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While impressive direct geolocation accuracies better than 5.0?m CE90 (90% of circular error) can be achieved from the last DigitalGlobe’s Very High Resolution (VHR) satellites (i.e. GeoEye-1 and WorldView-1/2/3/4), it is insufficient for many precise geodetic applications. For these sensors, the best horizontal geopositioning accuracies (around 0.55?m CE90) can be attained by using third-order 3D rational functions with vendor’s rational polynomial coefficients data refined by a zero-order polynomial adjustment obtained from a small number of very accurate ground control points (GCPs). However, these high-quality GCPs are not always available. In this work, two different approaches for improving the initial direct geolocation accuracy of VHR satellite imagery are proposed. Both of them are based on the extraction of three-dimensional GCPs from freely available ancillary data at global coverage such as multi-temporal information of Google Earth and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 30?m digital elevation model. The application of these approaches on WorldView-2 and GeoEye-1 stereo pairs over two different study sites proved to improve the horizontal direct geolocation accuracy values around of 75%.  相似文献   
All gravity field functionals obtained from an Earth gravitational model (EGM) depend on the underlying terrestrial reference frame (TRF), with respect to which the EGM’s spherical harmonic coefficients refer to. In order to maintain a coherent framework for the comparison of current and future EGMs, it is thus important to investigate the consistency of their inherent TRFs, especially when their use is intended for high precision studies. Following the methodology described in an earlier paper by Kleusberg (1980), the similarity transformation parameters between the associated reference frames for several EGMs (including the most recent CHAMP/GRACE models at the time of writing this paper) are estimated in the present study. Specifically, the differences between the spherical harmonic coefficients for various pairs of EGMs are parameterized through a 3D-similarity spatial transformation model that relates their underlying TRFs. From the least-squares adjustment of such a parametric model, the origin, orientation and scale stability between the EGMs’ reference frames can be identified by estimating their corresponding translation, rotation and scale factor parameters. Various aspects of the estimation procedure and its results are highlighted in the paper, including data weighting schemes, the sensitivity of the results with respect to the selected harmonic spectral band, the correlation structure and precision level of the estimated transformation parameters, the effect of the estimated differences of the EGMs’ reference frames on their height anomaly signal, and the overall feasibility of Kleusberg’s formulae for the assessment of TRF inconsistencies among global geopotential models.  相似文献   

Forecasting environmental parameters in the distant future requires complex modelling and large computational resources. Due to the sensitivity and complexity of forecast models, long-term parameter forecasts (e.g. up to 2100) are uncommon and only produced by a few organisations, in heterogeneous formats and based on different assumptions of greenhouse gases emissions. However, data mining techniques can be used to coerce the data to a uniform time and spatial representation, which facilitates their use in many applications. In this paper, streams of big data coming from AquaMaps and NASA collections of 126 long-term forecasts of nine types of environmental parameters are processed through a cloud computing platform in order to (i) standardise and harmonise the data representations, (ii) produce intermediate scenarios and new informative parameters, and (iii) align all sets on a common time and spatial resolution. Time series cross-correlation applied to these aligned datasets reveals patterns of climate change and similarities between parameter trends in 10 marine areas. Our results highlight that (i) the Mediterranean Sea may have a standalone ‘response’ to climate change with respect to other areas, (ii) the Poles are most representative of global forecasted change, and (iii) the trends are generally alarming for most oceans.  相似文献   
曾建刚  苗放  陈建华 《地理空间信息》2010,8(2):118-120,123
针对空间信息网络服务在现有C/S、B/S模式下客户端功能的不足和空间数据服务需求,采用一种新型的空间信息服务模式--G/S模式,即地学浏览器/空间信息服务器模式,并对其可视化客户端G端地学浏览器(Geo-Browser)的系统架构和关键技术进行详细论述。利用Google Earth COM API组件开发技术,在国际标准KML支持下,对地学浏览器进行详细设计和实例验证,得出G/S模式下的地学浏览器在海量空间信息处理和三维展示方面具有明显优势的结论。  相似文献   

The challenge of enabling syntactic and semantic interoperability for comprehensive and reproducible online processing of big Earth observation (EO) data is still unsolved. Supporting both types of interoperability is one of the requirements to efficiently extract valuable information from the large amount of available multi-temporal gridded data sets. The proposed system wraps world models, (semantic interoperability) into OGC Web Processing Services (syntactic interoperability) for semantic online analyses. World models describe spatio-temporal entities and their relationships in a formal way. The proposed system serves as enabler for (1) technical interoperability using a standardised interface to be used by all types of clients and (2) allowing experts from different domains to develop complex analyses together as collaborative effort. Users are connecting the world models online to the data, which are maintained in a centralised storage as 3D spatio-temporal data cubes. It allows also non-experts to extract valuable information from EO data because data management, low-level interactions or specific software issues can be ignored. We discuss the concept of the proposed system, provide a technical implementation example and describe three use cases for extracting changes from EO images and demonstrate the usability also for non-EO, gridded, multi-temporal data sets (CORINE land cover).  相似文献   
吴凤鸣 《吉林地质》2001,20(4):4-6,32
面对资源、环境、人口、地质灾害等人类的生产、生活乃至生存的严峻危机,需要我们掌握地球内部的客观规律,不断更新和寻找地球科学理论和新的思维方式,掌握地球科学发展趋势,以协调好人与自然、人地关系及社会经济和可持续发展理论,造福于人类。  相似文献   
从黔南、桂北的航天遥感图像上可以清楚地看出,地表的宏观岩溶地貌明显地受控于区域性大型“X”共轭节理系统,此类节理构成一幅巨型的渗滤网,成为大气降水下渗的主要通道,从而导致被其穿透的岩石遭受溶蚀,形成以线性岩溶谷地为主体的岩溶景观。即水平地层分布区,呈片状“X”形网络结构;直立地层分布区,呈羽状条带结构。水体下渗至潜水面后,将主要沿“X”节理走向向当地最低侵蚀基准面排泄,从而形成复杂的地下管道网络系统。首次利用网上Google Earth影像研究喀斯特环境,解决了只能依赖航片和卫星照片才能研究地球地貌的瓶颈,这对地貌研究和喀斯特石漠化的研究和治理提供了廉价便利的影像材料。  相似文献   
Review of Earth Critical Zone Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the Earth Critical Zone put forward by National Research Council of America in 2001, it has got a lot of attention and some significant progresses have been made. This paper summarized those Earth Critical Zone projects and related research plans organized and implemented by the United States of America, Germany, Australia, France, China and the European Union, as well as main scientific problems and future development direction in the study of Earth Critical Zone. According to research status of China, the four main research contents should be strengthened including structure, formation and evolution mechanism of Earth Critical Zone, the coulpling interaction mechanism between migration and transformation of material and multi-processes, sevice function and evolution features of Earth Critical Zone and its support and effect on sustainable development, model simulation of process and system of Earth Critical Zone. In addition, our country should actively conduct cooperation and communication with the advanced countries, and enhance our involvement in international key research plans.  相似文献   
Coevolution between terrestrial ecosystem and Earth environment is a hot research topic in both biology and geology. Last progresses in these field are reported from following research subjects: evolution of jawed vertebrates(gnathostomata) from Silurian; occurrence of earliest forests from Devonian of Xinjiang; biodiversity of insects in amber from Cretaceous of Myanmar; Evolution of primates and geochemistry studies from Eocene/Oligocene; studies of Longdan fauna from Lingxia basin, Gansu Province of earlier Pleistocene and endemic cloven-breast fishes from Pliocene Tibet; the correlations thick-boned fish,Hsianwenia wui, and the aridification of the Qaidam Basin; monsoon climate and its impact on biodiversity; study on the flora from Mankang, Tibet of Miocene and its palaeoclimate; depositional environment and its impact on the preservation of fossils; contraction of high resolution Stratigraphic series by using data of paleomagnetism and mammal fossils.  相似文献   
Volcanoes with silica-rich and highly viscous magma tend to produce violent explosive eruptions that result in disasters in local communities and that strongly affect the global environment. We examined the timing of 11 eruptive events that produced silica-rich magma from four volcanoes in Japan (Mt. Fuji, Mt. Usu, Myojin-sho, and Satsuma-Iwo-jima) over the past 306 years (from AD 1700 to AD 2005). Nine of the 11 events occurred during inactive phases of solar magnetic activity (solar minimum), which is well indexed by the group sunspot number. This strong association between eruption timing and the solar minimum is statistically significant to a confidence level of 96.7%. This relationship is not observed for eruptions from volcanoes with relatively silica-poor magma, such as Izu-Ohshima. It is well known that the cosmic-ray flux is negatively correlated with solar magnetic activity, as the strong magnetic field in the solar wind repels charged particles such as galactic cosmic rays that originate from outside of the solar system. The strong negative correlation observed between the timing of silica-rich eruptions and solar activity can be explained by variations in cosmic-ray flux arising from solar modulation. Because silica-rich magma has relatively high surface tension (~ 0.1 Nm?1), the homogeneous nucleation rate is so low that such magma exists in a highly supersaturated state without considerable exsolution, even when located relatively close to the surface, within the penetration range of cosmic-ray muons (1–10 GeV). These muons can contribute to nucleation in supersaturated magma, as documented by many authors studying a bubble chamber, via ionization loss. This radiation-induced nucleation can lead to the pre-eruptive exsolution of H2O in the silica-rich magma. We note the possibility that the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption was triggered by the same mechanism: an increase in cosmic-ray flux triggered by Typhoon Yunya, as a decrease in atmospheric pressure results in an increase in cosmic-ray flux. We also speculate that the snowball Earth event was triggered by successive large-scale volcanic eruptions triggered by increased cosmic-ray flux due to nearby supernova explosions.  相似文献   
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