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Three major, interdependent processes control the genesis and distribution of mineral and thermal waters in the Rhenish Massif, Central Europe: (a) Magmatic processes in the upper mantle provide most of the CO2 to produce bicarbonate waters in shallow aquifers. (b) Extension of the brittle upper crust enables the ascent of sodium chloride waters. (c) Uplift and erosion shape the massif's relief, which determines the extent of flow systems and the distribution of thermal springs. The chemistry of mineral waters further depends on the aquifers' mineral composition. A comprehensive set of hydrological, chemical, tectonic and geophysical data on the Rhenish Massif has been compiled. It was used to classify the mineral waters and to map the spatial distribution of water properties. The composition of cuttings from several representative wells producing different water types shows that the hydrothermal alteration of the aquifer rocks consists mainly of kaolinization of chlorite and dissolution of feldspar. Numerical transport simulations favour two modes of groundwater flow: topography-driven flow and the pressure-driven ascent of basement brines along active faults. Thermal convection is less important.  相似文献   
Models relating sediment supply to catchment properties are important in order to use the geological record to deduce landscape evolution and interplay between tectonics and climate. Water discharge (Q w) is an important factor in the widely used ‘BQART ’ model, which relates sediment load to a set of measurable catchment parameters. Although many of the factors in this equation may be independently estimated with some degree of certainty in ancient systems, water discharge (Q w) certainly cannot. An analysis of a world database of modern catchments with 1255 entries shows that the commonly applied equation relating catchment area (A ) to water discharge (Q w = 0·075A0·8) does not predict water discharge from catchment area well in many cases (R 2 = 0·5 and an error spanning about three orders of magnitude). This is because the method does not incorporate the effect of arid and wet climate on river water discharge. The inclusion of climate data into such estimations is an opportunity to refine these estimates, because generalized estimates of palaeoclimate can often be deduced on the basis of sedimentological data such as palaeosol types, mineralogy and palaeohydraulics. This paper investigates how the relationship between catchment area and river discharge varies with four runoff categories (arid, semi‐arid, humid and wet), which are recognizable in the geological record, and modifies the coefficient and exponent of the above‐mentioned equation according to these classes. This modified model yields improved results in relating discharge to catchment area (R 2 = 0·95 and error spanning one order of magnitude) when core, outcrop or regional palaeoclimate reconstruction data are available in non‐arid systems. Arid systems have an inherently variable water discharge, and catchment area is less important as a control due to downstream losses. The model here is sufficient for many geological applications and makes it possible to include variations in catchment humidity in mass‐flux estimates in ancient settings.  相似文献   
Multi-phase flow in fractured rocks plays an important role in any hydrocarbon recovery process, be it for environmental remediation or natural oil and gas extraction. Fractures may form the primary production conduits, and the mass transport at the fracture interfaces with the matrix determines the effectiveness of extraction processes. This paper presents specific evidence for a relationship between fracture apertures and the porosity of the adjoining perpendicular layers in Berea sandstone samples. Measurements of fracture apertures were done with high-resolution Micro-Computed Tomography (MCT) with a voxel resolution of about 0.05 mm in three dimensions. Multi-phase fluid flow experiments were done using a medical CT scanner with a voxel resolution of about 1.00 × 0.25 × 0.25 mm. MCT evidence shows a correlation between aperture and the porosity of the intersected layers. The comparison was made by generating two-dimensional maps of matrix porosity and CT values adjacent to the fracture and of the corresponding fracture apertures. High-porosity layers are lined up with large fracture apertures. Multi-phase fluid experiments provided hydraulic evidence that the high-porosity layers have high permeability. Oil injection into a water-saturated sample was tracked by a sequence of transverse scans near the downstream tip of a fracture. The hydraulic evidence from the two-phase flow experiments also confirms high permeability in fracture strips adjacent to high-porosity and high-permeability layers. The reasons for the relationship between fracture aperture and the properties of the adjacent layers are not fully understood. Some explanation for the physical and hydraulic observations rests in the method of fracturing, fracture propagation, and the lithological characteristics of the rock.  相似文献   
Window factor analysis(WFA)is a self-modeling method for extracting the concentration profiles ofindividual components from evolutionary processes such as flow injection,chromatography,titrationsand reaction kinetics.The method takes advantage of the fact that each component lies in a specificregion along the evolutionary axis,called the‘window’.Theoretical equations are derived.The methodis used to extract the concentration profiles and spectra of seven bismuth species from data obtained byGemperline and Hamilton,who injected bismuth perchlorate into a flowing stream of hydrochloric acid.  相似文献   
This paper describes the application of the Powell algorithm to the optimization of a flow injectionsystem configuration.The performance of this algorithm has been compared with the modified simplexmethod.The system studied is the determination of ammonia,based on the indophenol blue reaction.Alinear combination of sensitivity and sample throughput is used as the objective function because of itssimultaneous optimization capability.Results obtained show that the proposed method may reach theoptimal conditions with a lower number of experimental evaluations.  相似文献   
Local search heuristics for very large-scale vehicle routing problems (VRPs) have made remarkable advances in recent years. However, few local search heuristics have focused on the use of the spatial neighborhood in Voronoi diagrams to improve local searches. Based on the concept of a k-ring shaped Voronoi neighbor, we propose a Voronoi spatial neighborhood-based search heuristic and algorithm to solve very large-scale VRPs. In this algorithm, k-ring Voronoi neighbors of a customer are limited to building and updating local routings, and rearranging local routings with improper links. This algorithm was evaluated using four sets of benchmark tests for 200–8683 customers. Solutions were compared with specific examples in the literature, such as the one-depot VRP. This algorithm produced better solutions than some of the best-known benchmark VRP solutions and requires less computational time. The algorithm outperformed previous methods used to solve very large-scale, real-world distance constrained capacitated VRP.  相似文献   
台湾海峡船舶定线制设计的数据空间处理与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶定线制是指定船舶在水上某些区域航行时所遵循或采用的航线、航路或通航分道的一种制度,是水上交通繁忙区域实施有效管理的主要手段,是对航路合理规划、有效利用的重要方法,代表着水上船舶航行秩序管理的发展方向。本文针对台湾海峡船舶定线制设计中对船舶交通数据的空间处理及分析需求,经过大量实测数据分析和实践验证,提出了一些符合台湾海峡船舶定线制设计的数据空间处理及分析方法,并就船舶定线制推荐方案的空间表达形式作了简要介绍。  相似文献   
There are wide areas of granitic rocks in the Japanese orogenic belt. These granitic bodies inevitably contain fracture and fault systems associated with alteration zones. However, relatively little attention has been given to the possible influence of such widely distributed alteration zones on the migration of radionuclides from any radioactive waste repository that might in future be sited within granitic rock. In particular, the influences of alteration products and micro-fractures, due to chemical sorption and/or physical retardation require further consideration. In order to understand the retardation capacity of the altered deep granitic rocks, detailed geometrical characterization of pores, geochemical analysis, and batch sorption and flow-through experiments have been carried out. Those results show that the altered granite has a large volume of accessible pores, particularly in potassium-feldspar grains, which would influence nuclide retardation more than the accessible porosity in other minerals present, such as biotite. The distribution coefficients, Kd estimated from batch sorption tests and flow-through experiments suggest that altered granite has a high capability to retard the migration of nuclides. The retardation would probably be due to sorption on altered minerals such as sericite and iron hydroxides formed along grain boundaries and in pores created by dissolution, in addition to sorption on primary sorptive minerals. These results provide confidence that even altered and fractured parts of any granitic rock that might be encountered in a site for the disposal of high level radioactive waste may still retard radionuclide migration and thereby help the geosphere to function as a barrier.  相似文献   
A 8.9 ha (22 acre) catchment at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in western North Carolina was cleared of hardwood forest in 1958 and 1959 and seeded to Kentucky 31 fescue grass in 1959 and 1960. Grass production was high in years when fertilizer was applied and water yield was very similar to that expected from the original forest cover. as grass production declined, so water yields rose, with important increases in the magnitude of both low frequency flows and, particularly, in baseflow. in 1967 and 1968, when all vegetation was deadened in the catchment, the discharge levels in all flow frequency classes were higher. Natural revegetation was then allowed and water yields gradually declined towards the expected level, although there remained a tendency for winter flows to remain higher, and for summer flows to be lower than expected. This paper updates the earlier work of Hibbert (1969) and uses flow duration curves to extend his results.  相似文献   
This article describes a method to provide adapted visit tours in art museums according to the preferences expressed by the visitor and exhibits prestige. It is based on a dual approach with, on the one hand an automatic textual analysis of the official information available online (labels of exhibits) that allows to rank the exhibit attractiveness for a standard museum visitor. On the other hand, individual preferences are also taken into account to adapt the visit according to the personal cultural awareness of the visitor. We use operations research to solve a routing optimization problem, aiming at finding a visit tour with time constraints and maximization of the visitor satisfaction. Depending on the instance size and the problem scale, an integer linear programming (ILP) model and a greedy algorithm are proposed to recommend personalized visit tours and applied on two museums: ‘Musée de l’Orangerie’ in Paris and ‘National Gallery’ in London. The obtained results show that it is possible to recommend a good tour to visitors of an art museum by taking into account the common prestige of the exhibits and the individual interests, joining automatic text summarization and routing optimization in a limited geographical space.  相似文献   
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