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西沙海槽区作为气水合物的可能聚集地越来越受到关注。浅析地震相分析方法,通过地震相标志的识别,归纳出自中中新世以来,西沙海槽发育有8种地震相:S形前积地震相、斜交前积地震相、下超型前积地震相、丘状地震相、杂乱地震相、空白地震相、透镜状地震相和席状地震相。较细致地描述了各种地震相的反射特征,并结合研究区的沉积背景,对不同地震相的沉积学特征做出了合理解释。  相似文献   
This paper establishes techniques and methods to determine a variety of boundaries associated with 200 nautical miles beyond the continental shelf. The methods, based on topography, slope and second-deriv- ative profile integrated analysis, are now able to identify automatically the foot of the continental slope (FOS). By analyzing the sedimentary profile, the points of 1% sediment thickness are recognized. Through the intersection, cut, deletion and mergence calculation of the extrapolated data set of fLxed-point series, the method succeeds in generating automatically the extrapolated boundaries, including the FOS+60 M line, the 350 M line, and the 2500 m+100 M line. In addition, based on the automatic analysis of the topographic profile, it can be applied to determine rapidly the points of maximum water depth. Taking the northern Okinawa Trough (OT) as an example, these methods are used to calculate and examine the boundaries in- cluded in the Submission by the People's Republic of China Concerning the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical miles in Part of the East China Sea (ECS); the boundaries thus derived have a solid scientific and rational basis.  相似文献   
Microbial Diversity in Nankai Trough Sediments at a Depth of 3,843 m   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dense populations of bivalves, primarily Calyptogena sp., were observed at cold seeps of the Nankai Trough. Bacterial input to the sediment was estimated through determination of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid (PLFA) and DNA profiles. Results indicated a bacterial biomass of 109 cells (g dry wt)-1 while individual fatty acid profiles revealed a predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids, mainly 18:1 isomers. The presence of these fatty acids can be interpreted to reflect a response to low temperature and a predominance of psychrophilic bacteria. DNA fragments encoding bacterial ribosomal RNA small-subunit sequences (16S rDNA) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method using DNA extracted directly from the sediment samples. From the sequencing results, at least 19 kinds of bacterial 16S rDNAs related to mostly the Proteobacteria and a few gram-positive bacteria were identified. These results suggest that the bacterial community in the Nankai Trough sediments consists of mainly bacteria belonging to the Proteobacteria , , and subdivisions. Bacteria belonging to the and subdivisions, which are known to include epibiont and sulfate reducing bacteria, respectively, were mostly detected in the sediment obtained from inside the area of the Calyptogena community, and the -Proteobacteria may function to supply reduced sulfur to bacterial endosymbionts of Calyptogena.  相似文献   
对1999年6月采自冲绳海槽北部的62个表层沉积物样品进行了底栖有孔虫分析。研究表明,该区属种多为中外陆架和上部陆坡常见底栖有孔虫,其中Cibicides pseudoungerianus在研究区域内广泛分布。底栖有孔虫群落明显受研究区水团的制约,该区底栖有孔虫Q型因子分析反映的4个组合分别对应不同的水团影响:组合1以Cibicides pseudoungerianus、Uvigerina sp.、Ammonia ketienziensis、Textularia pseudocarinata为主,代表陆架混合水团影响环境;组合2以Uvigerina peregrina、Beregrina、Bulimina mexicana、Bulimina submarginata、Globocassidulina subglobosa为主,代表黑潮暖流中层水影响下的环境;组合3以喜营养分子Bulimina marginata和Bolivina robusta为主,代表冷涡沉积和上升流沉积区的环境;组合4以Cibicides pseudoungerianus、Globocassidulina subglobosa为主,代表了对马暖流水团影响下的环境,其中水团的氧含量水平和营养状况是影响底栖有孔虫组合变化的主要因素。底栖有孔虫的丰度从西往东依次出现两个丰度高值带,一个位于研究区西部100—140m水深的陆架区,另一个位于400—600m水深的上陆坡,后者可能反映了冲绳海槽大陆坡普遍发育的陆坡上升流现象。  相似文献   
The Taranto Gulf of southern Italy provides an excellent case where it is possible to document the importance of normal faults in displacing terraced deposits. The study area is located at the front of the southern Apennines, that is a fold-and-thrust belt developed following the closure of the Mesozoic Tethys Ocean, and the deformation of the Adriatic passive margin during Tertiary and Quaternary times. The outer, eastern parts of the belt were structured in Quaternary, i.e. up to Middle Pleistocene times.The front of the chain is partially sealed by Pliocene–Pleistocene foredeep deposits, which represent the infill of the Bradanic Trough. The upper portion of the middle Pleistocene succession consists of marine sands and conglomerates that in the previous literature have been arranged in several orders of terraces. Analysis of aerial photographs and geomorphological mapping has shown the occurrence of prominent geomorphic lineaments, which appear to control the local drainage pattern. Some of these structures coincide with the map trace of normal faults that produce vertical offsets of the marine terrace surfaces in the order of ca. 10 m each. Many of the fault escarpments reduce their elevation and terminate laterally. In other cases fault escarpments are laterally continuous and can be traced for up to 3–4 km. Scarp height is between 2 and 10 m. Their mean trend ranges from NNE–SSW to ENE–WSW and defines an arcuate pattern that mimics the present coastline.An accurate geomorphological, sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis has been carried out in a selected area of the Bradanic Trough (Pisticci transect) to investigate in detail the relationships between normal faults and the development of the terraces. This analysis allowed us to recognise five facies associations related to the upper and lower beachface and to the neritic clays which represent the substratum of the terraces. More importantly, we observed that all the terraced deposits in the Pisticci transect could be referred to a single sedimentary body displaced by faults. The terraced deposits are related to an event of beach progradation, of Middle Pleistocene age, which has been documented in other areas of the Italian peninsula. These results outline an intimate relationship between the arcuate trend of the recognised fault set and the present coastline pattern. The development of the normal faults can be related to large-scale gravitational processes developed after the general tilting towards the SE of the Bradanic Trough.  相似文献   
The major and minor element contents in the sediment core H9 from the hydrothermal fields of the Okinawa Trough show a sharp change at the depth of 80 cm. The elements enriched in the upper 80 cm core are those enriched in the hydrothermal deposits and in the surface sediments recovered from the hydrothermal fields in the trough, which indicates the input of hydrothermal materials. Comparing with other hydrothermal sediments from Mid-ocean Ridges or the Lau Basin, the degree of the enrichment of elements iron, copper,cobalt, and nickel is relatively low. However, the enrichment of elements manganese, lead, arsenic, antimony and mercury is remarkable. The average contents of these elements in the upper 80 cm core sediments are three to six times those in the lower section, and 3~12 times those in the surface sediments which are not influenced by hydrothermal activities. Hydrothermal activities have contributed significant manganese, lead, arsenic, antimony and mercury to the sediments, and these elements are distinct indicators for the hydrothermal activity in the Okinawa Trough. The significant enrichment of these elements in Core H9 upward from the depth 80 cm indicates the start or the significant enhancing of the hydrothermal activity in this area at about 5 740 aB.P. The average accumulation rate of manganese during this period is about 40 461 μg/(cm2·ka), which is similar to the hydrothermal sediments in the Lau Basin or the East Pacific Rise.  相似文献   
本文对南海深海和冲绳海槽二个柱状样进行了正构烷烃、甾烷和萜烷生物标记化合物分布特征的研究。由于它们所处的沉积环境和生源母质上的差异,反映在正构烷烃的CPI值、C_(17)和C_(18)的含量、轻重烃比值、化合物构型的转化、有机质的成熟度和17α(H)-22,29,30-三降藿烷与18α(H)-22,29,30-三降新藿烷的比值等地球化学参数上的差别。冲绳海槽沉积物的多源性决定了其有机组分的特殊性,如生物来源的C_(17)和C_(18)量占有优势,有机碳含量(1.0—1.3%)高于南海样(0.3—1.0%),重排甾烷量少,生物构型的ββ藿烷已转变成地质构型的αβ藿烷和βα型莫烷化合物。  相似文献   
通过对长江三角洲及其邻近区域埋藏古土壤、潮坪、长江下游河道浸滩、舟山滨岸风成沙丘、南京黄土古土壤序列沉积体的磁组构测量统计分析,取得了各自的标志特征。该2特征揭示出,舟山滨岸风成沙丘与南京黄土吉土壤序列沉积的搬运介质能量位相基本一致,其物源来向却显示出巨大差异;上述两类沉积体与上述现今潮坪、河道漫滩沉积体地搬运介质能量位相及物源来向均显示出绝然不同的标志特征。然而浸滩物源来民南京黄土的物尖兵为向却  相似文献   
The Central Trough of the North Sea is not a simple rift graben. It is an elongated area of regional subsidence which was initiated in mid Cretaceous times and continued to subside through to the late Tertiary. Its form is not representative of pre-mid Cretaceous tectonics.In Late Permian times the North Sea was divided into a northern and southern Zechstein basin by the E-W trending Mid North Sea-Ringkøbing-Fyn High. The latter was dissected by a narrow graben trending NNW through the Tail End Graben and the Søgne Basin. The Feda Graben was a minor basin on the northern flank of the Mid North Sea High at this time. This structural configuration persisted until end Middle Jurassic times when a new WNW trend separated the Tail End Graben from the Søgne Basin. Right lateral wrench movement on this new trend caused excessive subsudence in the Tail End and Feda Grabens while the Søgne Basin became inactive.Upper Jurassic subsidence trends continued during the Early Cretaceous causing the deposition of large thicknesses of sediments in local areas along the trend. From mid Cretaceous times the regional subsidence of the Central Trough was dominant but significant structural inversions occurred in those areas of maximum Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic subsidence.  相似文献   
南海中部和冲绳海槽沉积物中的氨基酸物质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对南海中部和冲绳海槽三个深海沉积物柱状样腐植物质水解氨基酸的研究,试图阐述南海和冲绳海槽沉积物的演化与沉积环境。  相似文献   
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