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开展土壤质量评价对科学划定永久基本农田及统筹优化农业生产布局具有重要指导意义。本文采用内梅罗综合污染指数法、分级法、累积频率法和综合判定法,参照《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》(试行)(GB 15618—2018)和《绿色食品产地环境质量》(NY/T 391—2013),对长江经济带土壤重金属污染、酸碱度、有益元素丰缺和绿色农产品产地适宜性进行评价。研究区土壤质量总体良好,清洁土壤面积34.84万km2,其重金属含量继承了自然背景特征; 三级及以下土壤面积6.94万km2,呈斑块及星点状分布于赣东北、赣南、湖南长沙—郴州一带、沿江及贵阳、昆明等地,其重金属为自然富集或受矿业开发、煤炭和石油的燃烧及工业“三废”排放的影响。酸性土壤面积33.56万km2,分布于江西、湖南、宁波—台州沿海和金华衢州盆地,碱性土壤面积15.69万km2,分布于苏北平原、环洞庭湖、成都平原以及沿长江一线,其土壤酸碱度与土壤类型有关。土壤有益元素丰缺与第四系沉积物成土母质有关,土壤有益元素适量及以上区域面积34.44万km2,分布于四川阿坝、成都盆地、环洞庭湖、环鄱阳湖、安徽沿江、苏北沿海和杭嘉湖平原; 土壤有益元素缺乏区面积13.89万km2,分布于赣南、江淮、鄂东北以及云南玉溪等地。绿色农产品产地最适宜区、适宜区和不适宜区面积分别为22.49万km2、18.78万km2和18.28万km2。依据区内绿色农产品产地适宜性、土壤环境质量和立地条件划分出7片永久农田保护建议区。  相似文献   
为支撑地质条件复杂地区的水文地质、工程地质和环境地质调查研究,在皖江经济带沿江丘陵平原区通过系统分析第四纪地层的岩性、结构、构造等组合,以地貌以及第四系成因、沉积相和沉积物物源为指标,结合已有区域第四纪研究成果以及年代地层和岩石地层划分标准,进行皖江沿江丘陵平原区“第四纪地质单元”划分,共划分出冲积-湖积平原地质单元、洪积-坡积岗地地质单元和残积-剥蚀丘陵地质单元3个一级地质单元,总结了7种类型第四纪地层结构组合及其特征,为区域水文地质和工程地质调查与研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
汪德根  范子祺  赵美风 《地理研究》2022,41(5):1388-1406
城市群作为城镇化高级阶段区域社会经济发展和参与国际竞争的主要空间载体,良好的交通通达性是其高质量发展的必要条件。以《交通强国建设纲要》提出的城市群2h通达目标为研究视角,以长江经济带3个国家级城市群为研究对象,选取加权平均出行时间作为测度指标并引入场强和引力模型,对比分析3个城市群所有城市与中心城市两个层级2h出行交通圈格局特征。研究发现:① 3个城市群出行交通圈均表现为从中心向外围地区呈现出由低到高连续扩大的“圈层式”空间格局特征,且长三角和成渝城市群分别形成了“>”字型和“十”字型2h出行廊道,但长江中游城市群尚未形成2h出行廊道。② 城市群中心城市2h出行交通圈的空间分布受区位条件影响较大,越接近区域几何中心则2h出行交通圈覆盖范围越大,而影响腹地受中心城市综合规模的作用明显,3个城市群各中心城市2h出行交通圈和影响腹地的空间分异显著。③ 不同城市群中心城市2h出行交通圈衔接联系水平差异显著,表现出多元的圈层叠加的经济联系格局。④ 高密度高速公路路网在提高城市群中心城市2h出行交通圈衔接联系水平中发挥重要作用,按衔接联系模式特征可将各城市群总结为多中心网络型、多中心组团型与双中心轴辐型。  相似文献   
王淑芳  闫语欣  孟广文 《地理科学》2022,42(7):1187-1195
中国境外经贸合作区的建设是国内特殊经济区发展经验在空间上的延展。基于东道国独特的发展条件,需要将国内园区的建设经验进行调整,再运用到中国境外经贸合作区以适应东道国本地化发展。构建政策移动的理论框架,采用案例分析和比较研究法,以天津经济技术开发区与中埃·泰达苏伊士经贸合作区为例,将国内园区与境外经贸合作区的相关政策进行对比分析,验证政策在不同国家“土壤环境”中的适应性。研究发现:① 根据政策施行的影响因素和不同作用,政策移动可以分为政策移植、政策调试和政策创新;② 规划建设经验、运营管理经验、环保政策、人才政策等可直接进行政策移植;发展模式和文化政策要进行政策调试;法规政策、晋升政策和优惠政策需要进行政策创新;③ 园区的共性体现在国内园区成熟经验的借鉴、人才的培育与储备、园区生态环境的保护以及基础设施和配套设施的完善;④ 园区的个性体现在文化的求同尊异、园区品牌的打造、晋升制度的创新和协调机制的建立等。创新性地运用政策移动性理论将国内和国外园区进行关联研究,揭示了境外经贸合作区的移植、调试和创新国内园区政策的过程,深化了政策移动理论的内涵,丰富了境外经贸合作区的理论研究成果。  相似文献   
基于改进的SFA模型对长江经济带108个城市2004—2016年的绿色创新效率与生态治理绩效值进行测度,借助耦合协调模型及探索性空间数据分析法对两系统的耦合协调度和时空分异特征进行分析,进而运用PVAR模型考察其响应关系。结果表明:①2004—2016年两系统整体处于初级协调阶段,未来仍有较大提升空间;空间上自东向西梯度递减,高协调区集中在东部城市;②两系统的耦合协调度具有空间正关联性,低-低集聚城市数多于高-高集聚,协调发展领先城市对周边城市的辐射带动作用较弱;③生态治理绩效对绿色创新效率响应较弱,而绿色创新效率对生态治理绩效响应则较强,且二者均对自身依赖较强,未来优化其互动机制应是长江经济带高质量发展的重点。  相似文献   
加快文旅产业融合发展利于增强国家软实力和满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要。采用2002—2017年长江经济带11省市和三大城市群的73个地级及以上城市截面数据,运用双产业系统的耦合测度模型、相对发展度模型和探索性空间数据分析法,实证分析长江经济带文旅产业融合发展水平及其空间演化特征。研究发现:(1)文旅产业融合发展水平整体趋于上升,但仍属初级融合阶段。文旅产业融合发展水平从下游到中游及上游呈逐步递减趋势。(2)文旅产业融合发展水平及其增速出现空间异质性。中上游地区文旅产业融合发展水平增速较快,并与下游地区的差距有所减小。(3)文旅产业融合发展的空间集聚差异显著。下游地区属于“高-高”集聚区,成为文旅产业融合发展的重要增长极,具有明显的空间扩散效应;中游地区及核心城市属于“高-低”集聚区,正在成为文旅产业融合发展的新增长极;上游地区则需加快打破二者融合发展的 “低-低”集聚区困局。(4)三大城市群间的文旅产业融合发展不平衡。长三角城市群文旅产业的相应综合发展指数明显领先、二者融合发展的“高-高”集聚空间趋于扩大。  相似文献   
历经10余年的发展,采掘业透明倡议已经发生了巨大变化,西方发达国家开始积极介入,主动宣布试点或计划实施。形势的变化要求我国及时调整以往所持立场。本文简要介绍了全球采掘业透明倡议的组织架构及运作、实施现状,深入分析了各利益相关方的动机,对其未来发展加以研判,并结合我国涉及采掘业透明倡议的情况,提出了新形势下我国短期内不宜实施,但须及时调整立场;鼓励金融机构和企业介入EITI和其他反腐败倡议;政府应考虑成为EITI的正式支持国。  相似文献   
Colin Hunt   《Marine Policy》1999,23(6):807
The industrial fisheries of Fiji have had mixed fortunes. The fresh fish export industry has grown rapidly in importance so that fisheries is now the third most valuable export industry; its positive effect on the economy is mainly in the increase in the purchase of goods and services, such as air freight. The present ‘hands off’ policy by government in the fresh fish export industry should continue until the industry matures. In the longer run, ad valorem royalties should be considered as a mean of capturing resource rents. The government-owned export cannery has been in financial decline, and the maintenance of the social benefits of regional employment generated by the cannery has come at a high cost to government coffers. The future of the cannery, now leased to a private operator, is clouded by the uncertainty of the continuity of concessional access to European markets beyond the year 2000. The main task faced by government is the management of fisheries and fish stocks. The management of the inshore fisheries — vital to the needs of a large proportion of the population — needs additional resources. The capability for management of the industrial fisheries, necessary to maximise long term public benefits, would be enhanced by full cost recovery through a user pays policy. This article is based on a paper presented to the Fiji Update seminar, held at the National Centre for Development Studies, the Australian National University, Canberra, on 19 June 1998. The author wishes to thank Mr Krishna Swamy, Senior Fisheries Officer in the Fiji Fisheries Division, and Mr Grahame Southwick, Managing Director of the Fiji Fish Company Ltd, for their generous provision of information for the preparation of this paper; and Mr Joeli Veitayaki, Coordinator of the Ocean Resources Management Programme, University of the South Pacific, for helpful comments. Any errors or omissions are the author’s responsibility, however.  相似文献   
The past two decades have seen a rapid adoption of artificial intelligence methods applied to mineral exploration. More recently, the easier acquisition of some types of data has inspired a broad literature that has examined many machine learning and modelling techniques that combine exploration criteria, or ‘features’, to generate predictions for mineral prospectivity. Central to the design of prospectivity models is a ‘mineral system’, a conceptual model describing the key geological elements that control the timing and location of economic mineralisation. The mineral systems model defines what constitutes a training set, which features represent geological evidence of mineralisation, how features are engineered and what modelling methods are used. Mineral systems are knowledge-driven conceptual models, thus all parameter choices are subject to human biases and opinion so alternative models are possible. However, the effect of alternative mineral systems models on prospectivity is rarely compared despite the potential to heavily influence final predictions. In this study, we focus on the effect of conceptual uncertainty on Fe ore prospectivity models in the Hamersley region, Western Australia. Four important considerations are tested. (1) Five different supergene and hypogene conceptual mineral systems models guide the inputs for five forest-based classification prospectivity models model. (2) To represent conceptual uncertainty, the predictions are then combined for prospectivity model comparison. (3) Representation of three-dimensional objects as two-dimensional features are tested to address commonly ignored thickness of geological units. (4) The training dataset is composed of known economic mineralisation sites (deposits) as ‘positive’ examples, and exploration drilling data providing ‘negative’ sampling locations. Each of the spatial predictions are assessed using independent performance metrics common to AI-based classification methods and subjected to geological plausibility testing. We find that different conceptual mineral systems produce significantly different spatial predictions, thus conceptual uncertainty must be recognised. A benefit to recognising and modelling different conceptual models is that robust and geologically plausible predictions can be made that may guide mineral discovery.  相似文献   
In a growing body of literature on urbanization in China, scholars have emphasized the proactive role of the Chinese local state in urban land expansion. Drawing upon official land use change data from 1998 to 2008, this study investigates the relationship between the hierarchical structure of the Chinese urban administrative system and urban land expansion. We find that urban land expansion coincides with administrative hierarchy, and cities with higher administrative levels (ranked by central government) tend to expand more rapidly while controlling for other economic and demographic drivers of urban expansion. Spatial regime models reveal that economic and demographic drivers of urban growth are also sensitive to a city's administrative rank. By quantifying the link between a city's rank and urban land expansion, we conclude that considering the hierarchical structure of the Chinese cities will result in a fuller understanding of the rapid urban growth in China.  相似文献   
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