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Book Reviewed in this article: Women, Work, and Ideology in the Third World . Haleh Afshar, ed. The Birth of the National Park Service. The Founding Years 1913–33 . Horace M. Albright Theatres of Accumulation: Studies in Asian and Latin American Urbanization . Warwick Armstrong and T.G. McGee. New Tools for Social Scientists, Advances and Applications in Research Methods . William D. Berry and Michael S. Lewis -Beck , eds . Uncertain Dimensions: Western Overseas Empires in the Twentieth Century . Raymond F. Betts. Geography of Sugar Cane . Helmut Blume. The Mines of Neptune: Minerals and Metals from the Sea . Elisabeth Mann Borgese. Geographical Dimensions of Energy . F.J. Calzonetti and B.D. Solomon, eds. Statistical Methods for Geographers . W. A. V. Clark and P. L. Hosking. In The Wake of Columbus, Islands and Controversy . John DeVorsey, Jr., and John Parker, eds. Housing, States and Localities . Peter Dickens, Simon Duncan, Mark Goodwin and Fred Gray. Physician Location and Specialty Choice . Richard L. Ernst and Donald E. Yett. Practical Ecology for Geography and Biology: Survey, Mapping, and Data Analysis . D.D. Gilbertson , M. Kent and F.B. Pyatt Large Scale Water Transfers: Emerging Environmental and Social Experiences . Genady N. Golubev and Asit K. Biswas, eds. The Nature of the Environment . Andrew Goudie. Planning for Population Change . W.T.S. Gould and R. Lawton. The Niger and its Neighbors: Environmental History and Hydrobiology. Human Use and Health Hazards of the Major West African Rivers . A.T. Grove, ed. Remote Sensing of Ice and Snow . Dorothy K. Hall and Jaroslav Martinec. Atlas of Antebellum Southern Agriculture . Sam Bowers Hilliard. Galilee Divided; The Israel-Lebanon Frontier, 1916-1984 . Frederic C. Hor . Plains Country Towns . John C. Hudson. Agricultural Geography: A Social and Economic Analysis . Brian W. Ilbery. Industry in the 1980s: Structural Change and Interdependence . U.N. Industrial Development Organization. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States . Kenneth T. Jackson. The Industrial Geography of Italy . Russell King. Studies in Linguistic Geography: The Dialects of English in Britain and Ireland . John M. Kirk, Stewart Sanderson, J.D.A. Widdowson, eds. Tourism: A Community Approach . Peter E. Murphy. Cities and Services: The Geography of Collective Consumption . Steven Pinch. An Historical Geography of Europe 1800–1914 . Norman J. G. Pounds. An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia . A. Terry Rambo and Percy E. Sajise, eds. Discovering Past Landscapes . Michael Reed, ed. Managing the Ocean: Resources, Research, Law . Jacques G. Richardson, ed. Carta fitosociologica de la transecta botanica de la Patagonia Austral . F.A. Roig , Juan Anchorema , Orlando Dollenz , A.M. Faggi and Eduardo Mandez Intermetropolitan Migration in Canada: Changing Determinants over Three Decades . R. Paul Shaw. Chinese Cities—The Growth of the Metropolis since 1949 . Victor F. Sit, ed. Urbanization in the World-Economy . Michael Timberlake, ed. The Al Business: Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence . Patrick H. Winston and Karen A. Prendergast, eds.  相似文献   
针对传统旅游服务模式存在信息获取被动、信息更新滞后、影响了用户体验的问题,探究了基于微信公众平台的旅游应用服务模式,并基于HTML+Eclipse+Tomcat完成了校园旅游服务应用的开发。该公众号能够为游客提供多种GIS基本功能,包括地图浏览、地图搜索和路径查询功能等,同时还可以根据用户所在位置主动提示距离用户最近的3家餐厅及相关信息。通过问卷调研发现,该服务能够基本满足用户需求,为用户带来了良好的旅游体验。  相似文献   
基于GIS的池州市旅游资源群开发潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GIS技术,从池州市区域空间整体分析各大类旅游资源群的空间结构特征并计算其开发潜力,运用GIS统计分析方法从区域间、区域内及类型等方面对旅游资源群进行系统分析和评价,采用GIS叠加分析方法进行旅游资源群开发潜力综合评价.结果表明:池州市旅游资源群中开发潜力最大的是九华山风景区的建筑与设施旅游资源群,开发潜力为2.1448;九华山风景区的地文景观旅游资源群开发潜力次之,为1.2019;开发潜力较大的区域主要集中在九华山风景区、石台县和贵池区,开发潜力较大的类型为建筑与设施和地文景观旅游资源群.  相似文献   
旅游景区商业化现象已经成为影响游客满意度及景区健康发展的重要前置变量,进一步厘清民族村寨、历史文化城镇景区商业化现象的系统结构、功能与影响机理,有助于对景区商业化现象进行合理的引导及控制。以贵州雷山西江苗寨为例,通过德尔菲调查法对旅游商业化结构系统的驱动要素进行识别,运用集成DEMATEL的解释结构模型方法对旅游商业化影响要素间的层级结构、有向作用强度及身份信息进行分析。研究结果显示:旅游景区商业化系统分为7个层级,涉及商业、社会、环境、管理及旅游产品5个类别的18个构成要素,各要素间表现为非平衡的作用关系。最后提出民族村寨、历史文化城镇景区旅游商业化控制的建议。  相似文献   
采用问卷调查、现场访谈等方法对南水北调中线渠首景区概况、社区居民基本状况、社区发展情况、社区居民对景区旅游开发的态度和社区居民参与景区旅游开发的现状进行深入调查,将调查数据统计分析,结合相关理论,得出南水北调中线渠首景区社区居民参与旅游开发的结果与结论:居民对当地旅游开发的支持程度较高,有一定的主动参与意识,与政府和投资商合作的意愿较强,但居民参与旅游开发处于较低层次,参与程度受到多种因素影响,需要构建合理的参与机制和模式。  相似文献   
The caravan park sub-sector of the Australian tourism accommodation industry provides at least half of the national tourism bed capacity, and in 2009 generated over A$1.1 billion in annual takings. However, the number of parks and park capacity is in decline nationally while both international and domestic demand for the drive-tourism experience is growing. This sets a trend towards an accommodation facilities shortage for the caravanning sector and exposes its vulnerability. This paper uses a case study of caravan parks in the Tweed Shire, New South Wales, Australia, to examine the life-cycle pattern of these parks as a discrete unit of tourist area development and to consider the sector's future. The sector's history is framed within Butler's (Canadian Geographer 24(1): 5–12 (1980)) concept of the tourist area life cycle (TALC). The historical data demonstrate the urban and market change that has occurred around and within caravan parks of this coastal region over almost two centuries. The pattern of caravan park development and evolution conformed to the involvement, exploration, development, consolidation and stagnation stages of the TALC. In 2011, caravan parks in the Tweed region were at a critical tipping point with potential for either decline or rejuvenation.  相似文献   
The Caribbean region is being respatialized, rescaled and reterritorialized in the face of contemporary processes of neoliberal development, shifting mobilities and spatial restructuring. Drawing on the field of mobilities research, this paper argues that new transregional approaches to spatial dynamics are needed to describe the complex, polymorphic, and multiscalar geographies in the neoliberalizing Caribbean. It first analyzes how new spatializations of Caribbean mobilities are part of larger transnational processes of urban restructuring. It then examines how neoliberalizing policies have promoted the 'opening' of once publicly owned infrastructures such as ports, airports, and telecommunications, contributing to a rescaling of Caribbean territoriality. Finally it considers how tourism mobilities associated with the cruise ship industry and private luxury property developments facilitate interlocality competition and outside access to the region while circumscribing local access and mobility rights. The paper proposes a postcolonializing island studies that recognizes the complexity of contemporary Caribbean rescaling and the subtle ways in which modernized built environments and infrastructures of mobility and connectivity contribute to the weakening of island-state sovereignty, territorial integrity and democratic citizenship.  相似文献   
贵州省旅游业区位重构研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
王铮  王莹  李山  翁桂兰  宋秀坤 《地理研究》2003,22(3):312-323
基于王瑛、王铮(2000)提出的旅游业区位模型,在考察了贵州省旅游景观分布后,本文修正了他们的模型,并划分了旅游业区位带:风景名胜带;奇异风光带;特色资源带;差异突出的文化与自然风光带。旅游业的这种空间机构类似杜能模型,但决不是杜能现象而是新地理现象。本文强调,贵州省以舞阳河为代表的喀斯特地貌景观属于青年期,在形态结构上不同于云南以石林为代表的壮年期地貌和广西的以桂林为代表的老年期地貌,是一种新的旅游地貌资源,需要突出资源特点开展营销。根据新的区位模型,本文讨论了贵州省旅游业区位,并且提出3条建议:通过建设高速公路将原来行程9小时的路程缩为6小时的;以舞阳河风景区为中心组织特色资源区;建设航空港发展一些资源条件好的地区为旅游亚中心。  相似文献   
该文通过计算温湿指数、风效指数,参照人体生理舒适指标分级标准和综合舒适度模型,获得综合舒适度指数,综合评估长寿乡村旅游气候舒适度。研究发现:①全区乡村旅游气候舒适度的空间差异主要来自地于“三山夹两槽”的地形差异。长寿地区除了夏季乡村旅游气候舒适度为不舒适外,其余大部分时候全区气候舒适度较高。②全区各地乡村旅游气候舒适期为4~6个月,不舒适期为2~3个月,可见全年舒适期长,不舒适期短,具有较强的乡村旅游气候资源优势。③乡村旅游气候舒适期较长的区域主要分布在长寿城区及以南和长寿中部地区。  相似文献   
李艳红  曾玲 《四川地质学报》2011,(4):496-498,503
莽山拥有着中国南部保存最完好、面积最大的原生型常绿阔叶林,以独特秀丽的风景和原始自然生态而扬名国内外。简述了莽山国家森林公园的主要旅游资源,并分析了其主要的生态旅游资源特色,就莽山如何进行生态旅游的可持续发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
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