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For in excess of 100 years, photogrammetry has played a significant role in documenting the cultural heritage of nations and peoples. Many recent advances in the technique have enhanced the use of photogrammetry as a recording tool, enabling more complex representations of objects and moving access to the procedure from the expert to the interested user. Some of these recent developments include low cost digital photogrammetric systems, image sequence analysis, bundle adjustment and camera calibration procedures, and three dimensional laser scanning. An overview of some of these developments is given in this paper. The University of Melbourne, in conjunction with Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, has been working on a project to create a computer visualization of the ancient Thai city of Ayutthaya. This project has blended three dimensional CAD models of the architectural features of Ayutthaya with historical research and artistic rendering to build a realistic representation of this city as it may have existed in the past. The model of the city has been built up from historical “maps”, aerial photographs, field survey and the use of photogrammetry to derive models of individual wat, chedi, prang (see GLOSSARY) and statuary. The historical research conducted in Thailand has provided the basis for the determination of the most likely location and appearance of the missing structures. The CAD models created from the photogrammetry have been visualized by the addition of surface textures and materials and rendered in as realistic a manner as possible. The virtual city has also been augmented by the incorporation of live actors in the computer reconstruction. When completed, the end product will be capable of producing an experience of daily life in Ayutthaya, with the potential for giving the user a level of interaction. The reconstruction will also be used as the basis of a variety of educational products to be produced in Thailand on a number of different media, including a bilingual CD-ROM already developed to “proof-of-concept” stage.  相似文献   
为了减轻全国矿业权实地核查空间数据整理人员的工作压力,保证采集成果的数据质量,基于CAD开发了单个矿业权空间数据采集系统.该系统不仅和使用CAD一样能快速完成各种矿业权要索的绘制,而且还可以实现属性自动生成、图形自动修饰、CAD向符合成果要求的ArcGIS格式数据的一键转换等.该系统完成了全国范围内约15万个矿业权中的...  相似文献   
针对CAD数据到GIS数据的转换中大量存在的信息缺失、效率低下、更新困难等诸多问题,提出基于DWGDirect类库,结合ArcEngine实现CAD数据到GIS数据的转换,很大程度上解决了上述各种问题,确保了数据转换的科学性和高效性。  相似文献   
CAD软件在工程地质三维建模中的应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
如何快速、准确地建立地质体的三维模型一直是众多岩土工程数值模拟工作者所面临的难题。虽然三维地学模拟软件具有很好的三维地质建模能力,但是由于数据结构的差异,采用他们现行三维地学模拟软件建立的地质模型难以导入数值模拟分析软件中,以为相应工程问题的数值模拟服务。目前,随着各种CAD、CAM软件行业的的飞速发展,涌现出了许多优秀的三维建模软件,而且这些软件大都与现行数值分析软件有着良好的数据接口功能。据此,本文提出了采用现行CAD软件来建立工程地质体的三维模型,使得建立的模型达到既可视又可算的目的。将其应用于云南某高速公路边坡的三维建模中,证明了该法具有方便、快捷和合理等优点。  相似文献   
GPS全球定位系统在公路勘测设计中已得到较为广泛的应用, 特别是实时动态RTK 技术在测设中线方面的成功应用, 突破了常规红外测距仪或全站仪测设中线的方法。本文作者论述运用路线CAD 程序和Work Bench 软件相结合, 实现GPS数据与路线CAD 数据之间的传输交换, 并在周口至界首高速公路测量中得到成功地应用。  相似文献   
Constraint‐based models and models constructing accessibility measures mainly focus on single agents having only one available transport mode. However, numerous cases exist where multiple agents or groups of individuals with different available transport modes want to participate in a joint activity at a certain location. The aim of this paper is to provide new insights into representing and reasoning about feasible space–time opportunities for multiple agents. Relying on concepts of time geography, we propose a conceptual framework in order to determine interaction spaces for groups of individuals. Besides availability of means of transport and the locations of each individual, minimum activity duration and opening hours of opportunities are taken into account. The reasoning about space and time is visualized in three dimensions using a hybrid (CAD/GIS) system.  相似文献   
陈敏虹  董梅 《地下水》2007,29(5):138-139
CAD在水文地质、工程地质制图中应用及剖面图、平面图绘制等,可节约大量的时间、资源,解决描图人员手工劳动强度,提高绘图精确度,达到美观、大方及精确.  相似文献   
针对现有地形图数据无损转换共享难、无法直接入库(Arc GIS)的问题,利用C#语言及VS2015开发环境,在AutoCAD2015平台下进行二次开发,设计出了一套面向直接入库的测量绘图系统。该系统采用ESRI公司的"CAD制图规范"中存放要素类的定义信息和要素的属性数据的组织规则,使得系统所绘图形不需要经过任何中间处理,就如同使用ArcGIS中的GeoDataBase地理数据库中的原生要素类和原生要素一样。测试结果表明,本系统较好地解决了上述问题,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   
简要介绍了Auto CAD的特点及其在矿井地质图件绘制中的应用技巧,阐述了完成一幅地质图件的基本步骤,推荐了钻孔平面图绘制的专业化程序。   相似文献   
赵显富  张育锋  曹爽  赵轩 《测绘科学》2015,40(4):112-114
针对工业构件人工检测安装效率低的问题,该文提出基于三维激光扫描的点云数据与CAD模型的配准方法。该方法是预先在两模型中找出公共点进行粗配准,把粗配准后的两模型用迭代最近点(ICP)算法进行精确配准,并通过提取公共特征点进行匹配的精度检测。实验表明,通过该方法实现了点云与CAD模型的配准,有效地提高了工业逆安装效率。  相似文献   
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