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The Yellow River Delta, which is the second-largest delta in China, has experienced varying degrees of land subsidence since the late 1970s. Although recent studies have identified the natural consolidation and compaction of sediment among the most important contributors to geologic processes, their processes have rarely been quantified. We estimated the sediment compaction over different time ranges to determine the temporal evolution of subsidence parameters (i.e., cumulative compaction). Estimates of primary consolidation, secondary consolidation, and the degree of consolidation in 152 boreholes revealed the spatial–temporal characteristics of sediment compaction and consolidation using geotechnical parameters collected from 152 boreholes, soil mechanics equations and the Kriging interplolation method. In addition, these estimates were partially constrained and cross-validated using the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) results from early 2007 to late 2010 which were provided in a previous study. By performing a comparison analysis between theoretical evaluations of compaction for borehole data and InSAR observations, we were able to quantify subsidence due to sediment compaction. The comparison results suggest that the theoretical solutions agreed well with the measurements recorded by the well-validated, advanced InSAR method and that the deviations between the InSAR technique and geotechnical evaluations ranged from ?22 to 3?mm. The results reveal that the land subsidence of the chosen borehole sites during the investigative period was dominated by the primary consolidation and compaction of sediment. The underprediction of subsidence may be explained by fluid withdrawal, oil exploitation and engineering construction. To speculate, more geological disasters may occur if the current subsidence condition extends into the future.  相似文献   
Erzurum, the biggest city of Eastern Anatolia Region in the Turkey, is located in Karasu Plain. Karasu Plain, located on the central segment of the Erzurum Fault Zone, is an intermountain sedimentary basin with a Miocene-Quaternary volcanic basement, andesitic-basaltic lava flows and fissure eruptions of basaltic lava. It was filled in the early Quaternary by lacustrine fan-delta deposits. The basin is characterized by NNE-SSW trending sinistral wrench faults on its eastern margin and ENE-WSW trending reverse faults on its southern margin. Both systems of active faults intersect very near to Erzurum, which is considered to be the most likely site for the epicenter of a probable future large earthquake. Historical records of destructive earthquakes, morphotectonic features formed by paleo-seismic events and instrument seismic data of region indicate to a very high regional seismicity. The residential areas of Erzurum are located on thick alluvial fan deposits forming under the control of faults on the central segment of the Erzurum Fault Zone, which is one of the most active fault belts of the East Anatolian Region. Over time, the housing estates of city such as Yenisehir and Yildizkent have been expanded toward to the west and southwest part of Erzurum as a consequence of rapid and massive construction during the last 30 years. Geotechnical investigation has therefore been undertaken the residential areas of city in order to characterize geotechnical properties over the varied lithologies examine the potential for geotechnical mapping and assess the foundation conditions of the present and future settlement areas. The geological field observations and operations have been performed to make the soil sampling and characterize the lateral and vertical changes in thickness of the alluvial deposits in trenches, excavations and deep holes with 6–12 m sections. The soil samples have been subjected to a series of tests under laboratory conditions to obtain physical and mechanical properties. Furthermore, the standard penetration tests have been applied to the soils under field conditions. The geological field observations, geotechnical data and distribution of bearing capacity have been considered for the geotechnical mapping. Based on the geotechnical map, there are five geotechnical zones distinguished in the study area.  相似文献   
本文以谷德振先生亲自领导和指导的武汉长江大桥岩基勘查和基础工程设计和施工作为范例,具体、生动地展现谷先生学术思想中最重要、放在首位的就是重视实践。这一学术思想归结起来就是重视工程前期的工程地质调查和勘探工作,到工程设计特别是施工中去进一步验证和修正,与岩土工程紧密结合,以确保安全、经济地完成某一项以地质灾害治理为目的地地质工程和/或专项土木工程。  相似文献   
以十房高速公路无面板加筋土路堤为研究对象,结合现场实测数据,采用有限元程序对该类型加筋土路堤的变形破坏特征和破坏模式进行计算分析。在此基础上,对加筋土路堤的加筋刚度、加筋间距进行参数分析。主要结论如下:①加筋土路堤底层填土由于圬工挡墙后部填土厚度较大而出现不均匀沉降,且不同刚度的筋材对其影响不大,施工时需保证圬工挡墙后部填土的压实度。②各层加筋体最大应变值均分布在靠近路堤坡面处,其轴力最大值位于加筋土路堤中下部。③破坏模式为内部破坏,表现为筋材拉断,破坏面靠近加筋土路堤坡面处;圬工挡墙的结构强度和基础稳定性对整个加筋土路堤的稳定性具有重要作用。④随着加筋体轴向刚度的增加和加筋间距的减小,双向位移逐渐减小,而安全系数均相应增大,但加筋体轴向刚度增加到一定程度时,其对加筋土路堤的变形稳定特征影响减弱。研究成果对山区加筋土路堤的设计计算和施工具有一定的理论和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
钱建固  马霄  李伟伟 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1241-1246
通过离心机模型试验研究了注浆对接触面特性、抗拔桩荷载-位移曲线及桩侧摩阻力的影响,揭示了注浆提高桩身侧摩阻力发展规律和抗拔承载机制,并进一步将离心机模型试验的结果与原位试验结果进行了对比分析。研究表明,注浆桩侧摩阻力的发挥呈现一个渐进过程,桩身上部极限摩阻力率先发挥,并逐渐向中下部发展;注浆后桩侧极限桩侧摩阻力得到提高,而发挥极限状态所需的桩-土相对位移减小,上拔加载过程中,桩侧上部和下部极限摩阻力增幅较大,中部增幅较小。离心与现场试验一致表明,桩侧注浆显著提高了桩的抗拔刚度及极限承载能力。  相似文献   
卢颖    王海云    姜伟平    张潇男   《世界地震工程》2022,38(4):204-210
土层的剪切波速是描述土动力学特性的重要参数之一。利用金银岛岩土台阵记录的8次浅源地方震的弱震动数据,使用解卷积的地震干涉测量法识别的剪切波走时,评估了该台阵两个水平方向的原位剪切波速剖面。结果表明:在44.2m深度以上,估计与实测的平均剪切波速剖面基本一致,而在44.2m到103.6m深度范围前者大于后者;本研究估计的平均剪切波速剖面比MEHTA等(2007)估计的平均剪切波速剖面更接近实测结果,在44.2m到103.6m深度范围,本研究估计的平均剪切波速与MEHTA等(2007)估计的平均剪切波速相近,二者均大于实测的平均剪切波速。  相似文献   
The paper explores the possibility of estimating the horizontal scale of fluctuation(δ_h) with limited CPTs.The following conditions are desirable:(1) the CPT depth is large;(2) there are more than two CPTs;(3)the CPT separation distances are distinct and preferably less than 2×δ_h; and(4) the Whittle-Matern auto-correlation model is adopted.  相似文献   
岩土地基工程能力影响和制约着城市的规划和发展。通过对通州规划新城工程地质特征的分析研究,确定地基土的承载力、压缩性及不良地基土的分布等,为影响研究区岩土地基分类的主要控制因素。进一步将研究区地基条件分为5类,对各类地基条件进行了工程适宜性评价并提出了建议,为新城土地的合理规划、科学使用提供了前期地质支撑。  相似文献   

Fine‐grained sedimentary deposits on the Kodiak continental shelf and upper slope comprise three distinct compositional types: terrigenous mud, diatomrich mud, and ash‐rich sandy mud. The sediment types can be distinguished on the basis of geotechnical properties as well as by composition. The terrigenous mud has properties largely within the normal range for fine‐grained marine sediment, except for the low compressibility of many samples. This sediment underlies the walls of canyons that incise the upper slope, and analyses of undrained static and cyclic loading indicate potential instability in the steepest areas. The diatom‐rich mud has high water content, plasticity index, and compression index but low grain specific gravity. The ash‐rich sandy mud is nonplastic and has low water content and compressibility. It has high drained and undrained static strength but is extremely weakened by cyclic loading. Extensive deposits of sedimentary bedrock and coarsegrained glacial sediment in the region apparently are relatively stable, but low sediment strength or high compressibility may be encountered at the local sites of soft sedimentary deposits.  相似文献   
Large scale reclamation works in coastal areas of the Nakdong River plain are at various stages of progress, since early 1990's on in-situ soft marine clay deposits. These deposits are of the order of 30 to 40 m thick. A realistic rapid characterization of soft ground would ensure success of any reclamation work in this area. In order to cope with the work carried out with different agencies, it is desirable to evolve a systematic methodology. In this study, engineering properties of clays at three coastal areas, Gadukdo, Noksan and Shinho, have been generated. The analysis of data has been done within the framework of classical developments in soil mechanics. Analysis has also been made by making use of the recent developments in dealing with soft clays. The dominant factors, namely, stress, time, and environment influencing the response of clay to loading are identified.  相似文献   
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