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整体式桥台地震反应机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石丽峰  徐明 《岩土力学》2014,35(11):3289-3297
整体式桥是一种新的桥型,能够极大地节省长期维护和运营费用,值得在国内大力推广应用,但目前对整体式桥台在地震作用下的动力反应还很缺乏认识。通过对典型的单跨整体式桥台的地震反应进行动力数值模拟,分析了地震加速度峰值、桥台高度、桥梁跨度等主要因素的影响及其机理,并探讨了桥台后增加柔性隔离层及采用加筋土这两种措施的减震效果。结果表明,目前桥台抗震规范采用的M-O方法不能合理地描述整体式桥台后动土压力的大小和分布,其预测结果偏不安全;柔性隔离层虽然可以减小桥台后的动土压力,但同时也会导致较大的桥台变形和弯矩;填土中加筋能够提供水平拉力,可以有效减小地震作用下桥台的最大弯矩和水平位移。  相似文献   
According to topography of Yemen, most areas and villages are located at obligated crest, toe of mountain and under cliffs. Therefore Al-Huwayshah consisting of Tawilah sandstone group is characterized by steep slope reach to 90° in some areas. This area is affected by strong tectonic movements and faults that occurred during the geological epochs. This effect enhances to find out fractures and joints as well as the rocks become brittle and ready to slide depending on the position of area. And there are some fractures and joints on the surface of the areas due to tectonic movement associated with opening the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The rainfalls, fractures, joints, earthquakes, gravity, vegetations, temperatures and human activities play a big role in the processes of rockfalls and landslides in this area. All those factors are considered as the basic causes and catalyzed factors for occurrence of rockfall in the studide area. In addition, the authors carried out laboratory test for many rock samples to get the physical properties of the rocks.  相似文献   
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�봨8.0������ͬ���������α�ЧӦģ��   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
???????λ??????????е???????????????????Ms8.0???????????????????仯?????????????????????λ????????????????????????α?仯?????????????????????????????????????????仯????,????????????????????????????????????α?????????????????????????????仯?????10??10 -8 ms -2???£??????????仯??????????50??10 -8 ms -2?????????????????????????  相似文献   
Data recorded by the Italian Telemetered Seismic Network (ITSN) of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (ING) have been widely used in recent years to image slab structures and to find evidence for active processes along the Italian Peninsula. However, the use of seismic data for geostructural purposes may be affected by the well-known trade-off between earthquake location and seismic-velocity parameters. Furthermore, the confidence ellipse predicted by standard procedures may be inadequate for the representation of the probable error of a computed localization. This paper evaluates the probable errors on the hypocentre determinations of the seismic events recorded by the ITSN, using a Monte Carlo method.
We compute synthetic arrival times using a 1-D velocity model appropriate as an average for the Italian area. The hypocentres used are all those recorded by the ITSN during the period January 1992 to March 1994 (1972 events). Station locations are those of the current ITSN configuration. The synthetic arrival times are perturbed with a Gaussian distribution of errors and input to ING's standard hypocentral location procedure, but using crustal velocities differing by 10 per cent from those used to generate them. Each simulation is repeated at least 30 times. Average absolute shifts of hypocentres are assessed in grid cells of linear dimension 33 km covering the whole Italian region.
For regions within the ITSN, shifts are typically 5–10 km in location and up to 20 km in depth. However, for offshore and coastal regions, they are much greater: 50 km or more in both location and depth (far exceeding the equivalent uncertainties quoted by ING bulletins). Possible consequences of this are highlighted by producing a cross-section of subcrustal hypocentres from the Adriatic to the Tyrrhenian Sea, where the large uncertainty in depth precludes any confident interpretation of dipping tectonic features.  相似文献   
姚鑫  许冲  戴福初  张永双 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1156-1162
震后遥感影像解译与调查结果表明,在大约48678km2的区域内,汶川Ms 8.0级地震诱发了不低于48000处滑坡灾害。基于GIS的空间分析方法,使用滑坡面积百分比(LAR)与滑坡密度(LC)2个参数,对地震滑坡的空间分布与地层岩性、坡度之间的关系进行统计分析。在整个研究区范围内,滑坡面积百分比约为1.4622%,滑坡密度约为0.9862个/km2。结果表明,滑坡多发生在坡度25~50°的区域内,滑坡易发性随着坡度的增加而升高。寒武纪地层中滑坡易发性最大,LAR约10%,LC约6.5个/km2,震旦系、奥陶系和侵入岩次之,这些地层和岩石对地震滑坡的发生均是敏感的。综合分析坡度、地层岩性与滑坡空间分布的关系,结果表明,在以较破碎岩石为主的地层中,滑坡多发生在坡度小于30°的部位;在以较坚硬岩石为主的地层中,滑坡多发生在坡度大于40°的部位。  相似文献   
介绍了汶川地震断裂带科学钻探(WFSD)项目概况和其中科学钻探与科学测井课题的进展情况,分析了汶川地震断裂带科学钻探的特点,对WFSD-1、WFSD-2和WFSD-3-P孔的组织管理方式进行了总结,借鉴中国大陆科学钻探工程(CCSD)项目的组织管理经验,探讨提出了对探索性强、地层复杂、设计变更频繁的科学钻探组织管理的改进措施。  相似文献   
利用美国国家和海洋大气管理局(NOAA)的大气温度数据, 分析陆地地震和海洋地震震前震中上空的大气温度变化, 研究其作为地震短临前兆的可能性.地震样本包括2014年2月12日于田Ms7.3地震、2008年5月12日汶川Ms8.0地震、2011年3月11日日本Ms9.0地震、2014年4月1日智利Ms8.1海洋地震、2013年3月27日台湾南投县Ms6.1地震和2014年5月30日云南盈江Ms6.1地震.结果表明: (1)震前, 震中位置300~1 000 hPa大气温度有较为一致的变化趋势; (2)200 hPa与400 hPa处(根据不同地点可选择其他, 诸如350 hPa、300 hPa等高度数据)温度折线图在震前趋近或者相交, 出现类似蝴蝶翅膀的"蝴蝶形"特殊曲线形状; (3)200 hPa与400 hPa温度差等值线图在(震前数月、数周或数天不等)震中附近区域的数值减小, 温度差等值线图的塌陷最低点对应震中位置.以上规律有望应用于地震短临预测的时间与震中的确定.   相似文献   
1996年3月-1997年4月间,新疆伽师西部相继发生6.9级强震与由7次6-6.6级子震所构成的强震群。历史上伽师及邻区曾发生多次强烈地震,导致伽师及邻区包括塔里木盆地周缘地震强烈活动的原因,是印度岩石圈块体快速北向运动造成的SN向强烈挤压与欧亚岩石圈块体缓慢向西运动所引起的左旋走滑的联合作用及其相关的现今不同方向、不同性质的断裂活动。区域性EW向盆缘活动断裂控制盆缘大型地震活动带的空间展布,盆缘EW向主干活动断裂与其他方向次级活动断裂的交叉复合部位是强烈地震发震的有利部位。伽师强震群子震震中分布受塔里木盆地西缘近SN-NNW向隐伏深断裂及其与EW向盆缘活动断裂的复合所控制。伽师强震群发生之后,在原强震群震中处发生7级以上更大地震的可能性很小;但由于塔里木盆地及其周缘,自1996年起已进入一个新的地震活跃期,在伽师附近及其南侧或东侧,近年内发生6-7级以上强烈地震的可能性较大。   相似文献   
基于GRACE重力卫星数据,采用P3M6去相关滤波技术、350 km半径的高斯平滑技术与差分方法,提取2004年苏门答腊Mw9.3地震的同震和震后重力场时空演化过程。该地震断层下盘同震重力变化达到4.6 μGal,上盘同震重力变化最大值为-8.3 μGal,该结果与球体位错理论计算结果在量级和分布形态上具有较好的一致性。震后7 a断层下盘重力变化累计达到5.6 μGal,超过同震变化信号|而断层上盘震后重力变化只有0.6 μGal,仅为同震变化信号的11%。该现象表明,断层下盘所在海洋地层的粘滞性较低,地层相对柔软,其地层在震后由于较大的粘滞性松弛效应而持续变形,并伴随较大的重力变化|而断层上盘所在的地层接近陆地地壳特性,地层相对脆硬,震后受地层的粘滞性响应而导致的重力变化相对较小。  相似文献   
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