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岷山隆起的构造地貌学研究   总被引:40,自引:7,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
赵小麒  陈社发 《地震地质》1994,16(4):429-439
岷山隆起为一第四纪强烈抬升区,构成川西高原的西界。岷山隆起的东、西边界分别受岷江断裂与虎牙断裂的控制,为地震活动带,南部向龙门山构造带过渡。岷江断裂北段的第四纪活动始于距今2Ma以前,为一逆走滑断层,观测到的左旋位移量为2.4km,左旋滑动速率为1mm/a。岷江断裂控制了沿隆起西界分布的地震活动,包括1933年叠溪和1960年漳腊地震  相似文献   
大陆造山带中局部隆起-分层滑脱构造系(简称隆-滑构造)是对造山带的深入研究后提出的一种新的构造形式。它是在前造山期伸展构造作用体制下形成的,其结构由内核、外壳及接合面三部分组成。由于它与后造山期形成的变质核杂岩构造有着形貌相似的特点,因而很容易误将其归属为变质核杂岩构造。由于隆-滑构造有其特定的形成时间和独特的组合样式及构造特征,在造山带构造变形演化序列中应占有重要的地位,因而,这类构造的识别和确立对造山带研究有重要意义。由于隆-滑构造形成后又受到造山期收缩作用的挤压改造,它的原始形象已不甚明确,但一般常可以在复背斜构造中首先发现前造山期隆-滑构造的存在。由于隆-滑构造的特殊性,它对于造山带的构造学、地层学、变质作用以及成矿作用等的研究都很有意义。  相似文献   
Although studies on glacial isostatic adjustment usually assume a purely linear rheology, we have previously shown that mantle relaxation after the melting of Laurentide ice sheet is better described by a composite rheology including a non-linear term. This modelling is, however, based on axially symmetric geometry and glacial forcing derived from ICE-3G and suffers from a certain amount of arbitrariness in the definition of the ice load. In this work we apply adjusted spherical harmonics analysis to interpolate the ice thicknesses of ICE-3G and ICE-1 glaciological models. This filters out the non-axisymmetric components of the ice load by considering only the zonal terms in the spherical harmonics expansion. The resulting load function is used in finite-element simulation of postglacial rebound to compare composite versus purely linear rheology. Our results confirm that composite rheology can explain relative sea level (RSL) data in North America significantly better than a purely linear rheology. The performance of composite rheology suggests that in future investigations, it may be better to use this more physically realistic creep law for modelling mantle deformation induced by glacial forcing.  相似文献   
西藏羌塘中央隆起区物质组成与构造演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对羌塘中央隆起区的物质成分及构造演化规律的认识 ,涉及到青藏高原特提斯演化、羌塘盆地的形成发展及高原的隆升过程。对羌塘中央隆起区构造演化在认识上目前有较大分歧 ,主要有两种观点 :1)认为扎布 (察布 )—查桑地区发育裂谷 ,没有发育成特提斯洋盆 ;2 )龙木错—双湖 (—澜沧江 )古特提斯缝合带 ,代表古特提斯洋的闭合遗迹之一。基于对羌塘中央隆起区物质成分及属性 ,以及同位素年代学研究 ,将羌塘中央隆起中泥盆世—早白垩世的构造发展历史划分了六个阶段 ,即D2 —C11初始裂谷阶段 ;C21—C2 裂谷阶段 ;P1海底扩张—大洋化阶段 ;P2 —T2 板块汇聚—消减阶段 ;T3 —J1板块碰撞阶段 ;J2 —K1碰撞—整体抬升阶段。羌塘中央隆起构造演化经历了一个完整的威尔逊旋回  相似文献   
This paper presents the primary results of petrologic, mineralogical and petrochemical studies of garnet-bearing granulite facies rock xenoliths from Xinyang, Henan Province. These xenoliths, which are found in a pipe of late Mesozoic volcaniclastic breccia, are of high density (3.13-3.30 g/cm3) and high seismic velocity (Vp = 7.04-7.31 km/s), being products of underplating of basaltic magmas and had experienced granulite facies metamorphism. The underplating and metamorphism took place before the eruption of the host rock. Petrographical studies and equilibrium T-P calculations show that these xenoliths were captured at a 49 km depth and experienced at least a 16 km uplift before they were captured. The dynamics of the uplift could be related to the continent-continent collision between the North China plate and the Yangtze plate during the Triassic.  相似文献   
Playfair's law (J. Playfair, illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth, 1802) requires any two tributaries in a river network to lower at the same rate near their junction. Although this law holds exactly at the junction, it is unclear how well it holds in the vicinity of the junction. This issue has practical importance because Playfair's law has been used to estimate parameters for detachment‐limited models of erosion. If the incision rate of a stream is modelled as βAmSn, where β is an erodibility parameter, A is the area drained by the stream, and S is the local gradient of the channel, then the ratio of the parameters m/n can be estimated from junctions by assuming that Playfair's law holds over the distance used to determine S for each tributary. In this paper, Playfair's law and associated m/n estimates are evaluated for simulated basins with constant and temporally varying uplift rates (or baselevel lowering rates). The results demonstrate that estimates of m/n may be biased for basins with upward‐concave stream profiles because the local slope must be approximated with an average upstream slope. In addition, when uplift rate varies temporally, knickpoints are shown to travel through the basins with constant vertical velocity. Because incision rates vary within the basin, Playfair's law only holds exactly at the junctions. These effects are more important when slopes are measured over longer distances. Finally, measurement techniques are presented which address these potential biases. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
新疆北山地区区域重、磁场特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在探讨新疆北山地区区域重、磁场特征的基础上,系统地叙述了北山裂谷内发育的白地洼、磁海重力高异常特征和基性、超基性岩体群重、磁场特征。指出坡北、笔架山岩带处于EW、NEE、NNW三组断裂所控制的三角形重力高的梯度带和负磁异常带上。提出通过这一特点,可以在北山地区寻找新的基性、超基性岩体群和拔矿靶区圈定。  相似文献   
武夷山古环境的变迁与土壤发育的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈君月  周性敦 《福建地质》1993,12(3):228-231
在综合研究了武夷山主峰黄岗山的地质、地貌、植被、气候及第四纪孢粉分析资料后认为,黄岗山在晚第三纪至第四纪的数百万年间,曾经历了至少三次断块抬升运动,每次抬升幅度300—400m,总上升量可达千米之巨。黄岗山的土壤之所以在若干重要分类指标上产生变异,其原因很可能是古环境遗留的特征仍居主导地位,近代成土作用只不过是在原来脱硅富铝化基础上的附加成土过程。  相似文献   
胶南隆起北缘中段左行正滑韧性剪切带研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张长厚  朱忠 《现代地质》1993,7(4):435-443
在详细的野外地质填图的基础上,通过各种尺度的构造研究和系统的应变测量,确定了胶南隆起北缘中段的大型左行正滑韧性剪切带的存在及其延展范围,并提出了确定韧性剪切带边界的构造几何学准则。研究了该韧性剪切带的几何学和运动学特征及变形机制,估算了其剪切位移量(大于7557m)及形成时的差异应力(σ_1-σ_3=94.6~114.4MPa)。该韧性剪切带可以作为胶南隆起的北部边界,但不是重要的板块碰撞边界。  相似文献   
新疆构造运动期序及特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
新疆地域辽阔,地质构造运动复杂,特征各异。前人曾对新疆构造运动的划分及命名做了大量工作,但多有不一致,有些构造运动的划分或命名依据不足,因此失去了应有的代表性。现根据实际资料,对新疆地质构造运动重新归纳和认识,提出新疆境内构造运动可划分为11期32幕(次),其中前寒武纪6期、古生代2期17幕(次),中新生代3期9幕(次)  相似文献   
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