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随着近百年的重矿物研究,从沉积物中提取重矿物的实验方法已经形成了固定模式,然而这些传统方法都是对砂岩粗颗粒矿物研究经验的积累,并不适用于泥质含量高的细粒沉积物.根据溶胶稳定(DLVO)理论,悬浮于溶液中的微细颗粒会因分子间作用力的相互吸引絮凝成团,从而影响细粒沉积物中重矿物提取的效果.实验研究证明,影响重矿物提取的主要因素是微细矿物颗粒间的絮凝作用,而并非有机重液的黏度.如何克服微粒间的絮凝作用是提取泥岩和粉砂岩中重矿物的关键.实验对比分析表明,添加分散剂的超声波振动和自然沉降法可以在克服絮凝作用的前提下有效去除泥质成分,同时对粉砂级矿物进行精确的粒径分选;离心分离同样也可以克服微粒间的絮凝作用,在重液分离过程中使重矿物顺利从轻矿物中分离.以上3种方法的联合使用可以弥补传统的重矿物提取方法的不足,并显著提高泥岩、粉砂岩中重矿物的提取率.  相似文献   
马少坤  WONG K S  吕虎  吴宏伟  赵乃峰 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3055-3060
在膨胀土地基中进行隧道对群桩影响的三维离心模型试验研究,目标地层损失比为2%,着重研究引起的地基沉降槽、桩的附加沉降、附加弯矩、轴力的变化规律。试验得出:隧道开挖沉降槽空间效应明显;隧道开挖从-0.75D至1.25D时,桩附加沉降呈线性增长,隧道开挖至1.25D以后,桩依然沉降明显。前桩与后桩沉降值不同,桩帽会出现倾斜;前桩上部出现负附加弯矩而下部出现正附加弯矩,而后桩仅在下部出现正附加弯矩;前桩附加弯矩最大值出现在隧道轴线附近,且比后桩附加弯矩大得多;前桩附加轴力随着隧道的开挖而增加,且每步最大值在隧道轴线附近。后桩的轴力也随隧道的开挖而增加,但每步最大值出现在桩顶附近。  相似文献   
要保证客运专线和高速铁路正常运行 ,路基沉降必须得到有效控制。本文结合秦沈客运专线软弱地基段土质特性 ,提出了地基沉降控制的加固措施、计算方法和试验研究方案 ,对进一步开展这项工作有一定指导意义  相似文献   
The Bayesian approach has been proved useful to geotechnical engineering especially when project-specific data/measurements are very limited. In this paper, we introduced a new Bayesian algorithm to estimate soil properties at each location of a study area, with very limited project-specific data. In addition to the proposed methodology and algorithms, we also conducted a model application to estimate soil permeability for each of the 64 locations within a 4-by-4 m2 area, based on very limited project-specific data, that is, one measurement from each location.  相似文献   
岩土工程勘察、设计与施工一体化模式探讨研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
建筑工程勘察、设计和施工一体化模式,逐渐成为国内大型勘察设计企业新的核心竞争力,亦是国际国内经济一体化和市场经济发展的必然趋势。本文结合目前国内主要从事岩土工程的勘察、设计或施工企业对项目的运作情况,提出了岩土工程勘察、设计和施工一体化运作模式。通过对目前国内岩土工程勘察、设计和施工独立运作模式和一体化模式的对比研究和分析,结合典型的工程实例,总结和分析了采用一体化或近似一体化模式运作项目的优劣和经验。针对目前国内大型勘察设计企业实施岩土工程勘察、设计和施工一体化模式的困难进行了探讨并提出相关建议,供相关部门或同行参考。  相似文献   
拟研究的边坡工程为一废弃的采石矿山边坡,边坡高度约100m,边坡岩体内部岩溶断裂构造发育,岩体结构和完整性变化复杂。为利用现状边坡建造摩崖石刻工程,应采取有效的勘察技术手段详细、无损地查明边坡体内断裂构造、岩溶、岩体完整性等的分布特征并评价其对摩崖石刻工程建造的影响。本文详细分析了应用电磁波层析技术(EMT)探测边坡工程地质条件的有效性及其工程地质解释的关键技术。研究结果表明,电磁波层析成像技术可以有效地探测边坡岩体节理裂隙发育程度、断裂破碎带及溶洞的分布和发育特征,根据电磁波吸收衰减系数的变化有效评价边坡岩体完整性的分区分带的空间变化特征,为摩崖石刻工程建造和规划设计提供科学的技术依据。  相似文献   
The consolidation and desiccation behaviour of soft soils can be described by two time‐dependent non‐linear partial differential equations using the finite strain theory. Analytical solutions do not exist for these governing equations. In this paper, we develop efficient numerical methods and software for finding the numerical solutions. We introduce a semi‐implicit time integration scheme, and show numerically that our method converges. In addition, the numerical solution matches well with the experimental result. A boundary refinement method is also developed to improve the convergence and stability for the case of Neumann type boundary conditions. Interface governing equations are derived to maintain the continuity of consolidation and desiccation processes. This is useful because the soil column can undergo desiccation on top and consolidation on the bottom simultaneously. The numerical algorithms has been implemented into a computer program and the results have been verified with centrifuge test results conducted in our laboratory. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The year was particularly eventful in terms of the recognition of improved technologies impinging on the duties of the Engineering Geologist. National economies were strained to the limit under the pressure of the new world terrorist attacks and burgeoning populations. much of which stemmed from escapes from oppressive national regimes to the free world. The impacts of terrorism range from increased danger and costs of field work, to special design considerations and postponed and delayed project work.On the positive side, continued progress has been made in the means of recognition and professional development of our practitioners and in the general call for their work. Competent engineering geologists are in consistent demand, but the working conditions are not improved. A general deterioration of university funding, aggravated by bureaucratic excesses among administrators, have tended to make life miserable for dedicated faculty and a general move is afoot to cut back on the number of funded geology departments in North America and Europe. This situation has also been worsened by the general withdrawal of the mineral industries and by retraction of the petroleum companies from all but their most favored campuses.  相似文献   
孔令刚  张利民 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2231-2236
建立了一个非线性数学模型来分析群桩扭转问题。该模型利用非线性荷载传递曲线来模拟桩的非线性响应,采用Mindlin解计算各桩水平力间的相互作用,用Randolph解析解分析得到各桩间扭矩对水平力的影响。在各单桩中引入经验性的耦合系数,分析桩身水平变形引起的土体反力对该桩扭转承载力的影响。对比计算结果与离心机模型试验数据,表明该模型能够模拟群桩扭转中主要的桩-土-桩相互作用和荷载耦合作用,较好地反映了实际情况。  相似文献   
The advanced piston corer (APC) has been used by the Ocean Drilling Program since 1985 for recovering soft sediments from the ocean floor. The pullout force measured on extracting the core barrel from the sediment is shown to correlate with the average shear strength of the sediment core measured in the ship's laboratory. A simple rule of thumb is derived relating the shear strength of the sediment to the pullout force. Multiple APC holes at individual sites allow the consistency of the pullout measurements to be assessed. The effects of different operational procedures during APC coring are also explored. Although generally applicable, the correlation between pullout force and laboratory measurements of shear strength breaks down for some APC holes, possibly because of the disturbance of some sediment types during the APC coring process. A better understanding of the physical process of APC coring, and its effect on the properties of the sediment both inside and immediately outside the core barrel, would indicate what confidence can be put on the measurement of pullout force as a way of evaluating the in situ shear strength of deep sea sediments.  相似文献   
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