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循环荷载下路基红黏土临界应力水平分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据设计改装的循环动单轴压缩试验,研究不同含水率、不同轴向应力水平、不同循环加载次数、不同应力加载路径条件下路基土的塑性力学行为,并结合shakedown概念,界定了循环动荷载作用下红黏土的安定界限(shakedown limit)和临界应力水平,系统地分析了影响循环动荷载作用下路基土力学行为的因素和永久变形的发展趋势,以及路基土在循环载荷作用下的力学行为发展规律。通过试验结果的分析,把红黏土的塑性变形分为稳定、破坏和临界3个阶段,并按3个阶段划分出可接受状态和不可接受状态,由此确定路基红黏土在循环荷载作用下的临界应力水平为41.8 %。  相似文献   
针对水产养殖中的精准投喂问题,以大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)为研究对象,提出一种基于鱼体运动特征和图像纹理特征的鱼群摄食活动强度量化方法,进行鱼类摄食行为识别研究。利用自适应背景差分及光流法得到运动鱼体的速度、转角,并通过信息熵统计速度和转角的分布,之后通过灰度共生矩阵提取能量、熵、对比度、相关性和逆差距5个图像纹理特征值。最后,结合鱼体运动特征及图像纹理特征,对鱼类摄食行为进行识别和检测。实验结果表明,该方法的识别准确率达到了94.17%,相较于单一特征检测本研究的检测精度更高。  相似文献   
采用对比分析方法,观察了曼氏无针乌贼的繁殖习性,比较了不同产卵附着物的附卵效果,选择典型产卵场(中街山列岛海区)进行附着物的调查。结果表明,曼氏无针乌贼有较高等复杂的性行为,有显著的求偶、争偶及雌雄搏斗现象,乌贼交配对其它乌贼交配有诱导作用;乌贼对附卵基有严格选择,没有充足适宜的附卵基,不仅使乌贼产卵时间延迟、数量减少,而且易被水流冲散、沉入底部致受精卵大量死亡,是影响乌贼繁衍的重要因素;附卵基附卵效果依次为聚乙烯(PE)绳、聚丙烯(PP)绳、钢筋、竹子、木头,颜色依次为黑色、蓝色、红色、黄色,形状依次为圆柱体、正三棱柱体、正长方体、扁长方体,粗度以直径0.25—0.50cm为宜,此外附卵基间应有适当空隙;目前,中街山列岛海区柳珊瑚(Plexaauraa sp.)生物量为0.15—0.64棵/m2,平均生物量为0.32棵/m2,资源数量趋于恢复,但远不能适应乌贼资源修复需要。增殖放流试验表明,修复乌贼资源的可能性很大,但在加大增殖放流工作的同时,必须尽快开展产卵场生态环境修复尤其是产卵附着物修复工作。  相似文献   
对大田环境土壤小麦根系体系Pb、Ni行为环境影响的调查研究表明:同种元素的影响程度最大,共存元素对Pb、Ni行为的影响多表现为协同效应;Pb、Ni由土壤向根系迁移的趋势较弱;pH值、粘粒及粗粉砂粒含量与根系Pb含量呈负相关,P和砂粒含量与根系Pb含量呈正相关,其它分析因子值与根系Pb含量不相关;粗粉砂粒组成与根系Ni含量呈负相关,砂粒组成与根系Ni含量呈正相关,其它分析因子值与根系Ni含量不相关。多元逐步回归分析表明:Pb是影响根系同种元素吸收的主要因子,而Ni不是。  相似文献   
The objective of the present paper is to present a numerical study on the penetration performance of concrete targets with 2 different water contents. Numerical analysis has been performed by using the finite element code Abaqus/Explicit, in which a coupled elastoplastic damage model has been developed for saturated/unsaturated concrete under a wide range of confining pressures. The performance of proposed model has been firstly verified by simulating the triaxial compression tests and penetration tests realized with saturated/dry concretes. Comparisons of available experimental results and numerical simulations show that the proposed model is able to reproduce satisfactorily the mechanical behavior of saturated and dry concretes. A higher failure stress and a more important pores closing are generally obtained in dry concrete samples with respect to saturated ones. Furthermore, the main observed patterns of penetration test realized with saturated concrete targets are also satisfactorily simulated by the numerical results. Therefore, the proposed model is used to numerically predict the penetration performance of dry concrete target, and the penetration performance of dry/saturated concrete target is discussed. We observe that in dry concrete target, the penetration of projectile is strongly declined, and a smaller damage zone is created. The numerical predictions and discussions can help engineers to enhance their understandings on the influence of hydraulic conditions on structural vulnerability of concrete structures subjected to near‐field detonations or impacts.  相似文献   

We propose a method of derivation of global asymptotic solutions of the hydromagnetic dynamo problem at large magnetic Reynolds number. The procedure reduces to matching the local asymptotic forms for the magnetic field generated near individual extrema of generation strength. The basis of the proposed method, named here the Maximally-Efficient-Generation Approach (MEGA), is the assertion that properties of global asymptotic solutions of the kinematic dynamo are determined by the distribution of the generation strength near its leading extrema and by the number and distribution of the extrema.

The general method is illustrated by the global asymptotic solution of the α2-dynamo problem in a slab. The nature of oscillatory solutions revealed earlier in numerical simulations and the reasons for the dominance of even magnetic modes in slab geometry are clarified.

Applicability of the asymptotic solutions at moderate values of the asymptotic parameter is also discussed. We confirm this applicability using comparisons with complementary asymptotic expansions and numerical simulations. In particular, this justifies application of the MEGA solutions to estimation of the generation threshold.  相似文献   
Abstract. Diet and foraging behavior of Octopus dofleini in Prince William Sound and Port Graham, Alaska, were studied from collections of den litter, measurements of octopuses and estimates of live prey abundance. Based on 193 den collections from depths of - 31 to + 1.3 m, a diet of hard-bodied prey could be identified. The five most common litter species made up 80% of the litter remains, with nearly 30 species of various taxa malung up the rest. The proportions of major hard-bodied prey species in each litter pile significantly differed with depth of den, associated substrata, presence of cobble and geographical location but not with the presence of boulders or outcrop, the density of kelp or season of litter collection. Octopus weight was not significantly correlated with the size of prey remains although O. dofleini may take a wide range of prey sizes once it reaches 2.5 kg. O. dofleini was more likely to be found at sites with crabs, although no litter species was significantly preferred over its estimated abundance, and one species was significantly avoided. These results suggest that O. dofleini includes suitable bivalve and crab species in its diet in relation to live abundance, while at the same time exercising an element of selectivity, as some species were actively avoided. Comparison of litter remains from the northern-most range of O. dofleini with those published for British Columbia show that diet breadth was similar, but the identity of major hard-bodied prey species was very different for Alaskan octopuses.  相似文献   
武汉市南湖大型底栖动物的群落结构   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在分析企业环境行为类型及决策机制的基础上,认为内外环境因素的综合作用促成了企业环境行 为的发生.据此,通过相关性和主成分分析对太湖流域印染企业环境行为影响因素进行选择,并构建了环 境行为决策数量模型,结果表明:私营合资企业环保投入水平高于国有集体企业;中型企业环保投入高于小 型企业,此外,企业环境行为演变也受政府和经济环境制约.最后提出了优化企业环境行为的对策,即加快 企业改制,强化用地供应管理,改革排污费制度以及规划产业布局.  相似文献   
95Zr在海水、底质及海洋生物间的迁移、富集和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在模拟海洋环境中,海水中95Zr的比活度在试验前期快速下降,在最初4h内下降了90%以上,此后呈缓慢递减趋势.底质中95Zr的比活度在试验前期逐渐上升,至48h达到最大值,此后随时间逐渐降低.半褶织纹螺螺壳富集95Zr的能力显著强于螺肉,螺壳和螺肉的富集系数分别为10.32和4.68.大弹涂鱼各组织器官中,根据富集量,对95Zr的富集能力最强的是内脏,其次是鳃和鳍,最弱的是肌肉,次弱的是脊椎.大弹涂鱼除鳃外,其余各组织器官的富集系数均小于1.半褶织纹螺对95Zr的富集能力比大弹涂鱼更强.  相似文献   
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