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为提高柘溪流域洪水预报精度,充分合理利用洪水资源,缓解该流域下游的防洪压力,同时为水库防洪调度以及经济运行提供科学合理的决策依据,研究了集总式概念性水文模型新安江模型及水箱模型在该湿润流域的适用性。选取该流域2004~2015年实测数据,应用三目标MOSCDE算法分别优选三水源新安江模型以及水箱模型参数,从而对该流域划分的多个子流域单元进行了场次洪水模拟计算,并对比分析不同流域单元两种模型的模拟结果,探究不同模型结构在柘溪流域场次洪水模拟中的差异,分析总结这两种模型在该流域的适用性。结果表明:两种模型模拟效果比较接近,均可以达到《水文情报预报规范》规定的作业预报精度要求,且对于流域内的大洪水的模拟效果也比较理想。从洪量以及洪水过程方面分析,两个模型的模拟效果比较接近;从洪峰拟合角度分析,新安江模型比水箱模型更适合该流域。 相似文献
新生代C4植被开始扩张的年代、过程和驱动机制是全球古气候变化研究的焦点问题。中国黄土高原的黄土-红粘土剖面保存了连续的古生态演化记录, 是研究这一关键科学问题的理想载体。本文选择黄土高原北部佳县厚达64m的红粘土剖面(8.2~2.7Ma), 对190个层位的次生方解石矿物进行了无机碳同位素测试, 由此分析了晚中新世-上新世末的C4植被扩张和演化过程。C4植被持续增长与全球冰盖的扩张基本一致, 表明气候变冷很可能导致了黄土高原区域气候的干旱化与降雨季节性的增强。C4植被的扩张存在明显的3个阶段, 分别以6.6Ma和3.6Ma为界限, 每一次扩张增加10 % 左右, 暗示了全球性的构造事件对黄土高原植被演化的控制。此外, 佳县红粘土剖面呈现10次持续时间为10~20万年的碳同位素正漂移事件, 平均每40万年发生一次, 说明40万年轨道周期也控制着C4植被的演化。 相似文献
黄土有机质的主要来源是决定其稳定碳同位素(δ 13 Corg.)能否应用于重建过去C3/C4相对丰度变化及相应的古气候变化的关键基础科学问题。如若黄土地层当中的有机质主要由粉尘携带而来, 而非当地植被, 显然其δ 13 Corg. 不是一个局地植被过去C3/C4相对丰度变化及古气候变化的良好指示器。本文对黄土高原西部地区(六盘山以西)新获得和已发表的相关数据进行综合分析, 尝试对该地区黄土有机质的主要来源进行定量的分析。结果表明, 总体而言, 该地区黄土地层有机质主要来源于当地植被, 由粉尘携带而来的有机质贡献量不超过8 %, 所造成的有机碳同位素变化幅度不超过1.7 ‰ 。这些结果说明该地区的黄土地层有机质δ 13 Corg. 是可以用来重建过去C3/C4植物相对丰度及相应的古气候变化的。为了更精确的重建, 后续的工作应当更多考虑粉尘搬运过程当中的有机质输入以及粉尘沉积之后的微生物活动的可能潜在影响。 相似文献
室内模拟试验是岩土力学与工程地质领域科学研究的重要手段之一。光纤传感测试是一种高精度、实时性、分布式和并行式的测试技术,构建物理模型试验光纤传感测试方法,推动了模拟试验技术的进步,为现场工程可以提供更可靠的指导。本文列举了常用模型试验光纤传感测试技术,综述了岩土力学与工程地质在5个方面应用模型试验光纤传感测试的进展,并对光纤传感器的结构形式、温度补偿、传感器标定、布设工艺等应用关键问题进行了总结,探讨了光纤与模型材料变形同步、协调和相容的关系。表明基于光纤传感技术的多尺度、多源信息模型试验研究将成为未来岩土力学与工程室内试验的热点。 相似文献
为了研究芙蓉洞滴水和池水中溶解无机碳碳同位素(DIC-δ13C)的变化特征、影响因素及其气候环境指示意义,于2013年5月-2014年5月对芙蓉洞进行了洞穴监测.结果显示芙蓉洞山体土壤CO2浓度和洞内空气CO2浓度均表现出明显的季节变化特征,夏半年浓度偏高,冬半年浓度偏低,受温度和降水量的共同影响.芙蓉洞5个滴水点的DIC-δ13C平均值为-8.98‰,两个池水点的DIC-δ13C平均值为-6.98‰,池水的DIC-δ13C比滴水的重2‰.对应2013年7月的干旱气候,洞穴水DIC-δ13C在10月相应出现明显偏重值,偏轻的DIC-δ13C值则是对湿润气候的滞后响应.洞穴水的DIC-δ13C变化对地表气候的响应具有明显的滞后期.洞穴水DIC-δ13C主要受土壤CO2的影响,基岩溶解作用、包气带的开放性等因素也会对洞穴水DIC-δ13C造成一定的影响.研究结果表明在短时间尺度上,洞穴水DIC-δ13C变化响应了当地降水量以及地表湿润状况的变化. 相似文献
定量评价硫酸对岩溶碳汇效应的影响有助于提高岩石风化碳汇通量估算精度, 对当前全球气候变化研究意义重大.选取受酸雨影响的桂林岩溶区为研究对象, 在枯水期对研究区14个岩溶大泉和15条地下河水化学成分和碳同位素进行了测试分析, 结果表明: 岩溶大泉和地下河中阳离子以Mg2+和Ca2+为主, 阴离子以HCO3-为主, 分别占阳离子和阴离子组成的90%以上, SO42-含量较低, 其含量范围为0.004~0.213mmol/L; 所占阴离子组成比例为0.12%~6.11%;δ13CDIC、[Ca2++Mg2+]/[HCO3-]更偏向于碳酸溶解端元, 离硫酸溶解端元距离远, 证实硫酸参与碳酸盐岩的溶解对地下水无机碳(dissolved inorganic carbon, 简称DIC)及δ13CDIC的影响有限; 与Sr2+/Ca2+值一样, δ13CDIC主要受径流条件控制, 其大小可以反映地下水径流条件的强弱.利用化学计量关系计算出由硫酸溶蚀碳酸盐岩的平均比例为22.64%, 产生的DIC(HCO3-H2SO4)占总DIC的平均比例为13.04%, 碳酸产生的DIC(HCO3-H2CO3)占地下水总DIC的比例为86.96%, 其中来源于土壤大气中的HCO3-比例为43.48%.因此, 扣除硫酸对地下水中DIC的贡献后, 岩溶碳汇效应将减少13.04%. 相似文献
This paper attempts to analyze in detail the remote influence of the Indian Ocean Basin warming on the Northwest Pacific (NWP) during the year of decaying E1 Nifio. Observation data and the Fast Ocean- Atmosphere coupled Model 1.5 were used to investigate the triggering conditions under which the remote influence is formed between the positive sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the North Indian Ocean and the Anomalous Northwest Pacific anticyclone (ANWPA). Our research show that it is only when there is a contributory background wind field over the Indian Ocean, i,e., when the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) reaches its peak, that the warmer SST anomaly in the North Indian Ocean incites significant easterly wind anomalies in the lower atmosphere of the Indo-West tropical Pacific. This then produces the remote influence on the ANWPA. Therefore, the SST anomaly in the North Indian Ocean might interfere with the prediction of the East Asia Summer Monsoon in the year of decaying E1 Nifio. Both the sustaining effect of local negative SST anomalies in the NWP, and the remote effect of positive SST anomalies in the North Indian Ocean on the ANWPA, should be considered in further research. 相似文献
A 1.5-layer reduced-gravity model forced by wind stress is used to study the bifurcations of the North Equatorial Current(NEC).The authors found that after removing the Ekman drift,the modelled circulations can serve well as a proxy of the SODA circulations on the σθ=25.0 kg m~-3 potential density surface based on available long-term reanalysis wind stress data.The modelled results show that the location of the western boundary bifurcation of the NEC depends on both zonal averaged and local zero wind stress curl latitude.The effects of the anomalous wind stress curl added in different areas are also investigated and it is found that they can change the strength of the Mindanao Eddy(ME),and then influence the interior pathway. 相似文献
By using small scale model tests, the interference effect on the vertical load-deformation behavior of a number of equally
spaced strip footings, placed on the surface of dry sand, was investigated. At any stage, all the footings were assumed to
(i) carry exactly equal magnitude of load, and (ii) settle to the same extent. No tilt of the footing was permitted. The effect
of clear spacing (s) among footings on the results was explored. A new experimental setup was proposed in which only one footing
needs to be employed rather than a number of footings. The bearing capacity increases continuously with decrease in spacing
among the footings. The interference effect becomes further prominent with increase in soil friction angle. In contrast to
an increase in the bearing capacity, with decrease in spacing of footings, an increase in the footing settlement associated
with the ultimate state of shear failure was observed. The present experimental observations were similar to those predicted
by the available theory, based on the method of characteristics. As compared to the theory, the present experimental data,
however, indicates much greater effect of interference especially for larger spacing among footings. 相似文献