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着重于网络地图与行业结合的思想,详述了开发过程的思路和所用技术.对网络地图与行业结合的入门有重要意义.尤其对于智能交通、120急救平台等有很好参考价值.应用结果表明,本开发过程对于应急管理是个辅助平台,对决策起着重要的参考价值,为类似的工作可以提供借鉴.  相似文献   
GIS作为一种专业技术性强的学科与工具,随着高校转向技术型人才的培养,如何通过GIS比赛引领专业人才培养成为一个值得关注的问题。针对目前国内GIS专业的培养方案、课程设置、GIS比赛方式和比赛内容,在参加GIS比赛后暴露的GIS教学等相关问题,提出将GIS比赛纳入GIS人才培养中以及将GIS比赛纳入课程教学体系,使GIS比赛贯穿于大学教育的始终,让在校大学生在每个阶段参加不同GIS比赛或组别,采取以赛促学、以赛促教来补充GIS的教学内容和形式,提升学生综合素质能力,引领GIS专业人才的培养。  相似文献   
开发区作为城市的特殊经济区域,为地方经济的增长发挥了重要作用,但开发区土地利用中还存在一些问题。开展开发区土地集约利用评价,对促进开发区用地挖潜,提高开发区用地管理水平具有重要意义。该文以江苏铜山经济开发区为例,探讨了基于ArcGIS软件建立数据库,并对开发区土地的集约利用水平进行了评价和潜力测算,最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
基于等值线分布区域树的分层设色图自动生成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于ArcGIS Engine的核心组件功能实现了空间离散点生成等值线,并针对ArcGIS Engine在生成等值线分布区域方面的不足,提出采用等值线分割确定研究区域边界、构建等值线分布区域树的算法,实现了等值线分布区域、拓扑关系构建及高程值的计算,最终实现了分层设色图的自动生成。通过浙江省金华市地下水水位等值线与分层设色图的自动生成试验,表明该文的技术路线是可行的。  相似文献   
利用ArcGIS平台完成1:80万吉林省地震构造图绘制工作,由此表述专业图件的一般绘制过程与主要技术手段.对其项目的一般绘制过程,包括组织实施方式、原始资料规范化、图件的专业分层做简要说明.对绘制过程中的技术难点、技术手段,如:地理信息数据库的建立、数据导人、图像矢量化、空间归并、符号化等关键技术,做深人探讨.文中介绍...  相似文献   
加权Voronoi图是根据生成元权重划分空间的方法,广泛应用于地学领域。针对传统加权Voronoi图ArcGIS矢量生成算法不能处理重叠点、复杂多边形及更新操作等问题,该文提出了一种改进算法,结合C#和ArcEngine,利用增量法思想,通过重叠点处理、区域分割合并、加权区域重分类、加权区域重划分等方法实现,可嵌入ArcGIS应用软件使用或独立运行,具有良好的可用性,精度高,便于数据库存储管理,扩展了加权Voronoi图在地学领域的应用。  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS的青海隆务河流域灾害风险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
隆务河流域因特殊的地质环境,成为灾害易发地域.通过搜集已有地质资料及野外调查数据,建立了科学的分析评价模型和区划评价指标,并通过专家打分确定各个诱发因子的权重值,利用ArcGIS软件对每项因子进行归一化定量处理,经过叠加分析计算得到灾害风险性评价结果.  相似文献   
Based on the geological and hydrogeological conditions along with dynamic changes of groundwater level,this paper analyzes the hydrodynamic characteristics of saltwater intrusion in the study area.According to monitoring data of groundwater quality,the distribution characteristics of macro component are analyzed,and then fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is adopted to evaluate the impact of saltwater intrusion on groundwater environment.Concerning the influence degree of groundwater environment,the study area is divided into brine area,seriously influenced area,moderately influenced zone,slightly influenced zone and uninfluenced zone.The results can offer references for prevention and control of saltwater intrusion as well as the protection of water resources.  相似文献   
华北平原是遭受地裂缝较严重的地区,尤其是对于重大的线性工程,地裂缝的影响更为敏感。对于山前平原地带,地裂缝的形成是多要素成因的综合结果。利用ArcGIS平台,选择活动构造、地貌岩性和地下水位、第四系厚度、地裂缝现状分布五大类影响因子,采用层次分析-信息量模型对京石高铁和南水北调京石段进行了地裂缝危险性评价,结果表明这种方法能够较为合理的评价地裂缝危险性,并且对类似区域的危险性评价具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The effect of a step change in macro‐roughness on the saltation process under sediment supply limited conditions was examined in the atmospheric boundary layer. For an array of roughness elements of roughness density λ = 0.045 (λ = total element frontal area/total surface area of the array) the horizontal saltation flux was reduced by 90% (±7%) at a distance of ≈150 roughness element heights into the array. This matches the value predicted using an empirical design model and provides confidence that it can be effectively used to engineer roughness arrays to meet sand flux reduction targets. Measurements of the saltation flux characteristics in the vertical dimension, including: saltation layer decay (e‐folding) height and particle size, revealed that with increasing distance into the array, the rate of mass flux change with increasing height decreased notably, and (geometric) mean particle diameter decreased. The distribution of the saltation mass flux in the vertical remains exponential in form with increasing distance into the roughness array, and the e‐folding height increases as well as increasing at a greater rate as particle diameter diminishes. The increase in e‐folding height suggests the height of saltating particles is increasing along with their mean speed. This apparent increase in mean speed is likely due to the preferential removal, or sequestration, of the slower moving particles across the size spectrum, as they travel through the roughness array. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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