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Velocity profiles and incipient motion of frazil particles under ice cover   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of experiments for the incipient motion of frazil particles under ice cover have been carried out in laboratory under different flow and boundary conditions.Measurements on flow velocities across the measuring cross-section at different water depths have been conducted.Based on these experiments under both ice-covered and open flow conditions,the impacts of solid boundary(such as ice cover and flume sidewall) on the distribution of flow velocity profiles have been discussed.The criteria for the inc...  相似文献   
The net surface snow accumulation on the Antarctic ice sheet is determined by a combination of precipitation, sublimation and wind redistribution. We present a one-year record of hourly snow-height measurements at LGB69 (70°50'S, 77°04'E, 1850 m a.s.l.). east side of Lambert Glacier basin (LGB), and 4 year record at G3 (70°53'S, 69°52'E, 84 m a.s.l.), Amery Ice Shelf (AIS). The measurements were made with ultrasonic sensors mounted on automatic weather stations installed at two sites. The snow accumulation at LGB69 is approximately 70 cm. Throughout the winter, between April and September, there was little change in surface snow height (SSH) at the two sites. The negative SSH change is due to densification at LGB69, and is due to both ablation and densification at G3. The strongest accumulation at two sites occurred during the period between October and March (accounting for 101.6% at LGB69), with four episodic increasing events occurring during 2002 for LGB69, and eight events during 1999-2002 for G  相似文献   
A simple model of the convective (thermal) internalboundary layer has been developed for climatologicalstudies of air-sea-ice interaction, where in situobservations are scarce and first-order estimates ofsurface heat fluxes are required. It is amixed-layer slab model, based on a steady-statesolution of the conservation of potentialtemperature equation, assuming a balance betweenadvection and turbulent heat-flux convergence. Boththe potential temperature and the surface heat fluxare allowed to vary with fetch, so the subsequentboundary-layer modification alters the fluxconvergence and thus the boundary-layer growth rate.For simplicity, microphysical and radiativeprocesses are neglected.The model is validated using several case studies.For a clear-sky cold-air outbreak over a coastalpolynya the observed boundary-layer heights,mixed-layer potential temperatures and surface heatfluxes are all well reproduced. In other cases,where clouds are present, the model still capturesmost of the observed boundary-layer modification,although there are increasing discrepancies withfetch, due to the neglected microphysical andradiative processes. The application of the model toclimatological studies of air-sea interaction withincoastal polynyas is discussed.  相似文献   
《Polar Science》2014,8(4):370-384
An anomalous phytoplankton bloom was recorded in the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic Zone (AZ) of the Southern Ocean (SO) during the austral summer, 2011. Possible mechanisms for the triggering of such a large bloom were analyzed with the help of in situ and satellite data. The bloom, which formed in January 2011, intensified during February and weakened by March. High surface chlorophyll (Chl) concentrations (0.76 mg m−3) were observed in the area of the bloom (60°S, 47°E) with a Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM) of 1.15 mg m−3 at a depth of 40–60 m. During 2011, both the concentration and spatial extent of sea ice were high on the western side of the bloom, between 0°E and 40°E, and enhanced freshwater influx was observed in the study area as a result of melting ice. A positive Southern Annular Mode (SAM) (with a resultant northward horizontal advection) and an intense La Niña during 2010–2011 are possible reasons for the high sea-ice concentrations. The enhanced Chl a observed in the study region, which can be attributed to the phytoplankton bloom, likely resulted from the influx of nutrient-laden freshwater derived from melting sea ice.  相似文献   
As expressions of regional architecture, sacred (Christian) Gothic structures often possess several adaptations to their prevailing climate regime. The late medieval (Gothic) period in northern Europe is also, according to the evidence presented here, marked by a transition from warm and sunny to cooler and cloudier conditions. It is within the context of this climate change that we consider one of the most important features in Gothic churches—interior daylighting—during the transitional period (the thirteenth to the end of the fifteenth centuries) between the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). This paper seeks to determine whether increasingly cloudy conditions over northern continental Europe, in part due to a shift in North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phase, may have influenced the use of more white glass in the fourteenth century. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time an extensive daylighting dataset has been collected in medieval sacred interiors. From an analysis of these illuminance and luminance data collected in European churches and cathedrals, we find that high-translucency glazing is associated with limited lighting gains compared to full-colour programs under sunny conditions but substantial lighting improvements (up to an order of magnitude) for cloudy conditions. Additionally, we find that backlighting from direct sunlight produces significant obscuration of some of the iconographical glass when interiors are dominated by high-translucency glazing, further suggesting that these interiors are not ideal for sunny conditions.

[Traduit par la rédaction] Étant donné que les cathédrales gothiques (chrétiennes) sont des expressions de l'architecture régionale, plusieurs adaptations au climat de l’époque y ont souvent été apportées. À la fin du Moyen Âge (période du gothique), le climat chaud et ensoleillé en Europe du nord continentale a fait place à un climat plus froid et plus nuageux, d'après les preuves que nous présentons ici. C'est donc dans la perspective de ce changement climatique que nous nous penchons sur l'un des éléments les plus importants de l'architecture des églises gothique, l’éclairage naturel intérieur, durant la transition (du XIIIe siècle à la fin du XVe siècle) entre la période chaude médiévale (MWP) et le petit âge glaciaire (LIA). Dans le présent article, nous voulons notamment évaluer si l'utilisation de plus en plus fréquente du vitrail blanc au XIVe siècle s'expliquerait par les conditions plus nuageuses en Europe du nord continentale, attribuables en partie à un changement dans l'indice d‘oscillation nord-atlantique (NAO). À notre connaissance, c'est la première fois qu'une série élaborée de données a été recueillie sur l’éclairage à l'intérieur des cathédrales gothiques. L'analyse des données sur l’éclairement lumineux et la luminance lumineuse dans les églises et les cathédrales d'Europe nous permet de constater que le verre très translucide présente peu d'avantages comparativement au verre plein coloré dans des conditions ensoleillées, mais qu'il améliore considérablement l’éclairage dans des conditions nuageuses (jusqu’à 10 fois). De plus, nous constatons que l’éclairage en contre-jour produit par l'ensoleillement direct obscurcit une partie des pièces de verre ornées d'icônes lorsque le verre très translucide domine à l'intérieur, ce qui confirme une fois de plus qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un aménagement idéal pour les conditions ensoleillées.  相似文献   
七月大气环流对南极海冰异常的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王召民  黄土松 《气象科学》1994,14(4):311-321
本文用一个全球大气九层谱模式,模拟了七月份南极两个不同海区海冰区异常对大气环流的影响。主要讨论了大气环流对南极海冰异常存在的局地性的及全球性的响应。细致分析了二个区域极冰异常导致的南北半球低频波列分布的差异,以及它们对热带区域及亚洲季风区降水、越赤道气流的不同影响。最后则依据我们的模拟结果,讨论了南极海冰异常影响全球大气环流的动力学机制。  相似文献   
春季南极涛动对北美夏季风的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This study examined the relationship between the boreal spring(April?May) Antarctic Oscillation(AAO) and the North American summer monsoon(NASM)(July?September) for the period of 1979?2008.The results show that these two systems are closely related.When the spring AAO was stronger than normal,the NASM tended to be weaker,and there was less rainfall over the monsoon region.The opposite NASM situation corresponded to a weaker spring AAO.Further analysis explored the possible mechanism for the delayed impact of the boreal spring AAO on the NASM.It was found that the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST) plays an important role in the connection between the two phenomena.The variability of the boreal spring AAO can produce anomalous SSTs over the tropical Atlantic.These SST anomalies can persist from spring to summer and can influence the Bermuda High,affecting water vapor transportation to the monsoon region.Through these processes,the boreal spring AAO exerts a significantly delayed impact on the amount of NASM precipitation.Thus,information about the boreal spring AAO is valuable for the prediction of the NASM.  相似文献   
液态水含量和冰晶浓度对闪电频数影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
假定在软雹和冰晶碰撞的非感应起电机制为主要的起电机制成立的条件下,数值模拟研究了国际上公认的Fletcher和H—M冰晶产生机制以及云中的液态水含量对雷暴云放电过程(区分了云闪和地闪)的影响。结果表明,随着气压和温度的变化,在两种冰晶产生机制假定下,冰晶浓度分布有很大差异,这直接导致了雷暴云内电活动的差异。液态水含量的增加将使得首次放电时间延迟,同时将引起放电位置的下降和闪电频数的减少。  相似文献   
继在南极中山站建成我国南极首个永久性验潮站后,2012年1月在南极长城站又建成了我国南极第二个永久性验潮站。通过对长城站验潮站相关数据进行分析处理,得到了验潮基准系统的水准网平差结果和验潮仪零点标定结果,以及长城站附近海域海洋潮汐170个分潮的调和常数,并据此进行了潮汐预报,同时分析了长城站潮汐余水位的变化特征,探讨了利用附近的Antarctic Base Prat验潮站的余水位改正长城站潮汐预报的可行性,结果表明使用Antarctic Base Prat验潮站余水位改正长城站潮汐预报,可以显著提高长城站验潮站潮汐预报的精度,余水位改正后2014时段的潮汐预报中误差为±3.42 cm,明显好于改正前的预报中误差±10.43 cm。  相似文献   
1Introduction In the ongoing discussion of climate change,the mass balance of Antarctica has received increasing attention during recent decades,since its reaction to global warming will strongly influence sea-level change(Schlosser and Oerter,2002).Many …  相似文献   
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