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A hybrid hydrologic model (Distributed-Clark), which is a lumped conceptual and distributed feature model, was developed based on the combined concept of Clark’s unit hydrograph and its spatial decomposition methods, incorporating refined spatially variable flow dynamics to implement hydrological simulation for spatially distributed rainfall–runoff flow. In Distributed-Clark, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number method is utilized to estimate spatially distributed runoff depth and a set of separated unit hydrographs is used for runoff routing to obtain a direct runoff flow hydrograph. Case studies (four watersheds in the central part of the USA) using spatially distributed (Thiessen polygon-based) rainfall data of storm events were used to evaluate the model performance. Results demonstrate relatively good fit to observed streamflow, with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (ENS) of 0.84 and coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.86, as well as a better fit in comparison with outputs of spatially averaged rainfall data simulations for two models including HEC-HMS.  相似文献   
Short-term changes in Eastern Mediterranean precipitation affecting flow regime were documented in Nahal Oren, a 35 km2 ephemeral stream in Mt. Carmel, a 500 m high mountain ridge located at the NW coast of Israel. The rainy winter of the Mediterranean type climate (Csa) in Mt. Carmel is characterized by average annual rainfall of 550 mm at the coastal plain to 750 mm at the highest elevation while the summer is hot and dry. Stream flow generates after accumulated rainfall of 120–150 mm while “large floods”, defined as flows with peak discharge of > 5 m3 s− 1 and/or > 150,000 m3 in volume, are generated in response to rainfall of over 100 mm. Hence, large floods in Nahal Oren stream occur not earlier than December. Precipitation and flow data were divided into two sub-periods: 1957–1969 and 1991–2003 and compared to each other. The results indicate a clear increase in the frequency of large floods, their magnitudes and volumes during the second period with no parallel change in the annual precipitation. Similarly, an increase in storm rainfall–runoff ratio from < 5% to > 15% and a decrease in the threshold rainfall for channel flow by 16–25% were documented. These short-term variations in flooding behavior are explained by the clear decrease in the length of the rainy season and by the resulting significant shortening in the duration of the dry-spells. The increase in the number of large rainfall events and the large floods in each hydrological year together with the increasing number of years with no floods indicate strengthening of their uncertainty of behavior.  相似文献   
This article describes a method to provide adapted visit tours in art museums according to the preferences expressed by the visitor and exhibits prestige. It is based on a dual approach with, on the one hand an automatic textual analysis of the official information available online (labels of exhibits) that allows to rank the exhibit attractiveness for a standard museum visitor. On the other hand, individual preferences are also taken into account to adapt the visit according to the personal cultural awareness of the visitor. We use operations research to solve a routing optimization problem, aiming at finding a visit tour with time constraints and maximization of the visitor satisfaction. Depending on the instance size and the problem scale, an integer linear programming (ILP) model and a greedy algorithm are proposed to recommend personalized visit tours and applied on two museums: ‘Musée de l’Orangerie’ in Paris and ‘National Gallery’ in London. The obtained results show that it is possible to recommend a good tour to visitors of an art museum by taking into account the common prestige of the exhibits and the individual interests, joining automatic text summarization and routing optimization in a limited geographical space.  相似文献   
朱春林  邢志会  唐顺  包梅 《云南地质》2010,29(3):323-327
依据大红田隧道水文地质勘察和监测数据,结合前人已有成果,重点探讨隧道涌水特征、涌水影响范围及地下水消失量,并尝试对断流泉出流进行预测。  相似文献   
Microbubble suspensions were generated as an oxygen carrier for aerobic biodegradation, and their flow characteristics in porous media were investigated. Commercial surfactants including sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and dodecylethyldimethylammonium bromide (DEDAB), saponin (a natural surfactant), and collagen (a protein hydrolysate) were examined as base materials for generating microbubble suspensions. Among them, 2×CMC (critical micellar concentration) of SDS, DEDAB, and saponin developed microbubble suspensions with the highest gas hold‐up and half‐drainage time. Visualization of the flow patterns in sand showed that the microbubble suspensions were separated into a liquid and gas phase directly after injection, showing much faster movement of liquid phase flow. The gas front of the microbubble suspensions flowed in a plug‐flow manner, particularly in cases of SDS and DEDAB. The experimental results from both homogeneous and heterogeneous cells confirmed that the microbubble flow could overcome the heterogeneity in porous media. However, the plug‐flow characteristics and flow propagation of the microbubble suspensions to the low‐permeability zone was accompanied by a large pressure drop, which needs to be considered for future field application.  相似文献   
In liquefied ground, lateral flow is sometimes much larger than surface settlement and may exceed several meters even in a gentle slope of less than a few percent. It occurs not only during but also after earthquake shaking. Conventional laboratory soil tests using uniform sand cannot reproduce this phenomenon. Its mechanism is still poorly understood. In this paper, there is a major focus on the mechanism involving void redistribution or water film effects in layered sand deposits using recent findings obtained by different researchers on void redistribution and the associated lateral flow movement that potentially occurs in layered sand deposits. 1G shake table tests, 1D tube tests, torsional simple shear tests, in situ soil investigations, case history studies, etc. are used to develop an understanding of the lateral flow mechanism during liquefaction. Some of the major findings are; sand deposits in the field consist of sublayers with different particle sizes and permeability and readily develop water films by post-liquefaction void redistribution at sublayer boundaries. The water films may have served as sliding surfaces for large flow during the 1964 Niigata earthquake without the constraint of the dilatancy effect because the water films serve as shear stress isolators. The potential of this type of flow failure will be high for loose sand with relative density around 40% or less.  相似文献   
The Danish Straits are part of the transition area between the North Sea and the central Baltic Sea. More precisely, the Danish Straits connect Kattegat to the Arkona Basin and includes the relatively narrow and shallow sub-areas: Great Belt, Little Belt, Fehmarn Belt and Sound. The flow resistances in the straits are hydraulically determined by among other factors, the contractions, sills and stratification found in the straits. Close to the entrance to the Arkona Basin the Darss and Drogden Sills are located that trap inflowing dense water partially before it enters the central Baltic Sea. Hence, the resistances in the Danish Straits are of crucial importance for the stratification and ecosystems in the central Baltic Sea. The present work comprises calculations of flow resistance in the Great Belt based on measurements collected as part of the Great Belt Fixed Link investigations. The specific resistance in the Great Belt is determined to be an average of 41.2 × 10−12 s2 m−5, but it depends heavily on the interface position. When calculating long-term discharge time-series on the basis of the momentum equation it is advised to apply a seasonal varying resistance.  相似文献   
To obtain a better understanding of the oscillatory soil liquefaction around an offshore pipeline, a three-dimensional integrated model for the wave–seabed–pipeline interaction (WSPI) is proposed by combining the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations for flow simulations and the dynamic Biot’s equation (“u-p” approximation) for the poro-elastic seabed model. Compared with previous investigations, the wave–current interaction is included in the present WSPI system. At a given time step, the wave pressure extracted from the flow model is applied on the seabed surface to determine the corresponding oscillatory seabed response around an offshore pipeline. The integrated numerical model is first validated using previous laboratory experiments. Then, a parametric study is conducted to examine the effects of flow obliquity and pipeline burial depth on the soil response around an offshore pipeline. Numerical results indicate that the soil under the pipeline is more susceptible to liquefaction at a reduced flow obliquity and pipeline burial depth. Moreover, the liquefaction depth in the case where the wave travels along the current can increase by 10%–30% compared to that in the case where the wave travels against the current, when the magnitude of the current velocity is 1 m/s.  相似文献   
Withdrawal of water from a river into a canal involves the construction of a barrage or a dam across the river depending on whether the river is perennial or not. The design of the reservoir upstream of the dam and of the canal requires consideration of the sediment load carried by the river in case the river is sediment-laden. The basic equations concerning morphological changes in such rivers are discussed with particular reference to computation of reservoir sedimentation. The hydraulics of lined canals carrying wash load is examined from the point of view of limiting transport capacity and changes in frictional resistance. Lastly, the methods of design of sediment extraction devices like settling basins and vortex chambers are presented.  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of Hagen-Poiseulle flow through plane random anisotropic networks of interconnected channels. Macroscopic permeability tensor of the network is expressed in terms of statistico-geometrical characteristics like the degree of anisotropy in channel orientations, average co-ordination number of the network and first two moments of channel length distribution. Analytical results are illustrated and verified using numerical analysis of flow in a simulated random network. The emphasis of the paper is on the effects of anisotropy on distributions of flow rates in channels. It is shown that, due to anisotropy the maximum flow rate generally occurs in channels that are not aligned along the direction of the macroscopic pressure gradient.  相似文献   
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