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《China Geology》2020,3(1):113-123
Regional aridity is increasing under global climate change, and therefore the sustainable use of water resources has drawn attention from scientists and the public. Land-use changes can have a significant impact on groundwater recharge in arid regions, and quantitative assessment of the impact is key to sustainable groundwater resources management. In this study, the changes of groundwater recharge after the conversion of natural lands to croplands were investigated and compared in inland and arid region, i.e., the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountain. Stable isotopes suggest that soil water in topsoil (< 2 m) has experienced stronger evaporation under natural lands than croplands, and then moves downward as a piston flow. Recharge was estimated by the tracer-based mass balance method, i.e., chloride and sulfate. Recharge rates under natural conditions estimated by the chloride mass balance (CMB) method were estimated to be 0.07 mm/a in deserts and 0.4 mm/a in oases. In contrast, the estimated groundwater recharge ranged from 61.2 mm/a to 44.8 mm/a in croplands, indicating that groundwater recharge would increase significantly after land changes from natural lands to irrigated croplands in arid regions. Recharge estimated by the sulfate mass balance method is consistent with that from the CMB method, indicating that sulfate is also a good tracer capable of estimating groundwater recharge.  相似文献   
长江黄河源区积雪空间分布与年代际变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用长江黄河源区及其周边地区16个气象站逐日积雪资料,分析了长江黄河源区积雪的空间分布和年代际变化特征.结果表明:以巴颜喀拉山主峰为中心的黄河源头和长江源东南部地区是年积雪深度高值中心,黄河源头以西和五道梁以东的长江源东北部和黄河源西北部广大地区是低值中心.冬春累积积雪深度占年累积积雪深度的比例>71.0%,夏半年(6~9月)对其的贡献小,但夏半年的积雪日数占年积雪日数的1/3.曲麻莱达日一线以南地区积雪主要发生在1月份,以北地区一年有两个高值期:前冬10~11月和春季3~5月.长江源和黄河源头地区积雪建立早,积雪季节长,结束晚,消退过程缓慢;而黄河源东部地区,积雪建立稍晚,积雪发展比较缓慢,消退过程迅速.近40 a来长江黄河源区积雪呈确定的增长态势,长江源区冬春积雪增长了62.11%,黄河源区增长了60.18%.但二者积雪变化位相基本相反,变化幅度长江源大起大落,而黄河源比较平缓,多雪年份出现也不一致.整个源区20世纪60年代至70年代初为积雪偏少期,70年代中期至90年代是积雪偏多期.从20世纪70年代中至80年代末,积雪明显增加,90年代积雪增加速度有所放慢,近40 a江河源区平均冬春累积积雪深度增加了60.95%.长江源区对整个源区积雪变化起主导作用,源区平均冬春累积积雪深度变化主要表现长江源的特征.  相似文献   
Abstract Deposits of 10 volcanic events of 6 stages have been discovered by the authors after detailed field and lab studies of the Benxi and Taiyuan Formations in Shandong Province and its adjacent regions. They show certain temporal–spatial distribution characteristics. Volcanic fragments were probably derived from two different volcanic sources north and south of the North China Platform, while the magma of the two volcanic sources was probably derived from the lower crust. A new stratigraphie correlation scheme is put forward for the Benxi and Taiyuan Formations in this region on the basis of previous biostratigraphic work with the regionally widespread volcanic event layers as the marker bed for the isochronous stratigraphie correlation on a super–regional scale and in conjunction with the maximum transgressive event layers.  相似文献   
An exploration of the wavelet transform as applied to daily river discharge records demonstrates its strong potential for quantifying stream flow variability. Both periodic and non-periodic features are detected equally, and their locations in time preserved. Wavelet scalograms often reveal structures that are obscure in raw discharge data. Integration of transform magnitude vectors over time yields wavelet spectra that reflect the characteristic time-scales of a river's flow, which in turn are controlled by the hydroclimatic regime. For example, snowmelt rivers in Colorado possess maximum wavelet spectral energy at time-scales on the order of 4 months owing to sustained high summer flows; Hawaiian streams display high energies at time-scales of a few days, reflecting the domination of brief rainstorm events. Wavelet spectral analyses of daily discharge records for 91 rivers in the US and on tropical islands indicate that this is a simple and robust way to characterize stream flow variability. Wavelet spectral shape is controlled by the distribution of event time-scales, which in turn reflects the timing, variability and often the mechanism of water delivery to the river. Five hydroclimatic regions, listed here in order of decreasing seasonality and increasing pulsatory nature, are described from the wavelet spectral analysis: (a) western snowmelt, (b) north-eastern snowmelt, (c) mid-central humid, (d) south-western arid and (e) ‘rainstorm island’. Spectral shape is qualitatively diagnostic for three of these regions. While more work is needed to establish the use of wavelets for hydrograph analysis, our results suggest that river flows may be effectively classified into distinct hydroclimatic categories using this approach. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用多个全国性的GPS监测网、中国地壳运动主要活动带的区域性GPS监测网以及亚太地区大地测量计划(APRGP)的GPS监测网自1991年以来近10年的GPS资料,通过旋转变换将不同方法得出的各个子网的速度解进行统一,给出一个自恰的、完整的ITR一7框架下的速度场综合解.为了研究中国现时地壳运动在欧亚板块内形变的特征,基于一个现时板块运动模型ITRF97VEL,给出了3类网共260多个站的形变速度场.结果表明中国地壳运动有明显的不均匀性,以南北地震带为界,西强东弱;中国西部受印度板块强烈的冲挤,地壳运动由南向北逐渐减慢,呈现南北向缩短,东西向伸展,有明显的块体特征;喜马拉雅和天山西部分别提供了约15mm/a和9-13mm/a的汇聚速率;拉萨块体有(20.2±1.2)mm/a的伸长;喀喇昆仑一嘉黎断裂的右旋走滑速率和阿尔金断裂的左旋走滑速率分别为2-3mm/a和4-6mm/a,穿过龙门山断裂带的缩短速率小于7mm/a,这些都支持地壳增厚学说;沿阿尔金断裂带到喜马拉雅存在一个NNE弥散带,它是形变速度有东和西分量的分界线,是一个有特殊意义的动力学带.中国东部以走滑为主,东北块体是中国最稳定的地区,华北块体具有较大走滑性,是东部较易变形区.  相似文献   
目的:应用单源双能CT对标准水膜进行能谱扫描,探讨不同大小感兴趣区(ROI)对CT值及宝石能谱成像(GSI)水(碘)浓度值的影响。方法:利用GSI模式扫描标准水膜,层厚1.25 mm,间距1.25 mm。扫描参数:扫描视野medium,转速0.8 s/转,螺距0.984,探测器宽度40 mm,电流550 m A。以水膜中心为圆心,在水膜中心位置分别画两个面积为(600±30) mm2、(3 000±30) mm2的ROI,分别为ROI1、ROI2。将单能量图像(70ke V)载入能谱成像分析软件GSI viewer进行分析,分别测量ROI1、ROI2的CT值(HU)、水(碘)值(mg/cm3)并记录,统计学分析采用配对样本t检验,若P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果:ROI1的平均CT值为(2.45±1.83) HU,ROI2的平均CT值为(2.55±1.68) HU,两者之间的差异无统计学意义(P=0.06);ROI1的平均水(碘)值为(1 001.22±0.86) mg/cm3,ROI2的平均水(碘)值为(1 001.31±0.84) mg/cm3,两者之间的差异无统计学意义(P=0.135)。结论:改变ROI大小不影响单源双能CT图像中CT值和水(碘)含量的测定。  相似文献   
We investigated the changes of saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ksat , with depth of latosols developed on Precambrian basement rocks under primary rainforest, pasture and teak. In all cases, Ksat decreased with depth, with most of the decrease occurring between the surface and a depth of 30 cm. In conjunction with prevailing rainfall intensities and frequencies, this anisotropy supports a pronounced lateral component of hillslope flow paths, and also of overland flow under pasture. Our results are at variance with data from other latosols where Ksat tends to increase with depth, and hence suggest that considerable restraint is needed in generalization and extrapolation until results from a co‐ordinated effort at hydrology‐oriented data collection become available. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
时域反射仪在寒区冻融土参数测试中的应用   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
王国尚  林清 《冰川冻土》1998,20(1):88-92
近20多年来,时域反射仪(TDR)在土壤参数测试中已取得了长足的进步,特别是在土壤含水量等测试方面具有很大的实用价值和前景.文章大致介绍了国外在这一方面的研究概况和进展,对其参数测试的内容和精度作了简介.  相似文献   
The Upper Ordovician Wufeng-Lower Silurian Longmaxi and the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi shales are the major targets for shale gas exploration and development in China. Although the two organic-rich shales share similar distribution ranges and thicknesses, they exhibit substantially different exploration and development results. This work analyzed the nanopore structures of the shale reservoirs in this region. Pore development of 51 shale samples collected from various formations and locations was compared using the petromineralogical, geochemical, structural geological and reservoir geological methods. The results indicate that the reservoir space in these shales is dominated by organic pores and the total pore volume of micropores, mesopores, macropores in different tectonic areas and formations show different trends with the increase of TOC. It is suggested that organic pores of shale can be well preserved in areas with simple structure and suitable preservation conditions, and the shale with smaller maximum ancient burial depth and later hydrocarbon-generation-end-time is also more conducive to pore preservation. Organic pore evolution models are established, and they are as follows: ① Organic matter pore development stage, ② Early stage of organic matter pore destruction, and ③ late stage of organic matter pore destruction. The areas conducive to pore development are favorable for shale gas development. Research results can effectively guide the optimization and evaluation of favorable areas of shale gas.  相似文献   
High spectral resolution spectroscopy has proved to be very useful for the advancement of chemical abundances studies in photoionized nebulae, such as H II regions and planetary nebulae (PNe). Classical analyses make use of the intensity of bright collisionally excited lines (CELs), which have a strong dependence on the electron temperature and density. By using high resolution spectrophotometric data, our group has led the determination of chemical abundances of some heavy element ions, mainly O++, O+, and C++ from faint recombination lines (RLs), allowing us to deblend them from other nearby emission lines or sky features. The importance of these lines is that their emissivity depends weakly on the temperature and density structure of the gas. The unresolved issue in this field is that recombination lines of heavy element ions give abundances that are about 2–3 times higher than those derived from CELs – in H II regions – for the same ion, and can even be a factor of 70 times higher in some PNe. This uncertainty puts into doubt the validity of face values of metallicity that we use as representative not only for ionized nebulae in the Local Universe, but also for star‐forming dwarf and spiral galaxies at different redshifts. Additionally, high‐resolution data can allow us to detect and deblend faint lines of neutron capture element ions in PNe. This information would introduce further restrictions to evolution models of AGBs and would help to quantify the chemical enrichment in s‐elements produced by low and intermediate mass stars. The availability of an échelle spectrograph at the E‐ELT will be of paramount interest to: (a) extend the studies of heavyelement recombination lines to low metallicity objects, (b) to extend abundance determinations of s‐elements to planetary nebulae in the extragalactic domain and to bright Galactic and extragalactic H II regions. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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