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Based on the basic selection criteria of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) and food and livelihood security research trends, this paper established an evaluation framework and indicator system for food and livelihood security in GIAHS and selected the first GIAHS site in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as a case for empirical evaluation. The results demonstrate that the food and livelihood security of farmers at this site was at a medium level, with an average evaluation value of 2.91, which still lagged behind the level of better food and livelihood security. Specifically, the average values of farmers’ evaluation of food security and livelihood security were 1.43 and 1.48, respectively, which show that farmers’ food security in the study area was at a medium level and that of livelihood security was relatively good. Simultaneously, the more simple a farmers’ economic activities (i.e., agriculture-oriented economic activities or non-agriculture-oriented economic activities), the worse their food and livelihood security; while the more diversified the economic activities (i.e., engaged in part-time economic activities), the better the food and livelihood security.  相似文献   
Agricultural biodiversity has a high importance in social-cultural, economic, and environmental aspects, and can help in adapting to and withstanding climate change. Conserving the GIAHS sites and the important components within them can help conserve the agricultural biodiversity and traditional agricultural culture of the whole country. This study considered Ifugao Rice Terraces, Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck System, and Hani Rice Terraces System as three examples which show that traditional culture can be used to protect agricultural biodiversity, while as a carrier of traditional culture, agricultural biodiversity also conveys and protects the traditional culture of the nation. According to the analyses, through several years of efforts, the status of agricultural biodiversity and traditional culture in them has improved. Then, to further promote agricultural biodiversity conservation and traditional culture protection, several suggestions are made, such as establishing community seed banks; documenting and preserving traditional farming methods, techniques, and tools and developing participatory activities which encourage more farmers to participate in the protection work.  相似文献   
Poaceae plant species, such as silver grass, are commonly used in mulching activities Japan. In contrast, local farmers have traditionally used Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) mulch in the cultivation of solanaceous crops in the Nishi-Awa area of Japan, which is a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems site. We have previously evaluated the positive effects of Japanese knotweed mulching on solanaceous crops, such as eggplants, tomato, and potato. In the present study, we observed that the naturally occurring diseases in the solanaceous crops tended to decrease when the knotweed mulching system was adopted, in comparison to when Poaceae mulch was adopted. In eggplants, leaf mold and powdery mildew decreased under Japanese knotweed mulching. We further evaluated the effects of Japanese knotweed mulching by inoculating test plants with Pseudomonas cichorii. We observed suppression of bacterial disease and tomato mosaic virus under Japanese knotweed mulching and following spraying with Japanese knotweed extracts. In addition, disease-resistance genes were expressed at high levels in Arabidopsis thaliana, a model plant, following treatment with Japanese knotweed extracts. The results suggest that Japanese knotweed has potential applications in future sustainable agriculture activities.  相似文献   
人口急剧增长,生物多样性减少和气候变化促使人们重新思考农业和生物多样性的未来,而传统农业的智慧与经验值得借鉴。2002年,联合国粮农组织(FAO)发起的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目,旨在通过保护这些具有价值的传统农业系统来促进农村地区可持续发展。旅游被认为是动态保护途径之一,不但能促进遗产地的经济发展,还能为游客提供认知与学习农业文化遗产的机会。然而,不当的旅游发展将会影响当地的文化与生活方式,不但会威胁旅游的可持续发展,而且会对这些独特的农业系统带来潜在的破坏。因此,农业文化遗产地旅游发展的适宜模式应当是以农业为基础的。本文基于农业多功能性构建了农业文化遗产地旅游发展框架,通过对农业多功能性的定量评估和农业和旅游业间关系的定性分析,提出了我国的4个遗产地旅游发展建议。同时,该框架还能为不同利益相关者决策其农业文化遗产的多种功能提供了一种方法。  相似文献   
近年来,随着气候变化影响的不断加剧,农业发展也正承受着强大的生态环境压力的胁迫,严重威胁到粮食安全及农业的可持续发展。当今农业依托现代化生产技术虽在短期内可以有效降低甚至避免环境胁迫对农业生产的限制和影响,但是,从长期及系统角度考虑也给农业生态系统带来了许多生态危机。为实现农业可持续发展,环境胁迫应对措施必须充分考虑生态保护这一重要前提。农业文化遗产地的传统农业系统依托其独特的农业系统结构,包括土地利用方式、水利设施、传统作物等,较好实现了农业系统与当地自然条件尤其是胁迫因子之间的匹配。基于灾害系统理论,对比分析了农业文化遗产地农业系统及普通农业系统的环境胁迫应对措施。敖汉旱作农业系统(2012年被联合国粮农组织列为全球重要农业文化遗产)的种植结构以与当地水分条件匹配较好的谷黍等耐旱型作物为主,通过降低承灾体(农作物)的脆弱性,较好地在承灾体一环实现了防灾减灾的目的,实现了干旱半干旱地区农业生产与缺水环境的共存。云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统(2010年被联合国粮农组织列为全球重要农业文化遗产)依托于独特的水土利用方式和林—寨—田—河垂直分布的景观格局,通过重塑孕灾环境,有效避免了旱灾的发生。此外,农业文化遗产地传统农业系统凭借丰富的田间作物多样性、遗产地品牌效应及农业景观资源等,极大地提升了农业系统的经济价值,进而削弱了灾害对生产生活的影响。通过对比分析可见,传统农业系统的胁迫因子应对措施充分考虑了系统的自然调节和自发性,既可较好地避免灾害的发生,又保证了系统生态安全,是立足生态保护基础上实现农业可持续发展的典范。  相似文献   
Traditional agricultural heritage research has a very long history. Programme on “The conservation and adaptive management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)” initiative launched by FAO in 2002, aimed at not only preserving agricultural heritage system, but also applying the principle of dynamic conservation to promote rural development to benefit local community, to assure food security and maintaining the ecosystem. Since then, many more scientists have been enrolled in the new field focusing on the function and value, application and management, conservation and development and other aspects of these traditional agricultural systems which facilitate an emerging cross-discipline. In this paper, based on the concepts and characteristics of GIAHS and China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China-NIAHS), the author specifies that Agri-cultural Heritage is a compound heritage that integrates the characteristics of natural, cultural and intangible cultural heritage, and a typical social-economic-natural complex ecosystem composed of economic, biological, technological, cultural and landscape components. For their conservation and development, the joint efforts of scientists from economics, ecology, geography, history, management sciences, culturology, ethnology, sociology and other subjects are needed. Based on progresses studies and perspectives of the field, the author felt that although a good start of the research on Agri-cultural Heritage has been made, there is still much room for development which show a steady growth trend and suggested 32 priority areas in research; a new subject of Agroheritology could emerge in the near future.  相似文献   
野生动物友好型耕作(Wildlife-friendly Farming,WFF)实践是一种维持农田生态恢复的良好方式。本研究的目的在于探讨影响日本佐渡岛农民实施WFF的因素和提出影响这种实践传播的政策。对佐渡岛上把大米销售给日本农业合作社(Japan Agricultural Cooperatives,JA)的5010个农户进行了问卷调查,总共收到2231农户反馈问卷(反馈率45%)。通过与未经认证农民的态度和属性对比,我们确定了影响农民实施WFF的关键因素。与未经认证的农民相比,已认证的农民:(1)对生物多样性和WFF的经济效益表现出更高的兴趣;(2)拥有更多的已认证农民朋友;(3)感受到了来自消费者的更多的压力和期望;(4)当实施WFF时,不受恶劣劳动力或农田条件的限制。为了在佐渡岛进一步宣传WFF,我们建议把WFF实践对稻田生物多样性的有效性信息应用到公共教育中,并在非认证农民和已认证农民之间、农民与消费者之间创建交流的机会。  相似文献   
Agricultural heritage is an important type of world heritage. The special features of this kind of heritage are that they are "living" or "real life" systems, in both the ecosystem and in the cultural sense. So, agricultural heritage needs to be conserved in a special way. In a well-reasoned approach to dynamic conservation of agricultural heritage, careful development of heritage sites can realize greater sustainability of the traditional agriculture by considering both conservation and development though tourism. This paper examines the Global Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) as designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and listed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as agricultural heritages sites. Currently, the research in China focuses on tourism resources evaluation and development, production design and marketing, tourism perception and the impacts of tourism development and so forth. There is less emphasis on research about benefit sharing of heritage tourism evolution mechanisms, environmental impacts of agricultural heritage tourism and study methods which should be analyzed in-depth, so as to illuminate the theories and practices of development in a living landscape.  相似文献   
农业文化遗产具有重要的社会经济价值和生态系统服务功能,不过相应的数字化保护探索还相对缺乏。本文就农业文化遗产数字化保护的意义、内涵、主要内容与关键技术等开展探讨:① 数字化可以丰富农业文化遗产的保护途径,为相关部门的决策提供依据,有助于促进公众对农业文化遗产的认知;② 农业文化遗产数字化保护的主体内容包括粮食与生计安全、农业生物多样性、地方和传统知识体系、文化与信仰和社会组织、景观与美学特征;③ 农业文化遗产数字化保护的关键技术包括多粒度时空数据对象分析与处理、云计算与服务、大数据分析和人工智能等。研究表明,农业文化遗产数字化保护是一项复杂的系统工程,需要加强对建设目标、标准以及示范性应用等的研究,同时处理好保护与发展的辩证关系,并明确其地位与功能。  相似文献   
兴化垛田传统农业系统具有典型的水土利用方式,于2014年4月被联合国粮农组织评选为全球重要农业文化遗产。基于文献资料和实地调研,本文分析了兴化垛田传统农业系统的历史与发展、结构与特征、以及功能与价值。兴化垛田传统农业系统具有悠久的历史、丰富的生物多样性、重要的生态服务功能、传统农业技术和文化、以及独特水土利用方式形成的优美景观,并对当地农民的生计安全做出了重要的贡献。然而,这一宝贵的全球重要农业文化遗产系统面临着一系列威胁和挑战。本文的研究一方面可以更深入地认识兴化垛田传统农业系统,为其保护与发展提供科学支持,另外一方面也为我国及世界上的类似地区提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   
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