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地震断层错动会引起上覆土层变形,从而造成断层附近的建筑结构、管线产生附加的变形和内力引起破坏。通过一个土工离心机试验分析上覆饱和黏土层在4步连续断层错动作用下的静力响应行为。着重分析断层错动引起的地层变形的范围、不均匀沉降区的分布特点、剪切裂缝在土层传播路径及地表开裂的位置等工程上重点关注的问题。得到以下几点认识:(1) 基岩断层错动引起的地层变形范围基本上不受基岩错动量大小的影响。(2) 断层错动引起地层的不均匀沉降区基本呈三角形分布,其地表宽度约为1倍左右的土层厚度。(3) 基岩错动引起的主剪切裂缝基本沿竖直方向向上传播,其传播距离取决于基岩错动量及土体的破坏应变。(4) 基岩断层错动在主剪区的下盘一侧边缘会产生张拉裂缝,且产生张拉裂缝所需基岩错动量远小于产生剪切裂缝所需的错动量。 相似文献
Sinkhole hazards along the eastern Dead Sea shoreline area, Jordan: a geological and geotechnical consideration 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
For the last four decades, the level of the Dead Sea has been subjected to continual variation which, among other important
factors, has led to the occurrence of much subsidence and many sinkholes in the southern Dead Sea area. Sinkhole activities
occurred repetitively and were observed in open farms, across roads, near dwellings and near an existing factory, thus causing
a serious threat to the locals and farmers of the area and their properties. This paper presents the main results from detailed
geological and geotechnical studies of this area. Aerial photo interpretation and borehole drilling aided these studies. Parallel
geophysical investigations (vertical electrical sounding and seismic refraction) and hydrological and hydrogeological studies
were made by others in the same area to also investigate this phenomenon. It was found that sinkholes are aligned to and follow
old water channels and are concentrated parallel to the recent shoreline of the Dead Sea. The development of subsurface cavities
is associated mainly with the variation in the level of the Dead Sea over the four past decades, the presence of regional
salt intrusion under the surface of salt beds, the fluctuation of the water table and continuous dissolution and the active
tectonism of the area. Moreover, this work showed that the area is still under active sinkhole hazards and other parts of
the area will be inevitably affected by sinkholes in the future.No practical engineering solution to this problem is feasible.
Received: 1 July 1999 / Accepted: 11 October 1999 相似文献
离心模型试验中微型土压力盒土压力测定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土压力作为离心模型试验中重要的测试参数,受土压力盒的性能、离心机数据采集系统稳定性及外部环境等诸多因素的影响,准确地测量土压力较为困难。土压力盒作为土压力测试元件,其性能对土压力测量准确性有直接影响。为获得较为准确的土压力测试数据,结合离心机数据采集系统,选择两种常见的电阻应变式土压力盒。通过标定试验得出两种土压力盒砂标系数均小于出厂标定系数,Ⅰ型偏小64.75%,Ⅱ型偏小18.77%,Ⅱ型土压力盒与出厂数据的重合度比Ⅰ型好;在研究墙高10~30 m类扶壁式挡墙侧向土压力分布的离心模型试验中,与Ⅱ型土压力盒相比,Ⅰ型存在按出厂系数测得数据失真、灵敏度低和稳定性差的缺点。标定试验和离心试验结果表明,接入自行组建的数据采集系统的Ⅱ型土压力盒比接入静态应变数据采集系统的Ⅰ型土压力盒性能更佳。 相似文献
对非饱和土降雨入渗过程及其致灾机制的深入认识有赖于室内外试验及多物理量联合监测。基于离心机超重力环境下土体响应监测技术,开展了非饱和黄土地基降雨入渗离心模型试验,测试研究了超重力环境对新研制的微型TDR探针及张力计测量的影响规律,并利用TDR、张力计及弯曲元对降雨入渗过程中土体响应进行多物理量联合监测。研究结果表明:在不同离心加速度下微型TDR探针与给定含水率土体实测原始波形重合,说明超重力环境对TDR测试没有影响,含水率的测试误差在2%以内。在离心机加速过程中,张力计所测吸力下降约2.0~2.9 kPa,当离心加速度稳定在40g时,所测吸力在10min内上升并接近常重力下土体初始吸力。在降雨入渗过程中,埋设在同一深度的TDR探针、张力计和弯曲元对湿润锋响应的时间点基本一致,降雨入渗导致土体含水率增加,基质吸力降低,剪切波速降低。这些多物理量监测数据有助于建立非饱和土含水率-吸力-剪切模量之间的关系。 相似文献
离心模拟技术中运动学的物理意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究离心模拟中的运动学,有助于提高对离心模型试验结果的认识。笔者推导了描述离心模型中任一质点运动的整体速度和加速度的数学表达式。按照牛顿第二定律,在离心模拟中的加速度是连接运动学与动力学的重要因素。笔者描述了整体加速度表达式中各项的物理意义,指出了离心机稳定运转时的向心加速度、由角加速度效应引起的切向加速度、互补(复合向心)加速度分量、径向(原型的竖向)、环向和轴向(原型的两个水平方向)振动效应以及离心机臂伸长效应对整体加速度的贡献。分析结果表明,对于单向振动的动力离心模拟试验,选轴向(平行于转轴)为振动方向便于理解试验结果。另外,仔细检查了Schofield[1]对离心模拟中运动学的描述并发现其混淆之处。 相似文献
隧道围岩强度不均地段塌方成因及其处理方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于地质构造作用以及风化作用,工程场地岩体中多存在围岩强度不均地段.在隧道施工过程中就经常遇到软硬岩石交汇而形成的地质条件复杂地段;给隧道的施工带来了很多不利情况,并且也是导致隧道塌方的原因之一.2006年1月,承德韩郭线二级公路工程,喇嘛梁隧道软硬岩石交汇地段由于地下水作用导致围岩风化程度不均,产生软弱结构面并造成了大面积塌方.基于现场的追踪调查与考察,本文详细描述了利用拱顶架设工字钢梁并配合超前注浆小导管的支护方法来处理这类围岩. 相似文献
为了在离心机试验中模拟降雨引起的滑坡,设计和使用了一套降雨模拟系统。这套系统的构成主要是针对离心试验的特殊要求进行设计的。所采用的特殊技术可以均匀分配雨水,将雨滴的尺寸效益和科氏加速度引起的雨滴偏移最小化,实现了不同强度和历时的降雨模拟。通过一个降雨条件下砂土边坡的离心模型试验,成功应用了该套降雨模拟系统,研究了边坡中的降雨入渗过程。 相似文献
地震作用下土石坝液化易导致坝坡失稳滑移等严重后果,加密法是常用的抗液化手段之一。针对坝趾压重与坝壳翻压两种坝身加密加固方法,开展了离心机振动台试验,分析了不同加密型抗液化处理的小型土石坝坝坡地震响应规律。试验结果表明,由于高水头作用下坝坡底部土体软化,未处理坝坡加速度放大系数沿高程先减小后增大,而加密坝坡加速度放大系数沿高程逐渐增大,且坝坡表面处加速度存在表面放大现象。坝趾压重和坝壳翻压提高了坝身有效应力,降低地震产生的超静孔压比,有效防止土体液化。未处理坝坡在峰值加速度为0.24g地震作用下即发生坝趾液化现象,而加密坝坡在峰值加速度为0.24g和0.45g下均未发生液化。未处理坝坡整体侧向位移大,加密处理后,在峰值加速度为0.24g下坝坡整体表现为竖向位移。坝趾压重区坝趾水平位移明显减小,坝壳翻压区坡顶沉降减小了50%。试验结果验证了坝趾压重和坝壳翻压的抗液化效果,为小型土石坝抗震加固设计提供了参考。 相似文献
Residential RC framed structures suffered heavily during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat, India. These types of structures
also saw severe damage in other earthquakes such as the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey and 921 Ji-Ji earthquake in Taiwan.
In this paper the seismic response of residential structures was investigated using physical modelling. Idealised soft storey
and top heavy, two degrees of freedom (2DOF) portal frame structures were developed and tested on saturated and dry sand models
at 25 g using the Schofield Centre 10-m Beam Centrifuge. It was possible to recreate observed field behaviour using these
models. As observed in many of the recent earthquakes, soft storey structures were found to be particularly vulnerable to
seismic loads. Elastic response spectra methods are often used in the design of simple portal frame structures. The seismic
risk of these structures can be significantly increased due to modifications such as removal of a column or addition of heavy
water tanks on the roof. The experimental data from the dynamic centrifuge tests on such soft storey or top-heavy models was
used to evaluate the predictions obtained from the response spectra. Response spectra were able to predict seismic response
during small to moderate intensity earthquakes, but became inaccurate during strong earthquakes and when soil structure interaction
effects became important. Re-evaluation of seismic risk of such modified structures is required and time domain analyses suggested
by building codes such as IBC, UBC or NEHRP may be more appropriate. 相似文献