salt cover in the basin. The thick-skinned compressive deformation along the southern basin margin may have propagated into the salt cover of the basin where the resulting folding again was balanced by viscous salt flow into the anticlines of folds. The huge vertical offset of the pre-Zechstein basement along the southern basin margin and the amount of shortening in the folded salt cover of the basin indicate that the tectonic forces responsible for this inversion event have been of a considerable magnitude.  相似文献   
The Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic evolution of the North German Basin has been investigated by 3-D thermomechanical finite element modelling. The model solves the equations of motion of an elasto-visco-plastic continuum representing the continental lithosphere. It includes the variations of stress in time and space, the thermal evolution, surface processes and variations in global sea level.The North German Basin became inverted in the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic. The inversion was most intense in the southern part of the basin, i.e. in the Lower Saxony Basin, the Flechtingen High and the Harz. The lower crustal properties vary across the North German Basin. North of the Elbe Line, the lower crust is dense and has high seismic velocity compared to the lower crust south of the Elbe Line. The lower crust with high density and high velocity is assumed to be strong. Lateral variations in lithospheric strength also arise from lateral variations in Moho depth. In areas where the Moho is deep, the upper mantle is warm and the lithosphere is thereby relatively weak.Compression of the lithosphere causes shortening, thickening and surface uplift of relatively weak areas. Tectonic inversion occurs as zones of preexisting weakness are shortened and thickened in compression. Contemporaneously, the margins of the weak zone subside. Cenozoic subsidence of the northern part of the North German Basin is explained as a combination of thermal subsidence and a small amount of deformation and surface uplift during compression of the stronger crust in the north.The modelled deformation patterns and resulting sediment isopachs correlate with observations from the area. This verifies the usefulness and importance of thermomechanical models in the investigation of intraplate sedimentary basin formation.  相似文献   
Using a three-dimensional non-linear shelf model, the elliptical properties (ellipticity, inclination of the ellipse, major and minor semi-axis and phase) of the M2 tide in the German Bight were calculated and compared with CODAR measurements. A series of barotropic and baroclinic calculations were carried out to investigate the influence of geometry, stratification and particularly inputs of freshwater on these parameters. The elliptical properties undergo stronger changes in zones of influence of embayments and in the deepening of the old Elbe Valley. Friction effects in the shallow areas are responsible for robust vertical variations of the ellipticity. The island of Helgoland induces wakes on its western and eastern sides. The discharge of freshwater of the rivers Elbe, Weser and Ems induced in general negative ellipticity. Although primarily determined by geography, baroclinic effects significantly modified the inclination of the ellipses. The calculated ellipses pattern of anticlockwise and clockwise tidal current rotation agrees quite well with CODAR measurements. The elliptical properties give a general idea of the interaction of tidal waves with coastal geometries.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   
Effective marine pollution policy strongly depends on actions coordinated at the international level. As a result, scholars tend to more closely examine the formulation and implementation of international agreements, while paying scant attention to policy making at the domestic level. How important is the protection of seas to domestic key actors? This study gives an overview of German parties' policy agendas with respect to marine pollution. In doing this, it analyzes manifestos for nine federal elections taking place between 1980 and 2009. The findings of the qualitative content analysis show that the combat of marine pollution has persistently formed an integrative part of German parties' policy agendas, although there is notable cross-party variation regarding the scope of attention paid to this issue. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that German parties do not limit themselves to only recognizing sea pollution as a general problem and making some vague statements about the need to enhance protection levels. On the contrary, they present concrete proposals for improving the status of German and international marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
项伟  R.J 《地质科技情报》2005,24(Z1):126-128
德国GPS在线位移监控和预警系统,除了可以进行GPS测量和数据处理外,还可给出观测点的实时三维位移数据、位移速度和位移加速度,绘出分析曲线,其测量精度达毫米级,并可根据预先设定的破坏概率自动报警.该系统可预测和预警自然灾害如滑坡、泥石流、地震等;在矿山开采作业中,可对矿坑、尾矿坝及采空区的地表塌陷进行监控;可用于岩土工程和土木工程建设中的高边坡、建筑物、基坑、挡土墙以及塔楼和桥梁高频率运动的监测;可广泛应用于水利工程建设,如大坝、大堤位移和沉陷的监控等.在道路建设中,可应用于隧道开挖、路堤沉陷和桥梁位移的观测.  相似文献   
The <2 μm fraction of 45 sediment samples from the Elbe and Weser rivers and from the southeastern North Sea (German Bight) was analyzed for its contents of clay minerals and selected chemical elements. This was done to provide new information to the controversial question about the origin and distribution of clays in this near-shore marine region. The proportions of smectite, chlorite, illite and kaolinite were determined from intensities of the (001) basal reflection of the XRD pattern using weighted integrated factors and IR-mineral spectra, which were fitted to the values of the chemical analyses. Illite – the major clay mineral – was characterized by its K/Rb ratios and K-Ar ages. Anthropogenic metal contamination was demonstrated by the Cu, Pb and Zn contents.  相似文献   
德国北部盆地上侏罗统广泛发育,但野外露头地层普遍出露不全。Hildesheimer Wald地区Wendhausen 6井和Süntel山地区Eulenflucht 1井完整钻遇了上侏罗统牛津阶和启莫里阶地层,为分析该区晚侏罗世沉积演化过程及其所反映的古环境变化规律提供了丰富的资料。通过岩心描述和岩石薄片镜下观察,根据不同层段的颗粒成分、生物组合特征、沉积结构和构造等特征,在2口井的岩心中共划分出14个岩石类型,分别形成于碳酸盐岩斜坡和三角洲环境。建立了该区牛津阶和启莫里阶垂向沉积演化序列,垂向上由Heersum组到Süntel组,沉积环境逐步由外陆棚、内陆棚、临滨过渡到了开阔台地、潮坪环境,表现出了相对海平面降低的进积过程。同时对不同沉积相中保存较好的以低镁方解石为主要成分的牡蛎壳进行原位Mg/Ca值(古温度指标)测试,得出该区牛津期至启莫里期总体表现出了古气候变暖的趋势,且共有3次气候变暖过程。这一古气候变化与由沉积相分析得出的古气候变化一致,且同苏格兰、俄罗斯台地古温度变化趋势有很好的对应关系,表明古气候是控制该区沉积演化的一个重要因素,且牡蛎壳Mg/Ca值可以做为一个古气候指示指标应用于其他地区的古气候分析中。  相似文献   
In an integrated analysis, metamorphic processes in the accreted crust, potential field anomalies, temperature field and subsidence history are summarized into a model for the development of the North German Basin. The model integrates observed phenomena such as the high nitrogen content in natural gases in Permian sandstone reservoirs and the structure of the crust with model calculations. Rock density increase, subsequent volume reduction and loss of volatiles during metamorphism lead to a depression at the surface of the Earth. The load of the sediments, which will be deposited in the depression, enhances the subsidence and the ongoing metamorphism. The model provides an alternative to the application of existing tectonic stretching models for the explanation of the subsidence of sedimentary basins.  相似文献   
Fluid-dynamics driving saline water in the North East German Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In several areas of the North German Basin, saline water comes close to, or even reaches the surface. Available data from wells indicate that brine stratification is under unstable conditions in the deeper underground. In order to analyse the possible transport mechanisms, 3D thermohaline simulations have been carried out for two different scenarios. The 3D regional model (230×330 km) indicates that salty water is driven to the surface by hydrostatical forces from the surrounding highlands. In addition, a smaller scale model (10×10 km) has been constructed with a grid resolution accounting for possible convective flow. The results indicate that convective flow may play a dominant role in areas with minor topography. In summary, the complex pattern of near surface occurrences of saline water probably results from the interaction of hydrostatic and thermal forces.  相似文献   
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