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渭河盆地断层活动反映的第四纪构造事件初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
研究了渭河盆地南缘和北缘几条断裂第四纪活动性的迁移变化。利用横跨断裂的构造地层剖面 ,结合断裂上覆黄土地层的年代学研究结果 ,对断裂活动强度迁移变化的演化阶段进行了研究。结果表明 ,在大约 80~ 90万年前 ,渭河盆地南缘的临潼 -长安断裂带的活动性发生了显著变化 ,骊山山前断裂也有活动性迁移现象 ,渭南塬前断裂开始强烈活动 ,渭南塬全面抬升 ;12万年前左右 ,渭河盆地北缘的口镇 -关山断裂活动性明显减弱。该区断层活动的这些变化是对第四纪中晚期的 2次重要构造事件的反映  相似文献   
首都圈地区中等地震前小震活动异常特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来首都圈地区以中等地震活动为主,本文用反映地震频率、能量、平均震级的基本参量如频率、缺震、断层总面积、地震活动度等研究该区中等地震前的活动性异常特征,发现这些异常对1999-2001年首都圈地区的中等地震有较好的对应关系,当同时出现三项低值异常后,有震预后准确率较高。这些方法对首都圈地区中等地震的短期预报有重要作用,2001年12月28日滦县M14.2级地震就是用该方法在震前做了较成功的预测。由于参量指标与地震间的映震效果具有一定的阶段性和区域性,需要用发展变化的眼光,时刻跟踪并不断调整改进所使用的参量指标,才能更好地捕获地震信息。  相似文献   
为使县级以上地震部门做好审核建设工程抗震设防要求工作,介绍了确定抗震设防要求的4个依据、程序、重大重要建设工程的划分依据、活动断裂分类与分级规定等。指出,确定抗震设防要求既是一项法定的行政审批工作,又是一项严谨的科学技术工作。  相似文献   
徐辉龙 《华南地震》2003,23(4):24-36
1995年日本新泻北部M6.0地震发生在新泻地震空区的东部边缘.由于此次地震震源较浅(10 km),造成了55栋房屋倒塌、165栋房屋半倒.通过计算倾倒墓碑的地震矩,对本区地震烈度进行了分析,发现烈度6度区(据日本JMA度)为一覆盖面积6.1×1 km2,呈NNE-SSW向分布的条带,表明震中区的冲积平原下存在一条隐伏断层.震中区地下水的温度、电导率和Cl-浓度等异常区与呈线性分布的6度烈度区大致吻合,也有力地证明了震中区下面存在一条隐伏断层.这次地震可能是由高压型热水系沿隐伏活动断层喷溢引起.带着高温的高压热水降低了岩石的断裂强度,从而触发了地震.  相似文献   
可可西里——东昆仑活动构造带强震活动研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
青海昆仑山口西 8.1级地震发生在具有新生性特征的可可西里—东昆仑活动断裂带上。该断裂带在 190 0年以来的 10 0多年中经历了一个强震活动过程。在该强震活动过程中 ,地震沿整个可可西里—东昆仑活动构造带分段破裂 ,强震的破裂长度和震级之间大致满足对数线性的统计关系 ,强震活动呈现指数型时间分布的加速特征。这种强震加速活动特征可以用含多个震源体的孕震系统的强震成组活动模型给予解释。  相似文献   
河套断陷带大青山山前断裂晚第四纪古地震完整性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
冉勇康  张培震  陈立春 《地学前缘》2003,10(Z1):207-216
通过沿大青山山前断裂 18个探槽的古地震分析 ,分别确定了 5个段落的 2 2次古地震事件。呼和浩特段 ,距今约 1.9万a以来 7次 ,平均重复间隔时间 (2 4 6 2± 4 13)a ;毕克齐段距今 2 .2万a以来 4次 ;土左旗西段距今 1.1万a以来 4次 ,平均重复间隔时间 (2 94 8± 5 6 0 )a ;土右旗西段距今约 1.1万a以来 5次 ,平均重复间隔时间 (2 2 89± 36 0 )a ;包头段距今 2 .3万a以来 2次。由断层位移量限定法和多探槽校验法判定 ,大青山山前断裂已揭露的古地震事件还不完全代表晚第四纪全断裂的大地震活动历史。只有在呼和浩特段 1.9万a以来、土左旗西段和土右旗西段约 1.1万a以来活动历史基本完整。其它两个段落不完整。这是用这些古地震资料评价该断裂未来地震危险性 ,以及今后进一步工作时应注意的问题。  相似文献   
A detailed investigation permitted us to obtain quantitative data concerning fine geometric structures of 4 faults of the active Maxianshan-Xinglongshan fault system and the latest movement along them. Of them the northern Maxianshan border fault is a large-scale, strongly active Holocene reverse sinistral strike-slip fault, the other 3 faults, the southern Maxianshan border fault and the southern Xinglongshan border and the northern Xinglongshan border faults are the accompanying active late-Pleistocene thrust faults, which are incorporated into the main strike-slip fault, the northern Maxianshan border fault at depth. It is the most important earthquake-controlling fault in the Lanzhou area, the fault influences and constrains the seismic activity in the area.  相似文献   
刘招君 《沉积学报》2003,21(1):148-154
伊通盆地莫里青断陷始新统双阳组发育典型的湖泊水下扇体。根据岩心、测井和地震资料 ,并结合粒度分析等方法 ,将其划分为内扇、中扇和外扇亚相及某干微相。影响水下扇形成和分布的主要因素是 :同生断裂的活动造就了陡坡地形 ,其幕式活动成为水下扇形成的触发机制 ;阵发型水下扇主要发育在陡坡带 ,稳定型水下扇主要发育在扇三角洲的前端 ,气候因素也为稳定型水下扇形成创造了物源条件 ;基准面升降影响着水下扇的相序特征 ,低水位体系域和水退体系域易形成推进型水下扇 ,水进体系域易形成退缩型水下扇 ;半深湖 -深湖的滞水条件是水下扇得以保存的前提。统计结果表明本区获工业油气流的井主要集中在中扇 ,其中辫状水道微相最为富集。  相似文献   
The Jiaocbang arcuate structure is one of the numerous arcuate structural belts in Sichuan. The present paper gives a further argument about the characteristics of that arcuate structure and the new activity of the Songpinggou fault and affirms that the Songpinggou fault is an active fault in the Holocene epoch. The Diexi M7.5 earthquake took place in 1933 on the west wing of that arcuate structure, near the apex of the arc. Many authors have given quite different opinions about the genetic structure of that earthquake. The authors have made on-the-spot investigations time and again over recent years. Besides this, the authors have also further studied the shape of intensity contour lines, the distribution characteristics of ground surface seismic hazards, the left-lateral dislocation of buildings along the Songpinggou fault, the NWtrending ground fissures that developed on the ground surface after earthquake, and so on. On this basis, it is still considered that the seismogenic fault of the 1933 Diexi M7.5 earthquake was the Songpinggou fault on the west wing of the Jiaochang arcuate structure.  相似文献   
Through study on trenches, analysis of recurrence characteristics and recurrence interval cluster/gap of strong earthquakes along the major active faults on the northern border of Ordos block, we found 62 paleoearthquakes that occurred in the late Quaternary, including 33 earthquakes occurring in the Holocene. The recurrence characteristics of the paleoearthquakes are different at three levels, segments, faults, and fault zones. The strong seismic sequence on the independent segments is mostly characterized by long- and short-interval recurrences, while that on the faults and in fault zone is characterized clearly by random and cluster recurrences. Results of the moving window test indicate that the probabilities of "temporal cluster or gap", caused by random coincidence as opposed to intersegment contagion, are 64% and 70% for the Serteng piedmont fault and for the south-border fault of Wula Mountains, respectively, no clear interaction among the segments of each fault; while the probability is 26.8% for the whole fault zone, suggesting a clear interaction among the faults of this fault zone. These recurrence characteristics may imply an effect of the entire block motion on the recurrence of strong earthquakes. Moreover, the elapsed time for the Wujumeng Pass-Dongfeng Village segment of Serteng piedmont fault and the Tuzuo Banner-Wusutu and the Hohhot segments of Daqingshan piedmont fault has exceeded the average recurrence interval, hence these three segments may be the possible places for future strong earthquakes.  相似文献   
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