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青藏铁路多年冻土区涵洞基础的冻融变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青藏铁路沱沱河试验段两座拼装式涵洞进行了地基地温及冻融变形监测,分析了涵洞多年冻土上限处的地温变化及地基的冻融变形特征。结果表明:涵洞地基的变形随地温的年波动变化。可分为冻胀和融沉两部分。冻胀变形小于下沉变形,涵洞基础的变形整体上表现为渐减沉降的特征;铁路路基及涵洞的修建改变了多年冻土原来的水热平衡,使涵洞多年冻土上限处地温产生正温波动,冻土上限产生变化。导致了涵洞地基土体沿涵洞纵向的不均匀变形。  相似文献   
从最小能量原理出发,探讨隧道围岩岩爆的刚度判据问题,并应用于滇藏铁路玉峰寺隧道工程。在滇藏铁路玉峰寺隧道代表性围岩岩样全应力应变刚压实验分析的基础上,结合地应力测量资料和数值模拟,分析玉峰寺隧道3种岩性不同围压条件下的变形破坏过程,得到隧道塑性破坏岩体和弹性岩体的刚度曲线,利用刚度判据,分析评价玉峰寺隧道3类岩体发生岩爆的危险性,玄武岩岩爆烈度最高,灰岩次之,砂岩最低,为隧道工程设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
研究冻土地温空间分布,有助于探索冻土活动层厚度的变化特征,为冻土灾害防治提供科学依据。以青藏铁路昆仑山至尺曲谷地段多年冻土覆盖区域为研究区域,采用地理加权岭回归克里金(GWRRK)方法对该区域2001年7月至9月的地温空间分布进行了模拟,揭示了该区域多年冻土融化深度的变化特征。结果表明:研究区域内多年冻土地温总体表现为山区地温低于平原和盆地地区地温;地温随深度的增加而降低,在0~5 m的深度区间内温度变化较大,平均温差为10.3 ℃,而在5~15 m的深度区间内基本保持不变,平均温差仅0.2 ℃。通过将GWRRK方法与具有外部漂移克里金(KED)方法和地理加权岭回归(GWRR)方法的模拟效果进行对比,发现前者的模拟精度优于后两种方法。  相似文献   
郑晓慧 《地质与勘探》2018,54(4):824-832
设计人员在岩溶区进行市政、铁路等重荷载建筑作业时,往往采用桩基础以满足上部结构对地基土的承载力需求。桩基设计亦按照岩溶区桩基技术规范,在完整基岩满足限值的前提下,验算基础承载力并选定基础设计参数,进而指导施工。分析我国各地区岩溶勘探现状,基岩裂隙的不均匀性造成岩溶发育的不规律性,导致基岩岩溶分布与埋深无特定关系。故按照既有经验,机械执行设计规范,以完整基岩作为桩长控制的唯一因素,不可避免地造成经济浪费。通过采用土工布等限定成桩边界,建立桩基受力模型,得出岩溶段桩体可提供的最大摩阻力,并将其作为桩体力学平衡组成因素。最终通过岩溶率统计,估算潜在摩阻力值,从而在满足承载力需求的情况下,调整设计桩长及勘探深度,进而制定特定地区设计原则,优化成桩工艺、节约工程造价。  相似文献   
Debris flows occurring on Klapperhorn Mountain in the Yellowhead Pass in the Canadian Rocky Mountains pose a significant hazard to railway operations at the base of the mountain. The size (volume) and travel distance of these debris flows play an important role in assessing the risk to the railway. GIS analysis, airphoto interpretation together with field work were undertaken on two debris flows located at track mileage 54.0 and 54.3. Characteristics of these two debris flow events were analyzed, including debris flow path morphology and event behavior. Their sizes and travel distances were estimated using an empirical-statistical model (UBCDFLOW) under different initiation conditions. Their potential impact on the railway bridge was evaluated using a bridge blockage ratio.  相似文献   
The paper reviews some important published papers on the effects of railway track imperfections on track dynamic behavior, and investigates the effect of unsupported sleepers on the normal load of wheel/rail in detail through a numerical simulation. The numerical simulation is based on a coupling dynamic model of vehicle–track. In the model, the vehicle is modeled as a multi-body system, and the track is considered as a 3-layer model with rails, sleepers, and ballast masses. Each rail of the track is modeled with a Timoshenko beam resting on discrete sleepers. The lateral, vertical, and torsional deformations of the beam are taken into account. The sleepers are assumed to move backward at a constant speed to simulate the vehicle running along the track at the same speed, and therefore such a track model can consider the effect of the discrete support by sleepers on the coupling dynamic behavior of the vehicle and track in the simulation. In calculating the coupled vehicle and track dynamics, Hertzian contact theory and the theory by Shen et al. are, respectively, used to calculate the normal forces and the creep forces between the wheels and the rails. The motion equations of the vehicle–track are solved by means of an explicit integration method. A nonlinear spring and a nonlinear damper are used to simulate a gap between the unsupported sleeper and the ballast mass. The numerical results obtained indicate that the gaps between the unsupported sleepers and ballast masses have a great influence on the normal load of the wheel and the rail.  相似文献   
Cement-mixed piles, as countermeasure against liquefaction of silt and sand ground, can improve the shear strength and bearing capacity of foundation soil, meaning cement-mixed piles are capable of resisting displacement when an earthquake happens. However, investigations of cement-mixed piles by experimental methods such as the shaking table test is few and far between. It is especially true for the seismic performance of cement-mixed piles in liquefiable railway foundations in high seismic intensity regions. To this end, a cross-section of the Yuxi-Mengzi railway was selected as the prototype and studied by the shaking table test in this study. The results showed that composite foundation of cement-mixed piles was not liquefied when the seismic acceleration was lower than 0.30g. In the process of acceleration increasing from 0.30g at 2Hz to 0.60g at 3Hz, the upper middle silt outside slope toe was partly liquefied. The foundation soil under the shoulders and center of subgrade was far from the initial liquefaction criterion during the test. Cement-mixed piles can effectively reduce the embankment settlement and differential settlement. It can be concluded that, the design of cement-mixed piles can ensure the seismic performance of the subgrade, and satisfy the seismic design requirements of the Yuxi-Mengzi railway in areas of VⅢ degrees seismic fortification intensity.  相似文献   
The implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and the increasing frequency of the China-Europe Railway Express(CER Express)have brought new improvement to the production system of enterprises along the Belt and Road regions.On the basis of summa-rizing the evolution of production system of enterprises,this paper takes TCL Poland Plant as an example to conduct an in-depth study on the characteristics of the plant's current produc-tion system and its differences from the original production system,and analyzes the impact of the CER Express on its current production system.Some conclusions can be drawn as follows.(1)CER Express had a great impact on the production system of TCL Poland Plant,which is mainly manifested in the following aspects.First,the transport of raw materials by CER Express improves the time efficiency and shortens the whole supply chain.Second,CER Express acts as a"moving inventory",which realizes the flexibility of raw material in-ventory and"zero inventory"effect based on the punctual transport.Third,the time and in-ventory effects brought by CER Express speed up the response to European market.The comprehensive benefits brought by CER Express lead to a more punctual and lean produc-tion system,meet the diversified needs of consumers on account of product quality and di-versification,and improve ability to expand European market.(2)On the basis of abandoning the original"Rigid Mass Production"system,we argue that TCL Poland Plant formed a unique production system—"Global Fluid Just-in-Time"which absorbed the essence of Toyota Pro-duction System based on the punctual transnational transportation of CER Express.(3)The differences between the current and the original production systems of TCL Poland Plant are mainly focused on the following aspects:the difference of transport and storage mode of raw materials,and the changes of production line,production mode and quality inspection or-ganization,etc.  相似文献   
Breakage of particles will have greatly influence on mechanical behavior of granular material(GM)under external loads,such as ballast,rockfill and sand.The discrete element method(DEM)is one of the most popular methods for simulating GM as each particle is represented on its own.To study breakage mechanism of particle breakage,a cohesive contact mode is developed based on the GPU accelerated DEM code-Blaze-DEM.A database of the 3D geometry model of rock blocks is established based on the 3D scanning method.And an agglomerate describing the rock block with a series of non-overlapping spherical particles is used to build the DEM numerical model of a railway ballast sample,which is used to the DEM oedometric test to study the particles’breakage characteristics of the sample under external load.Furthermore,to obtain the meso-mechanical parameters used in DEM,a black-analysis method is used based on the laboratory tests of the rock sample.Based on the DEM numerical tests,the particle breakage process and mechanisms of the railway ballast are studied.All results show that the developed code can better used for large scale simulation of the particle breakage analysis of granular material.  相似文献   
不同温度下冻土单轴抗压强度与电阻率关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究青藏铁路路基在载荷下的力学行为,探索新型手段快速准确地估计冻土的单轴抗压强度参数,采用北麓河粉质黏土在室内进行了不同温度的冻土单轴压缩试验,并全过程监测土样电阻率的变化,得到了冻土的应力-应变-电阻率全过程曲线。试验结果表明,在干密度 1.71 g/cm3且含水率 17.83 %下,冻土的单轴抗压强度随温度降低而线性增加;初始电阻率 随温度降低逐渐增大,从-20℃对温度的敏感性开始显著增强;冻土单轴抗压强度与初始电阻率之间满足半对数线性关系,相关性很好,因此测定初始电阻率可准确估算冻土的 。从应力-应变-电阻率全过程曲线来看,冻土在单轴载荷作用下经历的压密、弹性变形、塑性屈服、破裂后各阶段对应电阻率变化趋势是快速减小至最小、稳定增加、剧烈增加,这种关联的变化关系也说明用电阻率法来研究冻土强度及载荷下的变形问题是可行的。  相似文献   
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