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加强流域生态核心区的景观生态脆弱性评价及驱动机制研究对于生态系统功能优化调控具有重要意义.以巢湖流域水环境保护区为主体,基于网格单元尺度,应用空间数据探索及地理加权回归(GWR)等工具,对1970-2015年间的研究区景观生态脆弱性时空演变特征及驱动机制进行分析.结果表明:1970-2015年间,巢湖流域水环境保护区内的土地景观类型表现为"两降三升"的变化趋势,其中,农地景观下降6.62%,建设用地景观增加6.26%;近45 a来,景观生态脆弱性均值从1970年的2.9347下降为2000年的2.6720,2015年又上升为2.7989,整体呈波动式下降趋势,景观生态脆弱性的空间分布具有显著的集聚特征; GWR回归系数显示各驱动因子对研究区景观生态脆弱性作用力不同,依次表现为:农地破碎度(FN)植被指数(NDVI)坡度(SLOP)土地利用程度(LUI),各因子的回归系数均存在空间非平稳性.其中,FN因子回归系数呈现由西向东逐渐增强趋势; NDVI因子回归系数的空间分布表现出从中部向两侧递减趋势; SLOP因子回归系数分布则由西向东依次递减; LUI因子回归系数表现出从东、南向西北逐渐减弱趋势.回归系数的空间分布特征显示出不同因子对景观生态脆弱性的影响作用具有各向异性.研究结果可为巢湖流域水环境保护区的生态恢复与土地利用及景观格局优化实践等提供决策支持.  相似文献   
深圳市土地覆盖格局空间变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以深圳市为研究对象,利用遥感影像和空间分析方法,研究了深圳市土地覆盖格局的梯度变化特征:各个土地覆盖类型的斑块形状指数沿梯度区呈先增大后减少的趋势,在城区内其值较低,城乡结合区其值较高;城区的斑块密度与边缘密度较小,聚集度较高,越靠近城乡结合处,斑块的密度越大.分析土地覆盖类型斑块平均形状指数和斑块聚集度的变化,可看出人为活动的干扰由市中心向郊区呈增强的趋势.  相似文献   
以TM遥感图像为数据源,分析了北京五、六环之间土地格局的空间分布特征,评价了绿带发展的潜力。结果表明,穿越规划 区的几条重要交通干线构建了绿化控制带基本的楔形结构;各类非建设土地资源占60%左右,为绿地的发展提供了可直接利用潜力。 但现有土地资源布局零乱,缺乏科学有效的规划管理,各种大型城镇建设用地的空间格局已大大超过绿带的规划构想。提高建设用地 的空间利用率,缩小建设用地的空间规模,科学配置各类绿色景观是绿带建设中的重点和难点。  相似文献   
采用热释光(TL)测年方法对龙虎山丹霞地貌区泸溪河的阶地进行了年代学研究,获得了低阶地沉积物的堆积年代及其阶地面的形成时代,该区河流主要发育两级阶地,T1阶地堆积于3 400~6 000 a B.P.,其地貌面形成于3 400~4 000 a,T2阶地堆积于7 600~11 200 a B.P.,该级地貌面形成于7 600~8 000 a B.P.。利用低阶地地貌面的年代学成果,推算出龙虎山丹霞地貌区地壳隆升速率为0.33~0.63 m/ka,根据这一速率推算得出,第一夷平面形成于6×104a左右,第二夷平面形成于28×104a左右。分布于这些夷平面上的丹霞地貌景观的年龄与此相当。  相似文献   
Michoacán, as one of the most species-rich provinces of Mexico and with high levels of endemism, was used for testing the potential of a conservation approach based on biodiversity as determined by scientists and local stakeholder's preferences. The resulting zones covered over 17% of the area of Michoacán in 18 zones. As a result of this study the first “large” tropical dry forest biosphere reserve in Mexico is currently being established. In conclusion, landscape-based conservation zoning based on local stakeholders' perspectives as well as on critical biodiversity indicators, proved to be effective for achieving science-based and politically acceptable nature conservation schemes.  相似文献   
The prominent types of Danxia landform in Fangyan include enclosed valleys, mesas, peaks, stone columns and grooves etc. Their spatial combinations have regular configurations along the northwest-southeast direction: typical grooves and caves are located in the northwestern Wufengshuyuan mainly; abundant fresh collapsed stones may be observed in central Jimingfeng and Taohuafeng; stone drums and stone columns are in the southeastern Shiguliao particularly; enclosed valleys are encircling joints of peaks and plains from three directions east, west, and south. Their spatial combinations reflect that the developments of Danxia landform have undergone stages of geomorphic cyclical erosion in the form of weathering, collapse, transportation, sedimentation and other processes, together with the “sculpture” of external forces mainly as tectonic uplift. The picturesque Danxia landform began its formation at that point. Danxia landform developed mainly in the strata of Fangyan Formation (K1 f) caused by the alluvial fan-braided river phase of anterior fan in the late period of the Early Cretaceous. Regular patterns of weathering of stones and features of braided alluvial phase sediments may be verified by the analysis of three groups of experimental data. Danxia landform of Fangyan is a unique representative of the “adolescent” development type in the application of the World Natural Heritages status in China, by virtue of its outstanding universal aesthetic and scientific value.  相似文献   
浙江方岩丹霞地貌类型及其空间组合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浙江方岩突出的丹霞地貌类型有围谷、方山、峰丛、石柱和凹槽等,它们的空间组合沿着北西-南东方向有规律的排列:西北部五峰书院一带的凹槽和岩穴发育典型,中部鸡鸣峰、桃花峰等处分布有大量的新鲜崩积石,东南部石鼓寮的石鼓、石柱尤为突出,在峰丛与平原交汇的东、南和西三侧被围谷所环绕.这种组合体现了随着构造隆升,在以外力作用为主的不断"雕塑"下,丹霞地貌的发育一般经历了差异风化、重力崩塌、流水侵蚀搬运,完成地貌循环侵蚀的过程,期间孕育了绚丽多姿的丹霞地貌,它们主要发育于早白垩世晚期的方岩组(K1f)冲积扇-扇前辫状河相岩层中.其中,岩性的差异风化规律和辫状河相沉积的特点,可以通过对三个样点的实验数据分析加以证实.方岩丹霞地貌是在我国申报世界自然遗产丹霞地貌区中"青年期"类型的突出代表,符合申报世界自然遗产中具有突出、普遍的美学和科学价值的理由.  相似文献   
Jianglang Mountain is situated at the transitional zone of South China fold-system, Jiangshan–Shaoxing deep fracture zone and Baoan–Xiakou–Zhangcun fracture zone. The forming of the Xiakou basin was attributed to the pull-apart fault depression by the above fractures in earlier Cretaceous, afterward, series deposits such as Guantou formation (K1g), Chaochuan formation (K1c) and Fangyan formation (K1f) which belong to Yongkang group, the lower Cretaceous layer accumulated in the Xiakou basin. In late Cretaceous, the above fractures occurred to extrude and the basin began to uplift, meanwhile, amounts of tension fissures and joints were produced since Cenozoic, which accelerated water-dicing into bed-rock. Consequently, landform-building processing: weathering, eroding and collapsing etc. were prevalent as finally to develop the so-called Danxia landform. The Jianglang Mountain landscape zone of the Danxia landform to apply for world natural relics are relying on unique and unparalleled peak, sky-split valley with vivid stones and reviving of platform. What is more, there is significance of study at lithology, stratigraphy and paleo-biology. According to dating for specimen of ophitic vein through-crossing the Yongkang group of Yafeng Peak by K-Ar method, this article revealed the uplift age of red-bed basin to be 77.89±2.6 MaBP (K2) i.e. late Cretaceous, and it is the first chronological datum of Danxia landform research in China.  相似文献   
天津市宁河湿地资源动态变化及生态环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于遥感、GIS技术和景观生态学方法,以天津市宁河县为研究区域,在1987年和2005年的TM、ETM遥感数据为信息源的基础上,定量分析了天津市宁河湿地资源动态变化.结果表明:湿地类型的整体构成发生了剧烈变化,自然湿地的面积减少了37.42%、斑块减少了124块,人工湿地的面积增加了14 606.2 hm2.多样性指数和均匀性指数呈降低趋势,优势度指数和破碎度指数呈增加趋势.人为活动是近20年宁河湿地资源动态变化的主要驱动力,天然湿地面积的减少及湿地类型的改变引起地下水文条件的恶化,导致湿地水源逐渐枯竭;湿地资源的变化破坏了生物多样性.  相似文献   
刘尚仁 《热带地理》2006,26(2):173-176,F0003
英德宝晶宫既蕴藏近百万年来丰富的地球演变信息,又风景秀丽,是人类一处重要的自然遗产。目前可见宝晶宫洞高约80 m,内有多层水平溶洞和古地下河砾石层,有高出北江111 m———广东最高的地下河阶地,有多种类型碳酸钙溶积地貌和大面积灰华坡。宝晶宫洞外的大碧落湖和北江,已基本具备建设类似肇庆星湖乃至阳朔漓江雏形的地貌条件。建议宝晶宫在高标准建设大碧落湖四周环境、进一步探究该宫的地球演变信息和加大旅游开发力度等方面努力。  相似文献   
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