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The localization of persons or objects usually refers to a position determined in a spatial reference system. Outdoors, this is usually accomplished with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). However, the automatic positioning of people in GNSS-free environments, especially inside of buildings (indoors) poses a huge challenge. Indoors, satellite signals are attenuated, shielded or reflected by building components (e.g. walls or ceilings). For selected applications, the automatic indoor positioning is possible based on different technologies (e.g. WiFi, RFID, or UWB). However, a standard solution is still not available. Many indoor positioning systems are only suitable for specific applications or are deployed under certain conditions, e.g. additional infrastructures or sensor technologies. Smartphones, as popular cost-effective multi-sensor systems, is a promising indoor localization platform for the mass-market and is increasingly coming into focus. Today’s devices are equipped with a variety of sensors that can be used for indoor positioning. In this contribution, an approach to smartphone-based pedestrian indoor localization is presented. The novelty of this approach refers to a holistic, real-time pedestrian localization inside of buildings based on multi-sensor smartphones and easy-to-install local positioning systems. For this purpose, the barometric altitude is estimated in order to derive the floor on which the user is located. The 2D position is determined subsequently using the principle of pedestrian dead reckoning based on user's movements extracted from the smartphone sensors. In order to minimize the strong error accumulation in the localization caused by various sensor errors, additional information is integrated into the position estimation. The building model is used to identify permissible (e.g. rooms, passageways) and impermissible (e.g. walls) building areas for the pedestrian. Several technologies contributing to higher precision and robustness are also included. For the fusion of different linear and non-linear data, an advanced algorithm based on the Sequential Monte Carlo method is presented.  相似文献   
为建立适用于遥感相机定标的实验室,需要有几何标定的算法和软件对摄影图像进行计算.使用近景摄影测量中基于3维控制场的定标方法,对单CCD四波段遥感相机进行了几何定标,研究并自主编程实现了直接线性变换DLT(Direct Linear Transformation)算法,与基于空间后方交会算法的定标结果进行了精度对比.结论...  相似文献   
MDCB型地震前兆监测仪映震效果分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对MDCB-Ⅱ型地震前兆监测仪观测获得的类地应力值,异常频度和8方位异常值等参数进行了比较深入的分析及其与地震关系的研究。资料反映的事实表明,在一定距离,一定强度的地震的短临阶段,确定存在着电磁波异常现象,其动态趋势,变化次数,异常突变和异常方向性反映等参数,可为地震预测预报研究提供科学判据。  相似文献   
房建果  孙锋  尤春安 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):137-139
由于传感器与周围介质刚度不耦合的原因,埋入式压力传感器所测得读数并不是材料内部真正的受力状态。根据压力传感器的实际结构,采用有限元数值模拟分析方法,计算得出压力传感器的实际受力特征与应力分布规律,提出了压力传感器读数的修正方法,为压力传感器的正确使用提供理论依据和可靠的方法。  相似文献   
陈震霆  孙晓兵  乔延利 《遥感学报》2018,22(6):996-1004
在卫星海洋遥感中,云作为海气耦合系统最重要的调节器之一,其检测结果对海洋上空云微物理特性的反演精度有较大影响。因此,快速而准确识别海洋上空的云像元是卫星遥感数据处理过程中首要解决的关键问题。以PARASOL (Polarization and Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Sciences coupled with Observations from a Lidar)卫星搭载的POLDER3载荷遥感数据为研究对象,提出一种改进的海洋上空云检测方法。首先剔除海洋耀光;接着利用有云与晴空区近红外反射率差异检验识别有云像元,并利用偏振反射率检验进一步识别低反射率的云像元;然后利用近红外与可见光反射率比值检验识别晴空像元;最后建立多角度云检测结果空间融合规则,重新标记有云、晴空和未定像元。以印度洋海区为例进行实验分析,将云检测结果与Buriez方法进行对比,发现检测精度基本相当,而有云像元的识别速度却平均提高约3倍。结果表明:该方法能有效的检测出海洋上空的云像元,满足业务化数据处理的高精度及时效性要求,为后续云微物理特性反演提供可靠的数据源。  相似文献   
The use of an optical oxygen sensor to measure dissolved oxygen in seawater was investigated. The sensor is based on the dynamic quenching of an oxygen-sensitive fluorochrome embedded in the tip. Dissolved oxygen in seawater samples collected from eight stations at depths ranging from 3000 to 6000 m was analyzed both with the optical sensor and by the Winkler titration method. The two sets of data did not differ significantly. The stability and simplicity of the method and the good agreement of the results with those of the titration method indicate that the sensor would be useful for fieldwork.  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的加速,济南城市轨道交通近年来发展迅速,地铁成为济南未来交通主要建设方向之一。作为泉城,岩溶是济南泉水补给、径流的重要通道,在济南地区普遍发育,但同时岩溶问题也是地铁施工的难点,因此,查明地铁线路下岩溶的发育程度至关重要。与南方岩溶的“大尺寸”相比,济南地区的岩溶尺寸要小得多,且多成蜂窝状、裂隙状,在空间上也无明显规律可循,这对物探工作的分辨率就提出了较高的要求。该次研究区域是地铁2号线任家庄站到腊山站沿刘长山路区间段。经初步探查,该区间段存在多处岩溶且线路地处闹区,车流量大,管线复杂。为了研究该区岩溶发育情况,该次采用电磁波CT技术对区内岩溶进行了探测,通过对区域内地质介质电磁波吸收系数差异的研究,结合钻探资料进行对比,推断出岩溶区吸收系数的取值区间;最后对推断的岩溶区进行钻探取样,验证了物探与钻探的吻合程度。该方法在岩溶勘察中取得了良好的效果,为济南地铁设计及施工提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   
Stability of Temperature and Conductivity Sensors of Argo Profiling Floats   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
After recalibration of the temperature and conductivity sensors of three Argo profiling floats recovered after operations for four to nine months, the results indicate that the floats basically showed no significant drift, either in temperature or salinity, and adequately fulfilled the accuracy requirement of the Argo project (0.005°C for temperature and 0.01 psu for salinity). Only the third float showed a significant offset in salinity of about −0.02 psu, as expected from comparison between the float data and the shipboard conductivity-temperature-depth data. This offset was caused by the operational error of the PROVOR-type float, in which the surface water was pumped immediately after the launch, fouling the conductivity sensor cell. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
极低频电磁探测方法(WEM)是一种新型人工源低频电磁探测技术,目前尚未见极低频电磁探测方法的海区研究,缺少相关经验.为测试WEM在海洋环境中的电磁响应特征,本文将"地-电离层"全空间电磁波传播理论应用到含海水介质的"地-电离层"全空间模型,由地表处数值格林函数出发,利用空气层与海水层界面谢昆诺夫势函数满足的边界条件,推...  相似文献   
长白山天池火山岩浆系统分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
针对外媒报道长白山天池火山在近2年内有可能喷发的言论,在长白山天池火山区布测了一条长度约为103 km的二维大地电磁测深观测剖面,对火山区深部电性结构进行探测研究.由于研究区内不明来源的电磁干扰非常强,对数据采用了远参考处理、Robust处理、Rhoplus分析、张量阻抗分解和基于一维层状介质电阻率与相位互算方法等先进处理技术,获取到一批在强干扰区质量较为可靠的电磁数据,利用数据计算分析了长白山天池火山区二维构造走向和感应矢量特征,采用NLCG二维反演技术对资料进行了二维反演解释,并将反演结果与前人探测结果进行了对比分析.探测结果表明:在天池火山口下方存在明显的直立型岩浆通道,岩浆通道在下方约5~8 km位置形成关闭;在火山口下方往北方向附近,在埋深位置约7 km深处存在一个明显的低阻异常体,电阻率小于10 Ωm,且与岩浆通道对接,推测其可能是地表浅部发育的岩浆囊;在长白山山门附近C07-C09号测点之间和C04-C05号测点之间,在埋深约7~17 km深处发现近直立型低阻带,低阻带与下方低阻体直接相连,推测低阻带内赋存有活动的岩浆;随着埋深的增加,从天池火山口南部约20 km位置往北方向,在埋深13~30 km之间壳内广泛发育明显的低阻异常体,推测其可能是活动的岩浆囊.反演结果与前人探测结果整体电性特征相似,但又局部不同.  相似文献   
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