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祁连山青海云杉林动态监测样地群落特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据中国森林生态系统动态监测样地设置方法,参照国际森林生态学大样地建设技术规范,于2010年和2011年在祁连山自然保护区青海云杉(Picea crassifolia kom.)林内建立了10.2 hm2动态监测样地,定位调查了样地内19 927株DBH≥1 cm活立木木本植物,完成了第一次群落特征调查和分析。调查结果表明:①青海云杉群落成层现象明显,可划分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层和苔藓层4个层次。乔木层是群落的最主要层,整体而言其垂直高度结构复杂性要大于灌木层和草本层,苔藓层较为发达。②青海云杉径级结构呈明显的倒“J”形,个体集中在径级1~5 cm至21~25 cm,其占到总个体数目的91.42%,青海云杉更新良好。③青海云杉DBH≥1 cm对应的树高结构呈“单峰”形,高度主要集中在小于6 m,占到总个体数目的60.00%,高度偏小,小树较多,中树占有一定的比例,大树较少。同时,树高和胸径二者之间显著符合二次函数关系(p<0.05),反映了青海云杉群落生物学特征。④从空间分布格局来看,青海云杉表现出明显的聚集性分布格局。对不同年龄段青海云杉小树、中树和大树点格局分析表明,随着龄级的增大,种群的聚集程度减小,即由聚集分布变为随机分布,表现出明显的扩散趋势。青海云杉个体分布没有明显的空间异质性,而且2 534株大树随机分布在该样地,表明该群落未受大范围的人为干扰。  相似文献   
Galaxies can be classified in two broad sequences which are likely to reflect their formation mechanism. The 'main sequence', consisting of spirals, irregulars and all dwarf galaxies, is probably produced by gas settling within dark matter haloes. We show that the sizes and surface densities along this sequence are primarily determined by the distributions of the angular momentum and formation time of dark haloes. They are well reproduced by current cosmogonies provided that galaxies form late, at z  ≲ 2. In this scenario, dwarf ellipticals were small 'discs' at z  ∼ 1 and become 'ellipticals' after they fall into cluster environments. The strong clustering of dwarf ellipticals is then a natural by-product of the merging and transformation process. The number of dwarf galaxies predicted in a cluster such as Virgo is in good agreement with the observed number. On the other hand, the 'giant branch', consisting of giant ellipticals and bulges, is probably produced by the merging of disc galaxies. Based on the observed phase-space densities of galaxies, we show that the main bodies of all giant ellipticals can be produced by dissipationless mergers of high-redshift discs. However, high-redshift discs, although denser than present-day ones, are still not compact enough to produce the high central phase-space density of some low-luminosity ellipticals. Dissipation must have occurred in the central parts of these galaxies during the merger which formed them.  相似文献   
山地垂直带谱是气候和植被水平地带变化和更替的缩影,垂直带的带幅、带间过渡方式、带内结构和垂直带组合方式都表现出高度的异质性和复杂性。本文发现在中国南北过渡带中部太白山发育了世界上最宽的山地垂直带——山地落叶阔叶林垂直带。该垂直带从基带到典型垂直带再到先锋性垂直带皆为山地落叶阔叶林,3种本来可以独立存在的垂直带,连续分布形成了包含3个栎林亚带、2个桦林亚带的“三层五亚带”超级垂直带,远远超过正常情况下山地垂直带1000 m的阈值,且其上限达到了海拔2800 m。它的形成与秦岭所处的过渡性地理位置、秦岭中部垂直带谱的完整性、丰富的落叶木本植物种群及其形成的强大群落竞争优势等因素紧密相关。超级垂直带的发现有多方面的意义:它是中国南北过渡带又一重要的标志性自然地理特征;它表明山地垂直带在特殊的山地环境中可以具有非常复杂的内部结构和宽大带幅,这扩展了我们对山地垂直带谱结构及机理认识的广度,对于创建山地垂直带谱结构理论具有十分重要的意义;超级垂直带的发现,也说明中国南北过渡带还有很多科学内容有待我们去探索和发现,希望本文能起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起学界对超级垂直带形成的气候和生物多样性因素、地理过渡带的结构和生态效应等重大问题进行深入研究。  相似文献   
卢明华  李国平  孙铁山 《地理研究》2011,30(11):1970-1982
利用北京市第一、第二次经济普查数据,以“乡镇\街道”为基本空间单元,运用因子分析和聚类分析方法研究北京都市区城市功能格局的特征与模式。与2004年相比,2008年北京都市区城市功能格局发生了明显变化。北京都市区城市功能布局呈现郊区化态势:建筑运输与制造功能呈现最明显的郊区化特征,沿主要交通干线向远郊区快速拓展;生产服务...  相似文献   
自1990年6月北京天文台太阳射电偏振仪投入实测以来,观测到一百多个“Spike”和短时标精细结构微波幅射,其中包括一些新的微波幅射特征。本文给出了主要的四点特征:(1)窄带辐射;(2)快速偏振逆转;(3)快速频率漂移;(4)不同时标的准周期振荡。  相似文献   
Quantification of landscape-based vegetation structural variation and pattern is a significant goal for a variety of ecological, monitoring and biodiversity studies. Vegetation structural metrics, derived from airborne laser scanning (ALS or aerial light detection and ranging—LiDAR) and QuickBird satellite imagery, were used to establish the degree of plot-based vegetation variation at a hillslope scale. Topographic position is an indicator of energy and water availability, and was quantified using DEM-based insolation and topographic wetness, respectively, stratifying areas into hot-warm-cold and wet-moist-dry topographic classes. A range of vegetation metrics—maximum and modal canopy height, crown cover, foliage cover, NDVI and semivariance—were compared among randomly selected plots from each topographic class. NDVI increases with increasing landscape wetness, whereas ALS-derived foliage cover decreases with increasing insolation. Foliage cover is well correlated with crown cover (R 2 =0.65), and since foliage cover is readily calculable for whole-of-landscape application, it will provide valuable and complementary information to NDVI. Between-plot heterogeneity increases with increasing wetness and decreasing insolation, indicating that more sampling is required in these locations to capture the full range of landscape-based variability. Pattern analysis in landscape ecology is one of the fundamental requirements of landscape ecology, and the methods described here offer statistically significant, quantifiable and repeatable means to realise that goal at a fine spatial grain.  相似文献   
We create mock pencil-beam redshift surveys from very large cosmological N -body simulations of two cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, an Einstein–de Sitter model ( τ CDM) and a flat model with Ω0=0.3 and a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). We use these to assess the significance of the apparent periodicity discovered by Broadhurst et al. Simulation particles are tagged as 'galaxies' so as to reproduce observed present-day correlations. They are then identified along the past light-cones of hypothetical observers to create mock catalogues with the geometry and the distance distribution of the Broadhurst et al. data. We produce 1936 (2625) quasi-independent catalogues from our τ CDM (ΛCDM) simulation. A couple of large clumps in a catalogue can produce a high peak at low wavenumbers in the corresponding one-dimensional power spectrum, without any apparent large-scale periodicity in the original redshift histogram. Although the simulated redshift histograms frequently display regularly spaced clumps, the spacing of these clumps varies between catalogues and there is no 'preferred' period over our many realizations. We find only a 0.72 (0.49) per cent chance that the highest peak in the power spectrum of a τ CDM (ΛCDM) catalogue has a peak-to-noise ratio higher than that in the Broadhurst et al. data. None of the simulated catalogues with such high peaks shows coherently spaced clumps with a significance as high as that of the real data. We conclude that in CDM universes, the regularity on a scale of ∼130  h −1 Mpc observed by Broadhurst et al. has a priori probability well below 10−3.  相似文献   
基于上市公司网络的长三角城市网络空间结构研究   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
李仙德 《地理科学进展》2014,33(12):1587-1600
公司内部网络研究是当前城市经济网络研究的重要内容.本文利用2005、2010年长三角A股上市公司企业网络数据库,运用社会网络分析方法、位序—规模分析法等,分析了2005、2010年长三角城市网络空间结构演变及其主要影响因素.研究发现:①长三角上市公司总部沿沪宁—沪杭—杭甬Z字形轴线集聚,从一主(上海)二副(杭州、南京)三中心向一主(上海)三副(杭州、苏州、南京)四中心空间结构演变;苏州超过南京成为第三大企业总部集聚中心.②长三角城市网络核心—边缘结构整体延续,Z字形轴线城市维持核心地位,具备强大的网络权力与威望.③长三角城市网络除等级扩散、邻近扩散等特征之外.还具有明显的行政地域性.主要体现在省会南京、杭州分别成为江苏、浙江省内外上市公司子公司的重要据点;尤其是南京凭借省会优势,中心度仍然高于总部职能较强的苏州.④在长三角经济一体化背景下,跨行政地域性的联系有所加强,特别是上海、苏南向苏中、苏北的扩散明显;浙西南仍是网络相对封闭、孤立的地带,中心度相对较低.⑤行政等级和区划,市场容量等是长三角城市网络空间结构的主要影响因素,而到上海高速公路时间距离、劳动力成本和土地成本的影响在统计上未通过显著性检验.  相似文献   

起沙机制是沙尘暴天气研究中一个重要问题.本文基于中蒙中区一次沙尘暴天气过程,通过提取沙尘源地涡动相关数据中的湍流相干结构(Coherent structure,简称为CS),研究了CS在起沙中的作用.结果发现:(1)起沙期间存在CS,其典型特征表现为上扬—下扫循环,即暖空气的辐合上升与冷空气的辐散下沉相伴;(2)起沙期间,CS具有频次高、持续时间短、间歇性适中、连发频繁、速度切变大、水平尺度远大于垂直尺度和尺度变化比较大的特点;(3)CS是重要的起沙机制,它可起动粒径在0.1~156 μm之间的各种沙粒,起动最多的是粒径低于8 μm的粉粒与粘粒,但CS不是唯一的起沙机制;(4)CS的上扬与下扫两过程均可引起起沙,区别在于前者通过暖空气的上升将沙粒向上空输送,后者则是将上空高速冷空气拖带下来引起地表沙粒的起动;(5)CS起沙分为单起式和连发配合式两种形式.单起式是单发CS产生的起沙形式,连发配合式是连发的CS产生的跃移—上扬的配合起沙形式.其中,连发配合式为主要形式;(6)下扫过程对起沙的贡献是上扬过程的1.8~15倍,上扬过程可将下扫过程中起动沙粒的1/3左右向上输送到空中;(7)一般情况下,CS对起沙具有稳定的贡献,其贡献率为51%,当临界起沙风速大于13 m·s-1时,其贡献急剧降低.

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