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李昊  苏洁 《海洋学报》2023,45(8):46-61
海冰数值模式是研究海冰动力热力状态参量及之间联系的有效途径。目前对冰厚数值模拟结果的分析远远少于对海冰范围/面积和密集度的研究,对冰速与海冰形变对冰厚分布影响的研究也尚欠缺。本文利用Los Alamos sea ice model(CICE)海冰模式模拟了1980−2018年的北极海冰变化,并使用遥感、同化冰厚数据进行比对验证,分析了模拟冰速和海冰形变对冰厚的影响,计算了冰速的散度和切变偏差对冰厚偏差的贡献。结果显示,CICE对北极70°N以北区域平均冰厚和冰速的年际变化模拟基本合理,但模拟的平均冰厚和冰速多年变化趋势均小于同化数据的变化率;模拟和观测冰厚的空间分布差异与冰速和形变率的偏差有密切联系,主要表现为波弗特海的正偏差和北极中央区至弗拉姆海峡的负偏差。泛北极区域散度和切变偏差在3月之前对冰厚偏差的贡献在13%~16%之间变化,3−4月则由16%跃变至27%。散度偏差主导了11月、12月波弗特海区域的冰厚正偏差,切变偏差主导了冬季加拿大群岛以北海域和穿极流区域的冰厚负偏差。  相似文献   
The climatological signal of δ18O variations preserved in ice cores recovered from Puruogangri ice field in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) was calibrated with regional meteorological data for the past 50 years. For the period AD 1860–2000, 5-yearly averaged ice core δ18O and a summer temperature reconstruction derived from pollen data from the same ice core were compared. The statistical results provide compelling evidence that Puruogangri ice core δ18O variations represent summer temperature changes for the central TP, and hence regional temperature history during the past 600 years was revealed. A comparison of Puruogangri ice core δ18О with several other temperature reconstructions shows that broad-scale climate anomalies since the Little Ice Age occurred synchronously across the eastern and southern TP, and the Himalayas. Common cold periods were identified in the 15th century, 1625–1645 AD, 1660–1700 AD, 1725–1775 AD, 1795–1830 AD, 1850–1870 AD, 1890–1920 AD, 1940–1950 AD, and 1975–1985 AD. The period 1725–1775 AD was one of the most prolonged cool periods during the past 400 years and corresponded to maximum Little Ice Age glacier advance of monsoonal temperate glaciers of the TP.  相似文献   
Numerical sea ice prediction in China   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
NumericalseaicepredictioninChinaWuHuiding,BaiShan,ZhangZhanhai1(ReceivedSeptember12,1996;acceptedJune5,1997)Abstract──Adynami...  相似文献   
北极海冰冰盖自20世纪以来经历了前所未有的缩减,这使得北极海冰异常对大气环流的反馈作用日益显现。尽管目前的气候模式模拟北极海冰均为减少的趋势,但各模式间仍然存在较大的分散性。为了评估模式对于北极海冰变化及其气候效应的模拟能力,我们将海冰线性趋势和年际异常两者结合起来构造了一种合理的衡量指标。我们还强调巴伦支与卡拉海的重要性,因为前人研究证明此区域海冰异常是近年来影响大尺度大气环流变异的关键因子。根据我们设定的标准,CMIP5模式对海冰的模拟可被归为三种类型。这三组多模式集合平均之间存在巨大的差异,验证了这种分组方法的合理性。此外,我们还进一步探讨了造成模式海冰模拟能力差别的潜在物理因子。结果表明模式所采用的臭氧资料集对海冰模拟能力有显著的影响。  相似文献   
A vertically integrated dynamic ice sheet model is coupled to the atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-land surface climate model recently developed by Wang and Mysak (2000). The background lateral (east-west) ice sheet discharge rate used by Gallee et al. (1992) is reduced and the planetary emissivity is increased (to parameterize the cooling effect of a decrease of the atmospheric CO2 concentration), in order to build up substantial ice sheets during a glacial period and hence set the stage for ice sheet-thermohaline circulation (THC) interactions. The following iceberg calving scheme is then introduced: when the maximum model height of the North American ice sheet reaches a critical value (2400 m), a prescribed lateral discharged rate is imposed on top of the background discharge rate for a finite time. Per a small prescribed discharge rate, repeated small iceberg calving events occur, which lead to millennial-scale climate cycles with small amplitudes. These are a crude representation of Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations. Over one such cycle, the zonally averaged January surface air temperature (SAT) drops about 1.5°C at 72.5°N. However, a large prescribed lateral discharge rate leads to the shut down of the THC. In this case, the January SAT drops about 5°C at 72.5°N, the sea ice extent advances equatorward from 57.5° to 47.5°N and the net ice accumulation rate at the grid of maximum ice sheet height is reduced from 0.24 to 0.15 m/y. Since data strongly suggest that a collapsed THC was not a steady state during the last glacial, we restore the THC by increasing the vertical diffusivity in the North Atlantic Ocean for a finite time. The resulting climate cycles associated with conveyor-on and conveyor-off phases have much larger amplitudes; furthermore, the strong iceberg calving events lead to a larger loss of ice sheet mass and hence the period of the oscillations is longer (several thousand years). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
对于浅海区采油平台等设施常采用斜坡式人工岛形式,虽然在一定程度上起到降低海冰对平台的作用,但是海冰沿着斜坡上爬至平台并形成堆积,同样也会对平台设施造成破坏,因此有必要对海冰堆积爬坡的关键参数进行研究。通过在冰排前进方向放置混凝土实体结构物模拟海冰堆积和爬坡过程,分析了模型冰爬坡和下滑角度、最大堆积高度等关键参数以及模型冰断裂长度的统计特性及其与变形模量的关系,试验结果表明水位越高,冰排越容易发生堆积爬坡。破碎的模型冰在结构物前堆积后,形成爬坡角和下滑角。爬坡角随着堆积体的增大而增大,下滑角则逐渐减小。堆积冰高度一定时,高度不再增加,在来冰方向会形成新的堆积。这种现象为浅海区海上结构物的防冰减灾提供了新思路。  相似文献   
我国海洋动力灾害研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋动力灾害(包括灾害性海浪、风暴潮、海冰、海啸等)是对我国沿海地区造成破坏和损失最大的自然灾害之一。开展海洋动力灾害研究具有重要意义和迫切的国家需求。本文回顾我国建国以来在海洋动力灾害研究方向的主要进展,重点针对近年来我国在海洋动力灾害数值模拟预报以及灾害风险评估等方面的进展进行综述,并在此基础上提出未来的发展展望,希望给海洋防灾减灾科研工作者提供参考。  相似文献   
Sea ice growth and consolidation play a significant role in heat and momentum exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean. However, few in situ observations of sea ice kinematics have been reported owing to difficulties of deployment of buoys in the marginal ice zone (MIZ). To investigate the characteristics of sea ice kinematics from MIZ to packed ice zone (PIZ), eight drifting buoys designed by Taiyuan University of Technology were deployed in the open water at the ice edge of the Canadian Basin. Sea ice near the buoy constantly increased as the buoy drifted, and the kinematics of the buoy changed as the buoy was frozen into the ice. This process can be determined using sea ice concentration, sea skin temperature, and drift speed of buoy together. Sea ice concentration data showed that buoys entered the PIZ in mid-October as the ice grew and consolidated around the buoys, with high amplitude, high frequency buoy motions almost ceasing. Our results confirmed that good correlation coefficient in monthly scale between buoy drift and the wind only happened in the ice zone. The correlation coefficient between buoys and wind was below 0.3 while the buoys were in open water. As buoys entered the ice zone, the buoy speed was normally distributed at wind speeds above 6 m/s. The buoy drifted mainly to the right of the wind within 45° at wind speeds above 8 m/s. During further consolidation of the ice in MIZ, the direct forcing on the ice through winds will be lessened. The correlation coefficient value increased to 0.9 in November, and gradually decreased to 0.7 in April.  相似文献   
饱和正冻土水分迁移及冻胀模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
正冻土在温度梯度大的情况下,冻结锋面快速移动,孔隙水变成冰,造成原位体积膨胀;而通常在天然条件下,温度梯度都不大,水从未冻区向冻结区迁移,在某一个位置引起冰的累积,形成分凝冰。由于此诱发的冻胀要比原位冻胀大很多,因此,建立一个能够模拟土体水分迁移及分凝冰形成过程的冻胀模型尤其重要。基于第2冻胀理论,建立了饱和土体冻胀模型。在模型中,假设冻结缘中单位时间内水分迁移速度为常数,以计算冻结缘内水压力,再根据克拉方程得到冰压力。根据冰压力的大小作为分凝冰形成判据,研究中假设新的分凝冰形成以后,上一层分凝冰停止生长。模型把水分迁移和冻胀速率当作基本的未知量,模拟了与可天然土体冻胀类似的底部无压补水和顶部加压的冻胀情况。通过数值模拟与试验结果进行对比,初步验证模型的可靠性,其研究结果为实际寒区工程的冻胀预测提供参考。  相似文献   
青藏高原的金属矿产   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原地处印度板块与亚欧板块的衔接部位,长期处于岗瓦纳大陆边缘,大约在65 Ma时印度板块与亚欧板块发生碰撞,对过去构造格局和金属矿产等改造,同时产生新的构造格局和金属矿产,因此青藏高原的金属矿产别具一格。本文讨论青藏高原的铬、铁、铜钼、铅锌、锡、金、锑、铯等优势矿产。  相似文献   
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