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滇池生态系统退化成因、格局特征与分区分步恢复策略   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
选取生态系统中重要的组成成份:浮游植物、底栖动物、水生植物的历史演变和现在分布状况数据,结合水质变化情况,揭示了滇池生态系统退化原因:在外因上,污染物持续输入以及围湖造田、直立堤岸和水量交换缓慢等外力干扰加剧系统组分失衡是直接原因;在内因上,由于滇池所处的地理位置、气候等原因,蓝藻生物量对营养盐增加的响应远高于其他湖泊(太湖、巢湖),草型向藻型湖泊的转换进程更快;与太湖和东湖的生态系统比较,高原湖泊滇池生态系统相对脆弱,如物种的同域分化、窄生态位,导致系统的稳定性差、自我修复能力弱.通过对滇池生态格局特征、湖岸带结构的分析,将滇池划分为5个生态区:草海重污染区、藻类聚集区、沉水植被残存区、近岸带受损区和水生植被受损区,并提出"五区三步,南北并进,重点突破,治理与修复相结合"的滇池生态系统分区分步治理的新策略和"南部优先恢复;北部控藻治污;西部自然保护;东部外围突破"的总体方案.  相似文献   
三峡水库周期性蓄水显著改变了消落区植物群落组成及多样性,植物群落的演变过程能反映和影响整个消落区生态系统的变化,但目前还缺乏长期连续的观测数据记录,因而本研究基于2009—2021年6月的固定样方长时间序列监测数据和优势植物叶片功能性状数据,分析了消落区3个高程(145~155、155~165和165~175m)区域植物群落多样性和优势植物重要值的变化趋势,通过冗余分析和蒙特卡罗检验揭示了水库运行特征参数和气象因子对消落区植物特征的影响。研究发现:1)消落区3个高程区域,优势植物差异明显,145~155和155~165 m区域以狗牙根、香附子和苍耳等为主,165~175 m区域以狗牙根、野胡萝卜和鬼针草等为主。145~155 m区域植物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(1.47±0.47)和Pielou均匀度指数(0.67±0.07)显著低于165~175 m区域。2)2009—2021年期间,高程145~155和155~165 m区域Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数呈波动下降趋势,优势植物狗牙根和香附子的重要值呈增加趋势。3) RDA分析表明,...  相似文献   
20世纪河南省基础地质研究经历三个阶段。第一阶段50年,随矿产调查进行。第二阶段30年,随矿产勘查和1∶20万区调开展。第三阶段20年,随1∶5万区调、矿产勘查、专题与综合研究广泛展开。为谋求21世纪初期河南省基础地质较快发展,作者认为应有新的指导思想、研究方法和服务方向,并提出知识创新、人才培养和经费保障三项成功战略。  相似文献   
为探讨系统偏差最优估计策略,利用IGS提供的GPS、BDS、GLONASS和Galileo 四系统的观测数据以及GFZ提供的精密卫星钟差和精密轨道产品,将系统偏差(ISB)按照高斯白噪声、20 min、30 min、1 h、2 h分段常数进行单天静态解,分别获得E、N、U方向上的坐标偏差,分析不同系统偏差求解策略下多系统融合PPP的收敛时间和定位精度。结果表明,在多系统融合静态PPP中,从观测模型强度与定位结果稳定性和可靠性角度综合考虑,对ISB采用20 min分段常数估计策略是最优的,静态PPP收敛时间在30 min左右,收敛后的定位精度E方向优于2 cm、N方向优于1 cm、U方向优于5 cm。  相似文献   


In response to the clearing of tropical forests for agricultural expansion, agri-food companies have adopted promises to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains in the form of ‘zero-deforestation commitments’ (ZDCs). While there is growing evidence about the environmental effectiveness of these commitments (i.e., whether they meet their conservation goals), there is little information on how they influence producers’ opportunity to access sustainable markets and related livelihood outcomes, or how design and implementation choices influence tradeoffs or potential synergies between effectiveness and equity in access. This paper explores these research gaps and makes three main contributions by: i) defining and justifying the importance of analyzing access equity and its relation to effectiveness when implementing forest-focused supply chain policies such as ZDCs, ii) identifying seven policy design principles that are likely to maximize synergies between effectiveness and access equity, and iii) assessing effectiveness-access equity tensions and synergies across common ZDC implementation mechanisms amongst the five largest firms in each of the leading agricultural forest-risk commodity sectors: palm oil, soybeans, beef cattle, and cocoa. To enhance forest conservation while avoiding harm to the most vulnerable farmers in the tropics, it is necessary to combine stringent rules with widespread capacity building, greater involvement of affected actors in the co-production of implementation mechanisms, and support for alternative rural development paths.  相似文献   
Slope stability optimization, in the presence of a band of a weak layer between two strong layers, is accounted for in complicated geotechnical problems. Classical optimization algorithms are not suitable for solving such problems as they need a proper preliminary solution to converge to a valid result. Therefore, it is necessary to find a proper algorithm which is capable of finding the best global solution. Recently a lot of metaheuristic algorithms have been proposed which are able to evade local minima effectively. In this study four evolutionary algorithms, including well‐known and recent ones, such as genetic algorithm, differential evolution, evolutionary strategy and biogeography‐based optimization (BBO), are applied in slope stability analysis and their efficiencies are explored by three benchmark case studies. Result show BBO is the most efficient among these evolutionary algorithms and other proposed algorithms applied to this problem. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The soil conservation service (now Natural Resources Conservation Service) Curve Number (SCS-CN), one of the most commonly used methods for surface runoff prediction. The runoff calculated by this method was very sensitive to CN values. In this study, CN values were calculated by both arithmetic mean (CN_C) and least square fit method (CN_F) using observed rainfall-runoff data from 43 sites in the Loess Plateau region, which are considerably different from the CN2 values obtained from the USDA-SCS handbook table (CN_T). The results showed that using CN_C instead of CN_T for each watershed produce little improvement, while replacing CN_T with CN_F improves the performance of the original SCS-CN method, but still performs poorly in most study sites. This is mainly due to the SCS-CN method using a constant CN value and discounting of the temporal variation in rainfall-runoff process. Therefore, three factors—soil moisture, rainfall depth and intensity—affecting the surface runoff variability are considered to reflect the variation of CN in each watershed, and a new CN value was developed. The reliability of the proposed method was tested with data from 38 watersheds, and then applied to the remaining five typical watersheds using the optimized parameters. The results indicated that the proposed method, which boosted the model efficiencies to 81.83% and 74.23% during calibration and validation cases, respectively, performed better than the original SCS-CN and the Shi and Wang (2020b) method, a modified SCS-CN method based on tabulated CN value. Thus, the proposed method incorporating the influence of the temporal variability of soil moisture, rainfall depth, and intensity factors suggests an accurate runoff prediction for general applications under different hydrological and climatic conditions on the Loess Plateau region.  相似文献   
In this paper I argue that there has been a critical shift towards war by conservation in which conservation, security and counter insurgency (COIN) are becoming more closely integrated. In this new phase concerns about global security constitute important underlying drivers, while biodiversity conservation is of secondary importance. This is a significant break from earlier phases of fortress conservation and war for biodiversity. In order to develop a better understanding of these shifts, this paper analyzes the existing conceptual approaches, notably environmental security which seeks to understand how resources cause or shape conflict, and political ecology approaches that focus on the struggles over access to and control over resources. However, this paper indicates the limitations of these existing debates for understanding recent shifts, which require a fresh approach. I chart the rise of the narrative I call poachers-as-terrorists, which relies on the invocation of the idea that ivory is the white gold of Jihad, a phrase which is closely associated with an Elephant Action League (EAL) report in 2012 which claimed Al Shabaab used ivory to fund its operations. This narrative is being extended and deepened by a powerful alliance of states, conservation NGOs, Private Military Companies and international organizations, such that it is shaping policies, especially in areas of US geo-strategic interest in Sub-Saharan Africa. As a result conservation is becoming a core element of a global security project, with significant implications for conceptual debates and for conservation practice on the ground.  相似文献   
Wang Lin  Wu Hong  Jia Xin 《地球科学进展》2016,31(11):1159-1171
Western Liao River area is one of the most important birthplaces of agricultural civilization in northern China. With recent works like relics survey, site excavation and environmental archaeology going further, the time sequence, cultural content and subsistence strategy history of this area are getting explicit. Questions like ancient exploiting history of natural resources, climate background and cultural impact of subsistence strategy have been paid great attention. Traditional environmental archaeology methods like plant and animal remains analysis are mostly utilized to conduct in-site investigation, current studies rarely adopt quantitative methods to examine the sites’ macro temporal-spatial distribution and aggregation pattern. Based on abundant digitized relic survey data, GIS methods like kernel density analysis are utilized to indicate the temporal-spatial distribution and aggregation pattern of prehistoric cultures in Western Liao River area. The latitudinal, longitudinal and altitudinal migrations of site distributional core are indicated by 3D perspective shift and elevation statistics. By referencing existing studies on subsistence strategy and paleoclimate history, results of spatial analysis are used to reveal the correlation among sites’ temporal-spatial distribution, subsistence strategy adopted and climate variation. This also contributes to our understanding and utilization of massive locational information of prehistoric sites in ancient man-land relationship study.  相似文献   
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