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The Damxung‐Yangbajain rift is one of the most active north–south trending rifts in the south Tibetan Plateau, and it has been playing an important role in accommodating the east–west extension of the Tibetan Plateau. Both stream profiles on the Nyainqentanglha Range adjacent to the northwest part of the Damxung‐Yangbajain rift and tectonic geomorphology in the north of the rift are analyzed to assess the spatial pattern and intensity of rock uplift which is related to neotectonic activity. A total of 85 stream profiles across the Nyainqentanglha Range are analyzed, and 111 knickpoints are interpreted. Most of these stream profiles are characterized by prominent convexities with two or more knickpoints, many of which are formed due to the strong rock uplift evidenced by abnormal concavity and extremely high steepness indices during the Quaternary. Neotectonic activity in this region is well replicated in the stream profile indices and offset landforms. Tectono‐geomorphic analysis shows that the concavity and steepness indices correlate with the fault movements at many places. The Damxung‐Yangbajain rift is characterized by left‐lateral strike‐slip in the north of Damxung and by normal movement in middle and southern parts. The middle and southern parts have been undergoing higher uplift than has the northern area. It is most likely that the strong uplift is related to the heat flow under the crust. Earthquakes occurring in the Damxung‐Yangbajain rift, including a M8 in 1411 and M6.6 in 2008, are thought to be related to heat flow activity. All of the stream profile indices and tectonic geomorphology show that the Damxung‐Yangbajain rift is not in a stable state. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
湿地植被的生物量是湿地生态评价、保护和利用的重要基础数据,遥感技术已经成为湿地生物量高效、准确监测的重要手段。基于2013年9月的HJ-1 高光谱遥感影像,应用准同步现场踏勘数据,通过单变量线性回归和多变量线性回归的方法,针对7种常用的窄波段植被指数和2种红边指数对黄河口芦苇和碱蓬生物量(地上干重)的估测能力进行了评价。结果表明:(1)单光谱指数变量情况下,对于芦苇,选择近红外827 nm波段和红635 nm波段简单植被指数(SRI)和线性插值红边指数(REP_ linear interpolation)取得了最佳的单变量回归结果,决定系数分别达到0.42和0.58;对于碱蓬,选择近红外807 nm波段和红692 nm波段的归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)、SRI和优化的土壤校正植被指数(OSAVI)取得了较好的回归结果,决定系数分别达到0.60,0.59和0.47;(2)多光谱指数变量情况下,以在单变量回归分析中取得较好结果的SRI和REP_ linear interpolation指数为变量,芦苇得到了与其生物量之间决定系数为0.71的高相关性;同时,以NDVI、SRI和OSAVI为变量,与碱蓬生物量的决定系数达到了0.66。  相似文献   
Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) tree cultivation is being continuously expanded northward by replacing evergreen forests and swidden-related regenerated vegetation across the uplands of mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA), e.g., Laos, a landlocked mountainous country. The non-native tree establishment in the northern tropical edge, or the non-traditional suitable planting area, provides stable supplies of natural latex, yet also leads to severe ecological degradation and environmental effects in water conservation, soil quality, rainforest fragmentation and biodiversity. Rubber plantations in the northern part of MSEA are normally characterized by periodic deciduous during the dry season, along with a lengthy defoliation-foliation duration, because of seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation. It thus lays a phenological and physiological base for dynamics monitoring with common multispectral (e.g., near-infrared and short-wave infrared bands) satellites, particularly Landsat. However, whether Sentinel-2 red-edge based algorithms are suitable for discriminating rubber plantations is not yet exclusively reported. Here, we developed a red-edge spectral indices (RESI) method through the normalization of three red-edge bands and applied it to identify and map rubber plantations in Luang Namtha Province of northern Laos, where a rubber boom begun in the mid-2000s. The RESI algorithm highlights the sensitivity of red-edge bands to the changes in moisture content and canopy density of rubber plantations. The area of mature rubber plantations was estimated to be 771.2 km2 in this province bordering southwest China in 2018, which was nearly twice as much as that of 2011, with the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient up to 92.50% and 0.91, respectively. Our phenology-based RESI approach not only indicates that Sentinel-2 imagery holds significant potential for monitoring rubber plantations, but also improves the remotely-sensed methods of rubber boom mapping via introducing the red-edge channel.  相似文献   
The Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary has been subject to a variety of anthropogenic pressures in recent decades. To assess the ecological health of the coastal benthic ecosystem adjacent to the estuary, three surveys were conducted in 2005, 2009, and 2010. The AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI) were used to analyse the benthic ecological status of this coast. The AMBI indicate that the ecological status of the coast adjacent to the Changjiang River estuary was only slightly degraded in all 3 years. In contrast, the M-AMBI indicated that the ecological status was seriously degraded, a result that is most likely due to pollution and eutrophication induced by human activities. The assessment of the coast's ecological status by the AMBI was not in agreement with that of the M-AMBI at some stations because of lower biodiversity values at those sites. The analysis of the two indices integrated with abiotic parameters showed that the M-AMBI could be used as a suitable bio-indicator index to assess the benthic ecological status of the coast adjacent to the Changjiang River estuary. The reference conditions proposed for the coast of the Changjiang River estuary should be further evaluated in future studies. Designation of local species could also provide an important reference for Chinese waters. To improve the reliability of AMBI and M-AMBI, further research into the ecology of local species is required to understand their arrangement in ecological groups.  相似文献   
利用目前国际上较流行的极端气候指数方法对1951~2006年齐齐哈尔市24种极端气候指数进行计算和分析,得到了齐齐哈尔市极端气候事件的事实和变化特征。结果表明:齐齐哈尔市的年最低气温、暖夜、热夜日数和生长季长度呈显著上升趋势;冷夜、冷日、霜日、冰日和日平均温差均呈显著下降趋势。各种降水指数的变化趋势都不显著;极端气温和降水指数均存在阶段性特征和突变特征;最低气温的增暖主要发生在20世纪80年代中期以后,而最高气温则在90年代以后变暖明显,夜间气温的上升对增暖进程的贡献更大;极端降水事件的强度和频率呈增加趋势,2000年以后增加趋势尤为明显。  相似文献   
利用1980~2010年月平均Hadley中心海表温度、美国全球海洋资料同化系统(GODAS)海洋温度和NCEP/NCAR大气环流再分析资料,通过对2个海洋要素(海表温度SST、上层热含量HC)和5个大气要素(海平面气压SLP、850 hPa风场、200hPa速度势和对外长波辐射OLR)的多变量经验正交函数展开(multivariate EOF,简称MV-EOF)探讨了热带太平洋的主要海气耦合特征.结果表明,MV-EOF分析的前两个耦合模态分别很好地对应了传统型El Ni(n)o和ElNiloModoki的海气耦合特征:传统型El Ni(n)o期间,伴随着赤道中东太平洋SST的异常增温,HC、SLP、200 hPa速度势等要素总体呈东西反相的“跷跷板”变化,低层850hPa赤道中太平洋出现较强西风距平,西北太平洋上空为反气旋性异常环流;ElNi(n)o Modoki期间,SST持续增温和HC正异常中心均显著西移至中太平洋,低层SLP和高空200 hPa速度势均呈现纬向三极型异常分布,低层异常强西风向西移至暖池东部,西北太平洋上空呈现气旋性异常环流.两类El Ni(n)o的海气耦合特征存在显著差异,较优的El Ni(n)o指数应不仅可以客观描述和区分El Ni(n)o现象本身,更要紧密联系两类事件所产生的大气响应.以往定量表征El Ni(n)o年际变化的指标大多立足于SST或SLP,本文选取HC作为研究指标,定义了一组新的El Ni(n)o指数HCEI和HCEMI.较以往基于SST的El Ni(n)o指数,HCEI和HCEMI不仅能更清楚地表征和区分两类El Ni(n)o(如1993年的传统型El Ni(n)o和2006年的El Ni(n)o Modoki),而且能更好地反映和区分两类El Ni(n)o与大气间的海气耦合特征,为ElNi(n)o的监测和短期气候预测工作提供了一个新工具.  相似文献   
空间分层是准确度量遥感分类不确定性程度及其空间分布的基础与关键。本文提出了一种基于不确定性分析的遥感分类空间分层及评估方法,首先基于随机森林算法获取像元后验概率,确定分类不确定性度量指标;其次,采用模糊C均值进行空间分层;最后,对分层结果合理性进行定性与定量评估,并与同尺度数据产品精度评价结果及后验概率不确定性分层方法进行对比分析。以北京市顺义区Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像数据为例,研究结果表明:(1)基于最大概率、模糊混淆指数和概率熵指标将顺义区分为不确定性大、中、小3层,相应的遥感数据层分类精度分别为62.28%、74.96%、79.31%;(2)分类不确定性空间分层结果与度量指标大小的空间分布基本一致,错分地类图层与不确定性大层的地类空间分布基本一致;(3)遥感数据和数据产品的各层地类空间特征、层分类精度大小趋势一致,与总体分类精度相比,不确定性大层的层分类精度降低,不确定性小层的层分类精度提高;(4)与后验概率不确定性分层方法相比,本研究不确定性大层的层分类精度降低1.08%,不确定性中层提高3.58%,不确定性小层提高0.16%,q值由0.19提高到0.24,空间分异性...  相似文献   
天山南坡台兰河流域冰川物质平衡变化及其对径流的影响   总被引:22,自引:29,他引:22  
应用控制流域的径流及相关降水资料,通过模型重建了台兰河流域平均冰川物质平衡序列.结果显示,1957—2000年流域冰川平均年物质平衡为-287mm,累计冰川物质平衡-12.6m;44a来由于气温升温引起的冰川净消融相当于每年补给河流径流1.24×108m3,占河流年径流量的15%.1982年以后,流域冰川物质平衡一直呈负平衡,1957—1981年平均物质平衡为-168mm·a-1,1982—2000年平均为-445mm·a-1.随着气候由暖干向暖湿转型,降水量增加,但冰川对气温的敏感性更大,冰川消融加快,冰川融水量持续增加.气温和降水量的变化与北大西洋涛动和北极涛动变化一致,其突变年份都在1986—1988年左右.  相似文献   
Regionalization of soil and water conservation is a base for the planning of soil and water conservation in China. It can provide scientific basis for constructing healthy eco-environment and regional management and development. It makes a brief review of related regionalization of study and makes clear the concept of regionalization of soil and water conservation. In this paper, based on synthetical analysis of the characteristics of eco-environments of China, the principles, indices and nomenclature of the regionalization of soil and water conservation are proposed. Through the construction of the regionalization of soil and water conservation collaboration platform and data reporting system, combined with existing soil and water conservation research, this paper uses the top-down and bottom-up and the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to build soil and water conservation regionalization preliminary scheme, with 8 regions, 41 sub-regions and 117 sections divided in China.  相似文献   
张琼  刘睿  张静  郑达燕  张柳柳  郑财贵 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):1096-1109
为探究极端天气下流域内水质对土地利用的响应关系,本研究基于不同空间尺度(1000 m河段缓冲区、500 m河岸带缓冲区及子流域)的土地利用指数以及旱季(2019年11月)、雨季-洪水期(2020年7月)和雨季-干旱期(2022年8月)的水质数据,探究流域内土地利用对水质的多时空尺度影响,从而得到保护流域水质和规划流域内土地利用格局的最佳时空尺度和对水质影响最显著的预测因子。研究表明:(1)流域水质受极端天气影响,降雨会增强水体的稀释能力,高温会加快水中微生物反应速率,具体表现为雨季-洪水期的水质较好,雨季-干旱期次之,旱季较差。(2)土地利用对水质指标的影响存在时空尺度效应,土地利用在子流域和旱季尺度下对河流水质影响最显著。(3)不同土地利用指数对流域水质影响存在差异,耕地、林地、斑块密度、最大斑块指数和边缘密度是影响水质指标最显著的解释变量。其中林地与多数水质指标具有负相关关系,建设用地、耕地、斑块密度与较多水质指标存在正相关关系。本研究结果为合理规划土地利用格局以及保护河流水质提供科学依据,对三峡库区环境可持续发展及生态保护具有一定意义。  相似文献   
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