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Chinese meteorological satellite FY-1D can obtain global data from four spectral channels which include visible channel(0.58-0.68 μm) and infrared channels(0.84-0.89 μm,10.3-11.3 μm,11.5-12.5 μm).2366 snow and ice samples,2024 cloud samples,1602 land samples and 1648 water samples were selected randomly from Arctic imageries.Land and water can be detected by spectral features.Snow-ice and cloud can be classified by textural features.The classifier is Bayes classifier.By synthesizing five d ays classifying result of Arctic snow and ice cover area,complete Arctic snow and ice cover area can be obtained.The result agrees with NOAA/NESDIS IMS products up to 70%.  相似文献   
Portal water injection sheet pile (PWISP), as a retaining wall, appeared in seashore engineering in 2000. Although there have been many systematic methods addressing the issue, there are very few focusing on the new structure because of the difficulties in defining the earth pressure between the two piles. A new method is proposed in this paper to obtain the earth pressure between the PWISPs. Stability analysis against overturning follows as a consequence. Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software ANSYS, both the nonlinear characteristics of the soil and those of the contact elements are taken into account to obtain the earth pressure distribution on the contact surface. Based on the results of the FEA, Rankin's theory and the slip plane theory, the formula of the earth pressure on the inner surfaces between the piles is given. Assuming the PWISP as the analysis object and the earth pressure as an outside force acting upon it, the equation of stability against overturning of the PWISP is presented. Finally, some parameters are discussed about the stability of the PWISP against overturning, such as the embedded depth of the front pile, the distance between the two rows of piles, the internal friction angle and the cohesion of the earth. The results show that the increase of the cohesion and the internal friction angle will decrease the distance and the embedded depth, and therefore enhance the stability against overturning. Specifically, when the distance is 1/3-2/3 of the maximal excavation depth, the two rows of piles give the best performance in stability.  相似文献   
基于一个全球气-海-冰耦合模式数值模拟结果,对北半球高纬度地区年际尺度的气-海-冰相互作用进行了分析.在所使用的全球气-海-冰耦合模式中,大气环流模式和陆面过程模式来自国家气候中心,海洋环流模式和海冰模式来自中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室.采用一种逐日通量距平耦合方案实现次网格尺度海冰非均匀条件下大气环流模式和海洋环流模式在高纬地区的耦合.只对50 a模拟结果中的后30 a结果进行了分析.在分析中,首先对滤波后的北半球高纬度地区海平面气压、表面大气温度、海表面温度、海冰密集度及海表面感热通量的标准化距平做联合复经验正交函数分解,取第一模进行重建,然后讨论了在一个循环周期(约4 a)中北半球高纬度地区气-海-冰的作用关系.结果表明(1)当北大西洋涛动处于正位相时,格陵兰海出现南风异常,使表面大气温度升高,海洋失去感热通量减少,海洋表面温度升高,海冰密集度减小;当北大西洋涛动处于负位相时,格陵兰海出现北风异常,使表面大气温度降低,海洋失去感热通量增多,海洋表面温度降低,海冰密集度增加.巴伦支海变化特点与格陵兰海相似,但在时间上并不完全一致.(2)多年平均而言,北冰洋内部靠近极点区域为冷中心.当北冰洋内部为低压异常时,因异常中心偏向太平洋一侧,使北冰洋内部靠近太平洋部分为暖平流异常,靠近大西洋一侧为冷平流异常.伴随着暖、冷平流异常,这两侧分别出现暖异常和冷异常,海表面给大气的感热通量分别偏少和偏多,上述海区海表面温度分别偏高和偏低,海冰密集度分别偏小和偏大.当北冰洋内部为高压异常时特点正好与上述相反.由上述分析结果可知,在海洋、大气年际循环中,大尺度大气环流变率起主导作用,海洋表面温度和海冰密集度变化主要是对大气环流变化的响应.  相似文献   
大多数火山喷发以强酸 (主要是硫酸 )的形式在极地冰芯中留下痕迹 ,通过冰芯连续电导率 (ECM)或各个雪冰样品SO42 - 浓度测定能够恢复历史上的火山作用。极地冰芯中已知年代的火山喷发还可用于冰芯定年。极地冰芯记录的火山信号大小依赖于火山喷发的规模和类型 ,火山喷发的地理位置和酸性气体组成 ,大气气溶胶传输 ,以及沉降地点的年积累率和沉积后生过程等。单个火山喷发通常会导致数月至数年的半球乃至全球范围的气候相对变冷 (这种现象在极区变得更明显 ) ,但过去大规模的爆炸性火山喷发对气候的影响及其与气候变化之间的联系仍有待于进一步研究  相似文献   
极地钻探是获取极地冰层或冰下环境样品和在极地冰层或冰下布放科学观测仪器的最直接方法,是开展极地科学研究的必要技术手段。美国是开展极地钻探较早的国家之一,也是极地钻探强国。相比美国,我国极地钻探技术尚处于起步阶段。本文以《美国冰钻委员会长期科学规划2021-2031》为基础,结合其官方网站和相关文献资料,梳理了美国极地钻探科学目标和极地钻探技术现状,并简要介绍了过去10年美国极地钻探的现场工作情况及其在未来3年的工作计划,以期为我国极地钻探发展提供参考。  相似文献   
The Colville basin drains the North Slope of Alaska and is one of several large Arctic river systems located within permafrost. The timing and style of fluvial processes in the earth's permafrost regions differ from those occurring in midlatitude settings. Moreover, in comparison to temperate-zone systems, rivers located entirely within permafrost perform most of their work during relatively short periods of time. This paper examines river ice hydrology and the resulting geomorphic processes that occur within the Colville delta, Alaska. Fluvial processes and landform development within the Colville delta occur after the flood-pulse is initiated by the breakup of river ice. During this 4-month period, the geomorphic processes are largely influenced by the movement of ice. The flood-pulse and accompanying river ice influences erosional and depositional processes and results in unique styles of sediment transport, deposition, and riverbank erosion.  相似文献   
Precipitation episodes in the form of freezing rain and ice pellets represent natural hazards affecting eastern Canada during the cold season. These types of precipitation mainly occur in the St. Lawrence River valley and the Atlantic provinces of Canada. This study aims to evaluate the ability of the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5), using a 0.11° horizontal grid mesh, to hindcast mixed precipitation when driven by reanalyses produced by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ERA-Interim) for a 35-year period. In general, the CRCM5 simulation slightly overestimates the occurrence of freezing rain, but the geographical distribution is well reproduced. The duration of freezing rain events and accompanying surface winds in the Montréal region are reproduced by CRCM5. A case study is performed for an especially catastrophic freezing-rain event in January 1998; the model succeeds in simulating the intensity and duration of the episode, as well as the propitious meteorological environment. Overall, the model is also able to reproduce the climatology and a specific event of freezing rain and ice pellets.  相似文献   
申艳军  杨更社  荣腾龙  刘慧 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z1):521-529
寒区含表面裂隙硬岩与大气连通,易受外界低温环境引起裂隙内部水分凝结,造成裂隙带附近形成温度场突变,进而随水冰相变产生冻胀力,二者随着冻结活动处于动态演化之中,涉及到温度场、渗流场及应力场等多场问题。目前的研究大多依据数值模拟结果,描述裂隙岩体温度场、应力场分布特征及规律,考虑从基础理论解析计算角度,探究低温环境下裂隙岩体温度场、冻胀力演化规律鲜有报道。针对含表面裂隙硬岩在低温环境下发生的冻结现象,从传热学理论、相变理论、弹塑性力学及断裂力学理论等多角度出发,探讨随着冻结深入含表面裂隙硬岩内部温度场及冻胀荷载演化过程,提出对应解析表达式,引入多场耦合数值程序Comsol-Multiphysics进行数值模拟验证,结果表明,文中提出的温度场及冻胀荷载演化解析表达式与数值模拟结果具有较好吻合度,可满足对含表面裂隙半无限板模型温度场、应力场演化过程分析,对于裂隙岩体在低温环境下温度场、应力场演化及热-力耦合分析具有较好借鉴价值。  相似文献   
Data from flume studies are used to develop a model for predicting bed‐load transport rates in rough turbulent two‐dimensional open‐channel flows moving well sorted non‐cohesive sediments over plane mobile beds. The object is not to predict transport rates in natural channel flows but rather to provide a standard against which measured bed‐load transport rates influenced by factors such as bed forms, bed armouring, or limited sediment availability may be compared in order to assess the impact of these factors on bed‐load transport rates. The model is based on a revised version of Bagnold's basic energy equation ibsb = ebω, where ib is the immersed bed‐load transport rate, ω is flow power per unit area, eb is the efficiency coefficient, and sb is the stress coefficient defined as the ratio of the tangential bed shear stress caused by grain collisions and fluid drag to the immersed weight of the bed load. Expressions are developed for sb and eb in terms of G, a normalized measure of sediment transport stage, and these expressions are substituted into the revised energy equation to obtain the bed‐load transport equation ib = ω G 3·4. This equation applies regardless of the mode of bed‐load transport (i.e. saltation or sheet flow) and reduces to ib = ω where G approaches 1 in the sheet‐flow regime. That ib = ω does not mean that all the available power is dissipated in transporting the bed load. Rather, it reflects the fact that ib is a transport rate that must be multiplied by sb to become a work rate before it can be compared with ω. It follows that the proportion of ω that is dissipated in the transport of bed load is ibsb/ω, which is approximately 0·6 when ib = ω. It is suggested that this remarkably high transport efficiency is achieved in sheet flow (1) because the ratio of grain‐to‐grain to grain‐to‐bed collisions increases with bed shear stress, and (2) because on average much more momentum is lost in a grain‐to‐bed collision than in a grain‐to‐grain one. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
南极普里兹湾气旋的生消发展   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用1989~2000年现场观测的气象资料,特别是自1997年以来在南极考察船上接收的NOAA卫星极轨高分辨的卫星云图,研究了普里兹湾气旋的生消发展;提出了夏季绕极气旋进入普里兹湾内也会发展加强,在湾内东风带里也能生成气旋的新观点,修正了普里兹湾仅是气旋墓地的不全面说法,从而进一步完善了南极西风带绕极气旋和东风带上气旋生消发展的理论;研究了普里兹湾冰-气-海相互作用的机理,解释了气旋发生、发展的物理过程.用整体动力学输送法计算了进入普里兹湾980205号绕极气旋爆发性发展的能量交换,指出气旋在超过冰坝进入冰间湖可以获得巨大的热量,使气旋迅速发展成为具有南极特色的强风暴,风力达12级以上,平均风速为38m/s;瞬时最大风速达100m/s.  相似文献   
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