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河南省浅层地温能资源具有分布广泛、资源量丰富、开发利用方便等特点,发展前景广阔。通过对河南省主要城市的地质、水文地质条件和岩土体结构特征等浅层地温能赋存特征的分析,采用数理统计和对比分析等综合研究的方法,对比研究了不同地貌类型城市200m以浅的岩土体热物性特征、浅层地温场分布特征和岩土热响应特征等的异同及其分布与变化规律。结果显示:河南省主要城市浅层地温能的赋存层位主要为第四系及新近系上部的各类松散堆积物,这些松散的堆积物和储存于其孔隙内的地下水为浅层地温能的载体;岩土导热系数会随着孔隙率的增加而减小,随岩性颗粒变粗而增大;城市地层综合导热系数和换热能力与地下水径流条件呈正相关;位于盆地和山前地带水文地质条件优越的城市或地段,浅层地温能开发利用宜采用地下水换热方式,松散堆积物厚度较大且以细粒相沉积为主的城市或地段,宜采用竖直地埋管换热方式。  相似文献   
各向异性砂土K0试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋飞  张建民  刘超 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3727-3732
静止土压力系数K0是岩土工程分析计算中的重要力学参数之一。实际工程中墙后填土由于碾压都具有不同程度的各向异性。制备了不同沉积方向的砂土试样,通过三轴排水剪切试验研究了砂土的各向异性。在研制应变路径试验设备的基础上给出了静止土压力系数的测量方法,研究了不同沉积方向对于K0的影响,并将试验测得的静止土压力系数与Jaky公式以及土压力离心模型试验结果进行了对比,离心模型试验结果与材料单元试验结果一致,证明了测量方法的有效性及结果的正确性。研究结果表明,各向异性条件下的K0值比各向同性时明显偏大。  相似文献   
As a part of the environmental impact assessment studies, geotechnical properties of sediments were determined in the Central Indian Basin. The undrained shear strength and index properties of the siliceous sediments were determined on 20 box cores of uniform dimension collected from various locations in five preselected sites. The maximum core length encountered was 41 cm and most of the sediments were siliceous oozes consisting of radiolarian or diatomaceous tests. The shear strength measurements revealed that surface sediments deposited in recent times (0-10 cm) have a shear strength of 0-1 kPa; this value increases with depth, reaching 10 kPa at 40 cm deep. Older sediments have greater strength because of compaction. Water content varies in the wide range of 312-577% and decreases with depth. The clay minerals such as smectite and illite are dominant and show some control over water content. Wet density, specific gravity, and porosity do not indicate any notable variation with depth, thereby indicating a uniform, slow rate of sedimentation. The average porosity of sediments is 90.2%, specific gravity 2.18, and wet bulk density 1.12 g/cm 3 . Sediments exhibit medium to high plasticity characteristics, with the average plasticity index varying between 105% and 136%. Preliminary studies on postdisturbance samples showed an increase in natural water content and a decrease in undrained shear strength of sediments in the top 10- to 15-cm layer.  相似文献   
将离心模型技术用于超高3级加筋土挡墙的研究中,在离心模型试验的基础上,分别得出各级加筋土挡墙施工期和使用期的墙背土压力分布规律,所得结构与实际情况相符。  相似文献   
某超大型离心机基础埋置于复杂软土地基中,自振特性研究十分关键。分别建立离心机基础的等效土弹簧模型和实体地基模型,对比分析不同地基模拟方法下的模态分析结果;开展基于白噪声激励的动力时程分析,分析地基参振质量对自振特性的影响。结果表明:超大型离心机基础前两阶模态振型分别为水平横向和纵向的摆动;基于不同的地基模拟方法计算得到的振型结果一致,自振频率相差在10%以内;超大型离心机基础结构的前两阶地基参振质量分别为1.376倍和0.998倍的基础总质量,地基参振质量使得结构的振动响应幅值下降50%左右,频谱峰值频率减小约2 Hz。结论对大型埋置式动力机器基础的自振特性研究具有指导和参考意义。  相似文献   
A geotechnical problem that involves several spatially correlated parameters can be best described using multivariate cross-correlated random fields. The joint distribution of these random variables cannot be uniquely defined using their marginal distributions and correlation coefficients alone. This paper presents a generic methodology for generating multivariate cross-correlated random fields. The joint distribution is rigorously established using a copula function that describes the dependence structure among the individual variables. The cross-correlated random fields are generated through Cholesky decomposition and conditional sampling based on the joint distribution. The random fields are verified regarding the anisotropic scales of fluctuation and copula parameters.  相似文献   
卸荷式地连墙板桩结构码头是国内自主创新的深水码头结构,为了深入认识这一板桩码头结构在设计荷载下的工作性状和土与结构共同作用机制,结合某一拟建码头泊位的卸荷式地连墙板桩码头结构设计方案验证需要,进行了3组大型土工离心模型试验研究。其中2组为重复性的模型试验,以验证设计方案的可行性;第3组则模拟了无卸荷平台结构的地连墙板桩码头结构设计方案,以比较有无卸荷平台的板桩码头来揭示全直桩卸荷平台结构的卸荷效果。并且介绍了码头结构离心模拟技术,包括模型设计、模型制作和模型测量及试验步骤等关键内容。  相似文献   
A large devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 struck in Kashmir on Oct. 8, 2005. The largest city influenced by the earthquake was Muzaffarabad. Balakot town was the nearest settlement to the epicenter, and it was the most heavily damaged. The earthquake caused extensive damage to housing and structures founded on loose deposits or weathered/sheared rock masses. Furthermore, extensive slope failures occurred along Neelum and Jhelum valleys, which obstructed both river flow and roadways. In this article, failures of natural and cut slopes as well as other ground failures induced by the earthquake and their geotechnical evaluation are presented, and their implications on civil infrastructures and site selection for reconstruction and rehabilitation are discussed. It is suggested that if housing and constructions on soil slopes containing boulders as observed in Balakot and Muzaffarabad are allowed, there should be a safety zone between the slope crest and allowable construction boundary.  相似文献   
基于大量岩土工程勘察资料的分析、整理 ,详细阐述了民安大厦建筑场地地基土的工程性质 ,主要涉及岩性特征、物理力学性质、地震效应及震动液化等方面 ,并对持力层的选择、基坑支护、地基处理等方面进行了工程对策分析 ,所提建议与参数均被设计、施工部门采纳。  相似文献   
Machine learning method has been widely used in various geotechnical engineering risk analysis in recent years. However, the overfitting problem often occurs due to the small number of samples obtained in history. This paper proposes the Fuzzy- SVM (support vector machine) geotechnical engineering risk analysis method based on the Bayesian network. The proposed method utilizes the fuzzy set theory to build a Bayesian network to reflect prior knowledge, and utilizes the SVM to build a Bayesian network to reflect historical samples. Then a Bayesian network for evaluation is built in Bayesian estimation method by combining prior knowledge with historical samples. Taking seismic damage evaluation of slopes as an example, the steps of the method are stated in detail. The proposed method is used to evaluate the seismic damage of 96 slopes along roads in the area affected by the Wenchuan earthquake. The evaluation results show that the method can solve the overfitting problem, which often occurs if the machine learning methods are used to evaluate risk of geotechnical engineering, and the performance of the method is much better than that of the previous machine learning methods. Moreover, the proposed method can also effectively evaluate various geotechnical engineering risks in the absence of some influencing factors.  相似文献   
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