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基于动恣规划的整体影像匹配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影像匹配是数字摄影测量工作的基础。考虑到多条核线上的匹配点,本文提出了一种基于动态规划的整体影像匹配方法,构造了一种新的立体匹配模型,并将该模型转化成为简单的一维动态规划模型,采用对角线的方法划分阶段,用视差较和相关系数来构造阶段的代价函数,从而得到了基于动态规划的整体最优匹配结果。  相似文献   
Triggered-lightning properties, including dart-leader charge density, return-stroke propagation speed, dart-leader electric potential, dart-leader propagation speed, and dart-leader current, inferred from return-stroke current and very close electric field measurements, are presented. Although most of the estimates are based on relatively crude models, they are all generally in good agreement with independent measurements and/or theoretical considerations found in the literature. The results are likely to be applicable to subsequent strokes in natural lightning.  相似文献   
We use daily satellite estimates of sea surface temperature (SST) and rainfall during 1998–2005 to show that onset of convection over the central Bay of Bengal (88–92°E, 14–18°N) during the core summer monsoon (mid-May to September) is linked to the meridional gradient of SST in the bay. The SST gradient was computed between two boxes in the northern (88–92°E, 18–22°N) and southern (82–88°E, 4–8°N) bay; the latter is the area of the cold tongue in the bay linked to the Summer Monsoon Current. Convection over central bay followed the SST difference between the northern and southern bay (ΔT) exceeding 0.75°C in 28 cases. There was no instance of ΔT exceeding this threshold without a burst in convection. There were, however, five instances of convection occurring without this SST gradient. Long rainfall events (events lasting more than a week) were associated with an SST event (ΔT ≥ 0.75°C); rainfall events tended to be short when not associated with an SST event. The SST gradient was important for the onset of convection, but not for its persistence: convection often persisted for several days even after the SST gradient weakened. The lag between ΔT exceeding 0.75°C and the onset of convection was 0–18 days, but the lag histogram peaked at one week. In 75% of the 28 cases, convection occurred within a week of ΔT exceeding the threshold of 0.75°C. The northern bay SST, T N , contributed more to ΔT, but it was a weaker criterion for convection than the SST gradient. A sensitivity analysis showed that the corresponding threshold for T N was 29°C. We hypothesise that the excess heating (∼1°C above the threshold for deep convection) required in the northern bay to trigger convection is because this excess in SST is what is required to establish the critical SST gradient.  相似文献   
The origin of the Ryukyu Current(RC) and the formation of its subsurface velocity core were investigated using a 23-year(1993–2015) global Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model(HYCOM) dataset. The volume transport of the RC comes from the Kuroshio eastward branch(KEB) east of Taiwan and part of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre(pNPSG). From the surface to 2 000 m depth, the KEB(p-NPSG) transport contributes 41.5%(58.5%) to the mean total RC transport. The KEB originally forms the subsurface velocity core of the RC east of Taiwan due to blockage of the subsurface Kuroshio by the Ilan Ridge(sill depth: 700 m). Above 700 m, the Kuroshio can enter the East China Sea(ECS) over the Ilan Ridge, meanwhile, the blocked Kuroshio below 700 m turns to the right and flows along the Ryukyu Islands. With the RC flowing northeastward, the p-NPSG contribution strengthens the subsurface maximum structure of the RC owing to the blockage of the Ryukyu Ridge. In the surface layer, the pNPSG cannot form a stable northeastward current due to frequent disturbance by mesoscale eddies and water exchange through the gaps(with net volume transport into ECS) between the Ryukyu Islands.  相似文献   
Geoeffective Analysis of CMEs Under Current Sheet Magnetic Coordinates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using 100 CME–ICME events during 1997.01–2002.11, based on the eruptive source locations of CMEs and solar magnetic field observations at the photosphere, a current sheet magnetic coordinate (CMC) system is established in order to statistically study the characteristics of the CME–ICME events and the corresponding geomagnetic storm intensity. The transit times of CMEs from the Sun to the Earth are also investigated, by taking into account of the angle between the CME eruption normal (defined as the vector from the Sun center to the CME eruption source) and the Sun-Earth line. Our preliminary conclusions are: 1. The distribution of the CME sources in our CMC system is obviously different from that in the ordinary heliographic coordinate system. The sources of CMEs are mainly centralized near the heliospheric current sheet (HCS), and the number of events decreases with the increment of the angular distance from the CME source to the HCS on the solar surface; 2. A large portion of the total events belong to the same–side events (referring to the CME source located on the same side of the HCS as the Earth), while only a small portion belong to the opposite–side events (the CME source located on the opposite side of the HCS as the Earth). 3. The intense geomagnetic storms are usually induced by the same–side events, while the opposite side events are commonly associated with relatively weak geomagnetic storms; 4. The angle between the CME normal and the Sun–Earth line is used to estimate the transit time of the CME in order to reflect the influence of propagation characteristic of the CME along the Sun–Earth direction. With our new prediction method in context of the CMC coordinate, the averaged absolute error for these 100 events is 10.33 hours and the resulting relative error is not larger than 30% for 91% of all the events.  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了现代测绘性质、作用、地位及本学科的发展方向;较为详细叙述了现代测绘的主要技术的发展状况及 3S集成的广阔应用前景;简述了数字地球的概念及其主要支撑技术、与现代测绘关系,及现代测绘的主要任务;在迎接21世纪的挑战中,提出一些建议,供研究参考。  相似文献   
Solander Basin is characterized by subduction initiation at the Pacific‐Australia plate boundary, where high biological productivity is found at the northern edge of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Sedimentary architecture results from tectonic influences on accommodation space, sediment supply and ocean currents (via physiography); and climate influence on ocean currents and biological productivity. We present the first seismic‐stratigraphic analysis of Solander Basin based on high‐fold seismic‐reflection data (voyage MGL1803, SISIE). Solander Trough physiography formed by Eocene rifting, but basinal strata are mostly younger than ca. 17 Ma, when we infer Puysegur Ridge formed and sheltered Solander Basin from bottom currents, and mountain growth onshore increased sediment supply. Initial inversion on the Tauru Fault started at ca. 15 Ma, but reverse faulting from 12 to ca. 8 Ma on both the Tauru and Parara Faults was likely associated with reorganization and formation of the subduction thrust. The new seabed topography forced sediment pathways to become channelized at low points or antecedent gorges. Since 5 Ma, southern Puysegur Ridge and Fiordland mountains spread out towards the east and Solander Anticline grew in response to ongoing subduction and growth of a slab. Solander Basin had high sedimentation rates because (1) it is sheltered from bottom currents by Puysegur Ridge; and (2) it has a mountainous land area that supplies sediment to its northern end. Sedimentary architecture is asymmetric due to the Subtropical Front, which moves pelagic and hemi‐pelagic sediment, including dilute parts of gravity flows, eastward and accretes contourites to the shelf south of Stewart Island. Levees, scours, drifts and ridges of folded sediment characterize western Solander Basin, whereas hemi‐pelagic drape and secondary gravity flows are found east of the meandering axial Solander Channel. The high‐resolution record of climate and tectonics that Solander Basin contains may yield excellent sites for future scientific ocean drilling.  相似文献   
冬季黄海暖流西偏机理数值探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海洋数值模式(MITgcm)模拟了冬季黄海流场并对冬季黄海暖流西偏的机理进行了探讨。冬季黄海流场模拟试验表明,黄海暖流由济州岛以西约32.5°N,125°E附近进入黄海,然后沿着黄海深槽西侧70 m等深线附近向北偏西运动;海面高度调整对黄海暖流路径具有重要影响,沿着黄海暖流路径的海面高度梯度比周围海区大,由海面高度梯度产生的地转流引起的北向体积输运占总的北向体积输运的78%。狭长海湾地形控制试验表明,单纯的黄海地形分布不足以引起黄海暖流西偏。黄海典型断面试验与渤海、黄海、东海地形控制试验说明,黄海暖流进入黄海的地理位置对流场分布有重要影响,黄海暖流进入黄海的位置恰好位于深槽西侧地形坡度较大区域,在位涡守恒的约束下黄海暖流受地形捕获沿70 m等深线附近向北偏西运动;试验还表明,黄海暖流进入黄海的位置与东海北部环流和地形分布有关,在冬季风的作用下东海北部环流的一部分沿着地形陡坡进入黄海形成黄海暖流。由此认为,黄海、东海环流在其特殊地形的约束下对冬季风的响应和调整,是引起黄海暖流西偏的主要原因。  相似文献   
Low-frequency current fluctuations in the deep central equatorial Atlantic are analyzed using current meter measurements recorded from November 1992 to November 1994. Current meters were located at about 14°W of longitude and 1° of latitude on both sides of the equator between 1,700 m depth and the ocean bottom. At all sampling depths, the velocity fluctuations are dominantly zonal and symmetrical with respect to the equator. At 1,700 and 2,000 m, the flow is dominated by annual period fluctuations, at 3,000 m, the velocity field amplitude presents a minimum, and at 3,750 and 3,950 m, the flow is modulated by annual and semiannual period variability. The annual signal exhibits an apparent upward phase propagation. When considering the phase and the amplitude of the seasonal fluctuations, the data compare well with the outputs of a realistic numerical simulation of the Atlantic Ocean. Together with a previous analysis of the model simulations, this supports the idea that the observed annual fluctuations are due to wind-forced vertically propagating Kelvin and Rossby waves. Data and model do not provide deciding evidences of the presence of semiannual equatorial waves deeper than 3,500 m depth in the central equatorial Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
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